Sendolo Diaminah

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Sendolo Diaminah

Sendolo Diaminah is a "black, queer communist" living and organizing in Durham, North Carolina. Sendolo Diaminah is General Secretary of Freedom Road Socialist Organization and an organizer with People’s Durham, a new organization committed to building a participatory democracy led by low-income people and people of color.[1]

In 2014 he was elected to the Board of Durham Public Schools.[2]

Sendolo Diaminah (aka Lola) is a butch queen organizer and aspiring movement strategist who has been practicing organizing and studying social movements/transformation for ten years. His work has been focused mainly on democracy and the public sector, specifically public housing and public education.

While he's from Michigan, his passion and commitment to Black liberation has brought him to the South, specifically Durham North Carolina, where he has lived and worked since 2008.[3]

He works for Black Organizing for Leadership and Dignity and is a member of Liberation Road.[4]



Sendolo Diaminah earned a degree from City University of New York in 2006. He works as community organizing trainer for Black Organizing for Leadership and Dignity (BOLD) and has been the Administrative and Leadership Coordinator for People’s Durham since 2008. Before organizing for BOLD, he was a community organizer for People’s Durham Neighborhood Project and People’s Durham Education Organizing. He was also a North Carolina advisor for Southerners On New Ground, a Rank-and-File Labor Organizer and a campus organizer with All City in New York. Diaminah has received several awards, including the 2012 Indy Citizen Award, the 2012 Louis Burnham Award and the 2013 Black Workers for Justice Self-Determination Award.[5]

"The need to fight the Right"


Convergence Magazine. March 9, 2023.

How do our organizations navigate the dual tasks of building power to make long-term gains for our communities and working in a broad front to defeat MAGA in 2024 and beyond? Our panelists will dig into their deep and varied experience to suggest ways we can build real-world coordination among Left and progressive groups—and how we might work productively with more centrist forces who may only agree with us on one thing: the need to fight the Right.



We're at a crossroads


On Tuesday June 30 2020.

We're at a crossroads. Social movements on the left and the right are on the move, in the midst of a global pandemic, an unrelenting economic crisis, the threat of ecological collapse, and growing attention to the institutional brutalities committed against Black people. The Trump administration is steering the U.S. towards a precipice, doubling down on white supremacy and the aggressive protection of capital. The left, with all of its gains over the past several years, is wrestling with how to orient to the 2020 electoral races in general and the Biden candidacy in particular.

Join the Left Inside/Outside Project and Organizing Upgrade in a discussion with radical electoral organizers Sendolo Diaminah of The Carolina Federation, Kristian Hernandez of Democratic Socialists of America, and Sochie Nnaemeka of Working Families Party to take stock of the rapidly shifting political terrain and how it should inform the left's electoral strategy.

Co-sponsored by CCDS, CPUSA, LeftRoots, Liberation Road, and the People's Advocacy Institute.

Durham for All leadership

Durham for All leadership team 2020. Bennett D. Carpenter, Ociele Hawkins, Shanise Renee, Anthony Maglione, Sendolo Diaminah.

Carolina Federation staff

Carolina Federation staff, November 2019.

Where is the Left At?

A Discussion with Cindy Wiesner, Sendolo Diaminah, and Carl Bloice.

Monday, January 10th, 2010? Centro del Pueblo 474 Valencia St. San Francisco.

Join Center for Political Education for a discussion that promises to be both provocative and engaging where we’ll discuss questions such as:

What’s the state of the Left in our country today? What’s up with left organizations? What role does an “organized left” play in immigration, human rights, anti-war, and other movements?
What was it about the 1930s and 1960s that created social movements and a strong and active Left and what was the relationship between the two? How are the objective conditions and the state of our movements today different? Are there current organizational forms that may play a similar role as the Communist Party USA played in the 1930s in the Black Liberation, Labor and other movements? And what lessons can we learn from the 30s and 60s that could be applied today?

"A letter from the movement to the movement"

In September 2019 Sendolo Diaminah was one of 100 black leaders, many affiliated with Liberation Road who signed A letter from the movement to the movement defending Maurice Moe Mitchell and Nelini Stamp of the Working Families Party for endorsing Elizabeth Warren instead of Bernie Sanders for the Democratic Party presidential nomination.

USAS conference

Jared Story August 17 2019.


