Earl Blumenauer

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Earl Blumenauer

Earl Blumenauer is a Democratic member of the United States House of Representatives, representing the 3rd district of Oregon.


A lifelong resident of Portland, Oregon, Congressman Earl Blumenauer earned undergraduate and law degrees from Lewis and Clark College in Portland.[1]


While still a student at Lewis and Clark College, Blumenauer spearheaded the effort to lower the voting age both in Oregon and at the national level. He was elected to the Oregon Legislature in 1972, where he served three terms and Chaired the House Education and Revenue Committee in 1977-78. In 1978, he was elected to the Multnomah County Commission, where he served for eight years before being elected to the Portland City Council in 1986. There, his 10-year tenure as the Commissioner of Public Works demonstrated his leadership on the innovative accomplishments in transportation, planning, environmental programs and public participation that have helped Portland earn an international reputation as one of America’s most livable cities.

Elected to the US House of Representatives in 1996, Mr. Blumenauer has created a unique role as Congress’ chief spokesperson for Livable Communities: places where people are safe, healthy and economically secure. From 1996 to 2007, he served on the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, where he was a strong advocate for federal policies that address transportation alternatives, provide housing choices, support sustainable economies and improve the environment. He was a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee from 2001 to 2007 and vice-chair of the the Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming from 2007 to 2010. He is currently a member of the Ways and Means Committee and the Budget Committee.

Congressman Blumenauer founded and co-chaired the Livable Communities Task Force, the Bicycle Caucus, the Army Corps Reform Caucus, the Green Scissors Caucus, and the Public Broadcasting Caucus. He is also a co-chair of the Passenger Rail Caucus and the Trails Caucus, and a member of the Open Spaces and Land Trust Caucus.[2]

Resolution condemning socialism

Fedrary 2, 2023 House Republicans moved a Resolution condemning socialism and certain dictators.

The Resolution began:

Whereas socialist ideology necessitates a concentration of power that has time and time again collapsed into Communist regimes, totalitarian rule, and brutal dictatorships;
Whereas socialism has repeatedly led to famine and mass murders, and the killing of over 100,000,000 people worldwide;
Whereas many of the greatest crimes in history were committed by socialist ideologues, including Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, Fidel Castro, Pol Pot, Kim Jong Il, Kim Jong Un, Daniel Ortega, Hugo Chavez, and Nicolás Maduro;[3]

Eighty six Democrats voted no. Forteen voted "present" and six didn't vote.[4]

Representative Earl Blumenauer voted "Nay".[5]

Humanitarian Needs in Cuba letter

December 16 2021 , House Rules Committee Chair James McGovern (D-MA), House Foreign Affairs Committee Chair Gregory Meeks (D-NY), House Appropriations subcommittee on State and Foreign Operations Chair Barbara Lee (D-CA), and House Energy and Commerce subcommittee on Energy Chair Bobby Rush (D-IL) led 114 Members of Congress in a letter to President Biden asking him to prioritize the well-being of the Cuban people as they experience the worst economic and humanitarian crisis in recent history...

In the wake of this year’s protests, the members urged the administration to support the Cuban people by suspending U.S. regulations that prevent food, medicine, remittances, and other humanitarian assistance from reaching the Cuban people...

Signatories included Earl Blumenauer.[6]

Netroots Nation 2021


Join Representatives Barbara Lee and Earl Blumenauer, along with key advocates, to discuss pending efforts in Congress to repeal the prohibition and criminalization of cannabis at the federal level. We’ll discuss the MORE Act which passed in December of 2020 and similar legislation.

Led by: Justin Strekal

Panelists: Queen Adesuyi, Rep. Earl Blumenauer, Rep. Barbara Lee, Jason Ortiz

Labor Caucus

The Labor Caucus is an official caucus in the U.S. House of Representatives. In 2021 members included Earl Blumenauer .[7]

Defense spending cuts letter

May 19, 2020.

Dear Chairman Smith and Ranking Member Thornberry:

We write to request a reduction in defense spending during the coronavirus pandemic. As you draft this year’s National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), we encourage you to authorize a level of spending below last year’s authorized level. Congress must remain focused on responding to the coronavirus pandemic and distributing needed aid domestically. In order to do so, appropriators must have access to increased levels of non-defense spending which could be constrained by any increase to defense spending.

Initiated by Mark Pocan and Barbara Lee.[8]

Co-signatories included Earl Blumenauer.

Calls to Abolish ICE

Earl Blumenauer advocated the abolishment of Immigration and Custom Enforcement (ICE):[9],[10]

"We should abolish ICE and start over, focusing on our priorities to protect our families and our borders in a humane and thoughtful fashion," Blumenauer wrote. "Now is the time for immigration reform that ensures people are treated with compassion and respect. Not only because it is the moral thing to do, but it’s better policy and will cost less."
There is no turning back when agents of the federal government and our 'commander-in-chief' lose respect for humanity and treat people like animals."

2018 State of the Union Address

Several Democrats, including Earl Blumenauer, brought illegal immigrants[11] to the 2018 State of the Union address:

Peace Action

Peace Action endorsed Earl Blumenauer in the 2018 election cycle.[13]

Democratic Socialists of America connections

Housing Justice Town Hall


Representatives Earl Blumenauer and Rashida Tlaib.

