Juliet Ucelli
Juliet Ucelli is a New York activist. She is a Social Worker at Bronx High School for Visual Arts. She helped initiate Italian-Americans for a Multicultural United States (IAMUS) - an organization that joined native peoples and others in opposing the 1992 Columbus commemorations. She has written on Eurocentrism, school reform, and Italian-American identity and is a co-founder of the New York Marxist School.[1]
Juliet Ucelli has been a founder of the NY Marxist School/Brecht Forum and of Italian Americans for a Multicultural US (IAMUS), an anti-racist group initiated to protest the Columbus Quincentennial. After two decades as public school social worker and education activist, she is now a psychotherapist in private practice. Also teaches Marx’s Capital for the Marxist Education Project, and serving on the national leadership of Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO/OSCL).[2]
Tuesday Group
In 2018 Tuesday Group members, who run the website Understanding The World To Change It, were Don Murphy, Lee Ornati, Juliet Ucelli and Dennis O'Neil.[3]
FRSO comrades
Juliet Ucelli October 9, 2017 ·
When Mayor de Blasio appointed a commission to review monuments on city-owned land, the biggest outcry predictably came from some Italian Americans defending the Columbus monument, and claiming that the Mayor must hate his Italian heritage. 25 years ago, countering the 500th anniversary celebrations of Columbus’s invasion and occupation, a few of us founded Italian Americans for a Multicultural United States (IAMUS), rejecting Columbus as a hero...
Juliet Ucelli, Eric Odell, Vinny Villano, Vinny Tirelli, Marilyn Vasta, Debra Pucci, Marla Ucelli, Ajamu Dillahunt, Tom De Luca, Michelle O'Brien, Theresa Horvath, Anthony DiMieri, Anthony Charles, Loretta Sibilia Reinersmann, Bill Gallegos, Bill Fletcher, Jr., Leonard Polletta, Michael Leonardi, Steve McClure, Susan Cangiano, Danny LaMantia, Jeanne Dagna, Anna Maria Avato, Bryan Proffitt, Eric Canepa, Michelle Foy, Fritzel VS.
Defeating White Supremacy
"Defeating White Supremacy; Winning Power with a Grassroots United Front Strategy".
- Building Independent Progressive Political Alliances
- Winning Power with a Grassroots United Front Strategy
- Defeating White Supremacy and the Corporate Power of the 1% with a People's Program
Monday, Sept. 18, 2017 7-9 pm
Activist San Diego's Meeting. Joyce Beers Community Center Hillcrest - 3900 Vermont. 1 Topic: After the extraordinary campaign of Bernie Sanders, the victories of left-progressives in Jackson, Miss., Richmond, CA, Newark, NJ, Seattle and elsewhere we ask, “What can we do here in San Diego to build a progressive independent political organization or alliance;?” Join the forum; Speak out and Organize!
- Buki Domingos: Introductory comments, President of Activist San Diego.
- Juliet Ucelli** Guest speaker from New York City brings a national perspective**.
- Dr. Darwin Fishman: for Activist San Diego
- Mike Thaller: PDA and Our Revolution.
- Sean Bohac: San Diego Progressive Alliance, Green Party.
- Lori Saldana: Former CA State Assembly Women, Former SD Mayorial candidate, Independent political activist.
Join us & participate to hear national organizer. Juliet Ucelli has profound insights into issues of race, class, gender and the political power structure. She is a leading member of Freedom Road Socialist Organization/OSCL FreedomRoad.org
The Guardian supporter
The Guardian, April 13, 1983, p. 2, contained a fundraising message
"We Interrupt This Newspaper to Bring You An Urgent Message"
- $35,000 Matching Fund deadline: May 1
- Contributions needed immediately for the Guardian to continue publication
"35: 1948-1983" "Now, during its 35th anniversary year, join us in offering much-needed support to the Guardian - an essential voice committed to today's struggles for peace, liberation and social justice" -
Listed supporters included Juliet Ucelli, New York Marxist School.
Juliet Ucelli is a public education activist and a member of the National Executive Committee of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization[5].
She is a founder and former educational coordinator of the New York Marxist School[6].