United Students Against Sweatshops National Conference 2010 — with Tom Smith, James Branson and Ash-Lee Woodard Henderson.


Karly Safar, Sendolo Diaminah and Thomas Wayne Walker were in the audience.

People’s Durham

People’s Durham's mission, says organizer Sendolo Diaminah, is to "further the agenda of justice in Durham," particularly southeast-central Durham, which has not benefited from the downtown renaissance and the bio-tech distinction of Research Triangle Park.

"We're here to increase the power and influence of the working class in Durham, particularly in black and Latino communities, the people who have the least amount of voice in the city," says Lauren Merin of People’s Durham.

The group formed in 2009, when Diaminah, Raymond Eurquhart (a previous Citizen Award winner) and several volunteer activists and community organizers met inside the cramped conference room at Southside Neighborhood Association Outreach Center at Enterprise and South streets.[8]

Left Forum 2011

Left Forum 2011 took place March 18 - 20 at Pace University, New York City. The theme for the conference is "Towards a Politics of Solidarity".

Surviving the Crisis and Transforming Society: was sponsored by the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation.

Panellists were;

"Socialist Unity"

"The Future of the Left - A Conversation on Socialist Unity" was convened in New York, to increase cooperation, and even possibly unity between the country's main pro-Democratic Party Marxist groupings.

Chaired by Pat FryLeft Labor Project

Opening remarks from Mark SolomonCommittees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism

Responses by:

Hosted by:

Working for Chokwe


Martin Eder May 7, 2014 · Sendolo went to Jackson Miss. to work with Mayoral campaign of Chokwe Lumumba (RIP) — with Sendolo Diaminah in Durham, North Carolina. Also Aiden Graham, Bryan Proffitt, Jared Story.

DPA Endorsement

In 2014, the Durham People’s Alliance, one of the city’s big-three political groups, endorsed Freedom Road Socialist Organization member Sendolo Diaminah in his run for Durham Public schools Board.

Sendolo Diaminah for the District 2 DPS seat held by Fredrick Davis, who decided not to run again. PA considers Diaminah thoughtful and articulate, with an eye toward issues related to housing, poverty and teacher rights. The group thinks he can bring a fresh point of view to closing the achievement gap for children of color and those struggling with poverty.[10]

Education Team

Durham People’s Alliance Education Team in 2015, included Sendolo Diaminah.

FRSO friendly

Maria C. Fernandez November 8, 2015 near Washington ·


With Allison Thompson, Marcia Olivo, Ashli Bolden, Sendolo Diaminah, Jennifer Toles, Trina Greene Brown, Nikki MG Cole, Denise Perry, Denise Diaz, Toussaint Losier, MamaLisa Thomas-Adeyemo, Mark-Anthony Clayton-Johnson, Nicole Newman, Adrienne Maree Brown, Chigozirim Ugonna, Kesi Bem Foster, Dara Cooper, Maurice Moe Mitchell, Alta Starr and Beatriz Beckford.

Friends of Kriti Sharma

Kriti Sharma wrote "Interdependence: Biology and Beyond". She credited several people with "shaping my mind and life" through the process, including Afiya Carter, Aiden Graham, AJ Vrieze, Alexis Gumbs, Atiya Hussain, Beth Bruch, Bryan Proffitt, Caitlin Breedlove, Dannette Sharpley, Emily Chavez, Glenys Verhulst, Jenn Vrieze, Jurina Vincent-Lee, Keagha Carscallen, Laurin Penland, Kai Barrow, Lynne Walter, Marjorie Scheer, Michelle O'Brien, Manju Rajendran, Sendolo Diaminah, Mikel Barton, Monica Leonardo, Nia Wilson, Nikki Brown, Noah Blose, Paulina Hernandez, Pavithra Vasudevan, Rachael Derello, Russell Herman, Sam Hummel, Sammy Truong, Serena Sebring, Shirlette Ammons, Tema Okun, Theo Luebke, Tim Stallman, Tony Macias, and Yolanda Carrington.[11]

Louis E. Burnham Award

The Louis E. Burnham Award is granted each year to an individual whose work reflects the interests and values of Louis Burnham's life. Those interests included:

racial justice in urban areas and the U.S. South, human rights, socially engaged journalism, African-American politics, youth leadership.

