Duane Campbell
Duane Campbell is a Sacramento based academic and activist. He is a professor (emeritus) of bilingual/multicultural education at CSU-Sacramento, a former vice president of a CFA local, and chair of Sacramento Democratic Socialists of America. He is the author of Choosing Democracy; a Practical Guide to Multicultural Education. 4th. ed. Allyn and Bacon, 2010.[1]
Duane Campbell is married to Dolores Delgado Campbell and is the father of Sean Campbell.
Steering Committee
Members of the DSA North Star Steering Committee are elected by the members of North Star.
For 2024 the steering committee consists of
- Bill Barclay, co chair, Ventura, Ca
- Barbara Joye, co chair Atlanta, Ga
- Michael Dover Cleveland, Ohio
- Duane Campbell Sacramento, Ca.
- Susan Chacin East Bay, Ca.
- Terry Altherr Boston, Ma
- Walter Reeves Atlanta, Ga
- Jone Lewis New York, NY[2]
DSA immigration activists
Democratic Socialists of America Proposal for 2023 Convention: Resolution On the Defense of Immigrants and Refugees.
Authors: Karen Ashikeh (Portland), Duane Campbell (Sacramento), Xiomara Corpeno (Los Angeles), Janet Hurtado (Los Angeles), Alexander Hernandez (Pasco-Hernando), Jeremy Rich (NE Pennsylvania).
Immigrants Rights Working Group
In August 2020 the Democratic Socialists of America Immigrants Rights Working Group just elected a new Steering Committee. Congratulations to the new Steering Committee members:
- Northeast Regional Co-Chair: Ashley Smith
- Southeast Regional Co-Chair: Alexander Hernandez
- Midwest Regional Co-Chair: Jorge Mujica
- Southwest Regional Co-Chair: Brianna Westbrook
- West Regional Co-Chair: Duane Campbell
- At-Large Co-Chairs: Jose Perez and Deborah Elsas[3]
UFW connection
For Duane Campbell, for Al Rojas, Dolores Delgado Campbell and others in the Democratic Socialists of America Latino Commission , the Cesar Chavez's United Farm Workers was a school for organizing.[4]
- Like hundreds of activists in labor and community organizations today, we were trained in the union. This cadre of organizers is the UFW's second legacy.
DSA Conference delegate
In 1983 Duane Campbell was a Sacramento, California delegate to the Democratic Socialists of America conference in New York City, October 14-16, 1983[5]
Frontline Forum
Peter Camejo National Committee for Independent Political Action, Duane Campbell Democratic Socialists of America Anti-Racism Commission, , Gerald Lenoir Line of March, James Vann co chair Berkeley/Oakland Rainbow Coalition took part in a Frontline Forum December 9, 1988 in Oakland "Lessons of the 1988 Election"
DSA Latino-African-American and Anti-Racism Commission
In 1990, Duane Campbell, from Sacramento and Mary Dunn, from Lexington Kentucky, were contacts for the Democratic Socialists of America Latino-African-American and Anti-Racism Commission. [6]
DSA Latino Commission
In 1992 the Democratic Socialists of America Latino Commission was led by;[7]
- Tomasa Gonzalez - co chair
- Jose LaLuz - co - chair
- Duane Campbell - secretary
In 1995 Duane Campbell taught at California State University at Sacramento and was Secretary of the DSA Latino Commission. Eric Vega, an attorney in Sacramento, was Co-Chair of the DSA Latino Commission[8]
Mexican connection
On June 24 1993, in Mexico City, DSA Latino Commission leaders Dolores Delgado Campbell and Duane Campbell met with Cuahtemoc Cardenas, PRD candidate for President of Mexico in 1994. They planned a conference to be called"NAFTA and Human Rights in Mexico," which would be held at California State University at Sacramento on October 20 and 21. [9]
In 1994 Duane Campbell was a member of the Democratic Socialists of America Steering Committee[10].