Coalition of Education Activists
In November 1989, the Coalition of Education Activists planned a conference connected to Rethinking Schools. Those at the 11/11/89 planning meeting were;
- Haven Henderson, Secondary school teacher New York City
- Mark Simon, Teacher and president MCEA
- Rita Tenorio, Teacher Milwaukee
- Toby Emmer, Adult Education, UAW, New York City
- Diane Porter, Teacher Cincinnati, Ohio
- Stan Karp, Teacher, Z Magazine, New Jersey
- Karen Craney, MCEA Executive Board, Maryland
- Sidney Spindel, Teacher, Maryland
- Mike Charney, Teaher, Ohio
- Maria Sweeney, Teacher New Jersey
- Juliet Ucelli, School social worker, New York City
People About Changing Education
Juliet Ucelli contributed an article to Freedom Road Socialist Organization's Forward Motion, January/February issue 1993 "Italian Americans say basta to Columbus." Ucelli was on the Steering Committee of People About Changing Education.
Forward Motion
In 1994 Rukiya Dillahunt, Bill Fletcher, Jr., Bill Gallegos, Karega Hart, Ed Hunt, Jamala Rogers, Juliet Ucelli, Bob Peterson, Meizhu Lui were guest editors of the editorial collective of Forward Motion, the journal of Freedom Road Socialist Organization.[7]
In 1992 Founding Signers of Freedom Road Socialist Organization front Italian-Americans for a Multicultural United States were;
- Tom Albanese, Progressive Student Network, Cleveland Ohio
- Michael Alcamo, consumer advocate/writer New York City
- John Allocca, labor activist Boston
- Michael Allocca, corporate manager New York City
- Pasquale Amendolia, professor Hostos Community College New York City
- Tom Angotti, housing analyst New York City
- Charles Bagli, journalist New York City
- John Calderone, community organizer New York City
- Eric Canepa, musicologist New York City
- Susan Cangiani, public school teacherNew York City
- Michael Castellano, computer analyst New York City
- Bill Cavellini, community activist Boston
- Don Cavellini, community activist North Carolina
- Clare Damio, teacher New York City
- Kim DeFranco, social worker Cleveland Ohio
- George De Stefano, writer New York City
- Gil Fagiani, CSW social worker New York City
- Peter Gambaccini, journalist New York City
- Theresa Gentile Horvath, physicians assistant New York City
- Ann Langone, labor activist Boston
- John Rocco Lombardi, college professor New York City
- Cathleen Spadafore McGuire ecofeminist activist New York City
- Colleen Spadafore McGuire tenant attorney New York City
- Michael Musto, columnist Village Voice New York City
- Phillip Nobile, writer Village Voice New York City
- Lee Ornati, community activist New York City
- Ralph Palladino, hospital worker New York City
- Michael Parenti, political scientist, writer Washington DC
- Joan Reale, public school teacher New York City
- Vittorio Repetto, chiropractor New York City
- Paul Di Rienzo, journalist New York City
- Albert Russo, haircutter New York City
- Cynthia Savo, communications specialist New Haven Connecticut
- Loretta Domenica Sibilia reproductive rights activist Washington DC
- Michaelangelo Signorile, journalist
- Joseph Simonetti, social worker
- Juliet Ucelli,
Remembering IAMUS
Juliet Ucelli October 9, 2017 ·
[When Mayor de Blasio appointed a commission to review monuments on city-owned land, the biggest outcry predictably came from some Italian Americans defending the Columbus monument, and claiming that the Mayor must hate his Italian heritage. 25 years ago, countering the 500th anniversary celebrations of Columbus’s invasion and occupation, a few of us founded Italian Americans for a Multicultural U.S. (IAMUS), rejecting Columbus as a hero and as a representative of our Italian-ness. If you think that a similar statement by Italian Americans on the monument issue today would be useful--then respond in comments or message me.
Here’s an outreach flyer to Italian Americans about Columbus that we wrote in the 90s.]
