Quentin Young

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Quentin Young

Template:30seconds Quentin D. Young is a Chicago based retired medical practicioner and prominent socialist activist. He has been a close personal friend an mentor to Barack Obama. Quentin Young was married to Ruth Young who died in 2007 and is the father of Ethan Young and Polly Young.

American Student Union - ASU

Quentin Young was listed as a member of the National Executive Committee of the ASU Elected at the Fourth Annual Convention - 1938, from the "High School" representatives. "Quentin Young, Hyde Park H. S., Chicago". This source is found in the famous "Appendix IX" publication of the Special Committee on Un-American Activities, House of Representatives, Seventy-Eighth Congress, Second Session, on "H.Res. 282", "Committee Print, Appendix - Part IX, Communist Front Organizations with Special Reference to "The National Citizens Political Action Committee]] NCPAC, First Section, Second Section, and Third Section, Pages 261-1048, GPO, 1944, Item 30, American Student Union, Pages 514-523, Quentin Young on P. 523.

The NCPAC was cited by Congress as a Communist Party USA (CPUSA), political action front, and was featured in a number of very large and detailed volumes of Appendix IX, which were ordered destroyed by the Democrats in Congress because it showed that a significant number of Democrats were very active supporters of CPUSA fronts and causes during the 1930's through 1944, when the investigations concluded. An unknown number of complete sets of Appendix IX were saved by at least one SCUA staffer, the late Ben Mandel, a former radical turned anti-communist. Keywiki.org has access to these volumes and its related Index of individuals.

Among other top ASU National Executive Committee members elected at the 1938 convention were the following, some of who remain controversial about their communist activities even till today.

  • Molly Yard - National Officer, Swarthmore, Chairman. Best known to the 60's/70's generations as a founder and leader of the National Organization of Women (NOW)
  • Joseph P. Lash - Executive Secretary, CCNY. Best known as a close friend and advisor to Eleanor Roosevelt including during the presidency of her husband, Franklin Delano Roosevelt. In a book about him, he admitted his communist affiliations and essentially renounced them, but suspicions about his true political leanings have remained till today.
  • Bernie Firestone - Vice-Chairman, Un. of California, Berkeley, West. Is probably the same person who was a leftist labor leader in the 1960s onward.
  • Boone Schirmer - District Secretary, New England, Harvard. Long an identified key New England leader of the CPUSA, including having been identified by FBI undercover agent Herbert A. Philbrick in the HCUA Hearings on Communism in Massachusetts during the mid-1950's. Schirmer later shows up in the Hanoi Lobby efforts against the US in Vietnam, as well as being a key member of a maoist-oriented communist front known as Friends of the Filipino People (FFP).

Many members of the ASU were not communists and severed ties later on as they found out about its true nature. The ASU will be discussed at their site on this Keywiki database.

YCL member

Quentin Young was a member of the Young Communist League USA in pre-WW2 Chicago - while attending Hyde Park High School.[1]

Quentin Young "fought fascism", with his friend Bernice Weissbourd in the pre-War period[2].

Support for peace movement

In 1962 Dr Quentin D. Young served[3]on the Advisory Council of the Hyde Park Community Peace Centre, with Sidney Lens and Timuel Black.

Medical career

Dr. Young was a Clinical Professor of Preventive Medicine and Community Health at the University of Illinois Medical Center and Senior Attending Physician at Michael Reese Hospital.

He graduated Northwestern Medical School and did his residency at Cook County Hospital in Chicago. During the 1970s and early 1980s, he served as Chairman of the Department of Internal Medicine at Cook County, where he helped establish the Department of Occupational Medicine. He has also been an American Medical Association member since 1952.

In addition to his distinguished career as a physician, Dr. Young has been a leader in public health policy and medical and social justice issues. In 1998, he had the special distinction of serving as President of the American Public Health Association and in 1997 was inducted as a Master of the American College of Physicians. In 1980, Dr.Young founded the Chicago based Health & Medicine Policy Research Group, which he still chaired in 2008[4].

