United for Peace and Justice
United for Peace and Justice (UFPJ) is a coalition of more than 1400 local and national groups throughout the United States who have joined together to protest the immoral and disastrous Iraq War and oppose our government's policy of permanent warfare and empire-building.[1]
The National Coordinator is Leslie Cagan.[2]
United for Peace and Justice is a partner organization of the Institute for Policy Studies.[3]
Communist influence
Several Marxist organizations are involved in the UFPJ leadership but the most influential has been the Communist Party USA, through members and Steering Committee such as National Coordinator Judith LeBlanc, Steering Committee members such as Jacqueline Cabasso, Libero Della Piana and Siri Margerin and affiliate leaders including Rosalio Munoz, Alfred Marder and Erica Smiley.
Steering Committee
The UFPJ Steering Committee voted on at UFPJ's 4th National Assembly December 12-14, 2008 in Chicago.
- Dana Balicki -- CODEPINK
- Phyllis Bennis -- Institute for Policy Studies
- Frida Berrigan -- War Resisters League
- Jacqueline Cabasso -- Western States Legal Foundation
- Steve Carlson -- Wisconsin Network for Peace and Justice
- Libero Della Piana -- Communist Party USA
- Matt De Vlieger -- Orlando Peace and Justice
- Lisa Fithian -- Alliance for Community Trainers Inc.
- Joseph Gainza -- American Friends Service Committee - Vermont
- Nora Gordon -- Brooklyn For Peace
- Katie Heald -- PDX Peace Coalition
- Mike Hearington -- Georgia Peace and Justice Coalition
- Bill Henning -- US Labor Against the War
- Marilyn Katz -- Chicagoans Against War and Injustice
- Hany Khalil -- War Times
- Leslie Kielson -- NYC - United For Peace and Justice
- Siu Hin Lee -- National Immigration Solidarity Network
- Siri Margerin -- Bay Area - United For Peace and Justice
- George Paz Martin -- Milwaukee Coalition for a Just Peace
- Monami Maulik -- Desis Rising Up and Moving - DRUM
- Deb McIntyre -- South Dakota Peace and Justice Center
- Michael McPhearson -- Veterans for Peace
- Bamshad Mobasher -- Oakland Park Coalition for Truth and Justice
- Perry O'Brien -- Iraq Veterans Against the War
- Shauen Pearce -- Fellowship of Reconciliation
- Baltazar Pinguel -- American Friends Service Committee
- Terry Rockefeller -- September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows
- Virginia Rodino -- Baltimore - United For Peace and Justice
- Larry Syverson -- Military Families Speak Out
- David Wildman -- US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation
National Organizations Affiliated With UFPJ
UFPJ affiliates as of July 17, 2007[4].
- 1000 Grandmothers - Sue Hilderbrand, Chico CA
- 50 Years Is Enough Network - Sameer Dossani, Washington DC
- After Downing Street Coalition -David Swanson MD
- American Friends Service Committee - Allison Budschalow, Philadelphia PA
- American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee - Nabil Mohamed, Washington DC
- Antiwar.com - Eric Garris, Sunnyvale CA
- Beyond the Choir - Madeline Gardner, Lancaster PA
- Black Radical Congress, St. Louis MO
- Bring Them Home Now Campaign - Dennis O'Neil, New York NY
- The Camp Casey Peace Institute - Cindy Sheehan, Venice CA
- Campus Greens - Kirsten Powers, Katy TX
- Center for Community Change - Deepak Bhargava, Washington DC
- Center for Constitutional Rights - Annette Warren Dickerson, New York NY
- Center for Economic and Social Rights - Jacob Park, Brooklyn NY
- Center for International Policy - Abigail Poe, Washington DC
- Center on Race, Poverty & the Environment - Luke Cole, San Francisco CA
- CODEPINK Women for Peace - Gael Murphy, Washington DC
- Columbia Support Network - John Laun, Madison WI
- Committees of Correspondence for Democracy & Socialism - Attieno Davis, New York NY
- Committee in Solidarity with the People of Iran - Siamak Azadi, Los Angeles CA
- Communist Party USA - Judith LeBlanc, New York NY
- Democracy Rising - Marcia Jansen, Washington DC
- Democratic Socialists of America - Jason Schulman, Brooklyn NY
- Ella Baker Center for Human Rights - Van Jones, San Francisco CA
- Episcopal Peace Fellowship - Jackie Lynn, Chicago IL
- Farms Not Arms - Michael O'Gorman, San Diego CA
- Freedom Road Socialist Organization - Juliet Ucelli, New York NY
- Freedom Socialist Party - Henry Noble, Seattle WA
- Friends Committee on National Legislation - Mary Trotochaud, Washington DC
- Friends of the Earth - Brent Blackwelder, Washington DC
- Global Exchange - Andrea Buffa, San Francisco CA
- Gold Star Families for Peace - Dede Miller, Venice CA
- Grassroots America - Tina Richards, Washington DC
- Green Party USA PAX Committee - Wendy Barth, Cedar Rapids IA
- Green Party USA - Charles Shaw, Washington DC
- Greenpeace - William Richardson, Washington DC
- Historians Against the War - Van Gosse, Lancaster PA
- In These Times - Jeff Enton, Chicago IL
- Independent Progressive Politics Network - George Friday, Pittsboro NC
- Institute for Policy Studies - Saif Rahman, Washington DC
- Institute For Public Accuracy - Sam Husseini, Washington DC
- International Socialist Organization - Ahmed Shawki, Chicago IL
- Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW) - Jen Hogg, New York NY
- ISM Washington DC - Dave Kunes, Washington DC
- Jewish Voice for Peace - Mitchell Plitnick, Oakland CA
- Just Foreign Policy - Chelsea Mozen, Washington DC
- Latinos for Peace - Rosalio Munoz, Los Angeles CA
- League of Revolutionaries for a New America - Chris Mahin, Chicago IL
- Left Turn - Max Uhlenbeck, New York NY
- Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers - Richard Callahan, Maryknoll NY
- Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns - Jean Fallon, Ossining NY
- Middle East Research & Information Project - Chris Toensing
- Military Families Speak Out - Anne Roesler, San Francisco CA
- National Day Laborer Organizing Network -Carlos Preza, Los Angeles CA
- National Hip Hop Political Convention - Orlando Green, NY