PDA 2020 endorsement

In 2020 Progressive Democrats of America endorsed Earl Blumenauer's congressional run.[14]

Portland Future Focus

Community Forum: Local Impact of a War on Iraq

Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon and Portland City Commissioner Erik Sten's office sponsored a community forum on January 5th 2003, on the Local Impact of an Iraq War. The event was held Sunday , January 5 at First United Methodist Church, 1838 SW Jefferson. This event is also sponsored by Congressman Earl Blumenauer, the Interfaith Council of Greater Portland, MerciCorps, and Physicians for Social Responsibility.

  • Gretchen Kafoury spoke on the local and international economic and social impacts of an American war on Iraq.
  • Katherine Thomason, MD shared more about estimated casualties of the war.
  • Wes Taylor, Methodist clergyman and President of Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon talked about alternative approaches to international conflict.
  • Steve Claybourne of MerciCorps on difficulties of providing aid during war.
  • Earl Blumenauer talked about preemptive war as a departure from past US policy.[15]

Mourning Gretchen Kafoury


Blumenauer mourned the death of his "dear friend" Gretchen Kafoury in a March 13 2015 "tweet".

Social Security forum

At a Feb. 26 2005 forum on Social Security, Representative Earl Blumenauer shared the stage with Mark Weisbrot, co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research, an economic think-tank in Washington, D.C., that opposes privatization.

Blumenauer contested Bush’s claim that his proposal won’t change Social Security for workers over 55. Under the change to “price indexing” — part of the Bush plan — Social Security benefits would grow at a slower rate, amounting to a cut in benefits from what participants over 55 can now expect.

Blumenauer said he advocates making the rich pay the same Social Security tax as everyone else. Right now, the 6 percent of Americans with the highest earned incomes pay no Social Security tax on the portion of their income above $90,000 a year.

Weisbrot, an economist, took issue with the assumptions in the Social Security Trustees report, which the president’s backers have used as evidence in support of privatization.[16]

PNHP meeting

Dr. Michael C. Huntington of Physicians for a National Health Program will be one of the speakers, along with Representative Earl Blumenauer and State Senator Dr. Alan Bates, at a Healthcare Panel Discussion on Thursday, April 16th, from 6 -8 PM at the First Unitarian Church at 1011 SW 12th Ave. in Portland.[17]

Congratulating Stanley Sheinbaum

In the House of Representatives, Monday, June 13, 2011, Earl Blumenauer rose to congratulate Stanley Sheinbaum, on his 91st birthday.

Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, I rise to celebrate the 91st birthday of Stanley Sheinbaum, one of our country's most unique civic leaders. In his early years, Stanley served as a cartographer in World War II and was a student at Stanford, where he received top honors. He went on to become a Fulbright scholar and a professor of economics--first at Stanford, then at Michigan State. In 1964 he married Betty Warner and together they moved to Santa Barbara, where Stanley became one of the most vocal opponents of the war in Viet Nam.
He twice ran for Congress on an aggressive anti-war platform and helped raise money for the legal defense fund of Daniel Ellsberg, the Defense Department analyst who leaked the ``Pentagon Papers to the New York Times.
After the war, Stanley remained deeply involved in the causes that were dear to him. His many interests, accomplishments, and important relationships are too numerous to recount. A few of the highlights include the nine years he served as chairman of the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation of Southern California, where his leadership led to a ten-fold increase in contributions.
In 1988, he was the leader of a Jewish-American delegation that convinced Yasser Arafat to recognize Israel and disavow terrorism. From 1991-93 he served as president of the Los Angeles Board of Police Commissioners in the wake of the Rodney King beating, during which time he led the fight for justice and accountability, during that explosive period in the city's history.
His many achievements are in a delightful documentary, Citizen Stanley, which pays tribute to his many years of service and activism. Today, here in Congress, we have the opportunity to wish ``Citizen Stanley a happy birthday as we celebrate his extraordinary life and many contributions, especially to American justice and foreign affairs. At 91 years of age, Stanley Sheinbaum continues to inspire the best of the American progressive tradition.

National Nurses United endorsement

National Nurses United 2018 endorsements included Earl Blumenauer (OR 03).

"Green New Deal"

From the Sunrise Movement:[18]


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has released a proposal for a Select Committee on a Green New Deal, a plan that would transform our economy and society at the scale needed to stop the climate crisis.

We have the momentum to make a Green New Deal real, but we need a critical mass of Congresspeople to support the proposal.

Take action on Dec. 10 to show Congress the Green New Deal is a top priority.

Congressional supporters by December 1 2018:

HR 109 endorser

By February 20 2019 endorsers of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's HR 109 (Green New Deal) included Earl Blumenauer.

Congressional Advisory Committee

Farmers & Ranchers for a Green New Deal Congressional Advisory Committee: Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.), Rep. Chellie Pingree (D-Maine), Rep. Jim McGovern (D-Mass.), Rep. Jared Huffman (D-Calif.), Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.), Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.)[19]

Medicare For All Congressional Caucus founders

In August 2018 Medicare For All Congressional Caucus founding members included Representative Earl Blumenauer.

