The ANSWER Coalition (aka ANSWER: Act Now to Stop War and End Racism) (aka International ANSWER) is an anti-American, anti-Israel, pro-North Korea front group for the Party for Socialism and Liberation.[1]
People's Congress of Resistance is a project endorsed by the ANSWER Coalition.
March Forward! is "an affiliate of the ANSWER Coalition."
ANSWER was "founded just three days after the September 11, 2001 attacks, ANSWER "has played an important role in the fight against racist and religious profiling, in support of immigrant and workers’ rights, and for economic and social justice for all. Our members are engaged in a range of struggles, from the local battles against police brutality to the international campaigns against militarism and war."
From their website:[2]
- "Founded just three days after the September 11, 2001 attacks, ANSWER (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism) initiated the massive U.S. antiwar movement opposing the U.S.invasion of Iraq in the months prior to March 19, 2003.
- "The ANSWER Coalition demonstration of 200,000 people on October 26, 2002, in Washington, D.C. ignited a nationwide and global antiwar movement that was nearly unprecedented in history. On January 18, 2003, 500,000 people packed the Mall in Washington, D.C. under the slogan “Stop the War Before It Starts.” The Washington Post described the January 18 demonstration as the largest antiwar protest since the end of the Vietnam War.
- "On February 15, 2003, many millions of people, in nearly every country in the world, joined together in the largest coordinated antiwar actions in history.
- "On April 12, 2003, just 3 days after the U.S. invasion force conquered Baghdad the ANSWER coalition organized a demonstration of 30,000 people in downtown Washington, D.C. under the slogan “Occupation is not Liberation.” This marked the beginning of a new stage of the U.S.antiwar movement which slowly regained its massive character as the resistance movement in Iraq made it clear that the occupation of Iraq would fail.
- "A distinguishing feature of the organizing principles and work of the ANSWER Coalition, in contrast with the traditional U.S. peace movement was its uncompromising support in defense of the rights of the Palestinian people.
- "In April 2002, the ANSWER Coalition organized the largest demonstrations in solidarity with the Palestinian people in U.S. history, of more than 100,000 people.
- "ANSWER, which at its core included a partnership between Arab and non-Arab activists, fought a long and successful battle against excluding the Palestinian struggle for self-determination from the anti-war and peace movement. In the years since, we have mobilized across the country to stop the repeated assaults against and massacres of the people of Gaza.
- "Most recently ANSWER lead a march of 50,000 people in Washington, D.C. on August 2, 2014 to protest the Israeli massacre against people in Gaza.
- "In recent years, March Forward!, an affiliate of the ANSWER Coalition, has brought together anti-war veterans and active-duty service members to fight for their rights and oppose U.S. wars of aggression.
- "ANSWER has played an important role in the fight against racist and religious profiling, in support of immigrant and workers’ rights, and for economic and social justice for all. Our members are engaged in a range of struggles, from the local battles against police brutality to the international campaigns against militarism and war.
- "ANSWER Chapters are organizing in cities and towns throughout the United States connecting the flight for social justice at home and in opposition to war and occupation abroad."
People's Conference for Palestine
ANSWER listed conveners of the People's Conference for Palestine. The People's Conference for Palestine was "Funded and Supported by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, a Communist-Terrorist Group which is Headquartered in the Syrian Capital of Damascus".[3],[4] The conference was held May 24 - May 26, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan.
Verbatim from an Answer Coalition email dated May 22, 2024:
- "This moment calls on us to strengthen our relationships, our strategies, our tactics, and our unity for the struggle ahead. We must build a shared assessment of the moment, and chart out the next phase of our struggle. The Palestinian people have been fighting for liberation for over 100 years, and are committed to continuing this fight generation after generation, until victory. Join us as organizations, collectives, movement leaders, community members, students and intellectuals, artists and cultural workers, and activists for a three-day convening to reflect, exchange, and strengthen ourselves and our fight for a free Palestine!
- "This landmark conference is being convened by: Palestinian Youth Movement, National Students for Justice in Palestine, The People's Forum, Al-Awda: The Palestine Right to Return Coalition, The U.S. Palestinian Community Network (USPCN), ANSWER Coalition, US Campaign for Palestinian Rights, International Jewish Anti Zionist Network, Writers Against the War on Gaza, Healthcare Workers for Palestine, Palestinian Feminist Collective, Palestine Popular University, Palestinian American Women's Association, Arab Resource and Organizing Center (AROC), and National Alliance Against Racist & Political Repression.
- "We are in an unprecedented moment in history. As we bear witness to the ongoing and brutal genocide against the Palestinian people, we are also part of building a mass movement that is committed to struggling for Palestinian national liberation. The demands for an end to the genocide, lifting of the siege of Gaza, an end to all US aid for Israel, and a free Palestine echo in the streets, in classrooms and universities, disrupting the halls of government and the daily lives of all genocide-profiteers. The movement for Palestine has never been stronger: but with this strength comes a monumental responsibility.
Anti-Israel March on Washington
The ANSWER Coalition organized an anti-Israel protest dated November 4, 2023[5] with the following organizations featured on the flyer: Palestinian Youth Movement, U.S. Palestinian Community Network (USPCN), The People's Forum, Al-Awda, the Palestine Right to Return Coalition, American Muslim Alliance, US Campaign for Palestinian Rights, and National Students for Justice in Palestine.
From a mass email dated October 20, 2023:[6]
- "The growing coalition of organizations mobilizing for the national march on Washington for Palestine is excited to announce that permits have been obtained! The demonstration will begin at 2:00 p.m. at Freedom Plaza (Pennsylvania Avenue between 13th and 14th streets). Tens of thousands will gather at this historic location in the heart of D.C. to raise our voices for justice.