- National Immigrant Solidarity Network/PeaceNoWar - Siu Hin Lee, South Pasadena CA
- National Latino Officers Assoc. & Labor Council, City of NY - Rafael Collazo, New York NY
- National Lawyers Guild - Heidi Boghosian, New York NY
- National Network on Cuba - Sobukwe Shukura, Clarkston GA
- National Organization for Women - Melody Drnach, Washington DC
- National Organizers Alliance - Patrick Masterson, Washington DC
- National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee - Bill Ramsey, St. Louis MO
- National Youth Advocacy Coalition - Urooj Arshad - Washington DC
- National Youth & Student Peace Coalition - Angela Kelly, Cambridge MA
- Network in Solidarity with People of Philippines - Dave Pugh, Woodside NY
- NETWORK, A National Catholic Social Justice Lobby - Marge Clark, BVM Washington DC
- New Majority Alliance - Joseph Kitchen, Hyattsville MD
- Not in Our Name / Afrikan-American Institute for Policy Studies (SC) - Efia Nwangaza, Greenvlle SC
- Nuclear Age Peace Foundation - Nickolas Roth, Washington DC
- Pace e Bene Nonviolence Service - Ken Butigan, Oakland CA
- Pax Christi USA - Jean Stokan, Washington DC
- Peace Action - Kevin Martin, Silver Spring MD
- PeaceMajority.org - Randi Scheurer, Lindenhurst IL
- Pride at Work, AFL-CIO - Howard Wallace, San Francisco CA
- Progressive Democrats of America - Tim Carpenter, Lawrence MA
- Progressive Government Institute - Dal LaMagna, Washington DC
- Quixote Center - Kristen Arant, Washington DC
- Rainbow PUSH Coalition - National - Butch Wing, Chicago IL
- School of the Americas Watch - Hendrik Voss, Washington DC
- September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows - Kelly Campbell, Portland OR
- Shalom Center - Arthur Waskow, Philadelphia PA
- Socialist Alternative - Ramy Khalil, Seattle WA
- Socialist Party USA - National - Greg Pason, New York NY
- Solidarity - Charles Post, Pelham NY
- STARC Alliance - Amy Schoenwald, San Francisco CA
- Student Peace Action Network - Miranda (Randy) Wilson, Silver Spring MD
- Students Take Action for New Directions - Cicley Gay, Atlanta GA
- Students United for Peace and Justice - Fathi Abdelsalam, Tallahassee FL
- Tikkun Community - Marvin Feldman, Berkeley CA
- TransAfrica Forum - Mwiza Munthali, Washington DC
- TrueMajority - Duane Peterson, Burlington VT
- United States Student Association - Jennifer Pae, Washington DC
- US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation - Omar Masri, Washington DC
- US Labor Against the War - Nancy Romer, Brooklyn NY
- U.S. Peace Council / Greater New Haven Peace Council - Alfred Marder, New Haven CT
- Veterans for Peace - Michael McPhearson, St. Louis MO
- Vietnam Veterans Against the War - David Cline, Chicago IL
- War Resisters League - Frida Berrigan, New York NY
- War Times/Tiempo de Guerras - Hany Khalil, Houston TX
- Witness Against Torture - Matthew Daloisio, New York NY
- Women's Action for New Directions - Darcy Scott Martin, Washington DC
- Women's International League for Peace & Freedom - Jody Dodd, Philadelphia PA
- Working Assets - Michael Kieschnick, San Francisco CA
- World Can't Wait, Drive Out the Bush Regime - Elaine Brower, New York NY
- Young Communist League - Erica Smiley, Brooklyn NY
- Young Democratic Socialists of America - Lucas Shapiro, New York NY
- Young Koreans United USA - Clifford Lee, Anaheim
- Youth Against War and Racism - Ramy Khalil, Seattle WA
- Z Magazine and ZNET - Michael Albert, Woods Hole MA
November 3rd Pledge of Action: No Stolen Election
UFP sent out an email on October 10, 2004 about their "November 3rd Pledge of Action" if they suspected voter fraud in the November 2004 presidential election.
The complete text of this message and its supporters is as follows.
"November 3rd Pledge of Action: No Stolen Election", Oct. 10, 2004
"We all remember the votes that were never counted in Florida 2000. So, where we are all working hard for a positive outcome on November 2nd, we also have to be prepared for a repeat of a 2000 stolen election. Below is a pledge for people to sign, supporting efforts to mobilize and protect the vote on November 2nd and making a commitment to protest starting on November 3rd in the case of a fraudulent vote count. By signing this pledge, you will be joining with thousands of others in the November 3rd Urgent Response Network. Please sign the pledge at www.nov3.us and pass it around far and wide."
"We are setting up a Fair Elections Advisory Council made up of U.S. and international election experts who will give us their assessment on election day itself. If they find significant fraud, we will activate the Urgent Response Network on or immediately after November 3rd, calling on people everywhere to engage in protest, including non-violent civil disobedience, in front of their local federal buildings and other appropriate places. We will also be asking those who can to converge in the states where the most serious fraud occurred, as well as in Washington, D.C."
"In addition to signing the pledge, please work with other people and groups in your area to protect the vote on November 2nd and to build the Urgent Response Network. Pick a venue for your local protest in the case that the Urgent Response Network is activated, and list the time and place on the website at www.nov3.us. We also recommend that you set up a place to jointly watch the election results on November 2nd."
"Let us commit ourselves to making sure that this time around, the person who occupied the White House is the one who won the election."
"November 3rd Pledge of Action"
"I remember the stolen presidential election of 2000 and I am willing to take action in 2004 if the election is stolen again. I support efforts to protect the right to vote leading up to and on Election Day, November 2nd. If that right is systematically violated, I pledge to join nationwide protests starting on November 3rd, either in my community, in the state where the fraud occurred or in Washington DC."
Initial Signatories:
- Stewart Acuff - Organizing Director, AFL-CIO