MLK's doctor

In the 1960s Quentin Young he was personal physician to Martin Luther King, when Dr. King was in Chicago[5]. In late years Young became doctor to the Rev. Jesse Jackson[6].

Medical Committee for Human Rights

In 1968 National officers of Medical Committee for Human Rights were;

Black Revolution forum

On December 12, 1968, the 19th annual meeting of the Hyde Park Kenwood Community Conference convened a forum on the "black revolution and its implications for an integrated community".

Panelists were;[7]

Conference chairman Rufus Cook moderated the panel.

GI Civil Liberties Defense Committee

Circa 1969, Dr. Quentin Young, Medical Committee for Human Rights, Chicago , was listed as a sponsor of the Socialist Workers Party led GI Civil Liberties Defense Committee .[8]

Chicago Committee to Defend the Bill of Rights

In 1970, the Board of Directors of the then Communist Party USA front Chicago Committee to Defend the Bill of Rights consisted of Rev. Frederic E. Sau, Harry Barnard, Boris Brail, Edward Carey, Milt Cohen, Ernest DeMaio ,Rev.William D. Faw, Richard Galloway, Prof. Charles H. George, Prof. Margaret Y. George, Ben Green, Pearl Hart, Dr. Hyman J. Hirshfield, David C. Jensen, Daniel Kaufman, Rev. S. Hunter Leggitt, Harry Mack, Rev. Daniel J. Malette, Lafayette Marsh, Rev. Francis J. McGrath, Akiro Makino , Ruth Muench, Isadore Pomerantz, Jesse Prosten, Don Rose, Norman Roth, Dr. Boris Rubenstein, Evelyn Salk, Thomas Slater, Walter Soroka, Jack Spiegel, Prof. William Starr, Lynward Stevenson, Edmonia Swanson, Gil Terry, Rev.C. T. Vivian, Otto Wander, Rabbi Burr Yampol, Dr. Quentin Young[9].

In 1992 Quentin Young and Ruth Young were members of the Chicago Committee to Defend the Bill of Rights, then dominated by members of the newly formed Communist Party spin-off Committees of Correspondence.[10]

Communist Party Affiliation

Quentin Young was close to the Communist Party USA at least until the early 1970s.

In Chicago on October 27, 1971 - The Presidential Ballroom of the Midland Hotel was packed with more than 400 people last Friday to mark the 8Oth birthday of Wiliam L.Patterson, the man who rocked the world with his charge of genocide against the U.S. imperialists. Spokesmen for the committee sponsoring the banquet told the Daily World that many who had delayed in getting reservations had to be turned away. Veterans of the working class movement said they could not remember an occasion bringing together such a broad spectrum of workers, trade unionists and professionals, in a tribute to a Communist leader.[11]

Audience members included centenarian Jesse Hilton, Dr. Quentin Young, president of the Medical Committee for Human Rights, Sylvia Woods, chairman of the Chicago Committee to Free Angela Davis, Fr. William Hogan, chairman of the Clergy and Laity Concerned, and Obed Lopez, a leader of the Latin-American Defense Organization. Also present were Nick Jones and Virginia Jones, and Roberto Acuna of the United Farmworkers, and Sylvia Kushner, executive secretary of the Chicago Peace Council.

Chicago Area Committee on Occupational Safety and Health

The Chicago Area Committee on Occupational Safety and Health (CACOSH) was founded in 1972 as a not-for-profit-organization of unions and health and legal professionals. The founders included Quentin Young, MD, Lou Pardo -IAM Tool & Die Makers; Peter Orris MD; and Frank Rosen –UE among others.

Young, Orris and Rosen all had some affiliation to the Communist Party USA.

CACOSH was the first COSH group in the country and provided the inspiration and model for the 18 groups now working in all parts of the nation.

In 1972, Quentin Young's Medical Committee for Human Rights (MCHR) sponsored a conference in conjunction with area unions and health professionals. CACOSH grew out of that conference, because local union members decided that they needed an organization, run by union members, that would give them ongoing help on job safety and health problems.