Shared on FB with Eric Odell, Vinny Villano, Vinny Tirelli, Marilyn Vasta, Debra Pucci, Marla Ucelli, Ajamu Dillahunt, Tom De Luca, Michelle O'Brien, Theresa Horvath, Anthony DiMieri, Anthony Charles, Loretta Reinersmann, Bill Gallegos, Bill Fletcher, Jr. Leonard Polletta, Michael Leonardi, Steve McClure, Susan Cangiano, Danny LaMantia, Jeanne Dagna Anna Maria Avato, Bryan Proffitt, Eric Canepa, Michelle Foy, Fritzel VS, Matt Matthew, Capri Francy Caprino, Thomas Wayne Walker.[8]
Freedom Road magazine
Staff members of Freedom Road Socialist Organization's Freedom Road magazine Number 1, Spring 2001 were Eric Odell, Doug Wordell, Juliet Ucelli, Dennis O'Neil, translation by Juliana Barnet
"Beyond Identity Politics"
"Beyond Identity Politics: Emerging Social Justice Movements in Communities of Color" by John Anner.
"A long-awaited roadmap to the grassroots social justice movements of the 1990s and beyond. The strikingly diverse array of multiracial struggles presented here succeed, in various ways, by moving by simplistic identity politics. In an era when the right-wing seems to be winning all battles, Beyond Identity Politics presents a critical inside look at progressive victories.
Contributors were Clarence Lusane, Mark Toney, N’Tanya Lee, Don Murphy, Lisa North, Juliet Ucelli, Hoon Lee, Van Jones, Gary Delgado, David Bacon, Andrea Lewis.
The Chaney, Goodman and Schwerner Academy
The Chaney, Goodman and Schwerner Academy, proposed in 1995, and named after three civil rights workers slain in Mississippi in 1964, was envisioned as a way to promote better understanding between black and Jewish youngsters. But finding a place to put the school has been like losing a game of musical chairs: its proponents have unsuccessfully sought a home in two Brooklyn school districts.
Beth Lief, the president of New Visions for Public Schools, which has helped community organizations establish nearly two dozen schools, said both examples point to the challenges of selling a new school to local officials. Beyond the educational merits, advocates must contend with other, unforeseen factors, like a lame-duck superintendent or a politically divided board.
The Chaney school, for grades 6 through 12, was to have opened in a neighborhood that had become a symbol of enmity between blacks and Jews: Crown Heights. Last spring, the proposal received a green light from Chancellor Rudy Crew.
But that was not enough to bring the school to life. Barbara Byrd-Bennett, the superintendent of School District 17, who supported the idea, left in 1996 and was replaced by an interim chief with little influence. Moreover, the proposed school became enmeshed in a power struggle within the District 17 board, which had been taken over by the Chancellor last year and was split between its elected members and the Chancellor's appointees. A chief architect of the proposed school, Don Murphy, said it became clear that the academy would not find a home in District 17. Board members did not return numerous phone calls last week.
District 15 board members have said they cannot consider the Chaney proposal for this fall because they must solicit proposals for new junior high schools more widely. I think you need some kind of process, said a board member, Margaret Kelly. We're doing this as fast as we can.
The backers of the Chaney school did not give up on District 15. But they have also begun talks with the board of District 21 in Coney Island and are prepared to amend their proposal by turning it into a high school and later adding the lower grades.
If we are at fault here, said Esther Kaplan, the director of Jews for Racial and Economic Justice and a driving force behind the school, it is that we weren't being cynical and savvy enough to know how political it is.
Some supporters of a new school are, from left: Paul Washington, Don Murphy, Esther Kaplan, Juliet Ucelli and Norma Allen.[9]
United for Peace and Justice Affiliation
In July 2007 Juliet Ucelli representing Freedom Road Socialist Organization was affiliated to United for Peace and Justice.[10]
"Which Way Is Left?"
Tuesday, July 1, 2008, the Brecht Forum, in association with Freedom Road Socialist Organization's pamphlet Which Way is Left? Theory, Politics, Organization and 21st-Century Socialism, this forum will focus on the above topic.
