Rocio Rivas
Rocio Rivas
LA DSA 2024 candidates
Ysabel Jurado, Hugo Soto-Martinez, Karla Griego, Rocio Rivas.
55th anniversary of the East Los Angeles Walkouts
On March 8 2023, Garfield High School held the 55th anniversary of the East Los Angeles Walkouts. In early March 1968, thousands of students walked out of East-area high schools to demand equality in public education and protested inferior conditions. This was the first urban youth-led protest of the growing Chicano movement and received national attention.
Garfield High School (GHS) teacher Juan Garcia and students organized the assembly attended by over 1200 students. Garcia spoke to the assembly, “It is important to know our rich history of struggles and contributions to this land.”
Newly-elected LA Unified School District (LAUSD) Boardmember Dr. Rocio Rivas gave opening remarks and spoke of the significant worldwide events of 1968; such as anti-war protests, Mexico City student protests, and the ELA Walkouts.
Aimee Rico, a student, introduced the panel of speakers who were all former students and Brown Berets. Among them were 1968 walkout students Mita Cuaron, Yolie Rios, Rachel Ochoa and Cassandra Alarcon, and Brown Berets Ralph Ramirez, David Sanchez and Carlos Montes. Each gave a personal account of school conditions and their roles in the historic walkouts.
Ramirez, Sanchez, and Montes came to be known as part of the ELA 13; arrested for conspiracy to disrupt the school, charges later dropped as unconstitutional.
This was an especially important event for Carlos Montes since he graduated from GHS. Montes spoke of Centro CSO’s fight against charter school threats, the privatization of public education like Ednovate Esperanza charter high school. He invited all to attend the UTLA/SEIU99 rally scheduled for March 15. Among the rally demands is fully-funded schools.[1]
LA DSA endorsements
Los Angeles Democratic Socialists of America August 18 2022.
DSA-LA is proud to announce our L.A. for the Working Class slate for the 2022 General Elections!
Our members have voted to endorse Estefany Casteneda for Centinela Valley Union High School District Board Member, Ricardo Martinez for La Puente City Council, Rocio Rivas for LAUSD School Board District 2, and the Los Angeles City ballot measure, United to House Los Angeles!
They join DSA-LA's current endorsements, Fatima Iqbal-Zubair for California Assembly District 65, Hugo Soto-Martinez for Los Angeles City Council District 13, and the Pasadena for Rent Control ballot measure!
Single Payer with Our Revolution
Maribel Nunez Facebook Post on Our Revolution dated January 21, 2021:[2]
- Excited about 8PM tonight! Thankful to the believers who rise above political tensions to bridge the gaps—all for the love of #SinglePayer. It's time for California to lead the way.
- We have a truly wonderful movement of people dedicated to healthcare justice. We are stronger together. Fighting the good fight, joining us tonight:
- Michael Lighty
- Cindy Young, Healthy California NOW
- Mel Tillekeratne, Shower of Hope
- Dr. Paul Song, Physicians for a National Health Program PNHP
- Jasmine Ruddy, California Nurses Association
- Phillip Kim, California Nurses Association
- Brandon Rey Ramirez, Democratic Delegate, Afrosocialist and Socialists of Color Caucus
- Rocio Rivas, Democratic Delegate, Educational Researcher, East Area Progressive Democrats
- Maribel Nunez, Inland Empire Partnership
- Kathy Rallings, Democratic Delegate, San Diego Schoolboard member, California Teachers Alliance
- Analisa Swan, DNC Delegate
- Daniel Lee, Culver City Councilmember
- Blake Dellinger, Burbank Democratic Club, Commununications Director/Assemblymember Laura Friedman
- Eric Vance, Healthy California NOW
- Jodi Reid, California Alliance for Retired Americans
- Anabel Nevarez, Inland Empire DSA
- Sasha Renee Perez, Mayor-Elect, Alhambra City Council