- Fred Azcarate - Jobs with Justice
- Patrick Barrett - RadFest; Midwest Social Forum
- Brian Benford - Madison Common Council Madison Wisconsin
- Medea Benjamin - CodePink
- Adrienne Maree Brown - League of Pissed Off Voters
- Mike Brune - Executive Director, Rainforest Action Network RAN
- Dennis Brutus - poet, (South African exile who affiliated himself with various marxist parties and causes in the US)
- Andrea Buffa - Global Exchange
- Linda Burnham - Women of Color Resource Center
- Leslie Cagan - United for Peace and Justice UPF
- John Cavanagh - Institute for Policy Studies IPS
- Steve Cobble - political strategist (and affiliated with the DSA movement
- David Cobb - Green Presidential Nominee, i.e. Green Party
- Rev. James Demus, III - Director, NAACP, Chicago Southside Chicago
- Charlie Derber - Professor of Sociology, Boston College
- Karen Dolan - Institute for Policy Studies IPS and Cities for Peace
- Theresa El-Amin - Southern Anti-Racism Network SARN
- Daniel Ellsberg - author
- Larry Fahn - President, Sierra Club
- Lisa Fithian - Root Activist Network of Trainers
- Arun Gandhi - M. k. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence
- Ed Garvey - Fighting Bob Fest
- Greg Gerritt - Executive Director, Friends of the Moshassuck
- Ted Glick - National Coordinator, IPPN
- Jim Goodman - Family Farm Defenders
- Rev. Graylan Hagler - Ministers for Racial, Social and Economic Justice , a veteran supporter of Workers World Party fronts and causes in Washington, D.C. for the past 20 years or more - <2010)
- Jody Grage Haug - Green Peace Action GPAX
- Andy Heidt - Madison Common Council Madison Wisconsin
- Dolores Huerta - United Farm Workers UFW
- Rev. Jesse Jackson - Rainbow/PUSH Rainbow Coalition PUSH
- Natalie Johnson Lee - Minneapolish City Council Minneapolis Minnesota
- Van Jones -- Ella Baker Center for Human Rights, former Obama environmental czar; leader of the now defunct STORM revolutionary communist organization in Oakland; 2010 - with George Soro's Open Society Institute
- Rabbi Michael Lerner - Tikkun organization and publication which billed itself as "A bimonthly Jewish Critique of Politics, Culture and Society"; former SDS organizer; member of the violent Seattle Liberation Front SLF
- Peter Karas - Racine Common Council Racine Wisconsin
- Brenda Konkel - President, Madison Common Council Wisconsin
- Doug La Follette - Wisconsin Secretary of State
- Rev. James Lawson - civil rights leader and veteran supporter of communist causes
- Barbara Lubin - Middle East Children's Alliance MECA, an veteran leader of the PLO Lobby
- Ben Manski - Liberty Tree Foundation
- Elizabeth Martinez - Institute for Multiracial Justice
- Mike McCabe - Wisconsin Democracy Campaign Wisconsin
- Robert McChesney - Free Press; college professor, marxist, and leader of the movement for "Net Neutrality"
- Holly Near - singer-songwriter; marxist lesbian, friend of Jane Fonda and accompanied her on a trip to North Vietnam in 1972
- Maya O'Connor - Labor Greens Network
- Jamala Rogers - Organization for Black Struggle, St. Louis Missouri
- Rebecca Rotzler - Alder (Alderman?), New Paltz New York
- Marc Sanson - Co-Chair, Green Party of the United States GP
- Renee Saucedo - La Raza Centro Legal La Raza
- John Sellers - The Ruckus Society
- Charles Shaw - Newtopia Magazine Newtopia
- Jane Slaughter - Labor Notes
- Damu Smith - founder, Black Voices for Peace, a veteran supporter of communist causes esp. those of the CPUSA and WWP, and supporter of pro-communist guerrilla movements in southern Africa
- Starhawk - activist and writer, and supporter of WWP fronts and causes
- Chuck Turner - Boston City Council Boston Massachusetts
- Chris Vaeth - This Time We're Watching
- Jason West - Mayor, New Paltz New York
- Bob Wing - War Times online publication, another supporter of WWP fronts and causes
- Dean Zimmerman - Minneapolis City Council Minneapolis, Minnesota
- Howard Zinn - historian, and revealed in 2010 to have been a secret member of the CPUSA
Act Now to End the War
On Jan. 27, 2007, peace activists "converge[d] from all around the country in Washington, D.C. to send a strong, clear message to Congress and the Bush Administration: 'The people of this country want the war and occupation in Iraq to end and we want the troops brought home now!'".[5]
The following individuals endorsed the event:[6]
- Steve Abraham - Farmington, MN
- Cynthia Adams - Santa Cruz, CA
- State Senator Eric Adams - Brooklyn, NY
- Jerry Ahlin, Jr. - Brooklyn, NY
- Mohammad Ahsan - Dhaka (international)
- Edwin Aiken
- Mary Jane Akel - Harrison, AR
- Aimee Allaud - Albany, NY
- Sam Suleiman Al-Nimri and Karen Suleiman Al-Nimri - Livonia, MI
- Anita Anderson
- Donna Anderson - Juneau, AK
- John H. Anderson - San Diego, CA
- Judy Anderson - Murray, UT
- Mary Anderson
- Elaine Arellano - Los Angeles, CA
- Zehra Asghar - Lynchburg, VA
- Lori Askeland - OH
- Suzanne Ayer - Falls Church, VA
- Adam Baer - Santa Cruz, CA
- Timothy Baer - Nashville, IN
- Mary E. Bailey
- Diane Baker - Dallas, TX
- Janelle Barabash - NY
- Don Barletta - State College, PA
- Deborah Barrett - Seattle, WA
- Margaret Barrett - Derwood, MD
- Naomi Baxter - Gainesville, FL
- Moses Beachy - Goshen, IN
- Jo Beall - Nags Head, NC
- Aaron Beaver - NC
- John Bell - St. Louis, MO
- V. Kelly Bellis - Ellsworth, ME
- Jack Bender - Minden, NV
- Katy Benjamin
- Bruce Bennett - Sausalito, CA
- Constance Betton - CA
- William Berarducci
- Howard Blume
- Celeste Bocchicchio - Ann Arbor, MI
- Kevin Bosch - VA
- Jasmine Boss - FL
- Aida Bound - WA
- Jonathan Boyne - Honolulu, HI
- Sam Bradley - Orlando, FL
- Peter Broady - Wasilla, AK
- Kerry Brooks - Columbus, OH
- Ken Bubb and Donna Bubb - Lawrence, KS
- Maura Buckley - IN
- William Buffett - Arlington, MA
- Paul Burke - Sacramento, CA
- Anthony Burns, PhD
- Martha W Bushnell - Boulder, CO
- Dianna Byrne - Tillamook, OR
- Donald Cadarette - Flint, MI
- Future Cadavre
- Leslie Cagan - Elmhurst, NY
- Judith Calhoun - DE
