Bryan Proffitt

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Bryan Proffitt

Bryan Proffitt a North Carolina activist. He is a high school teacher and organizer with People’s Durham.[1]

He is a founding member of Men Against Rape Culture and has been affiliated with Hip Hop Against Racist War, United for Peace and Justice, and the North Carolina Peace and Justice Coalition, among other organizations.[2]

President of Durham Educators Association.

Former partner of Holly Jordan. Now with Anca Stefan. Member of Liberation Road.[3]

VP bid

In 2019 Bryan Proffitt stood for VP of the NCAE on a slate with Tamika Walker Kelly for president.


North Carolina Association of Educators 2018-2019 Officers and Board of Directors included Region 5: Bryan Proffitt, Durham County.

NCAE Board of Directors

North Carolina Association of Educators September 20 2019·


The NCAE Board of Directors is in town this weekend for board meeting, a retreat, and Committees/Commissions Day. — with Michelle Burton, Bryan Proffitt, Elizabeth Hackney, Lawrence Brinson, Tamika Walker Kelly, Rachelle Johnson, Mark Jewell, Demetria Dee Michele Alexander-Grissett, Karen Slade, Kristy Moore, Margaret Nichole, LeAnna Earls Delph, April Jones Lee, Jj Morales, Linda Davis, Kristin Beller and Amanda Garrison.

Durham Association of Educators FB


Durham Association of Educators Public FB group November 2019.

Admins and Moderators

Organize 2020 Racial and Social Justice Caucus leadership training

July 31 2019.


Organize 2020 Racial and Social Justice Caucus leadership training

Bryan Proffitt is with Tamika Walker Kelly and Anna Grant, CB McClellan and Natasha Floyd Ellison.

Yesterday’s NCAE Organize 2020 Racial and Social Justice Caucus leadership training in Region 6 was small but spirited.

Our people are working hard to learn and grow together this summer and I couldn’t be more inspired.


In 2005 Bryan Proffitt, Hip-Hop Against Racist War was on the Steering Committee of United for Peace and Justice[4].

Fayetteville peace rally

The Fayetteville rally for peace was held on March 19th 2005.

Speakers included;

MCs were Bridgette Burge, Peace LEAP (NC; and Bryan Proffitt, North Carolina Peace and Justice Coalition.[5]

Rally against rape

A march and rally took place Durham, North Carolina April 28 2007 against sexual violence and assault. The protest was called Creating a World Without Sexual Violence—National Day of Truthtelling (DOT).

The organizing DOT coalition was made up of Black Workers for Justice, Freedom Road Socialist Organization, Independent Voices, Men Against Rape Culture, North Carolina Coalition Against Sexual Assault, Raleigh Fight Imperialism—Stand Together, Spirit House, Southerners On New Ground (SONG) and UBUNTU.

Alexis Gumbs, a Black graduate student at Duke, read a moving open letter to the crowd in front of the Buchanan house.

The main rally was held on the steps of the Durham County Courthouse. Speakers there included Serena Sebring, UBUNTU; Monika Johnson Hostler, NCCASA; Paulina Hernandez, SONG; Tyneisha Bowens and Laura Bickford, Raleigh FIST; Shafeah M'Balia, Women’s Commission of BWFJ, and Phoenix Brangman, Dasan Ahanu and Bryan Proffitt of Men Against Rape Culture. A number of the speakers linked the issue of sexual violence to the struggle for immigrant rights and against racism, homophobia, capitalism, militarism and imperialism.[6]



Kim Deihl, Michelle Foy, Bryan Proffitt and Claire Tran are all young members of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization[7].

Men Against Rape Culture

Bryan Proffitt is a Hip-Hop-generation white man who belongs to Men Against Rape Culture, a Durham, NC-based organization committed to building the struggle to end sexual violence and Ubuntu, a women of color- and survivor-led coalition committed to ending sexual violence. An essay he wrote on the subject for the Freedom Road Socialist Organization website was shaped and reworked and made infinitely better by the thoughtful support and critical editing of Nancy Wilson, Tema Okun, Aiden Graham, Sam Hummel, Serena Sebring, Bob Pleasants, Michelle Lanier, Kriti Sharma, Precious-Jewel Zebriskie and Manju Rajendran[8].

Working for Chokwe


Martin Eder May 7, 2014 · Sendolo went to Jackson Miss. to work with Mayoral campaign of Chokwe Lumumba (RIP) — with Sendolo Diaminah in Durham, North Carolina. Also Aiden Graham, Bryan Proffitt, Jared Story.

