
KeyWiki is a bipartisan knowledge base focusing primarily on corruption and the covert side of politics in the United States and globally. While particular interest is taken in the left, KeyWiki serves to expose covert politics on both the left and the right of the political spectrum.
Our mission
KeyWiki promotes liberty and freedom through the free and open sharing of information, particularly regarding subjects usually poorly covered by other organizations.
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What we do
KeyWiki is a wiki, which means any approved contributor can improve it. By adding your knowledge and fixing mistakes, the quality and depth of KeyWiki information improves over time.
Why we do it
We believe in the power of information to transform politics, and we're committed to making the most knowledge available to the greatest number of people. We believe that the more informed we are as voters, the better our government becomes.
KeyWiki isn't a part of any political party and we don't support candidates. We're simply a community of users dedicated to helping readers understand who's who in the American political system and the organizations that support it.
The Team
Joining KeyWiki
Due to concerns about abuse of editing privileges, KeyWiki requires contributors to be registered users. To become a registered user please contact us and let us know why you wish to become a user, and what you seek to contribute to the KeyWiki knowledge base. Anyone may edit a discussion page with corrections, questions and suggestions. These comments will be taken into consideration by the registered users on KeyWiki.