William Lacy Clay, Jr.

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William Lacy Clay

Template:TOCnestleft William (Lacy) Clay is a Democratic member of the United States House of Representatives, representing the 1st district of Missouri. His father William Lacy Clay, Sr. held the seat before Jr. was first elected to the in 2000. Prior to his election, Clay served for 17 years in both chambers of the Missouri Legislature.

Clay is the father of Carol and Will. He resides in St. Louis and attends St. Nicholas Catholic Church.

As a result of the 2010 Census redistricting, Clay was placed into a district with fellow Democratic incumbent Russ Carnahan. In the 2012 Democratic Primary, Clay defeated Carnahan.[1]

"Federal Response to White Supremacy"

Federal Response to White Supremacy Hearing

During a congressional hearing held on Jun 04, 2019 to examine the "Federal Response to White Supremacy", Rep. William Lacy Clay mentioned the Plain View Project, implying that the findings proved that white supremacists infiltrated law enforcement agencies.[2]


  • Financial Services
  • Oversight and Government Reform Committee
  • Subcommittee on Information Policy, Census, and National Archives, Chairman


In his successful 2000, Congressional campaign Clay was aided by veteran campaign manager Pearlie Evans, headquarters manager Gwen Reed, Committeewoman Virginia Cook, Committeewoman Colleen Roche and consultant Mark Odom as field coordinators and Representative Pat O'Connor, former state senator John Bass and unionist and Communist Party USA affiliate Lew Moye as campaign advisers.[3]

Chooses painting depicting police officers as pigs for US Capitol

Lacy Clay chose a painting depicting police officers as pigs "as part of the United States Congressional Art Competition" by artist David Pulphus. The painting "is meant to depict the unrest in Ferguson, Missouri which was used as a spring-board for the Black Lives Matter movement. In the painting, two of the officers "carry guns while protesters march towards them carrying signs that read 'history,' 'stop killing' and 'racism kills.'[4]

Support for the Council on American Islamic Relations

William Lacy Clay, Jr. wrote a letter of support to the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) on the occasion of their 24th anniversary in September 2018.[5]

Staffer's 2004 trip to Cuba

In May 2004, Robert Odom from the office of Congressman William Lacy Clay spent four days in Havana, Cuba, for the purpose of "fact finding", as a part of a Congressional staff delegation. The trip cost $1,340.16 and was paid for by the Christopher Reynolds Foundation.[6]

UMS Town hall meeting

On July 11, 2005, Congressman William Lacy Clay, Jr. held a town hall meeting at the Millennium Student Center on the UM-St. Louis campus. The discussion on social security was moderated by Julius Hunter, vice president of community relations at St. Louis University and former news anchor for KMOV Channel 4. Panel members included Rep. Maria Chappelle-Nadal (D-University City); Rev. James Morris, of St. Louis Interfaith Partnership; Thomas Helton, executive board member of ASUM; and Communist Party USA member Margarida Jorge, director of Missourians United to Protect Social Services. Several hundred community members attended the meeting, which was followed by a reception with Clay.[7]

Supported student hunger strike

In April 2005, Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, commited at least $1 million over the next two years toward higher salaries and better benefits for low-paid contract employees as a result of a 19-day sit-in by students demanding a living wage for service workers. Wash U’s Student Worker Alliance reached a groundbreaking agreement with campus officials April 22. “We won more in the last 19 days than we won in the last 18 months put together,” said SWA member Ojiugo Uzoma.

The new agreement is a significant step towards a living wage for campus service workers, who were making an average of $7.50 an hour. The university agreed to continue working towards a living wage and to form a joint student-university committee, with SWA representation, to improve university policy of freedom of association for all workers directly or indirectly employed by the university. Also, the university will join the Workers’ Rights Consortium, which ensures that factories producing university clothing and other goods respect workers’ rights.

At the April 22 victory rally, Rep. William Lacy Clay (D-Mo.) told SWA members, “You students risked a lot. But it was a worthwhile victory.”