In the mid 1990s Campbell was[11]a contributing editor to Oakland based Institute for Social and Economic Studies- sponsor of CrossRoads magazine, which sought to promote dialogue and building new alliances among progressives and leftists... and to bring diverse Marxist and socialist traditions to bear while exploring new strategies and directions for the progressive political movements.
California DSA “Key” list
In 1993 Duane Campbell of Sacramento, California was on a list of “Key’ California Democratic Socialists of America contacts.[12]
Anti CCRI campaign
In 1996 DSA activists in California were deeply involved in the unsuccessful struggle to defeat Proposition 209, the California Civil Rights initiative, which sought to ban "affirmative action". At DSA's 1995 National Convention, the organization made opposition to CCRI a "major focus for our Activist Agenda".
DSA mounted a major statewide effort to help defeat 209 in Sacramento, Los Angeles, and San Diego. The financial support from many California DSAers "allowed us to hire staff to coordinate this effort. For example, in Los Angeles, DSA played a major role in the Metropolitan Alliance, a broad multi-racial coalition of organizations. We coordinated the precinct based activities for the Alliance in the West LA, Santa Monica and Venice areas."
DSA's campaign in California was coordinated by Duane Campbell of the And Racism Commission. In Los Angeles the key activists were staff person Tim Parks, along with Liz Ryder, also of the Anti Racism Commission. In Sacramento the chair of the local Sacramento Civil Rights Network effort against 209 was Eric Vega of the Latino Commission.
DSA produced bilingual literature tied the two campaigns together asking for a vote against 209, and a vote for 210 the Livable Wage Initiative. In addition to our own work, DSA literature was distributed widely by UNITE and several African American organizations.[13]
Anti-racism Commission
In 2000 Duane Campbell and Eric Vega were contacts for the Democratic Socialists of America Anti-racism Commission.[14]
In 2002, Chair of the Democratic Socialists of America Anti-racism Commission was Duane Campbell. Hunter Gray was s the regional organizer for the Northwest.[15]
Sacramento DSA
Circa 2000 Local officers of Sacramento Democratic Socialists of America included;
Chair : Duane Campbell, Treasurer: Edwina White, Membership Chair, Sharon Alexander, Exec. Committee: Eric Vega, Angel Picon, Dolores Delgado Campbell and "other fine people"[16].
Democratic Socialists of America member
As at August 5, 1989, Duane Campbell, Sacramento, California, was listed as a possible California Local Representative for the Democratic Socialists of America.[17]
In 2006 Duane Campbell, California State University, California, donated $400 to the Democratic Socialists of America Political Action Committee. According to DSA's Democratic Left Spring 2006,[18]
- "DSA has formed a Political Action Committee—Democratic Socialists of America PAC (DSA PAC), which will raise funds to enable activity that supports or opposes candidates for federal office. By law, DSA is not permitted to expend its resources in support of or against candidates in partisan elections; however, DSA is permitted to form a PAC for this purpose...
- ...Only DSA members in good standing may contribute to the PAC. Because the law is so specific, all contributions are carefully screened to make sure that they are from members."[19]
Educational Justice
Around 2007, Educational Justice was a Bay Area based socialist blog,
- From a collective of progressive education activists - stuff about teaching, thinking, parenting, social justice, desegregation, self-determination, economic justice, music, creativity, and building progressive movements for our future
Contributors were Duane Campbell, Eric Mar, Kathy Emery, Kim-Shree, Tom Edminster, Kim Knox, Karen Zapata.[20]
Obama campaigner
In 2008 Duane Campbell was a very active supporter of Barack Obama.
He was active in the Sacramento Obama Meetup group and campaigned for his candidate on campus.
According to Cal State's The Hornet[21];
Barack Obama's presidential campaign was brought to the attention of those who walked by a booth that was set up on the Library Quad today.
Bilingual and multicultural education professor Duane Campbell, who has been involved with political activities since the 70's, volunteers his time three days a week to educate students of the presidential candidate's campaign
Progressives for Obama
In 2009 Duane Campbell was listed[22]as a signer of the Progressives for Obama website-Sacramento Progressive Alliance.