Medicare for All Act

In February 2019 Rep. Pramila Jayapal introduced H.R.1384 - Medicare for All Act of 2019. By May 29 she had 110 co-sponsors including Rep. Earl Blumenauer.

Peace Pledge Coalition

In 2007 90 Members of Congress, pledged in an open letter delivered to President Bush: "We will only support appropriating funds for U.S. military operations in Iraq during Fiscal Year 2008 and beyond for the protection and safe redeployment of all our troops out of Iraq before you leave office." The letter was initiated by the Peace Pledge Coalition. The Coalition was led by Tim Carpenter, Progressive Democrats of America, Bob Fertik, Democrats.com Medea Benjamin, CodePink, Bill Fletcher, co-founder of Center for Labor Renewal David Swanson, AfterDowningStreet.org, Democrats.com, Progressive Democrats of America, Kevin Zeese, Voters for Peace, Democracy Rising, Brad Friedman, co-founder of Velvet Revolution, Bill Moyer, Backbone Campaign.

Earl Blumenauer signed the letter.[20][21]

ARA connection

Circa 2007, Dec. 10 Members of the Alliance for Retired Americans will participate in events with members of Congress in five western states today at which they will call on President George W. Bush to reject the recommendations of the Commission to Strengthen Social Security. The 16 member panel, which meets tomorrow in the nation's capital to review its draft Final Report, has agreed to offer three options rather than one plan a directed by the President -- all of which would transform Social Security from what it is now -- a government-backed entitlement program guaranteeing retirees, workers' survivors and the disabled with a firm, predictable monthly income. One option -- "privatization" -- would allow workers to invest a portion of their payroll taxes in the stock market through private investment accounts.

Speaking in Portland, OR, with Congressman Earl Blumenauer, Doug Ellis, President of the Alliance's Oregon state affiliate, the Oregon State Council of Senior Citizens, denounced the plan as "nothing more than a tactic to confuse and mislead the public, a classic political shell game. Its ineptly camouflaged purpose is to hide the intention by most of its appointed members to dismantle Social Security." Other events took place in Nevada, California, Washington and Arizona.[22]

ARA PAF endorsement, 2014

The Alliance for Retired Americans Political Action Fund endorsed Earl Blumenauer in 2014, also 2012.[23]

JStreet PAC endorsement

In 2024 JStreet PAC endorsed Earl Blumenauer.[24]

J Sreet endorsement

In 2008 Blumenauer was endorsed by JStreet PAC.[25]

The socialist infiltrated, anti-Israel "two state solution" JStreet PAC endorsed Earl Blumenauer in his 2014 Congressional race. [26]

JStreet endorsed him again 2016.

Blumenauer is one of JStreetPAC's earliest endorsees and we are proud to have endorsed him in each of the past five election cycles. He is a champion for Israeli-Palestinian peace and has stated that an agreement will require “active, rigorous, sustained, and thoughtful American leadership.”.[27]

J Street Portland


Nancy Becker, Earl Blumenauer.

Oregon J Street


Nancy Becker, Earl Blumenauer.

J Street delegation

July 2017 seven members of Congress and 13 American Jewish leaders traveled to Israel and the West Bank on J Street’s eighth and largest congressional mission last week, led by the J Street Education Fund (JSEF).


Representatives Ami Bera (CA-7), Earl Blumenauer (OR-3), Cheri Bustos (IL-17), Dwight Evans (PA-2), Barbara Lee (CA-13), Brenda Lawrence (MI-14) and Bonnie Watson Coleman (NJ-12) joined the J Street delegation.

During their time in the region, J Street’s eighth Congressional delegation engaged with a diverse array of Israeli and Palestinian voices. Members of Congress sat down with leading Israeli, Palestinian and American political leaders and government officials.

Throughout their visit to Israel and the Palestinian territory, participants explored the complex and nuanced realities of the region. Their extensive travels included trips to Jerusalem, Ramallah, Hebron and Tel Aviv. They discussed the ongoing crisis in Gaza during visits to Israeli towns on its border. They met with key players from across the political spectrum, including Israeli settlers, Palestinian business leaders, social activists and security experts.

“With the US poised to continue playing an active role in pursuing Israeli-Palestinian peace, it was essential that lawmakers see firsthand what is happening on the ground,” said J Street president Jeremy Ben-Ami. “As shifting regional dynamics open up new possibilities for peace and cooperation, this trip provided a critical opportunity for members of Congress to reflect on their role in helping to bring us closer to a two-state solution.”[28]

"Progressive" Cabinet "nominee"

In September 2008, Chicago based socialist journal In These Times asked its editors and writers to suggest their top progressive choices for a potential Obama Cabinet.[29]

We asked that contributors weigh ideological and political considerations, with an eye toward recommending people who have both progressive credentials and at least an arguable chance at being appointed in an Obama White House.

This group of people would represent at once the most progressive, aggressive and practical Cabinet in contemporary history. Of course, it is by no means a definitive list. It is merely one proposal aimed at starting a longer discussion about the very concept of a progressive Cabinet—and why it will be important to a new administration, especially if that administration is serious about change.