Missouri state Rep. Maria Chappelle-Nadal told the Communist Party USA's Peoples World, “These courageous students fought their butts off. Never, for one moment, did they think about giving up.” During the last weekend of the sit-in, Chappelle-Nadal joined the students on the hunger strike and slept in the admissions office with the students.

Throughout the sit-in, community and labor support was strong. On April 7, Missouri AFL-CIO President Hugh McVey led a rally at Washington U in support of the students. John Sweeney, president of the AFL-CIO, sent a letter of support. Every day during the sit-in, labor and community groups, including the Missouri-Kansas Communist Party, brought the students lunch and dinner, and helped organize noon and 5 p.m. rallies. Throughout the hunger strike, religious leaders kept a 24-hour vigil outside of the admissions office.

“Nineteen days is a long time,” said Joan Suarez, a member of Democratic Socialists of America, the Workers Rights Board and Jobs with Justice “Everyone talks about the courage of these students.” Suarez said that as the students were leaving the admissions office, workers walked up to them and told them, “Thank you.” Many had tears in their eyes, she said.

The Washington U victory came just weeks after students at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., went on a hunger strike and won living wages for campus employees there. “SWA learned from like-minded groups across the country,” said Danielle Christmas, an SWA member. “We saw other students take power into their own hands. We knew that if things were going to change here, we had to take power into our hands,”[8]

Coalition of Black Trade Unionists conference


From May 22-25, 2008, the Communist Party USA founded Coalition of Black Trade Unionists held their 37th International Convention in St. Louis, Missouri.

Rep. William Lacy Clay, Jr. was one of speakers at the May 22 opening session:[9]

Congressional Progressive Caucus

As of February 20 2009 William (Lacy) Clay was listed as a member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus.[10]

Congressional Black Caucus

William Lacy Clay, Jr. is a member of the Congressional Black Caucus for the 113th Congress:[11]

2006 letter to Condoleezza Rice on Colombia

Alleged Colombian Army killings prompted Fellowship of Reconciliation to work with Representative Sam Farr to forge a response that would impact the 17th Brigade, the unit allegedly responsible for the violence against San José de Apartadó and communities throughout northwestern Colombia.

As a result, Reps. Sam Farr and Jim McGovern, wrote a letter to their colleagues in Congress urging them to join in calling on Secretary Condoleezza Rice to cut funding for the Colombian military.

Letter to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice
(Deadline for Congressional representatives to sign: February 22)
We applaud the decision, noted in your certification letter of August 2005, that the US "will not consider providing assistance to the 17th Brigade until all significant human rights allegations involving the unit have been credibly addressed." Because the Brigade is a component of the Colombian Armed Forces' command structure and has been implicated in the above referenced human rights violations, we implore you to abide by both the letter of the law and the spirit of the law by withholding human rights certification for Colombia until the following conditions are met:

Signatories included William Lacy Clay, Jr..[12]

2009 letter on Colombia

From November 6th through December 7th 2009, a letter calling for change in U.S. policy towards Colombia was circulated through the House of Representatives. This letter called for a decrease in U.S. aid for Colombia's military and an increase in support for human rights and humanitarian efforts. The initiators of this letter were —Representatives James McGovern, Jan Schakowsky, Donald Payne, and Mike Honda.

Dear Secretary of State Clinton,
The FY 2011 budget will contain the twelfth year of a major aid package to Colombia—an aid package originally slated to phase out after six years.
After eleven years, it is time to scale down assistance for Colombia's military and more systematically "Colombianize" such programs, within both the State Department and Defense Department budgets.

Signatories included William Lacy Clay, Jr..[13]

Freedom Road connections

William Lacy Clay, Jr. is close to some Freedom Road Socialist Organization activists.