- Anthony Capobianco - South Park, PA
- Lorraine Caputo - Columbia, MO
- Varun Chalivendra - St. Louis, MO
- Cindy Chandler-Guy - Northampton, MA
- Susan Chenelle - Newark, NJ
- Sabra Chesla - Imperial Beach,CA
- Christopher Chilas
- Janet Childs - Brookline, MA
- Lance Ciepiela - AZ
- Sherry Clark - Delaware, OH
- Nancy Clause - Cape Coral, FL
- Margaret Clement - Douglas, AK
- Kent Cline - Greensboro, NC
- Mike Clipka
- Julia Cochrane - Port Townsend, WA
- Jessie Cocks - Kennett Square, PA
- Cara Codney
- Gary Cole - Wilmington, DE
- Katharine Colgan - PA
- Holly Colman - Algonac, MI
- Catherine Conger - Colorado Springs, CO
- Frances Connell
- Adam Cooper - New York, NY
- David Corcoran - Des Plaines, IL
- Debra Corwin - New York, NY
- Cynthia Cox
- Bill Cozzens - GA
- Jeeni Criscenzo - Oceanside, CA
- Martina Cruz - Lawrence, MA
- Lizzie Czyzniewski - Algonac, MI
- Roger Dart - Deerfield, IL
- Mary Daub - Lykens, PA
- Rob Davenport - Somerville, MA
- Jean Davis and Dart Davis - Hoquiam, WA
- Inday Day - Brewster, NY
- Frances Delahanty
- Todd Dennis
- Anna Deroski - Chico, CA
- Linda DeSanzo - PA
- Miriam Diamond
- Mark Dickson - Bridgeton, NJ
- Barbara DiPietro
- Robert Douglas - Southgate, MI
- Virginia Downs - Lubbock, TX
- Daniel Duncan - Calverton Park, MO
- Lemond Dye - Deerbrook, WI
- Sally Eberhardt
- Milton Edwards - New Carrolton, MD
- Arthur Eisenberg
- Sally Elesby - Oakland, CA
- James Evans - Phoenix, OR
- Michael W. Evans - Los Angeles, CA
- Ralph Farris - New York, NY
- Selma Faucher - Gainesville, FL
- Anne Favor - Green Valley, AZ
- Jim Ferlo - Pittsburgh, PA
- Monica Ferrari - PA
- Phillip Field - Newburgh, IN
- Mary Lou Finley - San Diego, CA
- Robert Fischoff - Santa Fe, NM
- Alan Fiszman - TX
- Melissa Flanagan - Portland, OR
- Brian Fletcher - Tulsa, OK
- Kellyann Forbes - Pepperell, MA
- Malcolm Ford
- Patricia Freeman - Quakertown, PA
- M. Freira Family - CA
- Sabine Freudiger - Oakland, CA
- Shannon Frystak - Morgantown, WV
- Dan Gabor - Kennett Square, PA
- Brian Gallagher
- Elizabeth Garzon
- Phil Gasper - Belmont, CA
- Cathy Gatling-Browning - Brunswick, GA
- Albert A. Gaydos - Woodhaven, NY
- Harvey Gaylin - El Granada, CA
- John Gebhardt - New York, NY
- Nancy Geimer
- Katie Geiser
- Carol Ann Geronimo - Ramsey, NJ
- Paul Ghiselin - New York, NY
- Dawn Gilcrease
- Jackie Giles - University Place, WA
- Sharon Gillespie
- Leopoldo Gimenez - Plantation, FL
- Joanne Ginter
- Matt Glaman - Stevens Point, WI
- Noliwe Gofhamodimo - Washington, DC
- Sandra Goodier - Eureka Springs, AK
- Pamela Goodman
- Christy Gordon - MD
- Joji Goto - Providence, RI
- Porsche Gregory - Missoula, MT
- Elaine Grippi
- Jane Gruen
- Alan Gruskoff - Pasadena, CA
- Jon Hager
- Joanna Hamil - Brooklyn, NY
- Gayle Hardman - Graham, WA
- Susan Hartle - Auburn, CA
- Bill Hartman
- Valerie Haskins - East Sandwich, MA
- Candace Haster
- Charles Hawes - Greensboro, NC
- Peter Hawxhurst - New Orleans, LA
- Jim Head - Berkely, MI
- Tracey Hennigar - Midland, MI
- Delphine Herbert - Ocala, FL
- Ray Hertzler - Harrisonburg, VA
- Kenneth Hieronymi - AL
- Katherine Hill
- Meg Hillert - Dallas, TX
- Cecilia Hodges - Lebanon, IN
- Bernadineh Hoeft
- Thomas Hofer - Jefferson, LA
- Murray Hoffman - Midland, TX
- Robert Hollinger - Farmingdale, NY
- Karen Hoover - Bremerton, WA
- John Hope - San Francisco, CA
- Fred Horboychuk - Averill Park, NY
- Valerie Horowitz - Mendham, NJ
- Jackson Hosier
- Leona Hosier
- Robert Hosier
- Rick Howell - Lynchburg, VA
- Patricia Hughes - Rensselaer, NY
- John H. Jacobs, Jr. - SS - Iowa, LA
- Del James - AZ
- Sue Jeffers - Brady Lake, OH
- Thomas Jelf - Lexington, KY
- Susan Jernigan - Oroville, CA
- Dana Johnson - Fennville, MI
- Lorraine D. Johnson - Seattle, WA
- Mary Johnston - Bend, OR
- John Jost - West Bend, WI
- Barbara Julien - MI
- Kimberly Kaeser - Clinton, MD
- Harvey Kaiser
- Lynn-Marie Kara - Portland, OR
- George Kausch - Roseburg, OR
- Glenn Kelley - Los Gatos, CA
- Ted Kelly - PA
- Bruce Kendall - IN
- Lucy Kenyon
- Abdul Khan - Reston, VA
- Alice Kim
- Marc Klein - Huntington, NY
- Michael Klonsky - Chicago, IL
- Paul Klonsky - Sonoma County, CA
- Irene Klosko - PA
- Philip Koch - MD
- Michael Korn - Brooklyn, NY
- Anthony Kruckas - MA
- Peggy LaCera - Ojai, CA
- Burritt Lacy - Manhattan, KS
- Paul Lange
- Dustin Langley
- William Langsdorf
- Jen Larimer - Richmond, VA
- Nadine Larkin
- Martha Larsen - Lansing, MI
- Sven Larsen
- Gary B. Larson - Seattle, WA
- Charles Layne - Los Angeles, CA
- Ashley Leach
- Christy Lee
- Judith Leff - Cambridge, MA
- Barbara Lenarcic - PA
- Hans Leo - Northampton, MA
- Pat Levasseur - New York, NY
- Larry Levine - WV
- Joni LeViness - Tulsa, OK
- Dawn Lewis - Washington, DC
- Judith L'Heureux - NY
- Don Lichtenburg - Bloomington, IN
- Sara Lieberum - Bloomingdale, IL
- Gary Like - Flint, MI
- John Lindman - WA
- Maryann Linhoff - St. Louis, MO
- Deb Livingston
- John Loeffel - OH
- Clayton Lory - Norfolk, VA
- Daniel Lynch
- Frances Lynch
- Elizabeth Manger
- Alana Markowitz - RI
- Borough President Marty Markowitz - Brooklyn, NY
- David Marriott - Berkley, MI
- P. Mars
- Wm. Marston - Philadelphia, PA
- Brad Martin - CA
- Iña Martinez - Glendora, CA
- Dinah Mason - Santa Barbara, CA
- Ken Matthews - Palm Beach, FL
- Shirley Maxwell - Los Gatos, CA
- Margaret McAllen - Towson, MD
- Sharon McCarthy - San Rafael, CA
- Hilary McDevitt
- Wanda McDonald - Toms River, NJ
- Ally McIntosh - Williamsburg, VA
- Jim McIntyre - Pensacola, FL
- Joshua McKain - Scituate, MA
- Jean McMaken - IA
- James McMillin - Louisville, KY
- Sheila McNeil - Dayton, NJ
- Margaret Meinschein
- Cleo Michelsen - Falls Church, VA
- Steve Mihalis - Elyria, OH
- Carol Miller
- Reverend Clinton Miller, Brown Memorial Baptist Church - Brooklyn, NY
- Assembly Member Joan Millman - Brooklyn, NY
- Jenifer Mitchell - AZ
- Marlene Mitrovich - Santa Clara, CA
- Deborah Montesano - Chandler, AZ
- State Senator Velmanette Montgomery - Brooklyn, NY
- Lydia Morales - Cupertino, CA