Adam Doster suggested Earl Blumenauer for Transportation Secretary:

Last summer, as Congress wrestled with energy legislation, Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.) offered a simple, $1 million proposal to encourage bike commuting. To his disbelief, the plan was ridiculed by a number of Republicans, including Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-N.C.), who called two-wheelers “a 19th century solution to a 21st century problem.” In a prospective Obama administration, Blumenauer should get the last laugh.
An eco-friendly labor advocate from Portland, Blumenauer couldn’t be more representative of his liberal district, which he’s served since 1996. In the Oregon legislature and later on the Portland city council, Blumenauer helped direct Portland’s planning renaissance, championing bike lanes, light rail and streetcars. He brought his emphasis on smart growth to Washington, advocating for high-speed rail and launching the Congressional Bike Caucus. In fact, nobody in his congressional office applies for a parking permit.
An early and vocal supporter of Obama, Blumenauer could be tapped as transportation secretary, a post that will undoubtedly grow in importance as the United States grapples with rising energy prices and climate change. He seems to be preparing for the role. In July, he co-wrote a substantive energy bill that subsidizes telecommuting, public transit and transit-friendly affordable housing.
But the biggest challenge facing the new transit guru will come next year, when Congress revisits the Transportation Bill. If Blumenauer can redirect more revenue from the nation’s gas tax to alternative forms of transit, he’ll be laughing his way to a future where Americans live better with less oil.

Congressional Progressive Caucus

As of February 20 2009 Earl Blumenauer was listed as a member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus.[30]

Calling on Israeli Govt. to lift Gaza Travel Ban

On Dec. 22, 2009, thirty-three U.S. Representatives wrote to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, calling on her to request that the Israeli Government end the ban on student travel from Gaza to the West Bank. Earl Blumenauer was one of the signatories of the letter.[31] The entire letter together with a complete list of signatories can be read by clicking here.

Supported Lifting the Gaza Blockade

On Jan. 27, 2010, U.S. Representatives Keith Ellison and Jim McDermott led 52 other members of Congress in signing a letter addressed to President Barack Obama, calling for him to use diplomatic pressure to resolve the blockade affecting Gaza. Earl Blumenauer was one of the signatories of the letter. [32] The entire letter together with a complete list of signatories can be read by clicking here.

2006 letter to Condoleezza Rice on Colombia

Alleged Colombian Army killings prompted Fellowship of Reconciliation to work with Representative Sam Farr to forge a response that would impact the 17th Brigade, the unit allegedly responsible for the violence against San José de Apartadó and communities throughout northwestern Colombia.

As a result, Reps. Sam Farr and Jim McGovern, wrote a letter to their colleagues in Congress urging them to join in calling on Secretary Condoleezza Rice to cut funding for the Colombian military.

Letter to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice
(Deadline for Congressional representatives to sign: February 22)
We applaud the decision, noted in your certification letter of August 2005, that the US "will not consider providing assistance to the 17th Brigade until all significant human rights allegations involving the unit have been credibly addressed." Because the Brigade is a component of the Colombian Armed Forces' command structure and has been implicated in the above referenced human rights violations, we implore you to abide by both the letter of the law and the spirit of the law by withholding human rights certification for Colombia until the following conditions are met:

Signatories included Earl Blumenauer.[33]

2009 letter on Colombia

From November 6th through December 7th 2009, a letter calling for change in U.S. policy towards Colombia was circulated through the House of Representatives. This letter called for a decrease in U.S. aid for Colombia's military and an increase in support for human rights and humanitarian efforts. The initiators of this letter were —Representatives James McGovern, Jan Schakowsky, Donald Payne, and Mike Honda.

Dear Secretary of State Clinton,
The FY 2011 budget will contain the twelfth year of a major aid package to Colombia—an aid package originally slated to phase out after six years.
After eleven years, it is time to scale down assistance for Colombia's military and more systematically "Colombianize" such programs, within both the State Department and Defense Department budgets.

Signatories included Earl Blumenauer.[34]


Ten years ago, U.S. lawmakers publicly accused the China Ocean Shipping Co. of being a front for espionage and blocked plans to expand its Long Beach, Calif., port terminal over fears that Chinese spies would use it to snoop on the United States.

By last year, Congress was seeing the state-owned Chinese behemoth in a far kinder light. Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) authored a resolution applauding the company for employing thousands of Americans and helping keep the waters of Alaska clean. Rep. Stephen Lynch (D-Mass.) hailed the firm on the House floor, calling its chief executive "a people's ambassador" to the United States after it rescued Boston's port -- and thousands of jobs -- when a European shipping line moved out.

The congressional about-face illustrates a dramatic increase in China's influence on Capitol Hill, where for years its lobbying muscle never matched its ballooning importance in world affairs. Members of Congress, lobbyists and other observers said

China's new prominence is largely the result of Beijing's increasingly sophisticated efforts to influence events at the center of U.S. power -- and a growing realization among U.S. lawmakers that China has become a critical economic player across America.