Honoring Percy Green II

On July 14 2018 Inclusion activist Percy Green II was honored at a ceremony organized by Alderwoman Sharon Tyus and Alderman Terry Kennedy at Gateway Arch National Park’s Tucker Theater – the 54th anniversary of his climb up a leg of the partly constructed Gateway Arch (along with Richard Daly) to protest the absence of black workers on the public project.

Following the controversy over the official reopening of the Gateway Arch grounds with an all-white photo op, followed by a diverse “people’s ribbon-cutting” in response, the person who embodies the issue of inclusion at the Arch was honored.

U.S. Rep. William Lacy Clay, Jr., state Rep. Bruce Franks, Jr., Clay’s primary challenger Cori Bush, Green’s son Percy Green III, and activist Jamala Rogers (Green’s wife) spoke at the event.

“Thank you for being an example and not just talking, not just making notice, but showing us how to effectively fight and what civil disobedience really looked like,” state Rep. Bruce Franks, Jr. said directly to Percy Green II at ceremony honoring him on the 54th anniversary of his climb up a leg of the partly constructed Gateway Arch.

“Achieving economic justice is not a short-term battle,” Clay said. “It’s a long, still-emerging struggle which demands our absolute commitment, courage, and willingness to get into good trouble by making people uncomfortable sometimes.”

Franks, one of the organizers of the “people’s ribbon cutting” that countered the #ArchSoWhite photo op, recognized Green as a protest ancestor.

“Thank you for being an example and not just talking, not just making notice, but showing us how to effectively fight and what civil disobedience really looked like, what protesting really looked like, what fighting and standing up really looks like,” Franks said directly to Green.

Green thanked the younger man and his generation for picking up the torch.

“Civil disobedience is a nonviolent technique on bringing attention to various issues,” Green said. “I want to thank Bruce Franks for energizing it and the other young folks for keeping it alive.”

Rogers expressed her dismay that white officials could organize a Gateway Arch ribbon cutting ceremony so close to the anniversary of Green’s climb and not include him.

“I want some new fights,” Rogers said. “I don’t want to be fighting about the same thing. We’ve been doing that for 50 years, and young people don’t want to be fighting about this old stuff. They want some new fights.”[14]

Relationship with Jamala Rogers


Writing in the St Louis American, March 14, 2013, Freedom Road Socialist Organization member Jamala Rogers, claimed to have a "long relationship with" both Missouri State Senator Jamilah Nasheed and Congressman William Lacy Clay, Jr..[15]

William Lacy Clay, Jr. spoke alongside Jamala Rogers, at the August 2007 Veterans for Peace convention in St.Louis

On Nov 26, 2013 Jamala Rogers wrote in the St. Louis American of Clay "Thank you for being a consistently progressive vote in a Republican-dominated House of Representatives".[16]

LaVena Johnson of Florissant, Mo., was only 19 years old when she died in Iraq in 2005. The Army said Private Johnson committed suicide, but her family has objected to that ruling. They believe that LaVena was raped and murdered.

LaVena Johnson: The Silent Truth, a documentary that tells the story of the Johnson family’s struggle to find the truth about their daughter’s death, premiered Nov. 10, 2010, in Moore Auditorium, Webster University, to a full house. A question and answer session with Dr. John Johnson, LaVena’s father; Joan Brooker-Marks, the film’s director; and Col. (Ret.) Ann Wright, co-author of Dissent: Voices of Conscience, followed the screening.

Co-sponsors of the premiere were the Year of International Human Rights 2010-11: Women’s Rights, Veterans for Peace, The Organization for Black Struggle, and the Office of Congressman William Lacy Clay, Jr.. Dennis Lane, executive director of Veterans for Peace, introduced the film.[17]

Peace Pledge Coalition

In 2007 90 Members of Congress, pledged in an open letter delivered to President Bush: "We will only support appropriating funds for U.S. military operations in Iraq during Fiscal Year 2008 and beyond for the protection and safe redeployment of all our troops out of Iraq before you leave office." The letter was initiated by the Peace Pledge Coalition. The Coalition was led by Tim Carpenter, Progressive Democrats of America, Bob Fertik, Democrats.com Medea Benjamin, CodePink, Bill Fletcher, co-founder of Center for Labor Renewal David Swanson, AfterDowningStreet.org, Democrats.com, Progressive Democrats of America, Kevin Zeese, Voters for Peace, Democracy Rising, Brad Friedman, co-founder of Velvet Revolution, Bill Moyer, Backbone Campaign.