- Kazembe Balagun, writer, blackmanwithalibrary.com, Brecht Forum
- Herm Jerome, NY Study Group--Party/Study/Party
- Juliet Ucelli, Freedom Road Socialist Organization, OSCL
- Kamau Franklin, Malcolm X Grassroots Movement[11]
Left Forum 2007
The Cost of Privilege: Working Class Fragmentation (Camino Press)
- Juliet Ucelli, Italian Americans for A Multicultural U.S. (Chair)
- Badili Jones, Freedom Road Socialist Organization
- Anamaría Flores, Queens College, CUNY
- Melanie Bush, Adelphi University
Left Forum 2011
Solidarity Divided: New Models of Labor/Community Organization
- Juliet Ucelli–Freedom Road Socialist Organization
- Fernando Gapasin – co-author, Solidarity Divided
- Jordy Cummings – Greater Toronto Workers Assembly
- Lester Muata Greene — Freedom Road Socialist Organization
Left Forum 2012
Party Building and Organizing on the Left
- This is a round table dialogue with various parties on the Left. It is a discussion that will look at the rewards and challenges of building a party of the Left, areas of common experience and difference with other Leftists, and how future action may be structured to assist our party building efforts.
Chair: Stephon Boatwright
Speakers: Billy Wharton, Socialist Party USA, Peter Ikeler, Socialist Alternative, Libero Della Piana, Communist Party USA Michael Hirsch, Democratic Socialists of America, Larry Holmes, Workers World Party, Ahmed Shawki, International Socialist Organization, Juliet Ucelli, Freedom Road Socialist Organization.
Left Forum 2013
Anne Braden: Her Spirit Lives Sponsored by: freedomroad.org Participants:
"The Cost of Privilege"
Chip Smith is the director of a workers' center and an anti-war activist in Eastern North Carolina[12]. He is the author of "The Cost of Privilege".
He was assisted in writing the book by Juliet Ucelli, Joe Navarro, Elly Leary, Badili Jones, Michelle Foy, Malcolm Goff (artwork).[13]
"They Say Austerity, We Say Solidarity!"
The Brecht Forum's 33rd Annual Intensive Introduction to Marxism
Thursday, July 14 through Sunday, July 17, 2011
Presenters include Younes Abouyoub, Kazembe Balagun, Nyaza Bandele, Matthew Birkhold, David Braun, J.J. Brown, Randy Martin, Donna Murch, Shadid Stover, Juliet Ucelli, Lincoln Van Sluytman, Tim Schermerhorn, Ganesh Trichur, Rick Wolff and others TBA.
- The Brecht Forum's annual Summer Intensive is designed as an introduction to the theoretical and practical traditions that trace their origins to the works of Karl Marx and Frederich Engels. [14]
"$15/hr for all! Social Service Workers Speak Out!"
Monday 27 October 2014, Tiffany Paul organized an event "$15/hr for all! Social Service Workers Speak Out!" at the NYU Kimmel Center.
- The struggle to raise the minimum wage is a lively and dynamic movement developing across the US. The fight for a minimum wage of $15 dollars is one step forward in the fight for a living wage, and fast food workers have been at the forefront of this struggle.
Speakers: Stephanie Luce - Murphy Institute for Worker Education, author of Fighting for a Living Wage, Kimberley Thomas - Dental Assistant, Harlem Hospital, DC37 local 768, Muata Greene - Coalition of Black Trade Unionists NYC and Left Labor Project, Sooyoung Lee - Substance Abuse Counselor, 1199SEIU & Power for Rank-and File Employees in the Social Services.
Those indicating willingness to attend on Wherevent included Katie Ebbitt, Elana Mae, Michelle O'Brien, Emma Rose, Andrea Shapiro, Bruce Newell Haskin, Michael Gould-Wartofsky, Jake Streich-Kest, Monica M. Garcia, Michelle Esi, Marcelo Maia, David Klassen, Ian Williams, Narbada Chhetri, Johnny Channels, Sara Duvisac, Jonah Birch, Isabella Decker, Adaner Usmani, Eric Odell, Jessica Jensen, Caitlin Knapp, Imani Henry, Lizzie Busch, Juan Ignacio Rosa, Daniel Aldana Cohen, Lizzie Kirshenbaum, Sara Hyler, Goutami Sanyal, Christy Thornton, Gavi Lankin, Padma Thapa, Juliet Ucelli, Lucretia John, Jamila Hammami, Rachel V. Isreeli , Eman Abdelhadi, Jessica Lopez, Sooyoung Lee, Marie Kerrin, Emily Weinrebe, Ceema Luu, Sarah Dh.[15]
Freedom Road meeting
Spring 2015, the New York/New Jersey District of Freedom Road Socialist Organization sponsored a forum entitled “Ferguson: The Movement So Far and Lessons for Coming Struggles.” The first speaker was "our comrade", Montague Simmons, Chair of the legendary Organization for Black Struggle in St. Louis.[16]
The meeting was held 39 Eldridge St,New York, 19 March 2015. Organized by Eric Odell.