- Now is the time to stand with the besieged people of Palestine! Gaza is being bombed by the hour. Its people are denied food, water and electricity by Israel. Tens of thousands more people are likely to die. We must ACT! People are in the streets everyday in their local cities and towns. Now we must UNITE!
- Hundreds of new endorsements are pouring in from across the country for this mass action. As Israel intensifies its genocidal assault on Gaza, more and more organizations and individuals are coming forward to stand with the Palestinian people. Initial co-sponsoring organizations include:
- Palestinian Youth Movement
- ANSWER Coalition
- American Muslim Association
- The People's Forum
- National Students for Justice in Palestine
- Al-Awda, the Palestine Right to Return Coalition
- U.S. Palestinian Community Network (USPCN)
- U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights (USCPR)
- Maryland2Palestine
According to a mass email dated October 22, 2023 by the ANSWER Coalition,[7] the following "extensive list of supporting organizations that have come forward just in the first few days since the march was announced reflects the dire urgency of the moment":
- American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC)
- Palestinian American Council
- American University Students for Justice in Palestine
- Georgetown University Students for Justice in Palestine
- Egyptian Student Association at the University of Maryland
- Students' for Justice in Palestine at the University of Maryland
- Students for Justice in Palestine at George Mason University
- BDS and Palestine Solidarity Working Group of the DSA
- United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC)
- Nodutdol
- CUNY for Palestine
- Palestinian Feminist Collective
- Palestinian American Community Center
- Veterans for Peace
- Anakbayan USA
- United Native Americans
- Students for Justice in Palestine at NYU
- Vassar Students for Justice in Palestine
- The Interreligious Foundation for Community Organization
- Arab Americans for Syria
- Organizing Neighborhood Equity (ONE DC)
- Teaching Palestine: Pedagogical Praxis and the Indivisibility of Justice
- Diáspora Pa'lante Collective
- Honor the Earth
- Ohio Peace Council
- Party for Socialism and Liberation
- Project ANAR
- The Key
- DC Metro Coalition in Solidarity with Cuba
- Cuba and Venezuela Solidarity Committee
- Hampton Institute
- Iskra Books
- Alliance Philippines (AJLPP)
- Maine Natural Guard
- Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space
- Mekong NYC
- Rising Together
- March and Rally Los Angeles
- Students for an Inclusive Campus
- Law Office of Sara B. Kohgadai
- Mass Artists for Change
- Anakbayan DC
- Home Sovereignty Studio
- Anti-Imperialist Action Committee
- Socialist Unity Party
- Peoples Power Assembly
- Struggle/La Lucha Newspaper
- Malaya Movement USA
- Women Against Military Madness
- Anti-Imperialist Action UMBC
- Women in Struggle-Mujeres en Lucha
- Shiima koh
- Americans of Pakistani Heritage Inc
- Veterans For Peace - Pittsburgh Chapter
- Needlepoint Sanctuary of Maine
- NoMuNoMu
- Colectivo Kawsay
- Katarungan DC
- Southwest Coalition for Palestine
- Malcolm X Center for Self Determination
- MN Anti War Committee
- Defend Democracy in Brazil Committee- New York
- Virginia Defenders for Freedom, Justice & Equality
- Muslim Delegates & Allies Coalition
- Bans Off Our Bodies
- Wayne County Revolutionary Study Group
- Resumen Latinoamericano - English
- Konocti Senior Support
- Dorothy Day Catholic Worker DC
- Workers Voice Socialist Movement Louisiana
- North Carolina Environmental Justice Network
- American Student Union
- Socialist Action
- Palestine Action US
- Party of Communists USA
- Cosmic Omnism Collective
- League of Young Communists USA
- Haiti Liberte
- Bronx Anti-War Coalition
- Palestine Charity Team
- Environmentalists Against War
- Partners for Peace
- Faculty for Justice in Palestine at NYU
- The Queer Notion
- Sisters in the Struggle
- The Future is US
- Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action, Integration, and Immigrant Rights and Fight for Equality By Any Means Necessary (BAMN)
- Kollectiv TV
- Rabab Abdulhadi, Arab and Muslim Ethnicities and Diasporas Studies at San Francisco State University
- Sandra Drake, Professor Emerita at Stanford University's Program in African and African-American Studies and Department of English
- Michael Wong, Veterans for Peace
- Luci Murphy, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom
- Natalia de Campos, Defend Democracy in Brazil Committee - New York
- Adrian Bonifacio, BAYAN USA
- Jim Lafferty, National Lawyers Guild
Pro-Hamas Letter
In the wake of a terror attack by Hamas on Israel on October 7, 2023, Harvard University students signed an open letter blaming Israel. After the students received negative media coverage, the ANSWER Coalition jumped to their defense in an open letter titled: "Open letter against intimidation at Harvard: Defend the freedom to speak in support of Palestine!"[8]
- We stand together against the racist harassment and demonization of Pro-Palestine student activists at Harvard and elsewhere across the country. These attacks are designed to intimidate, weaken, and silence people's right to speak out in support of the Palestinian people's struggle against occupation and apartheid. Their educational and professional futures are being threatened and right wing political operatives have even rented a TV truck to drive around campus displaying the students' faces. Some are even receiving death threats.
- Despite these attacks, student leaders at Harvard are standing tall.
- The case of Harvard University is only one of many examples of the attacks that those who express solidarity with the Palestinian struggle face; attacks that are rapidly escalating at this time. Likewise, violent hate crimes against Palestinians are taking place around the country.