Commemorating Burnham's lifelong engagement with progressive causes, the award recognizes the work of journalists, social justice activists and scholars who have amply demonstrated their commitment to racial justice and the advancement of the African-American community. The Award consists of a grant of $5,000 to be used to support the work of the recipient.

The Louis E. Burnham Fund is proud of the work of previous award recipients, including Erik McDuffie, Jaribu Hill, Osagie Obasagie, Monifa Bandele, LaTosha Brown, Kai Barrow, Alvin Sykes, Alfonzo White, Sendolo Diaminah, Denise Perry and Kazembe Balagun. [12]

School Board

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Community organizer Sendolo Diaminah resigned from Durham Public Schools Board of Education, August 2016 to focus on social justice issues and helping to defeat presidential candidate Donald Trump.

“As each of you know, this has not been an easy decision,” he wrote in an email to school board members. “However, after extensive discussion with the groups and individuals who supported my campaign and presence on the board, I feel clear that this is the right decision.”

Diaminah has missed four of nine meetings of the full board in 2016. He attended four meetings in person and a fifth by phone.

Diaminah, who couldn’t be reached for comment Wednesday, was elected in May 2014 to represent District 2.

“What I did not know when I ran for office was that during my term the Movement for Black Lives would erupt and that Donald Trump would run for president,” he wrote. “Over the course of the last two years, my paid work as a trainer of Black social justice organizers around the country and my unpaid work building up organizations to defeat Trump have taken on incredible proportions.” 

Ultimately, Diaminah wrote, he came to the conclusion that best contribution to the movement for social justice right now is as an organizer.[13]

Supporting the Kurds


December 28, 2015, Sendolo Diaminah posted on his FaceBook page supporting the Kurds;

The Kurdish people have been engaged in an inspiring struggle to carve out freedom and autonomy for themselves, both from the corrupt states of Turkey, Iraq, and Syria AND from ISIS. Now the Turkish government is ramping up its repression of the Kurdish freedom movement. The first step in solidarity must be educating ourselves about this powerful struggle for freedom and rallying to its defense. Anthony Maglione, Manzoor Cheema, Hiram Rivera Marcano, Bryan Proffitt, Aaron Bryant, Thomas Wayne Walker, Jadebroo KS, Hashim Benford, Melissa Norton, Sijal Nasralla, Bill Fletcher, Jr., Gary Broderick, Aiden Riley Graham, Rufus Firefly, Zaina Alsous, Laila Nur, Sabeen Shaiq, Theo Luebke, Caitlin Breedlove...

The Movement for Black Lives

The Black Lives Matter "Movement for Black Lives" conference was held in Cleveland Ohio, July 24-26, 2015.

Black Love, Black Leadership, Black Power: Rebuilding the Black Liberation Movement Sendolo Diaminah, Denise Perry.[14]

“Free From Fear”

Serena Sebring, Southerners On New Ground Campaign Organizer, Jade Brooks, Southerners On New Ground Member Leader, Caitlin Breedlove, Southerners On New Ground Co-Director.

January 17, 2015
Durham, NC – On Saturday, January 17 at 5:00pm, Southerners on New Ground (SONG) will host a launch event announcing the “Free From Fear” campaign, at The Pinhook (117 W Main St, Durham, North Carolina 27701). Free From Fear seeks to pass an ordinance to prevent discriminatory policing and police profiling of LGBTQ people and people of color, and to address the harmful effects of these patterns on the local community. The campaign’s central goal is the passage of a local anti-profiling ordinance, “The Durham Community Safety Act,” which would ban police profiling and discrimination based on race, immigration status, gender, gender identity and sexual orientation. Southerners on New Ground is a regional LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, + queer) organization made up of people of color, immigrants, undocumented people, people with disabilities, working class and rural and small town people in the South.

The event was free and open to the public, and featured a program of live music by local musicians, and speakers: Caitlin Breedlove (SONG, Co-Director), Serena Sebring (SONG, Campaign Organizer), Jade Brooks (SONG, Member Leader), Sendolo Diaminah (Durham Public Schools Board Member), among others.[15]

"We Demand Access to the Durham Jail!"

Thursday 10 December 2015, Zaina Alsous organized a "We Demand Access to the Durham Jail! Rally & Press Conference " outside the Durham County Jail.