The CACOSH motto was “No one is going to solve our problems for us, we had to do it ourselves.” The health professionals in MCHR helped educate union members about what their jobs were doing to their health.

CACOSH grew from a handful of people in a few local and district unions to an organization of more than 50 locals from 20 different international unions. Thousands of workers have participated in CACOSH and benefited from the education and training they have provided, and have shared their skills and knowledge with each other[12].

Supporting John Lumpkin

In 1978, Quentin Young was on the Committee to Elect Dr. John R. Lumpkin for the 7th Ward Alderman, Chicago.[13]

Citizens Party

In 1979 Stanley Weiss, an Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) Trustee was a founding member[14]of the IPS connected Citizens Party. Other founders included IPS co-founder and senior fellow Richard Barnet, Adam Hochschild of Mother Jones magazine, Archibald Gillies, director of the John Hay Whitney Foundation, Julian Bond, a trustee of the IPS spin-off Institute for Southern Studies, Chicago activist organizer Don Rose, campaign manager and adviser to Chicago Mayor Jane Byrne, and Quentin Young, the Director of Medicine at Cook County Hospital, Chicago.


In March 1979, the New York radical magazine the Guardian issued an emergency appeal to funds in an effort to save the publication.

Over fifty supporters endorsed the appeal including Quentin Young[15]

New American Movement

In 1981 the Lucy Parsons Chapter of the New American Movement and friends honored Milt Cohen and Vicky Starr for their many years of activity in the causes for people's progress and democracy. The members of NAM listed were: Alba Alexander, Bill Barclay, Dan Gilman, Roger Gilman, Debby Holdstein, Rob Persons, Miriam Rabban, Ralph Scott, Julie Skurski, Peg Stroebel, Monty Tarbox and Ed Kucinsky. The friends of NAM listed were: Florence Green and Ben Green, Bob Reed of Seattle, Judy MacLean of San Francisco, Max Gordon of NYC, Quentin Young and Ruth Young of Chicago, Clarence Lipschutz and Peggy Lipschutz of Evanston, Miriam Bazell, Florence Gibbon of Chicago, Bronwen Zwirner of New Bedford, Leonard Lamb and Constance Lamb of Astoria, Helene Susman and Bill Susman of Great Neck, Corinne Golden of Chicago, Robert Havighurst and Edythe Havighurst of Chicago, Sara Heslep, Sandy Barty, Clara Diamont, Pete Seeger, Steve Nelson, Hannah Frisch, Sue Cohen, Gil Green of NYC, Joan Powers, Clarence Stoecker and Rebecca Hobbs of Chicago, James Bond of Oakland, Pat McGauley, Gabby Rosenstein of Santa Monica, Karl Cannon and Fay Cannon of Camarillo, Loriel Busenbard and Steven Starr, Daniel Starr, Beth Starr and Bob Starr (children of Vicky Starr) were listed as friends of the Lucy Parsons Chapter of the New American Movement.[16]

Harold Washington for Mayor of Chicago

Circa late 1982, members of the Citizens Committee/Harold Washington for Mayor of Chicago (in formation) included Quentin Young.[17]

Harold Washington

In the early 1980s Young was a leading member of Harold Washington's inner circle and was rewarded with the post of President of the Chicago Board of Health.

Salute to Harold Washington

On April 6, 1983, the Hyde Park Herald published an endorsement from the Hyde Park/Kenwood Citizens Committee of Democratic Party Chicago mayoral candidate Harold Washington. Signatories to the endorsement included Quentin Young and Ruth Young.[18]

American Civil Liberties Union

As at April 11, 1983, Quentin Young served on the Board of Directors for the Illinois branch of the American Civil Liberties Union.[19]

All-Peoples Congress National Advisory Board

In 1983, the Workers World Party influenced All-Peoples Congress' National Advisory Board, included;

Harold Washington Transition Committee

In 1983, Quentin Young, Clinical Professor, Preventive Medicine and Community Health, University of Illinois Medical School served on the incoming Chicago Mayor Harold Washington's transition oversight Committee.[21]

Moseley Braun

Quentin Young was one of many Chicago socialists who supported the successful 1992 Carol Moseley Braun campaign for U.S. Senate.