DSA contact
In 2009 Duane Campbell was Sacramento Valley contact for Democratic Socialists of America[23].
"Talking Union" blog
In 2011 co-editors of DSA’s labor blog Talking Union were Duane Campbell, Stuart Elliott and Paul Garver.[24]
Support for Bernie Sanders
Duane Campbell pledged support for Bernie Sanders through Labor for Bernie, a "nationwide network of labor activists, backing Bernie Sanders' 2016 presidential campaign."
The Anti-Racism Working Group of DSA
In February 2017, the Anti-Racism Working Group of Democratic Socialists of America consisted of Jared Abbott, Demitrius Callins, Adam Cardo, Duane Campbell, Elizabeth Henderson, Javier Miranda, Maria Svart.[25]
Democratic Socialists of America Unity
Duane Campbell supported the Democratic Socialists of America Unity grouping, established for the 2017 Democratic Socialists of America National Convention in Chicago.[26]
DSA Immigrants Rights Committee
In September 2017 Duane Campbell was co-chair of the Democratic Socialists of America Immigrants Rights Committee.[27]
Stand with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
We Stand with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was a 2018 letter signed by several Democratic Socialists of America members mainly from the DSA North Star in response to attacks on Ocasio-Cortez over remarks she made on Palestine.
- A recent petition circulated by some DSA members criticizes Ocasio-Cortez for supporting a two state solution to the Palestine-Israel question and not aligning with a long list of demands regarding Palestine and Israel. Should Ocasio-Cortez fail to agree with this list of demands, the petitioners are calling for DSA to revoke her endorsement. These attacks on Ocasio-Cortez have come despite the fact that she has staked out positions which will make her one of the strongest advocates of Palestinian rights and self-determination in Congress.
- We stand with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. The position she has taken on Israel and Palestine are principled stances, worthy of a democratic socialist, in its recognition of both Palestinian humanity and rights and Israeli humanity and rights. On this issue, as many, she will be a voice for the voiceless in Congress.
Signatures included Duane Campbell.[28]
DSA North Star
In 2018 Duane Campbell was an original signatory of the DSA North Star founding principles statement.
- ↑ DL Spring 2010
- ↑ [1]
- ↑ [2]
- ↑ Dem.Left Sept./Oct. 1993, page 33
- ↑ DSA Conference delegate list Oct. 12 1983 update
- ↑ Democratic Left, Jan./Feb. 1990, page 13
- ↑ Democratic Left, November/December 1992, page 18
- ↑ Dem. Left Jan./Feb. 1995, page 20
- ↑ Dem. Left, Sept./October 1993, page 20
- ↑ email from C Riddiough to S Tarzynski Dec 9 1994
- ↑ Crossroads March 1996
- ↑ CA DSA Key list January 24 1993
- ↑ Democratic Left • November / December 1996 • page 19
- ↑ http://web.archive.org/web/20011122041447/www.dsausa.org/antiracism/contacts/contacts.html
- ↑ Dem. Left Winter 2002
- ↑ http://www.rawbw.com/~ross/dsa/DSAToday.html
- ↑ Possible California Local Reps. for August 5, 1989 Palo Alto Meeting
- ↑ CampaignMoney.com 2006 Cycle
- ↑ Democratic Left, Spring 2006
- ↑ Educational Justice, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 06, 2007 9/10 SF forum - Chip Smith's The cost of privilege; taking on the system of white supremacy and racism; 9/23 Forum on Revolutionary Art
- ↑ http://media.www.statehornet.com/media/paper1146/sections/20071212News.html
- ↑ http://progressivesforobama.blogspot.com/
- ↑ http://www.dsausa.org/about/locals.html
- ↑ Democratic Left • Winter 2010
- ↑ No Ban – No Wall, DSA Builds Activist Response to Trump’s Actions Posted by Democratic Socialists of America on 02.03.17
- ↑ [3]
- ↑ DLTrump is wrong on DACA. We will not retreat. Posted by Duane Campbell on 09.05.17
- ↑ [4]