Lisa Fithian
Template:TOCnestleft Lisa Fithian is an Austin, Texas based activist. Lisa Fithian has been organizing for 35 years — working with peace, labor, student/youth, immigrant and global, environmental and racial justice organizations and movements. Much of her work has been focused on using creative nonviolent direct action and civil disobedience in strategic campaigns. She is a member of the Alliance of Community Trainers, a small collective working to empower communities for collective transformation.
Lisa has worked with Common Ground Relief, the post-Katrina New Orleans collective; the new Students for a Democratic Society (SDS); United for Peace and Justice; and environmental groups like Save Our Springs — and she helped Cindy Sheehan coordinate activities at Camp Casey.
United for Peace and Justice
In 2005 and Dec 2008 Lisa Fithian, Root Activist Network of Trainers, (2005), Alliance for Community Trainers Inc(2008) was voted onto the Steering Committee for United for Peace and Justice[1]. [2]
Kahn Russell connection
Joshua Kahn Russell September 23, 2007 ·
With Madeline Gardner and Lisa Fithian.
Occupy UFPJ
2012 Lee Siu Hin with Lisa Fithian.
Austin Beloved Community memories
The list of people who contributed memories and experience to the Austin Beloved Community website included Lisa Fithian, Alliance of Community Trainers.