William Lacy Clay, Jr. signed the letter.[18][19]

Justice for Reggie Clemons Campaign

July 17, 2009, the Justice for Reggie Clemons Campaign welcomed the resolution of the Missouri State Conference of the NAACP, the nation's leading civil rights organization, in support of the nationwide effort to secure justice for Reggie Clemons. The resolution was passed at the NAACP's 100th Anniversary Conference being held in New York City.

In its resolution the rights group announced that it has launched a clemency campaign on Clemon's behalf and lauded the decision of the Missouri Supreme Court to appoint a special master to look into the case and investigate claims that Reggie was wrongly convicted and sentenced to death. The Court acted in response to a petition for habeas corpus filed by Reggie's attorneys on June 12th.

Jamala Rogers, the coordinator of the Justice for Reggie Clemons Campaign, called the NAACP'S action, "critically important to the struggle for justice in Reggie's case." She added, "we hope and believe that Governor Nixon is paying attention to the numerous and important voices who are urging a fresh look at the very disturbing facts in this case."

In addition to the NAACP, groups including the ACLU, the National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty and high profile individuals including Congressman William Lacy Clay, Danny Glover, Mike Farrell and Bianca Jagger have spoken out on Clemons's behalf.

Reggie was sentenced to death for the 1991 murder of two young women who drowned after plunging from the Chain of the Rocks Bridge into the Mississippi River.

David Lerner/Karmen Ross, Riptide Communications were contacts for the campaign.[20]

ARA lobbying

While Congress was home for recess July 2010, Alliance for Retired Americans members across the country met this week with members of Congress and staff including: Reps. Brad Miller in North Carolina; Sen. Claire McCaskill and Reps. Russ Carnahan, Emanuel Cleaver, and William Lacy Clay in Missouri; Reps. John Boccieri, Mary Jo Kilroy and Steve Driehaus in Ohio; Rep. Patrick J. Murphy in Pennsylvania; Reps. Gabrielle Giffords and Harry Mitchell in Arizona; Sen. Jeff Bingaman and Rep. Martin Heinrich in New Mexico; and Reps. John Spratt, Jr. and Jim Clyburn in South Carolina.[21]

ARA PAF endorsement, 2014

The Alliance for Retired Americans Political Action Fund endorsed William Lacy Clay, Jr. in 2014, also 2012.[22]

Bring The War Dollars Home

A Bring The War Dollars Home Breakfast With Rep. William Lacy Clay, Jr. was held 12th Feb. 2011, 4909 Delmar, Saint Louis.

How could the people of St. Louis spend the over $5 billion that we have spent on wars in Afghanistan and Iraq? What have these wars cost us here at home?

The Bring the War Dollars Home Breakfast is hosted by:

Mandela's 95th

On Tuesday, July 23rd 2013, St. Louis honored former South African President Nelson Mandela’s 95th birthday with a FREE service of celebrationat 6pm at Centennial Christian Church (4950 Fountain Ave, 63113).

Interfaith Partnership is helping coordinate the event with St. Louis Free South Africa Movement Activists, government officials and the South African Consulate Office of Chicago.

St. Louis is one of 13 cities hosting an event with the same message, and was chosen for the region’s activism in the Free South Africa Movement. Each city’s event will be called “Celebrating the Life, Legacy and Values of Mr. Mandela.” The program will feature speakers from different faith communities as well as local activists, union organizations, and civic leaders from the city and county. Charlie Dooley, William Lacy Clay, Darlene Green, Terry Kennedy and activist Lew Moye are all confirmed speakers.

