Dianne Mathiowetz

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Dianne Mathiowetz

Dianne Mathiowetz is a near-30-year veteran GM worker, first at the now-closed Lakewood Assembly plant, then at Delphi in Lockport, N.Y., and then at Doraville in the trim department.

An Open Letter to Governor Nathan Deal

An Open Letter to Governor Nathan Deal from Moral Monday GA By Moral Monday Georgia, April 30, 2014

As of last night, at the stroke of midnight, the clock of human progress turned back decades. You have caused unfair, unjust and harmful consequences for regular everyday Georgians with the passage of HB 990, HB 772, HB 714 and SB 98.

Sadly, your inaction has and will continue to cost real lives and hardships for Georgians who are already struggling. You have chosen politics over principle, a short term view of narrow self-interest over a long term vision of what's actually best for Georgia, making public policy turns that further marginalize our most vulnerable citizens while also crippling the state's prospects for economic recovery and prosperity...

Marx was right, says a militant GM worker

Excerpts from a talk by Dianne Mathiowetz at the Workers World Party's Communist Manifesto conference on Dec. 5. 1998.[2]

For about 23 years I have been an autoworker or, as Marx so aptly described it, a mere appendage to a machine in the capitalist scheme of things.
The surplus value from my labor and hundreds of thousands of other workers has generated billions of dollars in profits for the General Motors Corporation. It is the world's largest auto manufacturer and its financial might has not only dominated the domestic U.S. market but enabled it to expand into every part of the globe.
A commercial used to exhort potential customers: "See the USA in your Chevrolet." While it doesn't rhyme, the jingle could as easily say today: "See Brazil or Mexico or Thailand or Poland or Russia in your Chevrolet."

The "Communist Manifesto" was written before the birth of the modern assembly line. As devised by Henry Ford, hundreds if not thousands of workers are brought into a manufacturing process where a complex commodity is created by having each worker do a minute part over and over again.

Philippines visit

The International Action Center sent a fact-finding delegation to the Philippines Dec. 7 to Dec. 19. 2006. The delegation was comprised of IAC National Co-Director Teresa Gutierrez, and Dianne Mathiowetz of the Atlanta IAC. Also on the trip were two representatives of BAYAN USA and a member of the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement from New York City.[3]

"Foreclosure Five"

The Foreclosure Five were arrested on August 31 for refusing to leave a Wells Fargo branch office in East Point until a bank official would meet and hear the demands of the Atlanta Fighting Foreclosure Coalition. Those arrested included: Reginald Eaves, Charlie Flemming, State Senator Vincent Fort, Dianne Mathiowetz and Milt Tambor. The case of criminal trespass was moved from East Point to Fulton County after the five defendants continued to enter a "not guilty" plea rather than plead guilty to a lesser charge. The monies raised will go toward the defense provided by "Peoples' Attorney" Brian Spears at the hearing and a possible trial [4]

Atlanta Fighting Foreclosure Coalition

Formed in April 2009 following a community forum at the First Iconium Baptist Church, By late 2010 the Atlanta Fighting Foreclosure Coalition represented 41 member organizations: labor unions; civil rights, civil liberties, human rights and peace and justice groups; homeless shelters; and faith-based organizations.

In late 2010, the Coalition co-chairs were:

WWP organizer

In 2010 Dianne Mathiowetz was Atlanta Workers World Party and International Action Center organizer.[5]

Atlanta immigration rally


Atlanta Jobs with Justice October , 2015;

Atlanta Jobs with Justice is proud to be a part of the #GANot1More Coalition and stand with Glahriadores in the fight to keep #ICE out of #Fulton County Jails! #Not1More #NiUnaMas! — with Ashe Helm-Hernandez, Azadeh Shahshahani, Paulina Helm-Hernandez, Ade Nicholls, Eunice Cho, Neil Sardana and Dianne Mathiowetz.

Progressive Student Alliance

In 2015 Dianne Mathiowetz was involved in the Progressive Student Alliance at Georgia State University.