- Ella Moran - Brooklyn, NY
- Maryam Mottahedeh
- Lori Mulvey - Comstock, MI
- Morgan Murphy
- MJ Muser - Cleveland, OH
- Ross Nanfeldt - Jacobstown, NJ
- Steven Nash - HI
- Brian Napier - Concord, NH
- Colin Neiburger - Miami, FL
- Mona Neil
- Elaine Nelson - Aloha, OR
- Deborah Neulander
- Jim Nicholson - UK
- Rael Nidess, M.D. - Marshall, TX
- Chris Northrop - Vernon, NH
- Jennier O'Brien - Houston, TX
- Ryan O'Connell - Virginia, MN
- Jeremiah O'Dell - Topeka, KS
- Marie O'Meara - NM
- Michael O'Neill
- David Oddo - CA
- Robert Ogden
- Corey E. Olsen - Delafield, WI
- Victor Ong - Tucson, AZ
- Sherry Opine - Milwaukee, WI
- Karen Marie Otter - El Cajon, CA
- Barbara Owens - Durham, NC
- Chris Owens - Brooklyn, NY
- Congressman Major Owens (ret.) - Brooklyn, NY
- Sarah Page
- Kenneth Parker - Washington, DC
- Pam Parker - Washington, DC
- John Parker - Chesapeake, VA
- Patricia Parsick - Port Jefferson, NY
- Lynne Pasquarette - Wilmington, NC
- William Patton, Jr. - Silver Spring, MD
- David Payseno
- Nils Pearson - Ogema, WI
- Kathy Peck
- Jaimey Perham - Fairfield, CT
- Mary Perry and Gene Perry - Poway, CA
- Rev. Dr. Bill Peterson - Whittier, CA
- Steve Perry - Pittsfield, MA
- David Peterson
- Rosemary Petruzzi
- Kris Philip - Louisville, KY
- Alicep Piotrowski
- John Prehn
- John Cecil Price - Bensalem, PA
- Calvin Priest - WA
- Barbara Pula - Baltimore, MD
- Pat Rabby - MA
- Janice Rael - Clayton, NJ
- Robert Ranta
- Javad Razani - Los Angeles, CA
- MaryAnn Reber - Houston, TX
- Jeanne Marie Reed
- Socorro Reyes-McCord
- Joan Rice - Oxnard, CA
- Peter Richman - Chevy Chase, MD
- Jeffrey Riney - Fletcher, NC
- Roberto Rivera - Yonkers, NY
- Rosetta T. Rizzo - Lutherville, MD
- Rick Rodgerson - Finksburg, MD
- Jenaro Rodriguez - Hastings, PA
- Tommye Rodrigues - Hendersonville, NC
- Pete Rhomberg
- Constance Riley - Fitchburg, MA
- Jane Rinaldi - Placentia, CA
- Rosetta T. Rizzo - Lutherville, MD
- Tommye Rodrigues - Henderson, NC
- Jenaro Rodriguez - Hastings, PA
- Daniel Romeo
- Diane Ronayne - Boise, ID
- Sherrie Roper - Fort Pierce, FL
- Emily Rose - Boulder, CO
- Carolyn Rosenstein
- Earl Rosenwinkel - Duluth, MN
- Marco Rossi
- Pamela Roy
- Lenny Ruderman - Yonkers, NY
- Phil Runkel - Waukesha, WI
- Matthew Russillo - Silver Spring, MD
- Mario Marcel Salas - San Antonio, TX
- James Saley - Wyandotte, MI
- Mark Salamon - Harwich, MA
- Cynthia Salmon
- Nina Samii - South Riding, VA
- Hugh Sanborn - Fort Collins, CO
- Lisa Sarinelli - Charlotte, NC
- Rosemarie Sawdon - Blacksburg, VA
- Dr. Cheryl Schimenti - Pioneer, CA
- Marylou Schmidt - Topeka, KS
- John Schneider - DC
- Dian Schueller - Sanborn, IA
- Ben Schumin
- Judy Schwartz - Pembroke Pines, FL
- Howard Scott
- Jennifer Scott
- Bronwyn Scott-McCharen - Jackson, MS
- LaRoy Seaver and Mary Seaver - Lincoln, NE
- Isabel de Sena - Jackson Heights, NY
- Dr. Larry Semark - Albuquerque, NM
- Annette Seubert
- Travis Sharp
- Suzanne Shea - Clare, MI
- Stephen Sherrill - Santa Barbara, CA
- Joseph Shulman
- Frances Simpson - Tacoma, WA
- Jimmie Smith
- Angelique Snell - Eugene, OR
- John Sodrel - New Albany, IN
- Dawn Song - Scio, OR
- Rev. Podres E. Spencer, Concord Baptist Church - Brooklyn, NY
- Nancy Stanner - Western Springs, IL
- William M. Stark and Joyce C. Stark
- Joseph St. Clair - Grover Beach, CA
- Dennis Stein - North Yarmouth, ME
- Sarah Steiner - Lake Worth, FL
- Shelly Steingrabe - Baxter, IA
- Rev. David Steffenson - Madison, WI
- Matthew Stephens - RI
- Lynne Stewart - New York, NY
- Joe Stokes - TX
- Eric Stricklin - Portage, MI
- Luther Sturtevant - Portland, OR
- Robert Sullivan - Portland, OR
- Sandra Sunshine-Williams - Pacific Palisades, CA
- Taylor Sweat
- Frank Swift
- Jon Sympson - VA
- Davis Tammy - Makanda, IL
- Robin Terry - AZ
- Margaret Tolberg - Somis, CA
- Paul Torrence - AZ
- Jean Tracy - Oceanside, CA
- Melissa Tracy - Fallston, MD
- Kyle Tribble
- Tia Triplett - Los Angeles, CA
- John Van Wagoner - Great Falls, VA
- Steve Vargo - Columbus, OH
- Congresswoman Nydia Velazquez - Brooklyn/New York, NY
- Ron Verdonk - Silver Spring, MD
- Iva Vest - VA
- Steven Vimr - Lake Orion, MI
- Dianne Vivlamore
- Willy Wacko
- Frank Walter - Mill Valley, OR
- Karma Tenzing Wangchuk - Port Townsend, WA
- Del Wasso
- Guy Watson - Albuquerque, NM
- Charlie Webb
- Peter White
- Sandi White - Shaker Heights, OH
- Toni White - West Columbia, SC
- Valerie White
- Don Wiederanders - IA
- Karen Wikander - Sweden
- Cosner William
- Grace Willoughby
- Janet Wilson - Canada
- Randall Wilson - Benson, NC
- Laura Winds
- Mark Wixom - Lake Katrine, NY
- Curt Witteveen
- Kathryn Wood
- William Woods - Anchorage, AK
- Stephen Wong - Castlecrag (international)
- Ann Wright - Honolulu, HI
- Roger Yandell
- Nick Yang - Brooklyn, NY
- Kim Young - Polson, MT
- Monica Young de Cantu
- Ellen Zaltzberg - Brooklyn, NY
- Paul Zulkowitz - Woodmere, NY
The following National organizations endorsed the event:[7]
- 1% a peace army
- 9/11 Conspiracy (@Care2)
- Afrikan United DJs
- American Friends Service Committee
- Antiwar.com
- Backbone Campaign
- BlackWednesday.org
- Blackwhite
- BlueNovember.Org
- Buddhist Peace Fellowship
- Campus Anti-War Network (CAN)
- Civic Alliance of Latin America and the Caribbean
- CodePINK:Women for Peace
- Committees of Correspondence for Democracy & Socialism
- The Daily Rant
- The Declaration of Peace (National Campaign)
- Democratic Socialists of America
- draftresistance.org
- Emergency Committee to Defend Constitutional Welfare Rights, USA
- Eyes Wide Open International
- Farms Not Arms
- Fellowship of Reconciliation (USA)
- Freedom Socialist Party National Office
- Friends of the Filipino People
- Global Coalition for Peace
- Global Exchange
- Global Peace Solution
- Gold Star Families for Peace
- Grandmothers for Peace International
- Gray Panthers
- Green Party of the United States
- Green Party Peace Action Committee (GPAX)
- Historians Against the War
- Human Rights Accompaniment in Haiti-Hurah, Inc.