Interfaith Partnership supports unity and peace and strives to be a timely voice and visible presence of the religious community in the metropolitan area. As such we appreciate the South African consulate’s efforts to create an intentionally interfaith event and hope for a strong turnout from our vibrant interfaith community. Especially at a time when race and justice are on the news ticker, we affirm our commitment to knowing and understanding each other as neighbors and friends.[24]

Calloway Awards Banquet 2012


The St. Louis Chapter of the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists Ernest and De Verne Calloway Awards Banquet was held on Saturday, October 13, 2012 at the Renaissance Grand Hotel in downtown St. Louis. Speakers included Congressman William Lacy Clay, Jr., Secretary of State Candidate Jason Kander, Governor Nixon representative Damion Trasada, State Representative Karla May.

The MC for the program was Mary Armstrong, President of the St. Louis Teachers Union. Over 250 guests were in attendance. Congressman Clay stated “the upcoming election is the most important election in generations, this election is about you, your families and your future, and we need to turnout in massive numbers for President Obama and the Democratic Party State Ticket”.

CBTU Chapter President Lew Moye stated “we can win Missouri for President Obama with a massive turnout from the African American Communities.[25]

"Socialist issues"


Missouri Communist Party USA member E. E. W. Clay, commented on a People's World article "Mega-storm now underway a taste of what may be" by John Bachtell, October 29 2012;[26]

Democrats, especially since the base of their Party is so working class, so multi-generational, multi-ethnic, and multi-racial, demands change-and basic change.

The thrust of the more progressive elements, the NAACP and labor influences, through John Conyers's, the John Lewis's and the tradition of the Digg's, the Stokes's and the Barbara Lee's, and now, Emanuel Cleaver and Lacy Clay, is guiding the country to a more inclusive and a substantive democracy, based on bread, butter and peace, and therefore, socialist issues.
That is why Democratic Congressperson Lacy Clay recently urged with Lew Moye, local President of The Coalition of Black Trade Unionists, at the annual Ernest and Laverne Calloway Awards Banquet(these two close friends of our CPUSA's icon, James E. Jackson Jr.) to get out the vote on 6 November to support people's progress, the African American base of the Democratic Party, the ballot, continuing Social Security, Medicaid, trade unionism, and expanding health care for all Americans.

Calloway Awards Banquet 2015

St. Louis City License Collector Mavis Thompson and Claude Cummings, International Vice President of Communication Workers of America District 6 (CWA) were honored at the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists (CBTU) annual Ernest and DeVerne Calloway awards dinner Oct. 24 2015 at the Marriott Renaissance Grand Hotel in St. Louis.

Thompson was recognized for her work on voter protection and human and civil rights advocacy as an attorney with the Mound City Bar Association, and for continuing to support her constituents’ right to vote and supporting of working families.

Cummings work as CWA Vice President of District 6 included supporting Missouri workers efforts to defeat Missouri HB116 (right-to-work). Cummings also supports raising the minimum wage and protecting workers right to bargain with their employer. Cummings is a member of CBTU International Executive Council and currently resides in Houston, TX.

Keynote speaker U.S. Congressman William Lacy Clay, Jr. urged voters and union members not to allow a dysfunctional Republican led congress to turn the nation backwards with bad deals such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).

Other speakers included: former Mayor Freeman Bosley, Jr.; Senior Attorney for the Advancement Project Denise Lieberman; Pastor, State Representative and candidate for Missouri lt. governor Tommie Pierson; CBTU International Executive Council Treasurer Gwend Johnson; Missouri AFL-CIO President Mike Louis; CWA Local 6355 President Bradley Harmon; and Coordinator of Champions for Missouri Job with Justice Martin Rafanan.

