Immanuel Ness

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Immanuel Ness is a revolutionary thinker, union organizer, internationalist and professor at Brooklyn College-CUNY. He is the author of the international bestseller Southern Insurgency: The Making of the Global Working Class, Chair of the New York Peace Council and a member of ILPS Commission.

Pro-Hamas Letter

In the wake of a terror attack by Hamas on Israel on October 7, 2023, Harvard University students signed an open letter blaming Israel. After the students received negative media coverage, the ANSWER Coalition jumped to their defense in an open letter titled: "Open letter against intimidation at Harvard: Defend the freedom to speak in support of Palestine!" Immanuel Ness signed the letter. Excerpt:[1]

We stand together against the racist harassment and demonization of Pro-Palestine student activists at Harvard and elsewhere across the country. These attacks are designed to intimidate, weaken, and silence people's right to speak out in support of the Palestinian people's struggle against occupation and apartheid. Their educational and professional futures are being threatened and right wing political operatives have even rented a TV truck to drive around campus displaying the students' faces. Some are even receiving death threats..."

CUNY Faculty and Staff Union

Immanuel Ness is a Brooklyn College Delegate of PSC-CUNY, the City University of New York (CUNY) faculty and staff union as of May 23, 2023:[2] Through the American Federation of Teachers, the Professional Staff Congress is affiliated with the AFL-CIO.[3]

Communist "Manifestivity"

On October 30 and 31, 1998 the Brecht Forum presented the "Communist Manifestivity to celebrate the 150th Anniversary of the Communist Manifesto" at Cooper Union's Great Hall, New York.

Individual endorsers of the event included Immanuel Ness.[4]

Open letter to Andy Stern

On May 1 2008, Immanuel Ness, of Brooklyn College, City University of New York signed an open letter to SEIU president Andy Stern in protest at SEIU move to force its local United Healthcare Workers into trusteeship.

"We are writing to express our deep concern about SEIU's threatened trusteeship over its third largest local, United Healthcare Workers (UHW). We believe that there must always be room within organized labor for legitimate and principled dissent, if our movement is to survive and grow. Putting UHW under trusteeship would send a very troubling message and be viewed, by many, as a sign that internal democracy is not valued or tolerated within SEIU. In our view, this would have negative consequences for the workers directly affected, the SEIU itself, and the labor movement as a whole. We strongly urge you to avoid such a tragedy."

Center for the Study of Working Class Life

In 2009 Immanuel Ness, Political Science, Brooklyn College and founder, Community Labor Coalition served as an Academic on the Advisory board for the Center for the Study of Working Class Life[5].

How Class Works

The "How Class Works - 2008" conference held at Stony Brook, New York, June 5 - 7, 2008, Center for Study of Working Class Life, proposed speakers list included: Sam Anderson, Catherine-Mercedes Brillantes Judge, Pedro Caban, Fuat Ercan, Claudia Fegan, Bill Fletcher, Jr., Tami Gold, Elizabeth Hoffman, Sara Jarayaman, Stathis Kouvelakis, Sherry Linkon, Meizhu Lui, Manning Marable, Jack Metzgar, Nelson Motto, Immanuel Ness, Bertell Ollman, Jeff Perry, Catherine Pouzoulet, David Roediger, Andrew Ross, John Russo, Vinny Tirelli, Michelle Tokarczyk, Richard Trumka and Joe Wilson.

Conference organiser was Michael Zweig Director, Center for Study of Working Class Life, Department of Economics State University of New York, Stony Brook, NY[6].

Center for Labor Renewal

In 2009 Immanuel Ness was listed as an endorser of the Center for Labor Renewal[7].


Template:Reflist Template:Center for Labor Renewal endorsers

How Class Works

At the How Class Works - 2002 Conference, panels included; 4.1 Organizing the U.S. Working Class in the Global Setting

“ Service Labor and Globalization Theory: Visibility Problems”

“ Organizing Immigrant Workers in New York City”

  • Jeffrey Keefe, Rutgers University – Labor Studies and Employment Relations

“ A Shift in Power Tactics from Strike to Political Pressure: The Case of CWA”

“Community Labor Alliances: A New Paradigm for Organizing – The Campaign to Organize Greengrocery Workers in New York City”

  • John Schmidt, Chair, Stony Brook (West) chapter chair, United University Professions (Local 2190 AFT – NYSUT, AFL-CIO)[8]

"Support Bill Ayers"

In October 2008, several thousand college professors, students and academic staff signed a statement Support Bill Ayers in solidarity with former Weather Underground Organization terrorist Bill Ayers.

In the run up to the U.S. presidential elections, Ayers had come under considerable media scrutiny, sparked by his relationship to presidential candidate Barack Obama.

We write to support our colleague Professor William Ayers, Distinguished Professor of Education and Senior University Scholar at the University of Illinois at Chicago, who is currently under determined and sustained political attack...
We, the undersigned, stand on the side of education as an enterprise devoted to human inquiry, enlightenment, and liberation. We oppose the demonization of Professor William Ayers.

Immanuel Ness of Brooklyn College/City University of New York signed the statement.[9]

"Real World Labor"

Real world labor.jpg

In August 2009 Dollars & Sense, produced an anthology entitled "Real World Labor", edited by Immanuel Ness, Amy Offner and Chris Sturr and the Dollars & Sense Collective.

Contributors included David Bacon, Kim Bobo, Aviva Chomsky, Steve Early, Bill Fletcher, Jr., Staughton Lynd, Arthur MacEwan, John Miller, Frances Fox Piven, Robert Pollin, Jane Slaughter.[10]

Left Forum 2010

Comparative Labor Movements - Strategies and Class Struggles:

MEP Summer Intensive

At 388 Atlantic Ave, Brooklyn Thursday 23 July J through Sunday, July 262015, Marxist Education Project organized a "Summer Intensive - ON WORKING CLASS CONSCIOUSNESS." Presenters included Mitch Abidor, Kazembe Balagun, Mike Bento, Ibrahim Diallo, Silvia Federici, Harmony Goldberg, Jane Gordon, Lewis Gordon, Dan Karan, Rakhee Kewada, Lisa Maya Knauer, Polina Kroik, Immanuel Ness, Marie-Claire Picher, Bhaskar Sunkara, Juliet Ucelli and more...

Those indicating attendance on the Wherevent website included Nadinne Canto Novoa, Kazembe Balagun, Teiji Maeda LocaMotive, Marc Rodrigues, Davon Blanks, Marcus Meute, Terrence Jelani Fraser, Brandon Bausher, David Williams, Wailly Compres Henriquez, Suro Pak, Brian Raven. [11]

Left Forum 2017

Juliet Ucelli has been teaching Capital, Volume I for several decades to union members, community organizers, faith-based activists, and people who had studied it in grad school but found they still didn’t understand it. She was a founder of the Brecht Forum and now teaches through the Marxist Education Project.

This talk was presented for a panel discussion at the Left Forum on June 4, 2017, about “The Continuing Relevance of Marx’s Capital after 150 Years,” with Immanuel Ness, Ben Becker, Abhinav Sinha and Michael Hudson.[12]