- Independent Progressive Politics Network
- International Action Center
- InternationalPeaceresources.org
- International Socialist Organization
- Islamic Political Party of America
- Jewish Voice for Peace
- Just Foreign Policy
- The Justice Committee/National Congress for Puerto Rican Rights
- Korean-American League
- Liberty Tree
- Middle East Research and Information Project
- Military Families Speak Out
- Mothers Acting Up
- National Immigrant Solidarity Network
- National Lawyers Guild
- National Organization for Women
- National Youth and Student Peace Coalition
- The Network of Spiritual Progressives
- Nikkei Human Rights
- Pax Christi USA
- Peace Action
- Peace No War Network
- PeaceResource.com
- Peaceroots Alliance
- Peace Treaty International
- Phriction Magazine
- Progressive Blend Radio
- Progressive Democrats of America
- ProgressivePortal.org
- Push For Peace
- Radical Women
- Rainbow PUSH Coalition
- Root Activist Network of Trainers
- September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows
- Socialist Party USA
- Socialist Workers Party
- Solidarity
- Steal This Wiki - Steal This Book Part 2
- St. Joan's International Alliance
- Stop Family Violence
- Student Peace Action Network
- Tikkun Magazine
- TrueMajority
- US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation
- US Labor Against the War
- US Peace Council
- US Women and Cuba Collaboration
- Veterans Against Iraq War
- Veterans For Peace
- Voices of Safety International
- Voters for Peace
- War Times
- WeAreWideAwake.org
- Western States Legal Foundation
- Win Without War
- Women's Action for New Directions (WAND)
- The Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, U.S. Sec
- Working Assets
- The Workmen's Circle/Arbeter Ring
- World Can't Wait
- World Student Christian Federation-North American Region
- Young Communist League USA
- Young Democratic Socialists
- Young Socialists
The following local organizations endorsed the event:[7]
- A Coalition for Self-Learning - Maine
- ActiveResource.org - Lake Oswego, OR
- Acts of Art - Brooklyn, NY
- A Mighty Kindness - Louisville, KY
- Action Center For Justice - Charlotte, NC
- Action for Peace - Clifton, CO
- Addicted to War - Culver City, CA
- AFSCME Local 2627 - New York, NY
- All Souls Bethlehem Church - Brooklyn, NY
- Alternatees - Brooklyn, NY
- American Friends Service Committee - Montpelier, VT
- American International University - Austin, TX
- Amnesty International - Klein High Student Chapter - Spring, TX
- Anne Arundel Peace Action - Annapolis, MD
- Anne Arundel Women for PEACE - Arnold, MD
- Anti-War-Action - Ann Arbor, MI
- Appalachian Peace & Justice Network - Athens, OH
- Art Without Walls - Brooklyn, NY
- Avalanche - Miami, FL
- Back to Democracy - Trumansburg, NY
- Back To Nature Design LLC - Seattle, WA
- Bellingham Raging Grannies - Bellingham, WA
- Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace - Delmar, NY
- binaryfreedom.info
- Black Veterans for Social Justice - Brooklyn, NY
- Blauvelt Dominican Sisters Iraq Circle of Justice - New Rochelle, NY
- Bloomington Peace Action Coalition - Bloomington, IN
- Boston Bears - Quincy, MA
- Bostonians for the Overthrow of King George! - Cambridge, MA
- Brandywine Peace Community - Swarthmore, PA
- Brethren Witness, Washington Office - Washington, DC
- Brookline PeaceWorks - Brookline, MA
- Brooklyn Nonviolent Communication - Brooklyn, NY
- Brooklyn Parents for Peace - Brooklyn, NY
- Broward AntiWar Coalition - Fort Lauderdale, FL
- BrynMawr Peace Coalition - Ardmore, PA
- Cache Valley Peace Works - Logan, UT
- Camp Kinderland - Brooklyn, NY
- Cape Cod FOR - Chathan, MA
- Caring for Creators of Change - Brooklyn, NY
- Carlisle Peace College - PA
- Center for Anti-Violence Education - Brooklyn, NY
- Central Colorado Coalition On The Iraq War - Howard, CO
- Central Florida Movement for a Democratic Society
- Central Jersey Coalition Against Endless War - NJ
- Central Vermont Peace and Justice - Rutland, VT
- Chelsea Neighbors United to End the War - New York, NY
- Chelsea Uniting Against the War - MA
- The Chester County Peace Movement - West Chester, PA
- Progressive Democrats of America - Chicago, IL
- Chicago Democratic Socialists of America - Chicago, IL
- Circles of Peace - Brunswick, ME
- Circular Church Youth Group
- Citizens Against Environmental Destruction - Topinabee/Lewiston, MI
- City University of New York-Professional Staff Congress - New York, NY
- Civic Alliance of Latin America and the Caribbean - Rockville, MD
- ClaytonClassifieds.com - Clayton, NC
- Clean Renewable Energy Emergency Campaign - New York, NY
- Coalition for Peace Action - Delaware and Chester County, PA
- Coalition for Peace Action - Landsdowne, PA
- Coalition for Peace Action, regional office - Princeton, NJ
- Coalition for Peace and Justice - Linwood, NJ
- Coalition of Concerned Patriots - Bradenton, FL
- Coastal Carolina Peace Group - Morehead, NC
- Code Pink Houston - Houston, TX
- Code Pink Long Island - Hauppauge, NY
- Code Pink Taos - Taos, NM
- Code Pink Tucson - Tucson, AZ
- Colorado Citizens for Peace - Arvada, CO
- Colorado Communities for Justice & Peace (CCJP)
- Colorado Peace Rally
- Comanche Drive Green Party - Bolingbrook, IL
- Committees of Correspondence for Democracy & Socialism, Metro NY - New York, NY
- Concerned Families of Westchester - Hastings-on-Hudson, NY
- Connecticut Opposes the War
- Conscientious Citizens of Earth
- Crawford Peace House - Crawford, TX
- CTA Massachusetts - Boston, MA
- Cumberland Countians for Peace and Justice - Pleasant Hill, TN
- CWA Local 1180 - New York, NY
- dc911truth.org - Washington, DC
- DC Labor for Peace & Justice - Takoma Park, MD
- DC Poets Against the War - Washington, DC
- DeKalb Interfaith Network for Peace and Justice - DeKalb, IL
- Delaware Pacem in Terris - Wilmington, DE
- Delaware Valley Veterans For America - Levittown, PA
- Democracy for New Mexico - Albuquerque, NM
- Detroit Area Peace with Justice Network - Detroit, MI
- Different Drummer Internet Cafe - Watertown, NY
- DuPage Against War Now - Glen Ellyn, IL
- Dutchess Peace Coalition - NY
- East Bay Citizens for Peace - Bristol, RI
- East County Democratic Club - El Cajon, CA
- East End Women in Black - Southampton, NY