Although many Americans still view China with deep suspicion because of its communist system and human rights record, the results of Beijing's image-and- influence campaign are clear. Members of Congress "are starting to understand that the Chinese are not communist but that the Chinese are Chinese," said Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.). China is Oregon's biggest export market after Canada.

"China is an overarching backdrop to almost everything that I am involved with," said the seven-term congressman, adding that on matters as diverse as the U.S. economy, climate change and energy policy, "China is something that no one can ignore."[35]

Trade with China

In May 2000. Voting 237 for and 197 against, the House passed a bill (HR 4444) establishing permanent, normal U.S. commerce with the People's Republic of China and setting up a commission to monitor human rights abuses there. China is to lower or eliminate barriers to U.S. commodities, goods and services. In return, it gains the same relatively open access to American markets, which is now available to nearly all other U.S. trading partners.

Earl Blumenauer, D-Ore., said: "The forces of change and reform will win out sooner if the United States is engaged than if we play into the hands and forces of repression. Isolation simply does not work....A vote for normal trade relations will hasten human rights, environmental protection and a stronger economy in China and the United States."[36]

PDA contact

In 2013 Progressive Democrats of America assigned activists to deliver their material to almost every US Congressman and several Senators. Pamela Allee, was assigned as contact for Rep. Blumenauer.[37]

Anti-Fracking legislation endorser

On March 14, 2013, Rep. Jared Polis (D-CO) and Rep. Matt Cartwright (D-PA) have introduced the Bringing Reductions to Energy’s Airborne Toxic Health Effect (BREATHE) Act, and the Focused Reduction of Effluence and Stormwater runoff through Hydraulic Environmental Regulation (FRESHER) Act, in order to ensure that the hydraulic fracking industry follows the same rules that other industries do in preserving our natural resources. This legislation is focused on ensuring the safety and the health of the communities where the hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, process is already taking place.

The BREATHE Act would ensure that we close the oil and gas industry’s loophole to the Clean Air Act’s aggregation provision, in addition to adding hydrogen sulfide—a chemical associated with nausea, vomiting, headaches, and irritation of the eyes, nose, and throat—to the Clean Air Act’s federal list of hazardous air pollutants.

The BREATHE Act has the following original co-sponsors including: Reps. Rush Holt, Jr., Raul Grijalva, John Sarbanes, James Moran, Michael Quigley, Earl Blumenauer, Gerry Connolly,Zoe Lofgren, Michael Honda, Paul Tonko, Barbara Lee, David Price, Carolyn Maloney, Michael Capuano, Mark Pocan, Jim McDermott, Eleanor Holmes Norton, Alcee Hastings, Keith Ellison, Niki Tsongas, William Keating, Adam Smith, Jim Langevin, Chellie Pingree, Judy Chu, Louise Slaughter, Jerrold Nadler, Grace Meng, Jan Schakowsky, Nita Lowey, Jared Huffman, Gary Peters and Alan Lowenthal.

The following organizations have endorsed this legislation and are actively working to garner support within Congress and throughout the country: Physicians for Social Responsibility, Natural Resources Defense Council, Earthjustice, Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments, Sierra Club, Earthworks, Breast Cancer Action, Clean Water Action, Environment America, Greenpeace, Nature Abounds, Oil Change International, Citizens for a Healthy Community, Citizens for Huerfano County, Clean Water Action Colorado, Erie Rising, Grassroots Energy Activist Network, Holy Terror Farm, San Luis Valley Ecosystem Council, SOS Foundation, Western Colorado Congress of Mesa County, Western Slope Conservation Center and Wilderness Workshop.[38]

SANE Act returns

On February 27, 2014, Senators Ed Markey (D-MA) and Jeff Merkley (D-OR) introduced S. 2070, the Smarter Approach to Nuclear Expenditures (SANE Act) of 2014. The bill would save U.S. taxpayers about $100 billion over ten years by scaling down, delaying, or canceling a variety of nuclear weapons programs and facilities. Congressman Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) introduced a companion version in the House, H.R. 4107, the REIN-IN Act.[39]

Urges "progressive" DEA chief

May 1, 2015, Representatives Jared Polis (D-CO), Steve Cohen (D-TN), and Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) sent a letter to President Obama urging him to nominate a new Drug Enforcement Administration chief that has a more progressive approach to federal drug enforcement. Barbara Lee (D-CA), Sam Farr (D-CA), Zoe Lofgren (D-CA), and Eric Swalwell (D-CA) also joined in sending the letter.

The Representatives urged the President to nominate a DEA Administrator who is willing to work with state and federal officials to create policies that work with­—not against­­—the evolving landscape of state marijuana laws. The letter states that retiring DEA director Michele Leonhart placed too great an emphasis on prosecuting marijuana use and not enough on drug-related activity that truly poses a public-safety risk.

“The DEA plays a critical role in promoting the health and safety of Americans. But to succeed in its mission, it must refocus its efforts on cracking down on bad actors who seek to evade state laws rather than those who abide by them,” the Representatives wrote. “All of us share a commitment to keeping drugs out of the hands of children, diminishing the reach of criminal cartels, and helping individuals who are addicted to drugs find the help they need to turn their lives around.