You were there when Carol Moseley Braun announced her intention to run for the U.S. Senate.

Washington "Single payer" conference

350 health care activists attended a conference at Seattle university Jun22 1996, organized by the Washington Single Payer Action Network. Craig Salins, the organization's president hoped the conference could become a launching pad for a "greatly broadened crusade to win affordable, quality health care for all Washingtonians."

Rep. Jim McDermott addressed the conference. McDermott (prime sponsor of HR-1200, the single payer bill in Congress) predicted a social upsurge in which the people will demand "get the profiteers out of health care. Period!"

Quentin Young of Physicians for a National Health Program criticized the centralization of fewer and fewer health care providers.

Diane Sosne, a RN and president of District 1199 NW described the impact of market economics on health care workers.[22]

DSA member

In 1991 Quentin Young, was identified[23]as the national president of Physicians for a National Health Program and a long-time member of Chicago Democratic Socialists of America.

In 1992 Chicago Democratic Socialists of America awarded their most well known member, at their annual DebsThomas-Harrington Awards Dinner[24].

You have been there in the struggles for Civil Rights, for social and economic justice, and against all forms of discrimination. You were there in 1951 to fight against discrimination in Chicago medical institutions. You were there in 1983 for Harold Washington to win the mayoralty. You were there when Carol Moseley Braun announced her intention to run for the U.S. Senate. You have demonstrated your understanding that trade unions are a social force for Progress and Justice in our country.
For you dedication in the fight for universal and comprehensive health care for all and for your lifetime commitment to change our society to the better, the Debs - Thomas - Harrington Dinner Committee hereby presents to you its annual award this First Day of May, 1992.

New Party builder

In May 1992 Dan Cantor held a New Party fund raising meeting in the Chicago home of Quentin Young, "with half a dozen good people present".[25]

New Party News Fall 1994 listed over 100 New Party activists-"some of the community leaders, organizers, retirees,, scholars, artists, parents, students, doctors, writers and other activists who are building the NP" the list included Quentin Young, Physicians for a National Health Program.

Peace for Cuba Appeal

In 1994 Ramsey Clark, Alice Walker, Brian Becker, Teresa Gutierrez, Quentin Young, Gloria La Riva, Paul Epstein and Kathy Durkin were signatories to an International Peace for Cuba Appeal letter. The appeal was an affiliate of the Workers World Party dominated International Action Center[26].

"Single payer" book

A book, "Caring for the Uninsured and Underinsured A Better-Quality Alternative: Single-Payer National Health System Reform" was released in 1994 by the Physicians for a National Health Program Quality of Care Working Group, Contributors included;

Gordon Schiff; Andrew Bindman; Troyen Brennan; Thomas Bodenheimer; Carolyn Clancy; Oliver Fein; Ida Hellander; David Himmelstein; Linda Rae Murray; T. Donald Rucker; Ron Sable; Jeffrey Scavron; Ronald Shansky; Ellen Shaffer; David Slobodkin; Steve Tarzynski; Steffie Woolhandler; Quentin Young.

National Health Insurance Conference

Congressman John Conyers Jr. (D-Mich.) hosted a National Health Insurance Conference, April 16-17, 2004 to kick off a 50-state campaign for passage of national health insurance legislation, HR 676 – the “Expanded and Improved Medicare for All Act.” Conyers introduced HR 676 in the House in 2003.

Dr. Quentin Young, national coordinator of Physicians for a National Health Program, keynoted the conference, speaking on “The State of Health Care – The Case for National Health Insurance.” Conyers spoke on “Launching a National Movement for HR 676,” followed by a session on “Getting the Message Out – Working the Media.”

Dean Baker, of the Center for Economic and Policy Research, and Joel Segal, senior assistant to Conyers, presented the details of HR 676 in a session titled, “What Is It and How Do We Pay For It?” They will seek to arm the participants to take the message back to the neighborhoods. There was also a session on strategies to promote single-payer legislation on the state level. Activists were working on state single-payer bills in a number of states, including Massachusetts, California, and Pennsylvania. The agenda includes nuts-and-bolts workshops on working with unions, faith communities, educators, and health workers.