“We are about building coalitions within labor and community groups to continue to fight for livable wages and protecting workers right to bargain collectively with their employer,” said CBTU STL President Mark Esters. “We will be a voice for the voiceless.”[27]

Leading with Love


Leading with Love was an event to celebrate 5 years of the Marxist led National Domestic Workers Alliance. It was held in Washington DC, DC, November 14, 2012.

Members of the Host Committee included Lacy Clay.[28]

Lifting travel ban on Cuba

A May 03, 2013 Press release from the radical controlled and Institute for Policy Studies affiliated Latin America Working Group's Cuba Team stated:

Due to your action/emails/phone calls we have 59 signatures from House representatives urging President Obama to support travel to Cuba by granting general licenses for ALL current categories of travel.
By eliminating the laborious license application process, especially for people-to-people groups, that is managed by the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), the majority of the bureaucratic red tape that holds up licensable travel to Cuba would disappear and actually facilitate what the President wanted to see in 2011, liberalized travel regulations.

Signatories included Rep. William Lacy Clay, Jr..[29]

Fred Ross award campaign

In early 2013, mainly Democratic Socialists of America aligned activists, together with many elected officials across the United States came together to urge President Barack Obama to award posthumously the Presidential Medal of Freedom to the legendary organizer, Fred Ross, Sr.. The Saul Alinsky trained radical was the first to organize people through house meetings, a mentor to both Cesar Chavez and DSAer Dolores Huerta, and a pioneer in Latino voter outreach since 1949 when he helped elect Communist Party USA affiliate Ed Roybal as Los Angeles’s first Latino council member, "Ross’ influence on social change movements remains strong two decades after his death in 1992".

Congressional endorsers of the proposal included William Lacy Clay.[30]

PDA contact

In 2013 Progressive Democrats of America assigned activists to deliver their material to almost every US Congressman and several Senators. Deborah Cohen, and Jeanette Ward were assigned as contacts for Rep. Lacy Clay.[31]

JStreet endorsement

The socialist infiltrated, anti-Israel "two state solution" JStreet PAC endorsed Lacy Clay, Jr. in his 2014 Congressional race. [32]

JStreet endorsed him again 2016.

Lacy Clay is an advocate of pro-Israel, pro-peace initiatives in Congress, and JStreetPAC is proud to endorse his 2016 reelection campaign..[33]



After an emotional meeting between a dozen members of the Congressional Black Caucus and activists in Ferguson, Mo., the CBC pledges action to keep the movement going.

After a dinner meeting with 10 young activists in Ferguson, Mo., members of the Congressional Black Caucus are looking for ways to empower the Ferguson activist community. Eleven members of the caucus met with the activists Jan. 17, 2015 including leaders from the Organization for Black Struggle and activists Deray McKesson and Johnetta Elzie.

“That dinner meeting was powerful. They [the members] heard it. They got an earful from those young people about how bad it is. They spoke on how they felt that the civil rights movement had failed them and talked on the abuse they are still taking from the criminal-justice system,” Rep. William Lacy Clay, Jr. (D-Mo.) told The Root days after the CBC visit to his district.

“The next step is for the Congressional Black Caucus Institute to get behind a massive effort to educate the voters of Ferguson. It’s a community of 21,000 people, 67 percent African American; we have the numbers, and the map works for them having a voice in local government,” Clay added.

Rep. Cedric Richmond (D-La.), who attended the Ferguson dinner, stressed during an interview with The Root, “We can’t tell them what to do” but “we can help them with what they want to do.”

Members of the CBC pledged to sponsor several young activists from Ferguson for the next CBC Political and Education Leadership Institute Boot Camp. The CBC Institute, started in 2002, has an annual political-leadership boot camp that focuses on leadership development, political campaigns and issue advocacy. In July, 55 young people graduated from the boot camp. Members can sponsor boot camp students with their campaign funds.