Supporting the Kurds


December 28, 2015, Sendolo Diaminah posted on his FaceBook page supporting the Kurds;

The Kurdish people have been engaged in an inspiring struggle to carve out freedom and autonomy for themselves, both from the corrupt states of Turkey, Iraq, and Syria AND from ISIS. Now the Turkish government is ramping up its repression of the Kurdish freedom movement. The first step in solidarity must be educating ourselves about this powerful struggle for freedom and rallying to its defense. Anthony Maglione, Manzoor Cheema, Hiram Rivera Marcano, Bryan Proffitt, Aaron Bryant, Thomas Wayne Walker, Jadebroo KS, Hashim Benford, Melissa Norton, Sijal Nasralla, Bill Fletcher, Jr., Gary Broderick, Aiden Riley Graham, Rufus Firefly, Zaina Alsous, Laila Nur, Sabeen Shaiq, Theo Luebke, Caitlin Breedlove...

Support for Laila Nur


Freedom Road Socialist Organization leader Sendolo Diaminah wrote a support message on his Facebook page February 4, 2016, asking for support for Laila Nur through her health problems. He copied in several Freedom Road connected people.

Y'all, my GURL Laila needs some love. Please make a donation to keep our ferocious freedom fighter with her sexy-as-hell dimples healthy, happy, and living the freedom she works for for us all. Bryan Proffitt, Tema Jon Okun, Jadebroo KS, Aiden Riley Graham, Theo Luebke, Osunfunke Omisade Burney-Scott, Nia Wilson, Kaji Reyes, Alec Greenwald, Beth Bruch, Luke Hirst, Alexis Pauline Gumbs, Rachel Alexis Storer..

Friends of Kriti Sharma

Kriti Sharma wrote "Interdependence: Biology and Beyond". She credited several people with "shaping my mind and life" through the process, including Afiya Carter, Aiden Graham, AJ Vrieze, Alexis Gumbs, Atiya Hussain, Beth Bruch, Bryan Proffitt, Caitlin Breedlove, Dannette Sharpley, Emily Chavez, Glenys Verhulst, Jenn Vrieze, Jurina Vincent-Lee, Keagha Carscallen, Laurin Penland, Kai Barrow, Lynne Walter, Marjorie Scheer, Michelle O'Brien, Manju Rajendran, Sendolo Diaminah, Mikel Barton, Monica Leonardo, Nia Wilson, Nikki Brown, Noah Blose, Paulina Hernandez, Pavithra Vasudevan, Rachael Derello, Russell Herman, Sam Hummel, Sammy Truong, Serena Sebring, Shirlette Ammons, Tema Okun, Theo Luebke, Tim Stallman, Tony Macias, and Yolanda Carrington.[9]

Duke-Durham occupation


Sendolo Diaminah backed the Duke-Durham occupation April 8 at 6:40pm, 2016. ·

Come celebrate the struggle as it moves from occupation to the next stage! Bryan Proffitt, Kaji Reyes, Laila Nur, Rufus Firefly, Anca Stefan, Alec Greenwald, Manzoor Cheema, Monica Huerta, James Hill, Elena Everett, Chanelle Croxton, D’atra Jackson, Ajamu Dillahunt, Jr., Jadebroo KS, Nia Wilson, Anthony Maglione, Sijal Nasralla, Gary B Durham, Alec Greenwald, Aiden Graham, Melissa Norton, Bro Ray, Saba Taj, Ade Oh.

Education protest


June 16. 2016, from Anca Stefan;

Y'all - this is the picture we took after the last one of us was released from Wake County Detention Center jail after being arrested on charges of Impeding Traffic and Resisting an Officer. A week earlier, we'd held a press conference announcing our 23-mile march and asking for a meeting with our state's governor to discuss our students' needs and the generalized hemorrhage and drain of resources..

With Todd Warren, Jessica Benton, Lisa McCool-Grime, Nicholas Graber-Grace, Gary B. Durham, Kristin Beller, Lynne Walter, Leah Nichole Hendershot, Sendolo Diaminah, Dawn Amy Wilson, Bryan Proffitt, Shannon Elizabeth, Millie Beth, Turquoise Parker, James Finnegan, Alyssa Brieann, Amily McCool and Amy Swain.



Leah Nichole Hendershot with Bryan Proffitt, Anca Stefan, Belle Carolina, Holly Jordan, Todd Warren, February 13 2016.

"Strong team"

James Finnegan October 14, 2017 ·

Strong tram.JPG

Strong team here. One thing you can do to support: send a quick email to members of the Durham Board of Education to say a) thanks for committing to include custodial staff and DAE in a committee that will review any bids for custodial contracts by outside companies b) what we really want is for all custodians to be brought back in-house as DPS employees — with Allison Swaim, Jen Painter, Brian Callaway and Bryan Proffitt.