- Ethical Action Committee of the Brooklyn Society for Ethical Culture - Brooklyn, NY
- Exterminating Angel Press - Ashland, OR
- Fellowship of Reconciliation, Chicago Area chapter - Wilmette, IL
- Flagstaff New Day Peace Center - Flagstaff, AZ
- Florida Palestine Solidarity Network - Pensacola, FL
- Four Lakes Green Party of Dane County - Madison, WI
- Frederick Peace Resource Center - Frederick, MD
- Fulton County Coalition for Peace and Justice - Canton, IL
- George Mason University Students for a Democratic Society - Fairfax, VA
- Granny Peace Brigade Philadelphia - Philadelphia, PA
- Grass Roots Impeachment Movement - Pittsboro, NC
- Grateful Dread Radio - The Armchair Activist - Baltimore, MD
- Gray Panthers, New York City Network - New York, NY
- Greater Camden Unity Coalition - Camden, NJ
- Greater Falls Peace and Justice
- Greater Lansing Network Against War & Injustice (GLNAWI) - East Lansing, MI
- Greater New Haven Peace Council - New Haven, CT
- Green Party of Brooklyn - Brooklyn, NY
- Green Party of Orange County - Fountain Valley, CA
- Greenview Digital Entertainment
- GW Democrats - Washington, DC
- Haiti Action Committee - CA
- Hilton Head for Peace - Hilton Head, SC
- Howard County Coalition for Peace and Justice - Fulton, MD
- Howard University Association of Caribbean Law Students
- Indiana Peace & Justice Network - Nashville, IN
- Interfaith Communities United for Justice & Peace - Pasadena, CA
- John Laesch for Congress 2008 - Yorkville, IL
- Kids For World Peace - PA
- Lafayette Area Peace Coalition - Lafayette, IN
- Lafayette Avenue Presbyterian Church - Brooklyn, NY
- LEPOCO Peace Center - Bethlehem, PA
- liberalpatriot.org - Bronx, NY
- Lincoln Park Neighbors United for Peace - Chicago, IL
- Long Island Alliance for Peaceful Alternatives - Garden City, NY
- Louisville Peace Action Community - Louisville, KY
- The Madd Tapper - Franklin, MA
- Lower Manhattan Peace Coalition, Peace Vigil at Ground Zero - New York, NY
- Maine Coalition for Peace and Justice
- Manos Unidas - Pittsfield, MA
- Maryland United for Peace & Justice - Baltimore, MD
- Massachusetts Peace Action - Cambridge, MA
- Mendocino Coast Peace and Justice Center - Fort Bragg, CA
- Merrimack Valley People For Peace - Wilmington, MA
- Metamind.net and the Aramaic Bible Center - Canton, GA
- Michigan Peaceworks - Ann Arbor, MI
- Mid-Hudson Progressive Alliance - Beacon, NY
- Minnesota Central & Southern District of the Communist Party USA, (CPUSA) - Minneapolis, MN
- Montclair Campaign for Peace & Justice - Montclair, NJ
- Mount Shasta United for Peace - Mount Shasta, CA
- Mountain Forum for Peace - Nederland, CO
- Mt. Diablo Peace Center - Walnut Creek, CA
- Muslim American Public Affairs Council - Raleigh, NC
- National Lawyers Guild - Northeastern Univ. School of Law Chapter
- NC Peace & Justice Coalition - Durham, NC
- Near West Citizens for Peace and Justice - Riverside, IL
- Nebraskans For Peace - Lincoln, NE
- Neighbors United for Justice & Peace - Mount Rainier, MD
- New Jersey Peace Council
- Nicaragua Center for Community Action - Berkeley, CA
- North Alabama Peace Network - Huntsville, AL
- North Country Coalition For Justice and Peace - St. Johnsbury, VT
- North Country Democracy For America - Plattsburgh, NY
- North Fork Cafe - Covelo, CA
- North Jersey Impeach Group - Wayne, NJ
- North Shore Coalition for Peace and Justice - Evanston, IL
- North Suburban Peace Initiative - Highland Park, IL
- Northwestern U. Campus Greens - Evanston, IL
- Northwest Greens - Philadelphia, PA
- Northwest Peace & Justice Movement - Philadelphia, PA
- Not In Our Name/World Can't Wait - Cleveland, OH
- No War Westchester - White Plains, NY
- NYC LCLAA (Labor Council for Latin American Advancement)
- Ohio Progress Action Coalition - Tallmadge, OH
- The OK Peace House - Oklahoma City, OK
- OneLife Institute for Spirituality & Social Transformation - Oakland, CA
- Order of Enantiodromia/Universal Life Church - Dobbs Ferry, NY
- Our Lady Queen of Peace RC Church - Arlington, VA
- Pacific Rainforest Wildlife Guardians - Rainier, OR
- Pacifica Peace People - Pacifica, CA
- P.A.C.E. (Plan of Action in a Changing Era) - San Diego, CA
- Palm Beach County Green Party - Lake Worth, FL
- Parma Student Peace Initiative - Hilton, NY
- Patriots For Peace - Melbourne, FL
- Pax Christi Maine
- Pax Christi Metro New York - New York, NY
- Pax Christi Pentagon Area
- PeaceAction Montgomery - Brookeville, MD
- Peace Action Wisconsin - Milwaukee, WI
- Peace & Justice Center - Burlington, VT
- Peace and Justice Network of San Joaquin, CA - Stockton, CA
- Peace & Social Action Comm., Bklyn Monthly Mtg., Religious Soc. of Friends - Brooklyn, NY
- The Peace Center - Kalamazoo, MI
- Peace Fresno - Fresno, CA
- Peace is Patriotic.org - Newton, MA
- Peace Please
- PeaceSmiths - Massapequa, NY
- Peace Takes Courage - Auburn, Alabama
- PeaceVermont
- PeaceVigils.com - Oregon
- Peninsula Peace and Justice Center - Palo Alto, CA
- Penn Staff Support Group
- Peoria Area Peace Network (PAPN) - Peoria, IL
- Philadelphia Area Black Radical Congress - Philadelphia, PA
- Philadelphia Regional Anti-War Network - Cherry Hill, NJ
- Philadelphia SDS (SDS)
- PhillyDelawareRiverArea CodePink - Philadelphia, PA
- Polk County Citizens for Peace and Justice - Bartow, FL
- Portage Community Peace Coalition - Brady Lake, OH
- Potomac Mens' League
- Progressive Democrats of America, Sonoma County, CA Chapter
- Progressive Democrats of Illinois
- Progressive Democrats of North Texas
- Progressive Student Association
- Proletariat Productions - Chicago, IL
- Prospect Lefferts Voices for Peace and Justice - Brooklyn, NY
- PSC-CUNY AFT Local 2334 - New York, NY
- Republicans for Democrats - Cedar Rapids, IA
- Rockingham/Strafford Democrats for America - Durham, NH
- Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center - Boulder, CO
- Sacramento Progressive Alliance - Sacramento, CA
- Salamander Designs - Portland, OR
- Samm Simpson For Congress - Dunedin, FL
- Saugerties Committee for Peace and Social Justice - Saugerties, NY
- SC Progressive Network - Columbia, SC
- School for Moral Courage - Iowa City, IA
- School Sisters of Notre Dame - Global Justice & Peace Commission