“Rep. Joyce Beatty [D-Ohio] agreed to sponsor one of the activists who attended the dinner at the CBC Institute boot camp. We’re gonna have about 15 of these young people in our boot camp from Ferguson,” Clay said.

Clay said the dinner meeting “was very positive, and it wasn’t really slamming the police, but it’s letting them know: OK, we’re watching you. We’re gonna take direct action legislatively to correct some of these gross inequities in the administration of justice.”

CBC member Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-S.C.), currently the top fundraiser of the 46-member caucus, brought a check to the dinner meeting for each City Council candidate at the gathering. A more detailed fundraising plan is being thought out.

“We have filled the candidates in those seats, and we will be going out in each of the three wards in Ferguson, educating the voters on the importance of them having a voice in their local government,” said Clay.

CBC Chairman G.K. Butterfield told The Root on the night of the State of the Union that the caucus will soon unveil a detailed criminal-justice legislative plan.


The delegation also included reps Karen Bass, D-Calif.; Andre Carson, D-Ind.; Emanuel Cleaver, D-Kansas City; Marcia Fudge, D-Ohio; Sheila Jackson-Lee, D-Texas; Donald Payne, Jr., D-N.J.[35]

Stovall connection


Sheila Stovall Harrison February 12, 2015;

Always good to visit and talk with my friend, my Congressman Lacy Clay in DC with Rosie Marshall my strong union sister.

Letter on Iran sanctions

The National Iranian American Council commended Rep. James Moran (D-VA) and "all twenty-one Members of Congress who sent a letter to President Obama April 4, 2014, supporting necessary action to ensure medicine and humanitarian goods are not unintentionally blocked for the Iranian people. NIAC strongly supported the letter and has consistently worked to raise awareness regarding the impact of sanctions on the Iranian people"...

The preliminary nuclear agreement brokered by the P5+1 and Iran included an agreement to establish a financial channel to facilitate humanitarian trade; however, medicine shortages have continued in part due to extensive financial sanctions on Iran and the reported unwillingness of banks to facilitate legal, humanitarian transactions.

Signers: James P. Moran (D-VA), Earl Blumenauer (D-OR), Andre Carson (D-IN), William Lacy Clay (D-MO), John Conyers, Jr. (D-MI), Peter DeFazio (D-OR), Keith Ellison (D-MN), Sam Farr (D-CA), Raul Grijalva (D-AZ), Rush Holt, Jr. (D-NJ), Mike Honda (D-CA), Hank Johnson (D-GA), Barbara Lee (D-CA), Betty McCollum (D-MN), Jim McDermott (D-WA), James McGovern (D-MA), Gregory Meeks (D-NY), Beto O'Rourke (D-TX), Chellie Pingree (D-ME), Charles B. Rangel (D-NY), Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL).[36]

Missouri JwJ Workers Rights Board

In January 2018 William Lacy Clay, Jr. was listed as a member of the St. Louis Missouri Jobs with Justice Workers Rights Board.[37]

HR 109 endorser

By February 20 2019 endorsers of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's HR 109 (Green New Deal) included William Lacy Clay, Jr..

Medicare For All Congressional Caucus founders

In August 2018 Medicare For All Congressional Caucus founding members included Representative William Lacy Clay, Jr..

Medicare for All Act

In February 2019 Rep. Pramila Jayapal introduced H.R.1384 - Medicare for All Act of 2019. By May 29 she had 110 co-sponsors including Rep. William Lacy Clay, Jr..