- We are coming together to support Free Speech rights. We oppose the efforts to demonize and criminalize dissent. We reject the campaign that tries to silence those who support the Palestinian people in their just struggle against occupation and apartheid.
- Initial list of signers:
- Rashid Khalidi, Edward Said Professor of Modern Arab Studies, Columbia University
- Vijay Prashad, Director, Tri-Continental: Institute for Social Research
- Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, Historian
- Tanvir Murad, General Secretary, Bangladesh Association of New England
- Erika Uyterhoeven, Massachusetts State Representative
- John Womack, Jr., Emeritus Professor of History, Harvard University
- Jodie Evans, Co-Founder, CODEPINK
- Charlotte Kates, International Coordinator, Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network and National Lawyers Guild
- Mahdi Bray, American Muslim Alliance, National Executive Director
- Nasser Rabbat, Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Gerald Horne, Moores Professor of History, University of Houston
- Brian Becker, National Coordinator, ANSWER Coalition
- Manolo De Los Santos, Co Executive Director, The People's Forum
- Lamis Deek, Al-Awda
- VP Sanu, President, Students' Federation of India
- Peter Mertens, General Secretary, Workers Party of Belgium
- Jalil Muntaqim, Co-Founder, Spirit of Mandela, National Jericho Movement
- Willie Burnley, Jr., Somerville City Councilor
- Jodi Dean, Author & Professor, Hobart and William Smith Colleges
- Tanalis Padilla, Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Camilo Perez-Bustillo, Executive Director, National Lawyers Guild, Bay Area/SF chapter
- Pankaj Mehta, Professor, Boston University
- Medea Benjamin, Co-Founder, CODEPINK
- Christopher Hasty, Professor Emeritus, Harvard University
- J.T. Roane, Assistant Professor, Rutgers University
- Vijay Iyer, Professor of Music & African and African American Studies, Harvard University
- Marjorie Cohn, Founding Dean, People's Academy of International Law
- Robyn C. Spencer-Antoine, Associate Professor of History, Harvard University
- Alex Hanna, Director of Research, Distributed AI Research Institute
- Charisse Burden-Stelly, Associate Professor, Wayne State University
- Immanuel Ness, Chair, New York Peace Council
- Rabab Abdulhadi, Director & Senior Scholar, Arab & Muslim Ethnicities and Diasporas Studies Program at San Francisco State University
- Humayun K. Morshed, President, Boston BanglaAid Inc
- Brian Cleary, Assistant Professor, Boston University
- Mara Verheyden-Hilliard, Title constitutional rights lawyer
- Bikrum Gill, Assistant Professor, Virginia Tech
- Manu Karuka, Professor, Barnard College
- Radhika Desai, Director, Geopolitical Economy Research Group
- Jacqueline Luqman, Coordinator, Mid-Atlantic Region and Member of the Coordinating Committee of the Black Alliance for Peace
- Jeffrey Frank, Lawyer, National Lawyers Guild
- Dr. Ken Hammond, Professor, New Mexico State University
- Roger McKenzie, International Editor, Morning Star newspaper
- Corinna Mullin, Faculty, CUNY
- Jorge Rocha, Co-Chair, DSA International Committee
- Suzanne Adely, President, National Lawyers Guild
- Nina Farnia, Faculty, Albany Law School
- Sonia Vaz Borges, Asisstant Professor, Drexel University
- Michael Letwin, Former President, Association of Legal Aid Attorneys/UAW 2325
- Calla Walsh, Co-Chair, National Network on Cuba
- Steve Ellner, University Professor
- John King, Associate Adjunct Professor, NYU
- Brahim Rouabah, Organizer, Algeria Revolt
- Momodou Taal, The Malcolm Effect Podcast
- Audrey Bomse, former co-Chair, Palestine Subcommittee of National Lawyers Guild
- Jeannette Graulau, Associate Professor, Lehman College
- Rhea Rahman, Assistant Professor, Brooklyn College
- Organizations/institutions listed for identification purposes only
Harvard University
- Last week, at Harvard University, dozens of student organizations signed on to a letter denouncing the Israeli occupation and recognizing it as the source of the Palestinian resistance. In retaliation, right-wing forces, enabled by the university administration, mobilized their forces to employ intimidation and scare tactics to instill fear in student leaders at the helm of the Palestine solidarity movement. Billionaire and hedge fund CEO Bill Ackman called for Harvard to release the identities of the individual student activists involved with the intent of blacklisting them from future employment. Adam Guillette, president of right-wing extremist corporation Accuracy in Media, proudly paraded a truck with the names and faces of these student leaders around Harvard’s campus to escalate the suppression of their voices. Notably, it is primarily Black and Arab students and their organizations that face the brunt of these attacks that come in the form of harassment, defamation, and even death threats– a reality that no student should ever have to experience.
- “We are demanding an end to the siege of Gaza and insisting that the US government stop funding the murderous attacks against the people of Gaza and against all Palestinian people. Despite the attacks on ourselves, our fellow students, our futures – we refuse to renounce our conscience,” stated Amari Butler, a Harvard student organizer with African and African American Resistance Organization (AFRO) and a target of these vicious attacks.
- Kojo Acheampong, another organizer with AFRO and target of racist attacks stated, “When people in the U.S. supported the BDS movement they were targeted for censure. When the Palestinian people in 2018-19 launched the nonviolent movement called the Great March of Return they were shot down by Israeli snipers. Hundreds were shot dead and thousands were wounded. The US supporters of the nonviolent movement were ignored by the mainstream media or demonized by Israeli supporters. Every form of opposition to Israeli apartheid, whether it is nonviolent or involves armed resistance, is condemned. Now those who support the Palestinian people are accused of being supporters of terrorism.”