- Scioto Peace and Justice Fellowship of Reconciliation - Lucasville, OH
- Socialist Party USA Greater NYC Local
- Soluna Home Services, LLC - Sparks, NV
- South Mississippi United for Peace - Gulfport, MS
- South Mountain Peace Action - Maplewood, N
- St. Anne's Episcopal Church - Winston Salem, NC
- St. Pete for Peace - St. Petersburg, FL
- Stony Brook Socialists - Stony Brook, NY
- STOPTHEWAR2006.ORG - Bangor, ME
- Students for Social Democracy - Columbus, GA
- Sullivan County Peace & Justice - Hurleyville, NY
- Syracuse Cultural Workers - Syracuse, NY
- Teaneck Peace and Justice Coalition - Teaneck, NJ
- Teen Peace Project - Port Townsend, WA
- Terre Haute Stop War on Iraq - Terre Haute, IN
- Texans for Peace - Austin, TX
- The Enviro Show, WXOJ-LP - MA
- ThinkingPeople - Mount Pleasant, SC
- Third Unitarian Church Social Action Committee - Chicago, IL
- Thomas Merton Center Anti-War Committee - Pittsburgh, PA
- Tidewater Labor Support Committee - Williamsburg, VA
- TopPun.com - Maximizing Prophets - Toledo, OH
- Traprock Peace Center - Deerfield, MA
- Trinity Lutheran Church - Brooklyn, NY
- Tri-Valley Communities Against a Radioactive Environment - Livermore, CA
- Tulsatruth.org - Broken Arrow, OK
- Two-Edged Sword Incorporated - Newnan, GA
- UFPJ - New York, NY
- UMD Faculty Against War - MN
- United for Justice with Peace - Cambridge, MA
- United for Lt. Watada - Flushing, NY
- University of Connecticut School of Social Work Student Oranization
- University of Toledo Campus Antiwar Network - Toledo, OH
- Vancouver for Peace - Vancouver, WA
- Vermont AFSC - Montpelier, VT
- Veterans For Constitutional Respect - Wilcox, PA
- Veterans for Peace Chapter 032 - South Florida
- Veterans for Peace, Chapter 132 - Corvallis, OR
- Vietnam Veterans Against the War Cape Cod - MA
- Virginia Bill of Rights Coalition
- Virginia Chapter of the Methodist Federation for Social Action
- Voice For Peace - Khar, Bajaur Agency Tribal Areas, Pakistan
- Voices United of Passaic and Essex - Cedar Grove, NJ
- Waco Friends of Peace - Waco, TX
- Walter Reed Vigil - Takoma Park, MD
- Waronoke Peace Action Group - Westfield, MA
- Wasatch Coalition for Peace and Justice - Salt Lake City, UT
- Washington Alliance For The Children - Vancouver, WA
- Watermargin Co-op - Ithaca, NY
- Waxing Poetic - Richmond, VA
- Western NC Peace Coalition - Asheville, NC
- Western Pennsylvania Black Political Assembly - Pittsburgh, PA
- Whale Center - St. Petersburg, FL
- Whatcom Peace and Justice
- Winnebago Peace and Justice Center - Oshkosh, WI
- Wisconsin Green Party
- TheWordsmithCollection.org - Lake Oswego, OR
- Women Against War - Slingerlands, NY
- Women for Peace Iowa - Cedar Rapids, IA
- Women in Black Athens, Georgia
- Women's International League for Peace and Freedom - Portland, OR. Branch
- WorldWide News Report
- WritingResource.info - Lake Oswego, OR
- Young Democrats of SOSU
Solidarity with Sept. 24 FBI Raid Activists
The Committee to Stop FBI Repression lists United for Peace and Justice as one of the organizations that has issued a statement of solidarity in support of the activists raided in the September 24, 2010 FBI Raids.[8]
Iran Forum
An anti-war forum entitled “Syria & Iran: The Next War?” was held in New York, June 10 at the Solidarity Center. It featured anti-war veterans from the Iranian, Israeli and U.S. militaries, and was organized by United for Peace and Justice, Veterans for Peace and the U.S. Peace Council. The International Action Center hosted the meeting and IAC co-founder Sara Flounders chaired. All the speakers were members of the VFP Iran Working Group.
Michael Kramer, secretary of VFP Chapter 021-Northern New Jersey, was in the Israeli Defense Forces during the 1973 Arab-Israeli War. His personal experiences as a settler and combatant led him to reassess his views on Zionism and the role of the U.S. in the Middle East. He is now a supporter of Palestinian self-determination, the right of return of all Palestinians to their homeland and the Arab cause for independence and self-determination, and an IAC volunteer.
He described Israel as an “unsinkable aircraft carrier” for the Pentagon and an enforcer of U.S. interests in the Middle East.
Faraz Azad, an American-Iranian living in the U.S., served in the Iranian Air Force from 1971 to 1973. Faraz ‘s activism dates to his 1973 arrival in the U.S., first as a student activist and then as a member of the National Board of the U.S. Peace Council. He is the chair of VFP’s Iran Working Group, organizational secretary of the U.S. Peace Council, co-chair of Iran Pledge of Resistance, and nongovernmental organization representative of the World Peace Council at the United Nations.
Faraz urged the political movement in the U.S. to reach beyond itself to educate others on the nature of imperialism, on how and why the U.S. is threatening Syria and Iran, and on how U.S. wars abroad hurt people in the U.S. He challenged groups and individuals to leave their comfort zones and find ways to work together to stop this war drive.
Michael McPhearson, who is originally from Fayetteville, N.C., was a field artillery officer in the 24th Mechanized Infantry Division during the 1991 Gulf War. He is the national coordinator for United For Peace and Justice and a national board member as well as a former executive director of Veterans for Peace. He is a member of Military Families Speak Out, works closely with the Newark, N.J., based People’s Organization for Progress and publishes the mcpearsonreport.org, expressing his views on war and peace, politics, human rights, race and other things.[9]
External links
- ↑ About
- ↑ "Peace Coalition Plans to Mark 5th Anniversary of Iraq War" in Political Affairs
- ↑ IPS partners
- ↑ Affiliates
- ↑ UFPJ website: Bring the Mandate for Peace to Washington DC on Jan. 27, Nov. 13, 2006 (accessed on Jan. 26, 2011)
- ↑ UFPJ website: January 27th Endorsers -- Individuals (accessed on Jan. 26, 2011)
- ↑ Jump up to: 7.0 7.1 UFPJ website: January 27th Endorsers -- Organizations (accessed on Jan. 26, 2011)
- ↑ Committee to Stop FBI Repression: Solidarity Statements (accessed on Oct. 6, 2010)
- ↑ US Peace Council, Watch the Video “Syria & Iran: The Next War?” – Veterans for Peace, PeoplesVideo | June 28, 2013