The following have worked as staff members for William Lacy Clay:[38]

External links



  1. St. Louis Post-Dispatch "William Lacy Clay wins easily over Russ Carnahan," August 8, 2012
  2. Hearing on Federal Response to White Supremacy, accessed July 10 2019
  3. Bill Clay: a political voice at the grass roots By William L. Clay, 299]
  4. http://www.trevorloudon.com/2016/12/democratic-congressman-lacy-clay-hangs-black-lives-matter-painting-in-us-capitol/ Democratic Congressman Lacy Clay Hangs Black Lives Matter Painting In US Capitol, accessed January 1 2017]
  5. Letters of Support for CAIR accessed January 26 2020
  6. American Radio Works website: Trips sponsored by the Christopher Reynolds Foundation
  7. UMS legislative update, April 2005, Congressman Clay holds town hall meeting at UM-St. Louis
  8. [http://www.peoplesworld.org/victory-for-wash-u-students-in-living-wage/ Peoples World.,Victory for Wash U students in living wage, by: Tony Pecinovsky April 29 2005]
  9. Broadcast Urban: 37th International Convention - May 24 Opening Session" (accessed on Dec. 19, 2011)
  10. Congressional Progressive Caucus website: Caucus Member List
  11. Congressional Black Caucus: Members (accessed on Feb. 24, 2011)
  12. FOR February 2006 Peace Presence Update
  13. Latin America Working Group, Get Your Representative to Sign a Letter Supporting Human Rights in Colombia
  14. [1]
  15. A defeat and a victory, Posted 3 weeks ago | By Jamala Rogers
  16. St. Louis American, Thanksgiving for politicians Posted Nov 26, 2013
  17. Global Thinking ‘LaVena Johnson: The Silent Truth’ Premiere Stirs Discussion
  18. War Is A Crime .org, Peace Pledge Coalition
  19. [http://www.democrats.com/peace-pledge Democrats.com. Sign the Pledge for Peace petition. Bob Fertik August 19, 2007
  20. http://www.commondreams.org/newswire/2009/07/17/campaign-salutes-naacp-resolutions-calling-justice-reggie-clemons Common Dreams, riday, July 17, 2009 - 3:23pm Justice for Reggie Clemons Campaign Campaign Salutes NAACP on Resolutions Calling for Justice for Reggie Clemons]
  21. ARA,Alliance Retirees Meet with Members of Congress, Sebelius
  22. PAF
  23. Whereever Now, Bring The War Dollars Home Breakfast With Rep. William Lacy Clay Jr.
  24. [2]
  25. [ http://www.metrosentineljournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/Sentinel-10-25-12-final-review-pgs-1-8.pdf, Metro Sentinel Journal. 2012 CBTU Ernest and De Verne Calloway Awards Banquet. Oct 25, 2012]
  26. [3]
  27. [http://labortribune.com/coalition-of-black-trade-unionists-honor-thompson-cummings/Labor Tribune, Black trades honor Thompson, Cummings NOVEMBER 9, 2015 by]
  28. LEL webpage, accessed Jan. 21st, 2012
  29. Update on Cuba Travel: We Gathered 59 Signatures, The LAWG Cuba Team: Mavis, Emily and Karina on May 03, 2013
  30. Momentum Builds for Honoring Legendary Organizer Fred Ross, by Randy Shaw, 2013-03-05
  31. PDA May 2013 Educate Congress Digest Letter drops (191 in total – 105 in April )
  32. J Street The political home for pro-Israel, pro-peace Americans
  33. JStreetPAC 2016 Endorsees
  34. [ http://www.theroot.com/articles/politics/2015/01/congressional_black_caucus_offers_training_and_support_to_ferguson_activists.html The Root, CBC Offers Training and Support to Ferguson ActivistsBY: LAUREN VICTORIA BURKE Posted: Jan. 28 2015]
  35. ST Louis Posst Dispatch, Congressional Black Caucus members to attend church services Sunday in Ferguson January 16, 2015 10:30 am • By Chuck Raasch
  36. [https://www.niacouncil.org/congress-urges-president-to-ensure-sanctions-do-not-block-medicine-for-iranians/NIAC Congress Urges President to Ensure Sanctions Do Not Block Medicine for Iranians FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Jamal Abdi]
  37. JwJ St. Louis and Kansas City Workers’ Rights Boards
  38. Legistorm: William Lacy Clay (accessed on Aug. 24, 2010)