Ed Hunt

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Ed Hunt

Ed Hunt was a Salem, Oregon SEIU activist. He is a veteran labor activist who follows political developments in the Middle East and in international affairs. He has visited Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories. He was in 2010, involved with the Willamette Reds.[1]

He is also closely associated with Freedom Road Socialist Organization.

Now lives in County Mayo Eire.

National Fight Back Conference

Ed Hunt was a Massachusetts delegate to the October League's December 1975 "National Fight Back Conference" in Chicago.

Forward Motion

Ed Hunt

In March 1993 Ed Hunt, Amy Brooks, and John Riley were guest editors of Forward Motion, journal of Freedom Road Socialist Organization.


In 1994 Rukiya Dillahunt, Bill Fletcher, Jr., Bill Gallegos, Karega Hart, Ed Hunt, Jamala Rogers, Juliet Ucelli, Bob Peterson, Meizhu Lui were guest editors of the editorial collective of Forward Motion, the journal of Freedom Road Socialist Organization.[2]

In January 1995 Bob Peterson, Jamala Rogers, Meizhu Lui, Rukiya Dillahunt, Bill Fletcher, Jr., Bill Gallegos, Karega Hart, Ed Hunt, Juliet Ucelli were contributing editors to Forward Motion, the journal of Freedom Road Socialist Organization.

In 1996 Elly Leary, Bob Peterson, Meizhu Lui, Rukiya Dillahunt, Bill Fletcher, Jr., Bill Gallegos, Karega Hart, Ed Hunt, Scott Kurashige, Jamala Rogers were contributing editors to Forward Motion, the journal of Freedom Road Socialist Organization.[3]

Gay and Lesbian labor Activists Network

Ed Hunt, and Susan Moir contributed an article to Freedom Road Socialist Organization's Forward Motion, March/April issue 1993 "Gaining a gay voice in labor." Both were active in the Gay and Lesbian Labor Activists Network.

Open Letter to Obama on Iran

In 2008 Ed Hunt, Labor/Social Justice Activist, Tucson, AZ signed an online petition “A Open Letter to Barack Obama on Iran”.

Supporting Cazembe


When Cazembe Jackson became the new National Organizer for Freedom Road Socialist Organization in July 2016, Ed Hunt contributed a supportive comment, on Freedom Road's Facebook page.

Revolutionary Strategies to Beat the Rising Right Wing

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Revolutionary Strategies to Beat the Rising Right Wing, was a nationwide conference call organized by Freedom Road Socialist Organization, Sunday October 30, 2016.

What's the nature of this right-wing threat? What has this election cycle changed about the political terrain we're fighting on? How do we need to prepare for whats coming after the election? Hear about these crucial questions from our panel of top political strategists, including Nelini Stamp, Bill Fletcher, Jr., Linda Burnham, and Sendolo Diaminah.

Those indicating they would attend, on Facebook included Ed Hunt.[4]

Portland DSA Facebook group

Members of Portland Democratic Socialists of America public Facebook page, as of March 2017 included Ed Hunt.