Join us as we announce our newly formed Jail Investigation Team and our plans to hold the Durham County Jail accountable.

Since November 2012, Inside-Outside Alliance, a Durham based organization that organizes against the prison system, has published letters from inmates and their families detailing the inhumane conditions many experience at the Durham County Detention Facility.

Those indicating their intention to attend on Wherevent included Jillian Johnson, Cat Crowe, Maiz Criollo, Alex Biggers, Mitch Xia, Sendolo Diaminah, Mindy Isser, Sarah Pederson, Eli Meyerhoff, Liz Rose, Molly Hastings, Alice Sievers, Justine Lam, Elisa Benitez, Nikhil Umesh, Patricia Bass, Phillip Marschall, Matt Whitt, Xander Collins, Leah Block, Joe Stapleton, Holden Cession, James Cersonsky, D’atra Jackson, Arbor Quist, Stanley Yuan, Blanche Amelia S. Brown, Michael Becker, Sydney Roberts, Archer Wang, Eli Viszk, Danielle Roachie, Amy Godfrey, Ryan Stokes, Michael Dennis, Gregory Williams, Jade Brooks, Jojo Moto, Abby Hylton, Chanelle Croxton, David Theurer, Ben Carroll, Dante Strobino, Destiny Hemphill, Shilpi Misra, Nikki Mintz, Heeva Kadivar, Sandra Korn, Naomi Baumann. [16]

Support for Laila Nur


Freedom Road Socialist Organization leader Sendolo Diaminah wrote a support message on his Facebook page February 4, 2016, asking for support for Laila Nur through her health problems. He copied in several Freedom Road connected people.

Y'all, my GURL Laila needs some love. Please make a donation to keep our ferocious freedom fighter with her sexy-as-hell dimples healthy, happy, and living the freedom she works for for us all. Bryan Proffitt, Tema Jon Okun, Jadebroo KS, Aiden Riley Graham, Theo Luebke, Osunfunke Omisade Burney-Scott, Nia Wilson, Kaji Reyes, Alec Greenwald, Beth Bruch, Luke Hirst, Alexis Pauline Gumbs, Rachel Alexis Storer..

"Supporting "progressive county commissioners"


Sendolo Diaminah wrote on his Facebook page February 24 2016;

Kaji is so hyped to phone bank for progressive county commissioners that he came a week early--even tho there was a tornado warning! Y'all better get on his level!!… Durham we have a chance to elect commissioners who can use local office to defend our communities from all the attacks coming from the republican New Confederacy. Let's use our power! You know what I mean Nia, Zaina, Alec, Santos, Seamus, Ann, Ajamu, D'atra, Cheema, Mandy, Ade, Aiden, Lorisa, Bro Ray, Melissa...

Education protest


June 16. 2016, from Anca Stefan;

Y'all - this is the picture we took after the last one of us was released from Wake County Detention Center jail after being arrested on charges of Impeding Traffic and Resisting an Officer. A week earlier, we'd held a press conference announcing our 23-mile march and asking for a meeting with our state's governor to discuss our students' needs and the generalized hemorrhage and drain of resources..

With Todd Warren, Jessica Benton, Lisa McCool-Grime, Nicholas Graber-Grace, Gary B. Durham, Kristin Beller, Lynne Walter, Leah Nichole Hendershot, Sendolo Diaminah, Dawn Amy Wilson, Bryan Proffitt, Shannon Elizabeth, Millie Beth, Turquoise Parker, James Finnegan, Alyssa Brieann, Amily McCool and Amy Swain.

"Somatic transformation" comrades


Sendolo Diaminah September 7, 2016 ·

With Sumitra Rajkumar, Sabeen Shaiq, Staci Kay Haines, Xochitl Bervera, Danielle Feris, Liu Hoi-Man, Nathaniel Shara, Prentis Patrice Hemphill, Dmorgan Feris, Spenta Kandawalla, Vassilisa Johri, Sue Kuyper, Fayza Be, Adrienne Maree Brown, MamaLisa Thomas-Adeyemo, Briana Herman-Brand, Mark-Anthony Johnson, Adaku Utah, Lara Barth, Donaji Lona, Jay Conui, Angelica Otero, Paola Tisker Laird, Denise Perry, Alta Starr, Tina Bartolome, Jen Soriano and David Treleaven.