Pro-Hamas Protest After Oct 7, 2023 Israel Attack
Party for Socialism and Liberation's front group ANSWER organized anti-Israel protests in the wake of a horrific terror attack by Hamas on Israel on October 7, 2023. Speakers included Lauren Pineiro, Mahdi Bray
A mass mailing sent by ANSWER dated Friday, October 13, 2023 advertised numerous protests:[9],[10],[11],[12]
- "Today may be remembered as a turning point for the Palestine solidarity movement in the United States. Despite every effort by the most powerful people in New York City, over 10,000 protesters courageously marched to demand freedom for Palestine.
- Starting in Times Square, the massive crowd made it clear where the people stand. The politicians and generals who are rushing to guarantee limitless support and weaponry to Israel as it carries out a massacre in Gaza of massive proportions do not speak for the people of this country. The people are for Palestine!
- In a blatant attempt to shut down free speech, New York Mayor Eric Adams mobilized the entirety of the NYPD — all 36,000 officers — based on the outrageous and racist notion that pro-Palestine demonstrations represent a grave danger to public safety. The city’s authorities along with the major news outlets treated this righteous expression of solidarity as a terror threat. But the enormous turnout provided a resounding answer: resistance is not terrorism!
- This act of defiance has left the city’s elite rightfully humiliated. Especially over the past 20+ years, the NYPD has been built up into a hyper-militarized force larger than the armies of many nations. The Arab and Muslim community in particular has been a key target for surveillance and suppression. But that cannot stop the movement for justice.
- It is clear that Israel’s ultimate goal is to wipe out Gaza. This is a genocide. But the people of the world, joining hands with the heroic people of Palestine, can stop it. Find an action near you below, check back to the ANSWER website for an updated list of actions, and submit an action for the listing here.
- Please make an urgently needed donation to support solidarity work with Palestine in this pivotal moment
Upcoming demonstrations
- Saturday, October 14
- 12:00 p.m.
- San Francisco Ferry Building -- Harry Bridges Plaza (Near Embarcadero BART)
- Sponsored by: Palestinian Youth Movement, U.S. Palestinian Community Network, ANSWER Coalition, Party for Socialism and Liberation, Workers World Party, Arab Resources and Organizing Center, Al-Awda, QUIT!, International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network, Palestinian Feminist Collective, American Friends Service Committee, Art Forces, Teaching Palestine
- Saturday, October 14
- 1:00 p.m.
- Lafayette Square
- Sponsored by: American Muslims for Palestine
- Saturday, October 14
- 12:30 p.m.
- Israeli consulate (11766 Wilshire Blvd.)
- Saturday, October 14
- 12:00 p.m.
- 16th and J Street downtown
- Sponsored by: Sacramento Regional Coalition for Palestinian Rights, ANSWER, DSA, PSL, Palestine America League, Students for Justice in Palestine at California State University, Sacramento
- Saturday, October 14
- 4:00 p.m.
- City Hall Park
- Sponsored by: Party for Socialism and Liberation
- Saturday, October 14
- 1:00 p.m.
- Westlake
- Sponsored by: Samidoun Seattle, JVP Seattle, SUPERUW, Beldaan, ANSWER, Falastiniyat, ILPS
- Saturday, October 14
- 4:00 p.m.
- Denver State Capitol
- Sponsored by: Party for Socialism and Liberation - Denver, Colorado Palestinian Coalition
- Saturday, October 14
- 1:00 p.m.
- MN Power Plaza (Lake Ave and Superior St)
- Sponsored by: Northwoods Socialist Collective, Northland Grandmothers for Peace, CPUSA
- Saturday, October 14
- 4:00 p.m.
- Ziegler Park (1322 Sycamore St.)
- Sponsored by: UC Muslim Student Association, Arab Student Association
- Saturday, October 14
- 2:00 p.m.
- Plaza Memorial Fountain
- Sponsored by: AL-HADAF Kansas City
- Saturday, October 14
- 2:00 p.m.
- Big Four Bridge @ Waterfront Park
- Sponsored by: PSL Louisville, Louisville Students for Justice in Palestine, CPUSA, Young Communist League, YDSA, International Marxist Tendency (IMT)
- Saturday, October 14
- 2:00 p.m.
- Michigan and Ida B Wells Drive
- Sponsored by: The Chicago Coalition for Justice in Palestine
- Saturday, October 14
- 2:00 p.m.
- 901 Bagby St
- Sponsored by: Palestinian Youth Movement
- Saturday, October 14
- 4:30 p.m.
- 801 Broadway
- Saturday, October 14
- 4:00 p.m.
- Ziegler Park (1322 Sycamore St.)
- Sponsored by: University of Cincinnati Muslim Student Association, Arab Student Association
- Sunday, October 15
- 3:00 p.m.
- Penn Square
- Sponsored by: Party for Socialism and Liberation
- Sunday, October 15
- 3:00 p.m.
- Bryant Square Park in Minneapolis
- Sponsored by: Anti-War Committee (Freedom Road Socialist Organization), American Muslims for Palestine, Students for Justice in Palestine, PSL Minneapolis
- Sunday, October 15
- 1:00 p.m.
- Santana Row (Winchester & Stevens Creek)
- Sunday, October 15
- 3:00 p.m.
- Bernie Milton Pavilion/Ithaca Commons
- Sponsored by: Ithaca Committee for Justice in Palestine-Jewish Voice for Peace (CJP_JVP), Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL), and others
- Sunday, October 15
- 12:00 p.m.
- Allen County Courthouse Green
- Sponsored by: Indiana Center for Middle East Peace, Universal Education Foundation, Islamic Center of Fort Wayne
- Sunday, October 15
- 11:00 a.m.