A Discussion with Montague Simmons Chair of the Organization of Black Struggle – St. Louis and labor organizer
Loyda Colon Co-Director of the Justice Committee, a Latina/Latino-led organization dedicated to building a movement against police violence and systemic racism in New York City
- Speaking for the first time in NYC since the police murder of Michael Brown, the chair of OBS, which played a major role in the Ferguson protests, discusses the new strategies, organizational forms and social forces that emerged there, and how the movement was sustained. Loyda Colon will reflect on the Justice Committee’s work organizing with families directly impacted by police violence, and will share their thoughts on the current movement in NYC.
- Together they will share their thoughts on key questions for the movements against police abuse that are erupting around the country. How do we hold together broad united fronts with different generations, cultures, classes and political perspectives? What’s the role of anti-capitalists and socialists? What kind of policing reforms do we want and how do they relate to other issues in our communities, and to radical social transformation?[17]
Those signalling their intention to attend on Wherevent included John McCarthy, Juliet Ucelli, Betty Yu, Lily Defriend, Wai Yee Poon, David Unger, Matthew Tinker, Ryan Briles, Enbion Micah Aan, Erick Moreno, Terry Marshall, Jesse Baboo, Daniel Tasripin, Anton Han Kiang, Starlitekid Cosmos, Clayton Nino Brown, Miguel Marrero-Bermudez, Joy Schulman, Jeanne D. Shaw, Mark Swier, Stephanie Zukasaka, Denise Chupacabral, Anne Mitchell, Emma Pliskin, Oriana Roeckraeyer, Lara Shepard-Blue, Karly Safar, Robina Rai, Meghan Hines, ManSee Kong, Teresa Basilio, Aisha Shillingford, Adriana Cruz, Ofie Virtucio, Rivka Paradis, Katrina Cortes, Sharice Richards.[18]
Marching with RSCC
MEP Summer Intensive
At 388 Atlantic Ave, Brooklyn Thursday 23 July J through Sunday, July 26 2015, Marxist Education Project organized a "Summer Intensive - ON WORKING CLASS CONSCIOUSNESS." Presenters included Mitch Abidor, Kazembe Balagun, Mike Bento, Ibrahim Diallo, Silvia Federici, Harmony Goldberg, Jane Gordon, Lewis Gordon, Dan Karan, Rakhee Kewada, Lisa Maya Knauer, Polina Kroik, Immanuel Ness, Marie-Claire Picher, Bhaskar Sunkara, Juliet Ucelli and more...
Those indicating attendance on the Wherevent website included Nadinne Canto Novoa, Kazembe Balagun, Teiji Maeda LocaMotive, Marc Rodrigues, Davon Blanks, Marcus Meute, Terrence Jelani Fraser, Brandon Bausher, David Williams, Wailly Compres Henriquez, Suro Pak, Brian Raven. [19]
"Highlights of Capital, Volume 1"
"Highlights of Capital, Volume 1" 388 Atlantic Ave, Brooklyn Wednesday 7 October 2015, organized by Marxist Education Project.
- We are trying a new approach and highlighting the main sections and concepts of Volume I in a 10-week course...Juliet Ucelli has taught Capital at the New York Marxist School and labor economics for labor unions, as well as adult basic education and GED preparation. Currently a high school social worker, she has written on Eurocentrism in Marxist theory, the politics of inner city public schooling and other topics.
Those indicating attendance on the Wherevent website included Nadezhda Krupskaya, Lei Jia, Sebastian Georgianna, Matthew Ross Birnbaum, Tre Kwon, Ronald Crenshaw, Loris Narda, Vince Kelley. [20]
Revolutionary Strategies to Beat the Rising Right Wing
Revolutionary Strategies to Beat the Rising Right Wing, was a nationwide conference call organized by Freedom Road Socialist Organization, Sunday October 30, 2016.
