Barry Sheppard

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Barry Sheppard

Template:TOCnestleft Barry Sheppard was a member of the US Socialist Workers Party for 28 years, and a central leader for most of that time.[1]

He is a member of Solidarity and a long-time writer for the left. In addition to his two-volume critical memoir, The Party: the Socialist Workers Party 1960-1988 (available at Bolerium Books, he has published in Green Left Weekly and Red Flag (Australia), Against the Current, Europe Solidaire Sans Frontieres, La Breche, Socialist Viewpoint, and Socialist Action.[2]

Party hopper

In the 1980s, Sheppard had been a central player in the undemocratic expulsion and driving out from the Socialist Workers Party of close to 200 members. The majority of the expelled members, who had fought to retain the SWP’s Trotskyist tradition, formed Socialist Action at the end of 1983 and the Fourth Internationalist Tendency in 1984.

Sheppard himself was expelled from the SWP seven years later. Soon afterwards, and with profuse apologies for his past conduct, he joined Socialist Action—only to lead a bitter faction fight and split a year later. He immediately joined the Committees of Correspondence (a group that had broken from the Communist Party USA), and later joined a diffuse "socialist regroupment" formation called Solidarity.[3]

Institute for Social and Economic Studies/CrossRoads

In the mid 1990s Barry Sheppard served[4]on the Board of Directors of Oakland based Institute for Social and Economic Studies- sponsor of CrossRoads magazine, which sought to promote dialogue and building new alliances among progressives and leftists... and to bring diverse Marxist and socialist traditions to bear while exploring new strategies and directions for the progressive political movements.

Editorial board News for a People's World

The 1993 News for a People's World editor's committee board consisted of Alice Sunshine (editor), Marcy Rein (managing editor), committee members Pele deLappe, Conn Hallinan, Tahan Jones, Eric Mar, Hannah Miller, Jonathan Nack, Marty Price, David Raymond , Barry Sheppard and John Trinkl.[5]

LINKS Contributing editor

As of 2010, contributing editors to Australian based "journal of international socialist renewal" LINKS, included;[6]



  1. [ Barry Sheppard's The Party The Socialist Workers Party 1960-1988 A Political Memoir Volume 1: The Sixties]
  2. [1]
  3. Socialist Action, The Life of the Party: Barry Sheppard, the SWP & the 1960s by Joe Auciello & Jeff Mackler / August 2006 issue of Socialist Action
  4. Crossroads March 1996
  5. News for a People's World, November 1993, page 2
  6. [2] LINKS website, accessed May 27, 2010