- Martinsburg Town Square
- Sponsored by: Party for Socialism and Liberation
- Sunday, October 15
- 2:00 p.m.
- Main & University
- Sunday, October 15
- 12:00 p.m.
- 3100 Countryside Dr Suite 100
- Sponsored by: Party for Socialism and Liberation - Central Valley, Central Valley Black Indigenous People of Color Coalition
- Sunday, October 15
- 3:00 p.m.
- Texas state Capitol
- Sponsored by: Palestinian Solidarity Committee (PSC) and PSL
- Sunday, October 15
- 12:00 p.m.
- Akard Plaza (1500 Marilla St)
- Sponsored by:Palestinian Youth Movement, Dalles Anti-War Committee, Muslim American Society, Students for Justice in Palestine, Dallas Palestine Coalition, Muslim Alliance for Black Lives
- Sunday, October 15
- 2:00 p.m.
- San Diego County Administration Building
- Sponsored by: Palestinian Youth Movement, San Diego State University Students for Justice in Palestine, University of California-San Diego Students for Justice in Palestine, American Muslims for Palestine San Diego, PSL
- Monday, October 16
- 5:00 p.m.
- Spokane City Hall
- Sponsored by: PSL
- Monday, October 16
- 4:00 p.m.
- Leo O'Brien Federal Building
- Sponsored by: Palestinian Rights Committee (PRC)
- Monday, October 16
- 6:00 p.m.
- Park Central Square
- Sponsored by: Party for Socialism and Liberation
- Tuesday, October 17
- 5:30 p.m.
- South Carolina State House (1100 Gervais St)
- Sponsored by: Students for Justice in Palestine at University of South Carolina
- Friday, October 20
- 6:00 p.m.
- Art Hill, Forest Park
- Sponsored by: Party for Socialism and Liberation
- Friday, October 20
- 6:00 p.m.
- Art Hill, Forest Park
- Sponsored by: Party for Socialism and Liberation
- Saturday, October 21
- 3:00 p.m.
- The Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Living Memorial (Corner of L St. & 9th Ave)
- Sponsored by: Party for Socialism and Liberation - Anchorage
Protest Russian Sanctions after Ukraine Invasion
ANSWER has heavily advertised a demonstration held on March 18, 2023 filmed by BreakThrough News to protest sanctions on Russia in the wake of their invasion on Ukraine.[13] The rally was live-streamed on BreakThrough News.[14]
From a flyer on their website:[15]
- The war in Ukraine and the sanctions on Russia are making it harder for people to pay their rent, fill their gas tanks, put food on the table and keep the lights on. Much of the damage is due to the sanctions placed on Russia, a major producer of everything from oil to wheat. The US Federal Reserve admits that the conflict is “pushing up inflation” while slowing down growth.
- To fight inflation we need to end the US’s massive international sanctions regime and demand they stop sending weapons to fuel the Ukraine war, and stop blocking peace negotiations.
- The Wall Street Journal now says: “Gas Prices Poised to Rise Again as Sanctions on Russia Take Effect,” while global economists say the “massive shock” of the war will produce new “inflationary pressures, sapping confidence and household purchasing power.”
- US sanctions on Venezuela and Iran are further impacting the market in oil and gas prices, driving up prices and driving the climate crisis destroying the planet. It’s clear as ever that the US’s own policies of sanctions, and the proxy war provoked by NATO policies, is directly impacting the cost-of-living crisis for working class people. Meanwhile the military industrial complex and Wall Street get richer. This is criminal — the time to act is now!
Speakers include:
- Noam Chomsky, professor
- Jacqueline Luqman, Black Alliance for Peace
- The Black Workers Center Chorus
- Jill Stein, two-time Green Party presidential candidate
- Claudia De La Cruz, The People's Forum
- Mike Inouye, Oahu Water Protectors
- Gabriel Shipton, brother of Julian Assange
- Abby Martin, Empire Files
- Medea Benjamin, CODEPINK
- Hermela Aregawi, African People's Forum
- Margaret Flowers, Popular Resistance
- Yolian Egbu, AAPRP
- Carsey Blanton, cultural worker
The protest was supported by World BEYOND War.