“To accomplish these aims, the DEA must end its resistance to the changing public consensus on marijuana use and stop expending its limited resources to prosecute individuals who are not a threat to public safety and, instead, focus on drug activity that poses a more serious risk,” they added.[40]

H.R. 1534, The Smarter Approach to Nuclear Expenditures Act

The 2015 Bill H.R. 1534 would reduce the number of nuclear-armed submarines operated by the Navy, to prohibit the development of a new long-range penetrating bomber aircraft, to prohibit the procurement of new intercontinental ballistic missiles.

Sponsor: Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR-3rd district). Co-sponsors were Reps James McGovern, Mark Pocan, Peter DeFazio, John Conyers, Raul Grijalva, Michael Quigley, Eleanor Holmes Norton, Sam Farr, Jackie Speier, Barbara Lee, Donna Edwards, John Lewis, Jared Polis, Louise Slaughter.[41]

Congressmembers call on Obama to rescind Venezuela sanctions

May 15, 2015, Sixteen Democratic members of the U.S. House of Representatives signed a letter calling on President Obama to withdraw sanctions on seven Venezuelan government officials, and also to withdraw the language of an executive order justifying the sanctions.

The sanctions to which the letter refers were based on legislation voted by Congress in December and signed by the president on Dec. 18. On Mar. 9, after the arrest of several Venezuelan political figures whom Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro accused of plotting a coup, President Obama issued an executive order declaring an "emergency" on the basis of a supposed "unusual and extraordinary threat" to the United States and its interests by Venezuela, and imposed the sanctions, mostly on mid-level security personnel.

The sanctions prevent them from traveling to the United States and freeze any assets they might have in this country.

The congresspersons who signed the letter were: Hank Johnson, John Conyers, Barbara Lee, Raul Grijalva, Keith Ellison, Jose Serrano, Sam Farr, Karen Bass, Jan Schakowsky, Jim McDermott, Bobby Rush, Sheila Jackson-Lee, Mike Capuano, Charles Rangel, Chellie Pingree, and Earl Blumenauer.[42]

"Eradicate Anti-Muslim Content On Your Platform"

December 15, 2020;

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congresswoman Debbie Dingell (D-MI) today urged immediate action from Facebook to eradicate anti-Muslim bigotry from the platform and demanded Mark Zuckerberg implement six measures to combat bigoted content. In a letter signed by 29 colleagues, Dingell cited instances of anti-Muslim content on Facebook and recent reports showing the role of the platform in inciting violence against the Muslim community.

“Facebook cannot celebrate the success of its platform, while ignoring its role in elevating the dangerous, deadly content targeting Muslim people,” said Congresswoman Dingell. “In Christchurch, New Zealand, a terrorist attack that stole the lives of fifty-one Muslims worshipping in their mosque was streamed live on Facebook around the world. But in the ensuing weeks and months, Facebook failed to offer a single policy intentionally designed to eradicate hateful, anti-Muslim content. Nearly two years later, it’s time for Facebook to demonstrate that this company recognizes the life and death consequences of their lack of action.”

Dingell’s letter was signed by Debbie Dingell, Rashida Tlaib, André Carson, Carolyn Maloney, Ilhan Omar, Jahana Hayes, Max Rose, Barbara Lee, Eddie Bernice Johnson, Bobby Rush, Dan Kildee, Jared Huffman, Kathy Castor, Gwen Moore, Lauren Underwood, Jan Schakowsky, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Mark Pocan, Grace Meng, Bonnie Watson Coleman, Darren Soto, Don Beyer, Jim McGovern, Peter Welch, Jamie Raskin, Pramila Jayapal, Yvette Clarke, Raul Grijalva, Earl Blumenauer, and Nydia Velazquez. Additionally, her letter has received the support of the following organizations: CODEPINK, Common Defense, Council on American-Islamic Relations, Islamic Networks Group, Jetpac, Jewish Voice for Peace Action, Justice for Muslims Collective, MomsRising, National Iranian American Council, Peace Action, Progressive Democrats of America, Project South, ReThinking Foreign Policy, and National Network for Arab American Communities.[43]

Letter on Iran sanctions

The National Iranian American Council commended Rep. James Moran (D-VA) and "all twenty-one Members of Congress who sent a letter to President Obama April 4, 2014, supporting necessary action to ensure medicine and humanitarian goods are not unintentionally blocked for the Iranian people. NIAC strongly supported the letter and has consistently worked to raise awareness regarding the impact of sanctions on the Iranian people"...

The preliminary nuclear agreement brokered by the P5+1 and Iran included an agreement to establish a financial channel to facilitate humanitarian trade; however, medicine shortages have continued in part due to extensive financial sanctions on Iran and the reported unwillingness of banks to facilitate legal, humanitarian transactions.