Revolutionary Strategies to Beat the Rising Right Wing

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Revolutionary Strategies to Beat the Rising Right Wing, was a nationwide conference call organized by Freedom Road Socialist Organization, Sunday October 30, 2016.

What's the nature of this right-wing threat? What has this election cycle changed about the political terrain we're fighting on? How do we need to prepare for whats coming after the election? Hear about these crucial questions from our panel of top political strategists, including Nelini Stamp, Bill Fletcher, Jr., Linda Burnham, and Sendolo Diaminah.

Those invited, on Facebook included Bryan Proffitt.[10]

Beyond Shell Shock


Beyond Shell Shock: Labor after the Trump disaster was hosted by Freedom Road Socialist Organization, Sunday, February 26 at 8 PM - 9:30 PM.

Hosts Bill Fletcher, Jr.; Erica Smiley; Bob Master; Neidi Dominguez; Bryan Proffitt; and Jeff Crosby;

Join us in this webcast to take a hard look at the place we're in as a labor movement - and consider how we can make the labor movement be a leading force in the resistance to Trump and the fight for a better world.
What's our strategy? What kinds of alliances do we need? Do we just play defense?
In the face of National Right to Work, vicious attacks on workers of color in and out of the workplace, escalating divisions in the AFLCIO and the Democratic Party, and more we've got our work cut out for us. Let's figure out how to win.

Amandla Training

Sendolo Diaminah February 1 2018

Hey Black organizers & those who love us: BOLD has re-opened our application period for Amandla, our organizer training program. We have just a few more slots we wanted to make available, so now is your chance if you missed the deadline!

Alicia Garza, Ajamu Dillahunt, Aaron Gamal, Whitney Maxey, Hashim Benford, Ociele Hawkins, Bryan Proffitt, Bennett D. Carpenter, Courtney Sebring, Cazembe Murphy Jackson, Reece Chenault, Charlene Carruthers, Chanelle Croxton, D'atra Jackson, Dove Kent, Fresco Steez DeLaflyy, Maria C. Fernandez, Aiden Riley Graham, Kaji Reyes, Laila Nur, Theo Luebke, Maria Poblet, N’Tanya Lee, Taliba O Njeri, Orisanmi Burton, Quinton Harper, Roberto Tijerina, Mary Hooks, Serena Sebring, Adaku Utah, Vanessa Moses, Ash-Lee Woodard Henderson, Thomas Wayne Walker, Jayanni Elizabeth, Jayda Rasberry, Amber Evans, Dara Cooper, Yotam Marom.

Chip Smith Memorial

Guests at Chip Smith's March 2018 memorial service included Dave Austin, Bridgette Burge, Bryan Proffitt, Saladin Muhammad, Ajamu Dillahunt, Rukiya Dillahunt, Susan Perry Cole (Racial Justice Group), Marcus Thomas (Racial Justice Group), Susan Ayers (PFlag), Don Cavalini, Lois Anderson, Charlie Orrock, State Senator Angela Bryant "a comrade of Chip's", a letter from Marvin Winstead, and a messages Meizhu Lui, Michelle Foy, Bill Fletcher, Jr. as Freedom Road Socialist Organization members.

Decrim Durham Election Forum


Sendolo Diaminah April 12 (2018).

Want to meet the candidates for sheriff and district attorney? Want to hear community folks ask them the questions we care about? Come through this saturday for our election forum co-hosted with SpiritHouse NC, All Of Us Or None NC, Southerners On New Ground and BYP100 Durham Chapter! Can't make it? Share it with your friends :)

Aiden Riley Graham, Aidil Ortiz, Nia Wilson, D’atra Jackson, Alec Greenwald, Carolina Alzuru, Carol Reiner-Yepez, Anna Duncan, Bennett D. Carpenter, Elainiel Baldwin, Bryan Proffitt, Hashim Benford, Osunfunke Omisade Burney-Scott, Mikel Barton, Courtney Sebring, Chanelle Croxton, Dove Kent, Danielle Purifoy, Raymond Eurquhart, Thaddaeus Allen Edwards, Tom Feltner, Felicia Arriaga, Gen Na, Magan Gonzales Thigpen, Holly Hardin, Kori Higgs, Jesse Huddleston, Mya Hunter, Undreya Hudson, Parker T. Hurley, Sufia Ikbal-Doucet, Jennifer Frye, Kimber Jean, Turquoise LeJeune Parker, LeAndre Demond Blakeney, Lisa McCool-Grime, Pierce Freelon, Quinton Harper, Quita Tinsley, Rodrigo Dorfman, Serena Sebring, Santos Flores, Matthew Sears, Seamus Robertson, Vernetta R. Alston.