The protest is supported by the following groups:
- The People's Forum
- Black Alliance for Peace
- United National Anti-War Coalition
- World BEYOND War
- Popular Resistance
- Roger Waters
- Veterans for Peace
- Party for Socialism and Liberation
- Al-Awda, The Palestine Right to Return Coalition
- Black Power Media
- Green Party of the United States
- Jill Stein, 2016 Green Party presidential candidate*
- U.S. Labor Against Racism and War
- National Council of Eritrean-Americans
- Democratic Socialists of America International Committee
- AFSCME Local 2401
- United Students Against Sweatshops
- Palestinian Youth Movement
- Pivot to Peace
- Peace and Freedom Party
- U.S. Peace Council
- Leonard Peltier Defense Committee
- Alliance for Global Justice
- Dr. Helen Caldicott, Founder of Physicians for Social Responsibility*
- Pax Christi USA
- Pakistan Labour Federation (PLF)
- Universal African Peoples Organization
- Cuba and Venezuela Solidarity Committee
- Women's International League for Peace and Freedom US
- Malcolm X Center for Self Determination
- Geneva Women's Assembly
- Coop Anti-War Cafe Berlin
- Oahu Water Protectors
- Green Party of California
- Haiti Liberte
- Arab Americans for Syria
- International Action Center
- Howard University Dissenters
- Students for a Democratic Society
- Critical Theory Workshop / Atelier de Theorie Critique
- United Native Americans
- Los Ronderos de las Redes
- International Manifesto Group
- Green Party National Women’s Caucus
- Los Alamos Study Group
- Rising Together
- People's Tribune
- Tony Ndege
- Hawaii Peace and Justice
- PeaceWorks
- Foreign Policy Team, Progressive Democrats of America
- California Interfaith Power and Light
- East Bay Democratic Socialists of America
- Task Force on the Americas
- Hunter Peace Group
- Jim Lafferty, National Lawyers Guild, LA Chapter*
- Women Against Military Madness
- Struggle-La Lucha
- Peace Praxis - Shenandoah Valley Antiwar Coalition
- Nevada Green Party
- Mobilization Against War and Occupation (Canada)
- Green Party of Michigan
- Peoples Power Assembly
- CODEPINK S.F. Bay Area
- Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
- Stop the War Machine - New Mexico
- Workers World Party
- Socialist Action
- End the Wars & Occupations Team of Progressive Democrats of America
- Bronx Green Party
- Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space
- Hampton Institute
- Freedom Road Socialist Organization
- Socialist Party of America
- Chicago Anti-War Coalition
- Claudia Jones School for Political Education
- National Immigrant Solidarity Network
- Ellie Ommani, American Iranian Friendship Committee*
- China-US Solidarity Network
- Dissenters at UVA
- North American Climate Conservation and Environmental Group
- Ohio Peace Council
- Committee of Anti-Imperialists in Solidarity with Iran
- Peoples Power Assembly
- Socialist Unity Party
- Green Party of Connecticut
- Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists Social Justice Committee
- Environmentalists Against War
- Pacific Green Party (OR), Linn-Benton Chapter
- Lauren Faith Smith Ministry for Nonviolence
- Maine Cumberland County Greens
- Clinica Martín-Baro San Francisco, CA
- Genesee Valley Citizens for Peace
- San Jose Peace and Justice Center
- Servicio Particular Alacran
- Minnesota Peace Action Coalition
- Green Renaissance-Sovereign Rights Movement
- PeaceWorks of Greater Brunswick
- UPWARD (Uniting Peace With Actions Respect and Dignity)
- Socialist Party of America
- North Country Peace Group
- Green Party Elders
- Students for a Democratic Society at USC
- WilderUtopia
- Virginia Defenders for Freedom, Justice & Equality
- Organizing Committee for a Democratic Revolutionary Left
- Odessa Solidarity Campaign
- Capitol Area Greens (Michigan)
- Fire This Time Movement for Social Justice Canada
- Hands Off Uhuru! Hands Off Africa! Defense Campaign
- Uhuru Solidarity Movement
- Soakoaroan Mix Youth Organization
- Friends of Latin America
- Workers Voice Socialist Movement (Louisiana)
- Boston May Day Coalition
- MN Anti-War Committee
- Maine Green Independent Party
- The Libertarian Institute
- Bianca For San Francisco
- Green Party of Utah
- Dancing Redband Publications
- Peace, Land, and Bread
- League of Revolutionaries for a New America
- Party of Communists USA (PCUSA)
- American Party of Labor
- San Jose Friday Peace Vigil
- League of Young Communists USA (LYCUSA)
- WNC4Peace
- DC Young Communist League
- Peace Action Network of Lancaster
- People's Network for Planet, Justice, and Peace
- People's Party of Maine
- Middle of the Mitten Greens
- Church Women United in New York State
- Partisan Press
- Peoples School for Marxist-Leninist Studies
- Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace
- Community Organizing Center Ohio
- Peace Fresno
- Green Liberty Caucus
- Korean Friendship Association USA
- Diaspora Pa'lante Collective
- Green Party of Santa Clara County CA
- Movement for People's Democracy
- Vrede Met Venezuela NL/Peace With Venezuela Netherlands
- DC Statehood Green Party
- Chicago ALBA Solidarity
- AlgeriaRevoltup
- Pacifica Peace People
- Communist Party USA - Detroit Club
- Green Party of New Jersey
- NuclearBan.US
- Midwestern Marx Institute
- Northwest Ohio Peace Coalition
- Planet Versus Pentagon (Oregon)
- The key (Palestine)
- National Lawyers Guild International Committee
- Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign/ Poor People's Army
- Seattle for Assange
- California United Front
- Free Democratic Palestine Movement (FDPM)
- Frente Unido America Latina - Berlin
- Taoseños for Peaceful and Livable Futures
- Phoenix Antiwar Coalition
- Extinction Rebellion Peace, SF Bay Area
- Orinoco Tribune
- Pittsburgh Anti-Imperialist League (PAIL)
- Munich-American Peace Committee
- Global Strategy of Nonviolence
- Four Lakes Green Party
- Philadelphia Young Communist League
- Porcupine Gear
- PeaceDaySF
- Dallas Peace and Justice Center
- Nebraskans for Peace
- Green Party of New York
- Red de Solidaridad con Palestina Costa Rica
- Turkish Peace and Justice Committee (Davis, CA)
- Peace Action WI