Ron Gettelfinger, United Auto Workers president, and Leo Gerard, Steelworkers president, both advocates of single-payer health care, were invited to address the conference. The conference also extended invitations to Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) and Democratic presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich of Ohio, two of the co-sponsors of HR 676.

Conference organizers intended to establish a national health insurance citizens’ network to begin implementing a campaign to pass HR 676 or its equivalent. They also hoped to open a national health insurance coordination office in Washington.

Dozens of health care and social justice organizations endorsed the conference including Physicians for a National Health Program, the Gray Panthers, Jobs with Justice of Washington, D.C., the National Coalition for the Homeless, the American Medical Students Association, Universal Health Care Action Network, and the National Welfare Rights Union.

“We believe that the leadership should come from the people that do the work, and now is the time to build a serious movement for national health insurance for all in America,” asserted conference organizers Michelle Tingling-Clemmons and Rick Tingling-Clemmons. The conference was held at Howard University Hospital and Towers Auditorium, 2041 Georgia Ave. NW, Washington, D. C.[27]

Illinois Public Action

In 1995 Quentin Young was a member of the board of directors[28]of Illinois Public Action.

In 1996 members of the 120 strong board[29]of Illinois Public Action included Quentin Young, Congressmen Luis Gutierrez and Lane Evans, Chicago alderman Joe Moore and Peoria alderman Frank McNeil, State Senator Alice Palmer, State Representative Jan Schakowsky and Cook County Clerk David Orr.

The Obama/Ayers/Dohrn gathering

In 1995, State Senator Alice Palmer introduced her chosen successor, Barack Obama, at a gathering in the Hyde Park home of former Weather Underground terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn.

I can remember being one of a small group of people who came to Bill Ayers’ house to learn that Alice Palmer was stepping down from the senate and running for Congress,” said Dr. Quentin Young, of the informal gathering at the home of Ayers and his wife, Dohrn. “[Palmer] identified [Obama] as her successor.” Barack Obama and Alice Palmer “were both there,” he said.

Quentin Young described Obama and Ayers as “friends[30].”

Citizen Action of Illinois

In 1997 Quentin Young served on the board of directors of Citizen Action of Illinois.[31]

Back to Basics conference


A Back to Basics conference on the future of the American Left, was held in Chicago October 9-11, 1998. Speakers included: Sen. Paul Wellstone, Rep. Bernie Sanders, Rep. Cynthia McKinney, Barbara Dudley, Quentin Young and Jim Hightower. The conference was sponsored by Sponsored by In These Times[32].

Crossroads Fund Donor

In 2003 Quentin Young and Ruth Young were listed as having donated between $250 - $499 to the Crossroads Fund between July 1, 2002 and June 30, 2003.[33]

Cuba visit

Hugh Foy and David McLanahan of Seattle had "the special privilege" to spend 10 days with Quentin Young as part of a 2005 health care delegation to Cuba in that met with health ministry officials and visited the range of health care facilities from the community family clinics to the largest hospitals. They met with medical students from the US attending the Latin American School of Medicine in Havana where 4000 students from all over the world are receiving free medical education to become physicians who will go back to their home communities to provide care to the underserved. Quentin was irrepressible.

During our time together, Quentin asked us why Seattle, that is supposed to be so progressive, didn’t have a chapter of Physicians for a National Health Program. This became a priority for us and the PNHP Western Washington chapter was established in 2006. Quentin was our PNHPWW Annual Public Meeting speaker in 2007 and 2012.[34]

Chicago Area Friends of SNCC

In 2005 Chicago Area Friends of SNCC organized the "Tell the Story: The Chicago SNCC History Project, 1960-1965" Chicago Area Friends of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee and the Chicago Civil Rights Movement, c. 1960-1965. The event was held October 21-22, 2005 Roosevelt University, Chicago, Illinois.