- What's the nature of this right-wing threat? What has this election cycle changed about the political terrain we're fighting on? How do we need to prepare for whats coming after the election? Hear about these crucial questions from our panel of top political strategists, including Nelini Stamp, Bill Fletcher, Jr., Linda Burnham, and Sendolo Diaminah.
Those invited, on Facebook included Juliet Ucelli.[21]
Left Labor Project Presents: What Happened? What Now?
Left Labor Project Presents: What Happened? What Now? Tuesday, December 20, 2016 at 6 PM - 9 PM, 310 W 43rd St, New York.
A converastion with Bill Fletcher, Jr., international activist and co-author of Solidarity Divided: The crisis in organized labor and a new path toward social justice.
This event is Co-sponsored by: Brooklyn Institute for Social Research, Committees of Correspondence Education Fund, Democratic Socialists of America, Freedom Road Socialist Organization.
RSVPS included Juliet Ucelli.
Left Forum 2017
Juliet Ucelli has been teaching Capital, Volume I for several decades to union members, community organizers, faith-based activists, and people who had studied it in grad school but found they still didn’t understand it. She was a founder of the Brecht Forum and now teaches through the Marxist Education Project.
This talk was presented for a panel discussion at the Left Forum on June 4, 2017, about “The Continuing Relevance of Marx’s Capital after 150 Years,” with Immanuel Ness, Ben Becker, Abhinav Sinha and Michael Hudson.[22]
In December, 2017, three LeftRoots cadres—Merle Ratner, N’Tanya Lee, and Rose Brewer—got to spend a few weeks on women’s delegation to Vietnam, one of the few surviving 20th century socialist experiments. On April 19, 2018, the three of them, along with LeftRoots compas and fellow delegates Cathy Dang and Juliet Ucelli, hosted a national LeftRoots hangOut to talk about their experience.[23] The delegation included US-based movement leaders from the labor movement, Black Lives Matter and national women’s organizations. It was hosted by the Vietnam Women's Union.[24]
- ↑ http://costofprivilege.com/AboutUs.html The Cost of Privilege Camino Press PO Box 87941 Fayetteville, N]
- ↑ [1]
- ↑ [2]
- ↑ The Guardian, April 13, 1983, p. 2, fundraising message
- ↑ http://freedomroad.org/content/view/335/227/lang,en/
- ↑ http://freedomroad.org/content/view/312/227/lang,en/
- ↑ {Forward Motion 58,Summer 1994]
- ↑ [3]
- ↑ Hard Lessons in Creating a School By SOMINI SENGUPTA Published: April 13, 1997
- ↑ http://www.knology.net/~bilrum/UFPJGroups071607.htm
- ↑ Contested Terrain, MONDAY, JUNE 23, 2008 July 1: Discussion: "Which Way is Left?"
- ↑ http://freedomroad.org/content/view/394/249/lang,en/
- ↑ http://costofprivilege.com/AboutUs.html The Cost of Privilege Camino Press PO Box 87941 Fayetteville, N]
- ↑ [TOPLAB-ANNOUNCE The 33rd Annual Intensive Introduction to Marxism: They Say Austerity, We Say Solidarity! NYC 7/14-17/2011 The Theater of the Oppressed Laboratory (TOPLAB) news and announcement list. toplab-announce at lists.mayfirst.org Fri Jul 8]
- ↑ Wherevent "$15/hr for all! Social Service Workers Speak Out!"
- ↑ FRSO, An In-Depth Look at the Ferguson Eruption: Organization for Black Struggle Leader Lays It Out Posted on Thursday August 13th, 2015 by FRSO/OSCL
- ↑ [http://www.wherevent.com/detail/Eric-Odell-Ferguson-The-Movement-So-Far-and-Lessons-for-Coming-Struggles Whereevent, Activities New York / Description A Discussion with Montague Simmons]
- ↑ Wherevent, A Discussion with Montague Simmons
- ↑ Wherevent SUMMER INTENSIVE SESSIONS ON WORKING CLASS CONSCIOUSNESSThursday, July 23 through Sunday, July 26
- ↑ Wherevent "Highlights of Capital, Volume 1"
- ↑ FB Revolutionary Strategies to Beat the Rising Right Wing Went 109
- ↑ [4]
- ↑ [5]