- Rising Sun Media
- Baltimore, MD Phil Berrigan Memorial Chapter Veterans For Peace
- Interfaith Peace Working Group
- Wisconsin Green Party
- No More Guantanamos, Berkeley Chapter
- PEX al lado del corazon
- Red Star Publishers
- North Carolina Green Party
- CT Peace and Solidarity Coalition
- Anticapitalism for Artists
- Iowa Green Party
- MD2Palestine
- Upstate Drone Action
- Associazione Citta Aperta
- Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition
- Ann Arbor Coalition Against the War
- Extinction Rebellion Peace
- New York Peace Council
- Green-Rainbow Party of Massachusetts
- Anti-imperialist America
- Hamilton Coalition Against the War
- Racine Coalition for Peace & Justice
- North Alabama Peace Network
- Green Party of Washington State
- Brainerd Area Coalition for Peace (BACP)
- Chicago Area Peace Action
- Ron Ridenour, Author and anti-war/pro-equality activist
- Los Angeles Harm Reduction Network
- NH Peace Action
- Cuba Inside Out
- Women Against War
- CT Peace and Solidarity Coalition
- Seattle Anti-War Coalition
- Long Beach Area Peace Network
- Seed of Love Hawaii
- Church Women United in New York State
- Border Peace Presence
- Mississippi Green Party
- Our Revolution Ocean County, NJ
- National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth
- NYC Free Assange
- Green Party of Allegheny County
- Rehumanize International
- Organic Consumers Association
- Bryn Mawr Peace Coalition
- Unite North Metro Denver
- Rocky Mount Racial Justice Group (NC)
- People's Ideas
- Towson University Young Democratic Socialists of America
- New Paltz Women in Black
- Palestinian American Council
- Green Party of Pennsylvania
- Our Revolution Hawaii
- Brandywine Peace Community
- Peace & Planet News
- Traprock Center for Peace and Justice
- Peace Praxis/Shenandoah Antiwar Coalition
- For identification only
Climate Crisis & Militarism Contingent
- Prutehi Litekyan/Save Ritidian (Guam)
- O'ahu Water Protectors
- Nodutdol
- People's Democratic Party (Korea)
- Korean American Support Committee for Korean Prisoners of Conscience
- No More Battle of Okinawa/Nuchi du Takara Association
- Okinawa Volunteer Association for the Repeal of the Land Regulation Law
- Gonowan No! PFAS Association
- Okinawa Dialogue Project to Stop the War Over Taiwan
- Alaska Community Action on Toxics
- Grassroots Global Justice Alliance
- Veterans For Peace - Climate Crisis and Militarism Project
- The Empire Files
- The East Asian Community Institute Ryukyu Okinawa Center
- Veterans and GIs Contingent
- About Face - Veterans Against the War
- Eyes Left
- Veterans for Peace
Stop Anti-Asian Violence, Stop China-Bashing!
ANSWER is promoting a rally on March 27 2021 to "Stop Anti-Asian Violence, Stop China-Bashing!" in order to promote the idea that citizens are attacking Asian Americans. This comes in the wake of a heinous crime against several Asian massage parlors in Atlanta, Georgia. [16]
- ANSWER Coalition
- Pivot to Peace
- Comfort Women Justice Coalition
- Veterans for Peace, San Francisco chapter #69
- Empire Files
- Qiao Collective
- Jim Lafferty, Executive Director Emeritus, National Lawyers Guild, L.A.
- Alliance for Global Justice
- UCLA Academic Advancement Program (AAP)
- Labor Against Racism and War
- Eric Mar, Asian American Studies, San Francisco State University
- Ken Hammond, New Mexico State University
- U.S. Support Committee for Korean Prisoners of Conscience
- March and Rally LA
- Ground Game LA
- Eth-Noh-Tec
- Global Women's Strike LA
- Wnc4 Peace
- Green Party of Monmouth County NJ
- Harold Welton, Black August Los Angeles
- Carol Lang, PSC Adjunct Professor
- Ina Martinez, UPWARD (Uniting Peace With Actions Respect and Dignity)
- Huachen Chen, University of California, Santa Barbara
- Christian Alliance for Peace
- Global Women's Strike LA
- Green Party of NJ
- Coop-Anti-War-Cafe Berlin
- Downingtown Community Focus Project
- Friends of Latin America
Pivot to Peace
ANSWER is behind an anti-American, pro-Chinese Communist Party pressure campaign called Pivot to Peace designed "to educate and mobilize public opinion" on United States Policy toward China. A petition an and online webinar launched the campaign, which was announced in an email dated July 10, 2020.[17]
Webinar speakers:[18], Full List of Speakers:[19]
- Julie Tang, retired San Francisco Superior Court Judge, Co-Chair of the Comfort Women Justice Coalition
- Ding Bong Lee, President of the San Francisco Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association and the Chinese Six Companies
- Jill Stein, MD, 2016 Green Party Presidential Nominee
- Peter Kuznick, Professor of History; Director Nuclear Studies Institute, American University
- Col. Ann Wright, retired US Army colonel, retired US State Department official
- Ken Hammond, Professor of East Asian and Global History at New Mexico State University
- K.J. Noh, Journalist, Scholar, Peace Activist
- Eugene Puryear, Show host of BreakThrough News
- Sheila Xiao, California Community College Research Analyst
- Mara Verheyden-Hilliard, Constitutional Rights Lawyer
- Michael Wong, Veterans for Peace
- Brian Becker, National Director, ANSWER Coalition
Hands Off Venezuela
ANSWER is hosting a "Hands Off Venezuela" rally March 16 2019 (shared by Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network):[20]
- "U.S. hands off Venezuela!
- "NO to the coup — NO to sanctions — NO to a new U.S. war
- "On Saturday, March 16, thousands of people from all over the United States will march in Washington, D.C. against the Trump administration’s brazen coup in Venezuela and a new devastating war there. The outrageous, illegal attacks against Venezuela repeats the ugly pattern of wars for regime change in the oil-rich countries of Iraq and Libya. National Security Advisor John Bolton is reading from the same script, declaring a “troika of tyranny” in Latin America (like the George W. Bush’s “axis of evil”) as a precursor for attempted regime change first in Venezuela, and then Cuba and Nicaragua. Trump has always said that the real “mistake” of the Middle East wars was that the U.S. didn’t “take the oil.”