Members of the advisory committee included Quentin Young.[35]

Honoring Frank Wilkinson

Chicago Committee to Defend the Bill of Rights organized a "Celebration of the The Dynamic Life of Frank Wilkinson (1914-2006)" on Sunday October 29, 2006. Wilkinson had been a leader of the Communist Party USA, the New American Movement and Democratic Socialists of America[36].

Honoring Committee members included Quentin Young.

Promoting Illinois "single payer' bill

HB 311, the "single-payer" universal health insurance program for Illinois, received a boost after Dr. Quentin Young and Nicholas Skala were invited by Illinois House Majority Leader Barbara Flynn Currie and Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan to speak to the Illinois House Democratic Caucus. The two hour session belonged entirely to HB 311, and resulted in LaShawn Ford signing on as a co-sponsor. [37]

The Quentin Young, Barack Obama relationship

Quentin Young and Barack Obama

Quentin Young is a long time friend and supporter of Barack Obama[38]. He was Obama's personal physician for more than 20 years[39].

Quentin Young, perhaps the most well-known single-payer advocate in America. He was the Rev. Martin Luther King’s doctor when he lived in Chicago and a longtime friend and ally of Barack Obama.

In the 1990s Barack Obama and Quentin Young were both supporters of "single payer" health care..

As a state Senator, Obama and another leftist colleague and state representative Willie Delgado presented the The Health Care Justice Act to the Illinois House and Senate.

According to blog Thomas Paine's Corner[40];

Barack Obama is quite familiar with the concepts and the specific merits of single payer. Back in the late 1990s, when he was an Illinois State Senator representing a mostly black district on the south side of Chicago, he took pains to consistently identify himself publicly with his neighbor Dr. Quentin Young.
He signed on as co-sponsor of the Bernardin Amendment, named after Chicago's late Catholic Archbishop, who championed the public policy idea that medical care was a human right, not a commodity. At that time, when it was to his political advantage, Obama didn't mind at all being perceived as an advocate of single payer.

Quentin Young has suported Obama politically for since at least 1995[41].

"I knew him before he was political, I supported him when he ran for state Senate. When he was a state Senator he did say that he supported single payer. Now, he hedges. Now he says, if we were starting from scratch, he would support single payer.”
“Barack’s a smart man, He probably calculated the political cost for being for single payer – the shower of opposition from the big boys – the drug companies and the health insurance companies. And so, like the rest of them, he fashioned a hodge podge of a health insurance plan.”

From a March 2009 Democracy Now! interview with Amy Goodman[42];

AMY GOODMAN: You’ve been a longtime friend of Barack Obama.


AMY GOODMAN: How has he changed over the years?

DR. QUENTIN YOUNG: Well, Barack Obama, as we know, was a community organizer, a very lofty calling, in my book, and he made the decision, when the opportunity came, that he could get more done politically, and he accepted the nomination for the seat in the State Senate. It’s not that long ago, really. It’s about a six, eight years ago.

Barack Obama, in those early days—influenced, I hope, by me and others—categorically said single payer was the best way, and he would inaugurate it if he could get the support, meaning majorities in both houses, which he’s got, and the presidency, which he’s got. And he said that on more than one occasion, and it represented the very high-grade intelligence we all know Barack has....

AMY GOODMAN: This brouhaha over the last week with the White House healthcare summit, 120 people, there were going to be no single-payer advocates. Congressman Conyers asked to go. At first, he was told no. He directly asked President Obama at a Congressional Black Caucus hearing. He asked to bring you and Marcia Angell—


AMY GOODMAN: —former editor-in-chief of the New England Journal of Medicine. You weren’t allowed to go. Do you have President Obama’s ear anymore? You have been an ally of his for years, for decades.

DR. QUENTIN YOUNG: Well, it’s mixed. I think we’re friends, certainly. At this gala that you mentioned, which was embarrassing, he did send a very complimentary letter. And I appreciate that, but I’d much rather have him enact single payer, to tell the truth. And we did—it’s fair to say, after a good deal of protest, I think we were told there was a—phones rang off the hook. They did allow our national president, Dr. Oliver Fein, to attend with Dr. Conyers—Congressman Conyers. That’s fine, but we need many more people representative of the American people at large to get this thing through the Congress, and Baucus, notwithstanding, be overruled.