Dump Trump

DUMP TRUMP, DEFEAT RACISM AND MISOGYNY, BUILD THE LEFT was an open letter to the left from 47 grassroots organizers. October 17, 2016.

A lot of us see something really clearly, but few of us—radical and revolutionary organizers—are willing to say it out loud.
So we’re going to say it. Defeating Trump in the presidential election is a top priority for the left. And at a minimum, that means mobilizing voters for Hillary Clinton in swing states even if you vote for another candidate in a safe state. We’ve got to beat Trump and Trumpism while building movements that will fight, resist and disrupt a Clinton administration that will be militaristic and pro-corporate...
As we mentioned at the beginning, defeating Trump is not enough. We need movements strong enough to fight a Clinton administration on several fronts—whether Israel/Palestine, free trade agreements, climate change, a $15 minimum wage, or the prison-industrial complex. And neutralizing the appeal of the far right means we need to both strengthen our movements for racial justice and win over white workers to a progressive class politics as an alternative to Trump’s racist economic nationalism. Finally, we need to build a left that can help anchor a visionary alternative to corporate Democrats. It won’t be easy, but we’ve come this far. Let’s defend what we’ve got in this election, and keep our eye on collective liberation.

Signatories included Sendolo Diaminah, Freedom Road Socialist Organization.

Revolutionary Strategies to Beat the Rising Right Wing

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Revolutionary Strategies to Beat the Rising Right Wing, was a nationwide conference call organized by Freedom Road Socialist Organization, Sunday October 30, 2016.

What's the nature of this right-wing threat? What has this election cycle changed about the political terrain we're fighting on? How do we need to prepare for whats coming after the election? Hear about these crucial questions from our panel of top political strategists, including Nelini Stamp, Bill Fletcher, Jr., Linda Burnham, and Sendolo Diaminah.
Many of our movements and the Left have struggled to make sense of what a potential Trump victory might mean, or what are the implications of a new Clinton administration with a broadly activated far Right. What approach should the Left take towards these possibilities? How should we think about organizing, alliance building, and constructing independent political power? How can progressive and Left movements build upon the moment generated by the Bernie Sanders campaign, the Movement for Black Lives, the immigrant rights movement, and the womanist backlash against Trump's misogynism?

The Left We Want to Build: Breaking Out of the Margins

In June 2017, Sendolo Diaminah Freedom Road Socialist Organization signed the letter The Left We Want to Build: Breaking Out of the Margins.

Durham for All


Sendolo Diaminah with Natalie Beyer and 13 others, Felicia Arriaga, Mikel Barton, Nadeen Bir, Leigh Bordley, Theo Luebke, Roxana Bendezu, Caitlin Elly Breedlove, Millie Beth, Laurel Ashton, Beth Bruch, Le'Andre Demond Blakeney, Dasan Ahanu, Tony Marimbondo Macias.

August 12 at 3:39pm ·

Our 4th mass meeting for #10kStrong. Proud to be part of Durham For All with Laila Nur & DeAnna

"Introduction to Black feminism"


Intro to Black Feminism Hosted by Sendolo Diaminah Cazembe Jackson, and Adrienne Maree Brown.

Tuesday, August 15 at 8:30 PM

Created for Black August Practice Group

Sendolo Diaminah August 15, 2017;

Black people! Tonight my beloved sister Adrienne Maree Brown is leading a web discussion about Black Feminism as part of a series of Black August political education sessions hosted by Malcolm X Grassroots Movement, Freedom Road Socialist Organization, and BOLD.[17]

Black Ideological Struggle Webinar

Black Ideological Struggle: Radical, Liberal, Conservative Public · Hosted by Sendolo Diaminah and Cazembe Jackson

Thursday, August 31, 2017 at 8:30 PM

Created for Black August Practice Group

Join Sendolo Diaminah for a conversation about why Black radicals can and must learn how to effectively engage liberal and conservative ideologies among our people.
September 2, 2017. Hey family! Here is the final recording from the Black August webinars! Sendolo Diaminah took lots of patience and creativity breaking down Black Ideological Struggle for us.[18]

Amandla Training

Sendolo Diaminah February 1 2018

Hey Black organizers & those who love us: BOLD has re-opened our application period for Amandla, our organizer training program. We have just a few more slots we wanted to make available, so now is your chance if you missed the deadline!