Signers: James P. Moran (D-VA), Earl Blumenauer (D-OR), Andre Carson (D-IN), William Lacy Clay (D-MO), John Conyers, Jr. (D-MI), Peter DeFazio (D-OR), Keith Ellison (D-MN), Sam Farr (D-CA), Raul Grijalva (D-AZ), Rush Holt, Jr. (D-NJ), Mike Honda (D-CA), Hank Johnson (D-GA), Barbara Lee (D-CA), Betty McCollum (D-MN), Jim McDermott (D-WA), James McGovern (D-MA), Gregory Meeks (D-NY), Beto O'Rourke (D-TX), Chellie Pingree (D-ME), Charles B. Rangel (D-NY), Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL).[44]

NIAC DC fundraiser


National Iranian American Council March 29, 2014

Thank You Congressman Earl Blumenauer


Join us on April 19 to meet Congressman Blumenauer, Stephen Kinzer, and Joseph Cirincione at our New York Dinner and Fundraiser.


Letter with NIAC


Washington, D.C. – December 2018, National Iranian American Council worked with Rep. Jared Huffman and a group of 13 lawmakers who sent a letter to the the State Department regarding the dire humanitarian impact of U.S. sanctions on the Iranian people. On February 15, the State Department sent its response to the lawmakers. Rep. Huffman’s letter requested responses on the following questions:

Is it a deliberate strategy of the Trump administration to starve the Iranian people or deprive them of basic medicines? If not, what substantive steps has the administration taken to ensure the Iranian people have continued access to life-saving medicines?

Which foreign nations have expressed concern about the humanitarian impact of U.S. sanctions on Iran, and what have they asked the administration to do to ensure the free flow of humanitarian goods to Iran?

According to a report in The Guardian, the United Kingdom, France and Germany have pushed both the State and Treasury Departments to produce a “white list” that would “give clear guidelines about what channels European banks and companies should follow to conduct legitimate transactions with Iran without fear of future penalties.” Has the State or Treasury Departments acted upon this proposal to establish a white channel to ensure the flow of humanitarian goods? If not, why not?

What additional measures have been contemplated to ensure the free flow of humanitarian goods to the Iranian people? If these were rejected, why were they rejected?

Are broader license authorizations or exemptions necessary to ensure the flow of humanitarian goods to Iran? If not, what is the evidence for this assessment?[45]

Other signatories included Reps Barbara Lee, Mark Pocan, Bobby Rush, Ro Khanna, Jim McGovern, Tulsi Gabbard, Zoe Lofgren, Don Beyer, Mark DeSaulnier, Jan Schakowsky, Matt Cartwright, Earl Blumenauer, Anna Eshoo.[46]

NIAC Action Commends Resolution on JCPOA

July 16 2019 Washington DC – Moments ago, Reps. Barbara Lee, Jan Schakowsky, and David Price introduced a resolution calling for the United States to return to compliance with the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), or Iran deal, from which President Trump withdrew in May 2018.

In response, NIAC President Jamal Abdi issued the following statement:

Donald Trump’s decision to abandon the Iran nuclear deal has put the U.S. on the brink of war with Iran and threatened to undo the hard won constraints against Iran’s nuclear program. Thankfully, many Members of Congress recognize that there is no military solution to the present crisis, and that the best way to de-escalate is for the U.S. to return to compliance with the nuclear deal. Representatives Lee, Schakowsky and Price should be commended for their years of leadership in advancing peace and diplomacy, including by introducing this important resolution.

“There remains strong political will in Congress to restore U.S. credibility and engage Iran diplomatically–despite Trump and Bolton’s push for war. For Members of Congress and Presidential contenders, it is good and important to call out Trump’s dangerous moves that have taken us to the brink of war. Yet, the root cause of this crisis was Donald Trump’s decision to kill a strong nuclear agreement with Iran, which is why signaling support for a return to compliance is so important. The Lee-Schakowsky-Price resolution helps solidify the growing consensus for a JCPOA return while signaling that the window for diplomacy is not shut, nor is the opportunity to restore U.S. credibility with both the international community and the Iranian people.

The resolution was co-sponsored by Reps. Don Beyer, Earl Blumenauer, Steve Cohen, Gerry Connolly, Lloyd Doggett, Anna Eshoo, Ruben Gallego, Raul Grijalva, Deb Haaland, Pramila Jayapal, Ro Khanna, Andy Levin, Alan Lowenthal, Donald Payne, Jr., Mark Pocan, Jamie Raskin, Peter Welch, John Yarmuth.[47]

NIAC New York fundraiser


Joseph Cirincione with Payam Rahimiam and Earl Blumenauer.


COOL vote

August 2015, National Farmers Union (NFU) President Roger Johnson called the recent vote in the U.S. House of Representatives to repeal Country-of-Origin Labeling (COOL) a “disappointing, knee-jerk overreaction” and urged the U.S. Senate to continue its thoughtful handling of the World Trade Organization (WTO) dispute. Johnson also noted that NFU will work with Congress on a clear path forward that will both resolve the WTO dispute and continue to provide consumers with accurate information about the origin of their food. “The House leadership is not interested in any reasonable solutions and blocked all amendments.” Johnson noted that in past disputes, WTO members found ways to work together to arrive at a resolution that worked for all parties. “Unfortunately, today’s action by the U.S. House of Representatives does not work towards a resolution that maintains the integrity of COOL and satisfies WTO obligations. “We call upon the U.S. Senate to avoid the rush to judgment demonstrated by the House today and work with COOL supporters on a viable alternative that will finally bring this long process to closure,” he said. Johnson said family farmers and ranchers across the country appreciated the work of: Reps. Collin Peterson, D-Minnesota; Rosa DeLauro, D-Connecticut; Jim McGovern, D-Massachusetts; Chellie Pingree, D-Maine; Marcy Kaptur, D-Ohio; Rick Nolan, D-Minnesota; Thomas Massie, R-Kentucky; Earl Blumenauer, D-Oregon; Lloyd Doggett, D-Texas; and others who stood strong for COOL and the right to know the origin of our food. “We greatly appreciate their continued willingness to stand up for America’s consumers and farm families,” said Johnson.[48]