Endorsed US. House Candidate Barack Obama

On March 5, 2000, Obama was endorsed by former congressman and White House counsel Abner Mikva; former Chicago Alderman Leon Despres; Dr. Quentin Young, an advocate for universal health care; Michael Shakman, an attorney who led the legal fight to eliminate patronage positions in city government, and Eugene Ford, a former aide to late Mayor Harold Washington, in his bid to unseat incumbent U.S. Rep. Bobby Rush.[43]

Open letter to Andy Stern

On May 1 2008, Quentin Young signed an open letter to SEIU president Andy Stern in protest at SEIU moves force its local United Healthcare Workers into trusteeship.

"We are writing to express our deep concern about SEIU's threatened trusteeship over its third largest local, United Healthcare Workers (UHW). We believe that there must always be room within organized labor for legitimate and principled dissent, if our movement is to survive and grow. Putting UHW under trusteeship would send a very troubling message and be viewed, by many, as a sign that internal democracy is not valued or tolerated within SEIU. In our view, this would have negative consequences for the workers directly affected, the SEIU itself, and the labor movement as a whole. We strongly urge you to avoid such a tragedy."

Endorsing Geoghehan

In early 2009, Illinois Congressman Rahm Emmanuel gave up his seat to serve as Obama's Chief of Staff. A bye-election was called in Illinois's 5th District.

Tom Geoghegan threw his hat in the ring. He was endorsed by his law partner Leon Despres, Quentin Young and Don Rose, but lost the Democratic primary race.

Physicians for a National Health Program


In 2009 Quentin Young M.D. was listed as National Co-ordinator for Physicians for a National Health Program.[44]


In 2009 Quentin Young, National Coordinator, Physicians for a National Health Program served as a co-chair on the board of directors of Healthcare-Now! .[45]

Quinn appointment

Quentin Young addresses Jesse Jackson and Operation PUSH in 1975

In April 2009 Illinois Gov.Pat Quinn(D) appointed Dr. Quentin Young, as Chairman of the scandal plagued Health Facilities Planning Board[46].

Involvement with Peter Orris

Peter Orris serves on the advisory board of the National Physicians Alliance with Quentin Young[47].

Physicians for a National Health Program Western Washington

The March 3, 2012 7th Physicians for a National Health Program Western Washington Annual Public Meeting featured speakers Quentin Young, MD, National Coordinator for Physicians for a National Health Plan, Amy Goodman, author and the host of Democracy Now!, Teresa Mosqueda, Legislative and Policy Director of the Washington State Labor Council and Chair of the Healthy Washington Coalition, and Representative Jim McDermott, Congressman for the WA 7th CD.

The PNHPWW Board awarded its 2012 John Geyman Health Justice Advocate Award to David Loud, health reform activist who has worked as a hospital worker, union organizer and now is Jim McDermott's staff aide for community outreach. [48]

PDA in California

In Dec. 2012 in Northern California, at the Oakland office of the National Nurses United, Progressive Democrats of America gathered 25 activist organizers who either currently lead PDA chapters or are eager to form a chapter or bring their work into an existing one. PDA leadership from around the state joined PDA Advisory Board Chair Mimi Kennedy and national staffers to welcome special guests: Congresswoman Barbara Lee, her fellow PDA Board Members Dr. Quentin Young and Michael Lighty, as well as Cindy Young, the State Coordinator of the Campaign for a Healthy California, the grassroots coalition group advocating for a Single Payer Healthcare system for all of California. [49]

Healthcare call-in

On May 15th, 2013 a national call-in was convened to promote Rep. John Conyers' bill H.R. 676, that would establish a non-profit, universal, single-payer health care program, an improved "Medicare for All" act.