Alicia Garza, Ajamu Dillahunt, Aaron Gamal, Whitney Maxey, Hashim Benford, Ociele Hawkins, Bryan Proffitt, Bennett D. Carpenter, Courtney Sebring, Cazembe Murphy Jackson, Reece Chenault, Charlene Carruthers, Chanelle Croxton, D’atra Jackson, Dove Kent, Fresco Steez DeLaflyy, Maria C. Fernandez, Aiden Riley Graham, Kaji Reyes, Laila Nur, Theo Luebke, Maria Poblet, N'Tanya Lee, Taliba O Njeri, Orisanmi Burton, Quinton Harper, Roberto Tijerina, Mary Hooks, Serena Sebring, Adaku Utah, Vanessa Moses, Ash-Lee Woodard Henderson, Thomas Wayne Walker, Jayanni Elizabeth, Jayda Rasberry, Amber Evans, Dara Cooper, Yotam Marom.

Decrim Durham Election Forum


Sendolo Diaminah April 12 (2018).

Want to meet the candidates for sheriff and district attorney? Want to hear community folks ask them the questions we care about? Come through this saturday for our election forum co-hosted with SpiritHouse NC, All Of Us Or None NC, Southerners On New Ground and BYP100 Durham Chapter! Can't make it? Share it with your friends :)

Aiden Riley Graham, Aidil Ortiz, Nia Wilson, D’atra Jackson, Alec Greenwald, Carolina Alzuru, Carol Reiner-Yepez, Anna Duncan, Bennett D. Carpenter, Elainiel Baldwin, Bryan Proffitt, Hashim Benford, Osunfunke Omisade Burney-Scott, Mikel Barton, Courtney Sebring, Chanelle Croxton, Dove Kent, Danielle Purifoy, Raymond Eurquhart, Thaddaeus Allen Edwards, Tom Feltner, Felicia Arriaga, Gen Na, Magan Gonzales Thigpen, Holly Hardin, Kori Higgs, Jesse Huddleston, Mya Hunter, Undreya Hudson, Parker T. Hurley, Sufia Ikbal-Doucet, Jennifer Frye, Kimber Jean, Turquoise LeJeune Parker, LeAndre Demond Blakeney, Lisa McCool-Grime, Pierce Freelon, Quinton Harper, Quita Tinsley, Rodrigo Dorfman, Serena Sebring, Santos Flores, Matthew Sears, Seamus Robertson, Vernetta R. Alston.

Left Inside/Outside Project phone conference

On May 23, 2018 the Left Inside/Outside Project hosted a call that brought together representatives of the Communist Party USA, Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism, Democratic Socialists of America, Freedom Road Socialist Organization, and LeftRoots. The call focused on approaches to electoral politics of these organizations. It also provided an opportunity to explore potential for political alignment among the part of the left that broadly agrees with the strategy of building power inside and outside of electoral politics, and inside and outside of the Democratic Party.

Although there are significant differences among (and within) these organizations, generally they see electoral politics as a crucial one for the left to engage in. While engaging in electoral politics has its limitations, it presents huge opportunities, which the experiences of these organizations demonstrate, including a path to governing. In the U.S. today, where the fight against the far right must utilize all possible methods, it is also a necessity.

The call was moderated by Rishi Awatramani from LeftRoots. Speakers included Sendolo Diaminah from Freedom Road Socialist Organization, Rossana Cambron from the Communist Party USA, Christian Bowe from DSA, Maria (Maria Poblet?)from LeftRoots and Janet Tucker from the Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism.


We Will Replace You Advisors included:

In converstation with Lumumba and Navar

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BLM comrades

Nikita Mitchell September 18, 2017 ·

Yawl. Look at how cute our BLM squad is. Black folks from around the U.S and Canada is planning for victory yawl, in the Lumumba Center of all places (super critical piece).

Deep love to the folks in Cooperation Jackson, Malcolm X Grassroots Movement, Sendolo Diaminah and Adrienne Maree Brown for teaching us, holding us down and to our principles.


To learn more about the orgs I mentioned:... See More — with Cazembe Jackson, Sendolo Diaminah, Melina Abdullah, Miski Noor, Kandace Montgomery and Adrienne Maree Brown.