The following have worked as staff members for Earl Blumenauer:[49]

External links


  1. [ http://blumenauer.house.gov/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=240&Itemid=63, Official congressional bio, accessed August 15, 2011]
  2. [ http://blumenauer.house.gov/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=240&Itemid=63, Official congressional bio, accessed August 15, 2011]
  3. [1]
  4. [2]
  5. [3]
  6. [4]
  7. [5]
  8. [6]
  9. [http://www.koin.com/news/politics/congressman-blumenauer-it-s-time-we-abolish-ice-/1263334723 Congressman Blumenauer: 'It's time we abolish ICE', Accessed June 26 2018
  10. [https://medium.com/@earlblumenauer/its-time-we-abolish-ice-b29efabe6e24 It’s time we abolish ICE, Accessed June 26 2018
  11. [http://people.com/politics/democrats-dreamers-guests-trump-state-of-the-union-address/ These Democrats Are Bringing 'Dreamers' to President Trump's State of the Union Address, Accessed January 30 2018
  12. [https://www.harris.senate.gov/news/press-releases/senator-harris-to-bring-california-undocublack-daca-recipient-to-state-of-the-union Senator Harris to Bring California UndocuBlack DACA Recipient to State of the Union, Accessed January 30 2018
  13. [7]
  14. [8]
  15. Portland AIMC, Community Forum: Local Impact of a War on Iraq, 02.Jan.2003
  16. NW Labor Press Lawmakers see problems with Social Security privatization
  17. [http://kboo.fm/node/13377, KBOO Community Radio, Physicians for a National Health Care Program and Single Payer Options The Abe and Joe Talk Radio Show Mon, 04/13/2009]
  18. [9]
  19. [10]
  20. War Is A Crime .org, Peace Pledge Coalition
  21. [http://www.democrats.com/peace-pledge Democrats.com. Sign the Pledge for Peace petition. Bob Fertik August 19, 2007
  22. PR Newswire, Oregon's Alliance for Retired Americans Calls on President Bush to Reject Proposals by Social Security Panel
  23. PAF
  24. [11]
  25. J Street 2008 Annual Report
  26. J Street The political home for pro-Israel, pro-peace Americans
  27. JStreetPAC 2016 Endorsees
  29. In These Times, 22 to KnowOur Picks for an Obama Cabinet, By In These Times Editors and Contributors, September 26, 2008
  30. Congressional Progressive Caucus website: Caucus Member List
  31. John Dingell's House website: Letter to Hillary Clinton, Dec. 22, 2009
  32. The Minnesota Independent: Ellison, McCollum and Oberstar urge Obama to lift Gaza blockade, Jan. 26, 2010 (accessed on March 14, 2011)
  33. FOR February 2006 Peace Presence Update
  34. Latin America Working Group, Get Your Representative to Sign a Letter Supporting Human Rights in Colombia
  35. The Washington Post January 9, 2010 Saturday Suburban Edition, As China rises, so does its influence on the Hill; Increased lobbying, growing role in U.S. economy yield new warmth from Congress BYLINE: John Pomfret SECTION: A-SECTION; Pg. A01]
  36. Herald-Sun, Durham NC, May 28, 2000, How they voted]
  37. PDA May 2013 Educate Congress Digest Letter drops (191 in total – 105 in April )
  38. Polis website. Polis, Cartwright Introduce Legislation to Hold Fracking Industry Accountable,
  39. WAND website, A SANE Approach to Cutting Nuclear Weapons
  40. Polis, Blumenauer Lead Letter Urging White House to Choose Progressive DEA Chief May 1, 2015
  41. Washingtonwatch.com, H.R. 1534, The Smarter Approach to Nuclear Expenditures Act
  42. Congress members call on Obama to rescind Venezuela sanctions by: Emile Schepers May 18 2015
  43. [12]
  44. [https://www.niacouncil.org/congress-urges-president-to-ensure-sanctions-do-not-block-medicine-for-iranians/NIAC Congress Urges President to Ensure Sanctions Do Not Block Medicine for Iranians FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Jamal Abdi]
  45. NIAC. February 28, State Department Responds to Congressional Sanctions Concerns
  46. [13]
  47. [14]
  48. Minnesota farmers Union, Legislative Notes from the MN Farmers Union 8-18-15
  49. Legistorm: Earl Blumenauer (accessed on Aug. 24, 2010)