Participants were:

Quentin Young addresses Jesse Jackson and Operation PUSH in 1975

Quentin Young addressed Jesse Jackson and Operation PUSH in 1975.[51]


Template:Reflist Template:Conferences

  1. Red Chicago, Randi Storch p 207
  2. http://www.qdy09.net/downloads/HMPRGDownloadableTributeBook.pdf
  3. Center letter to Timuel Black June 8 1962
  4. http://www.pnhp.org/news/2008/july/dr_quentin_young_wi.php
  5. http://www.democracynow.org/2009/3/11/dr_quentin_young_obama_confidante_and
  6. http://www.democracynow.org/2009/9/10/obama_urges_lawmakers_to_pass_healthcare
  7. Hyde Park-Kenwood Voices, December 1968, page 14
  8. Undated, GI Civil Liberties Defense Committee letterhead circa 1969
  9. Full text of "The nationwide drive against law enforcement intelligence operations : hearing before the Subcommittee to Investigate the Administration of the Internal Security Act and Other Internal Security Laws of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, Ninety-fourth Congress, first session page 151
  10. CCDBR 1992 membership list
  11. Daily World October 28 1971
  12. http://www.uic.edu/sph/glakes/pdfs/25thanniversary/25th_bklt_final.pdf
  13. Committee to Elect Dr. John R. Lumpkin letter, Sept. 10, 1978
  14. Information Digest Oct. 24 1980
  15. Guardian March 2 1979
  16. 10th Anniversary Booklet for the New American Movement, 1981
  17. Undated circa late 1982, HWAC Mayoral Campaign Records, Box 5, Folder 1
  18. Hyde Park Herald April 6, 1983, page 8
  19. Memo from Karen Green sent to Illinois Board Members
  20. All-Peoples Congress press release, 1983
  21. Harold Washington Oversight Committee: List of Members
  22. PWW June 29, 1996
  23. New Ground Volume 5, Nos 4 - 5 Winter, 1991
  24. http://www.chicagodsa.org/d1992/index.html
  25. Madeline Talbott, Chicago NP report August 12, 1992
  26. International Peace for Cuba Appeal - letter, Nov. 14, 1994
  27. http://www.peoplesworld.org/conyers-spearheads-health-care-campaign/. PWW, http://www.peoplesworld.org/conyers-spearheads-health-care-campaign/, Carolyn Taylor March 26 2004]
  28. IPA 20th Anniversary Dinner leaflet
  29. http://www.chicagodsa.org/ngarchive/ng44.html
  30. http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0208/8630.html
  31. Citizen Action of Illinois B.O.D. list
  32. http://freepress.org/Backup/UnixBackup/pubhtml/leftie/left9806.html
  33. Crossroads 2003 Financial Report
  34. [http://www.pnhpwesternwashington.org/PNHP PNHPWW March 16th Meeting Discussion on Annual Public Meeting; Quentin Young Remembered]
  35. http://www.ben.edu/programs/cafsncc/
  36. http://www.ccdbr.org/events/wilkinson/Wilkinson_Committee.html
  37. New Ground 112, May/June 2007
  38. http://www.democracynow.org/2009/3/11/dr_quentin_young_obama_confidante_and
  39. http://www.facebook.com/posted.php?id=105544909634&share_id=12004239303
  40. http://civillibertarian.blogspot.com/2007/02/barack-obama-hypocrisy-on-health-care.html
  41. http://www.corporatecrimereporter.com/obama012808.htm
  42. http://www.democracynow.org/2009/3/11/dr_quentin_young_obama_confidante_and
  43. Daily Herald, Monday, March 6, 2000. Section 1, Page 7.
  44. Physicians for a National Health Program website: Board of Directors (accessed on Oct. 19, 2009)
  45. Healthcare-Now! Board
  46. http://jeffberkowitz.blogspot.com/2009/04/gov-pat-quinn-appoints-dr-quentin-young.html
  47. http://npalliance.org/content/pages/npa_advisory_board
  48. Blog, March 3rd 7th PNHPWW Annual Public Meeting, Health Care and Social Justice, How We Get There, Where We Came From, Where We Are
  49. Back from California!
  50. PDA, Healthcare not Warfare
  51. The activist-doctor Quentin Young is still in, accessed June 6 2017