- "It is time to stand up and with a clear voice say NO to the newest example of the “Monroe Doctrine,” which the U.S. government has used for over two centuries to repeatedly invade Latin America and Caribbean, control its politics and extract its resources.
- "The White House aims to overthrow the government of President Nicolás Maduro and replace him with Juan Guaidó. Guaidó is a U.S.-trained operative who was unknown to the vast majority of Venezuelans before he proclaimed himself president — at Vice President Mike Pence’s urging. Although Guaidó has the backing of Trump, the CIA, and the Republican and Democratic Party leaderships alike, huge numbers of Venezuelans have marched to reject this coup and defend their independence.
- "On March 16, the people of the United States will show the world that the billionaire politicians do not speak for us. We say:
- "-U.S. hands off Venezuela!
- "-NO to the coup — the U.S. does not have the right to select other country’s leaders!
- "-NO to the sanctions, oil embargo and economic war on Venezuela that is already causing suffering for ordinary people in the country.
- "-NO to military intervention and war from the U.S. and their proxies in the region.
Initial signers
- ANSWER Coalition
- Black Alliance for Peace
- Alliance for Global Justice
- Popular Resistance
- Cuba and Venezuela Solidarity Committee
- Haiti Liberte
- International Support Haiti Network
- Popular Education Project
- Abby Martin, journalist, The Empire Files
- Dr. Jill Stein, 2016 Green Party presidential candidate
- Dr. Jared Ball, Prof. of Communication Studies, Morgan State Univ.,
- Medea Benjamin, activist and author, CodePink
- Cindy Sheehan, activist and author, Cindy Sheehan’s Soapbox
- Berthony Dupont, Director, Haiti Liberte
- Mara Verheyden-Hilliard, constitutional rights attorney
- Max Blumenthal, journalist
- Ajamu Baraka, National Organizer, Black Alliance for Peace
- Mike Prysner, Iraq War veteran, producer, The Empire files
- Dr. George Ciccariello-Maher, author
- Dr. Anthony Monteiro, Saturday Free School
- Dr. Jodi Dean, author, Prof. of Political Science, Hobart & William Smith Colleges
- Gloria La Riva, National Coordinator, Cuba and Venezuela Solidarity Committee
- Kim Ives, journalist
- Anoa Changa, host, The Way With Anoa
- Dan Cohen, journalist and filmmaker
- Chuck Kaufman, National Co-Coordinator, Alliance for Global Justice
- Eugene Puryear, Stop Police Terror Project
- Jeanette Charles, International Solidarity Liaison, Venezuela Analysis
- Lucas Koerner, Editor and Analyst, Venezuela Analysis
- Margaret Flowers, Co-Coordinator, Popular Resistance
- Kevin Zeese, Co-Coordinator, Popular Resistance
- Daniel Kovalik, author and human rights lawyer
- Mahdi Bray, National Director, American Muslim Alliance (AMA)
- Brian Becker, National Director, ANSWER Coalition
Pro-North Korea
The ANSWER Coalition is a member of the Task Force to Stop THAAD in Korea and End Militarism in Asia and the Pacific. A press release issued July 24, 2017[21] describes a U.S. delegation "[C]alling for the removal of the U.S. THAAD missile defense system from South Korea, an end to the U.S.-South Korea War Games in exchange for a freeze of North Korea’s nuclear weapons and missile programs, the replacement of the Korean War Armistice with a peace treaty, and the peaceful reunification of Korea, the delegation will share its message of solidarity with villagers of Seongju, Soseongri and Gimcheon where the THAAD interceptors are deployed, and with a broad spectrum of peace activists in Seoul."
- "The delegates are Medea Benjamin, CODEPINK; Reece Chenault, U.S. Labor Against the War; Will Griffin, Veterans for Peace; and Jill Stein, 2016 presidential candidate, Green Party U.S.A.
- "Delegation coordinator Juyeon Rhee of the Task Force to Stop THAAD in Korea and End Militarism in Asia and the Pacific was blocked from boarding a plane at LaGuardia Airport in New York City on the morning of June 22. A protest campaign to demand that her travel ban be lifted is currently underway, with hundreds of organizations and individuals sending letters of protest to Moon Jae-In and the Blue House, including prominent peace activists like Nobel Peace Laureate, Mairead Maguire; Academy Award-winning director, Oliver Stone; and American author and Pulitzer Prize winner, Alice Walker. To add your voice, see
- "The delegation is sponsored by the Task Force to Stop THAAD in Korea and End Militarism in Asia and the Pacific and the Channing and Popai Liem Education Foundation.
- "The delegation will be hosted in South Korea by the National People’s Action to Stop the Deployment of THAAD in South Korea (NPA), a coalition of 100 civil society organizations. The NPA was formed August 2016 (expanding an earlier formation) with the goal of achieving the repeal of the decision to deploy THAAD in South Korea.
- "The solidarity statement of the delegation, “No to THAAD in Korea, Yes to Peace through Dialogue,” has the support of over 270 individuals and nearly 90 organizations, including well-known U.S. peace activists and educators Noam Chomsky, MIT; Daniel Ellsberg, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation; Chris Hedges, author/activist; Gwyn Kirk, Women for Genuine Security; Oliver Stone, Academy Award-winning director; Cornel West, author/activist; and Ann Wright, former U.S. State Department official, Army colonel, and member of CODEPINK. The organizational endorsements are also worldwide, reflecting a recognition that peace in Korea serves not only local and regional but also global interests.
- "Returning to the United States on July 28, 2017, the delegates have pledged to build solidarity in the U.S. for the struggle against the stationing of THAAD in South Korea and the escalation of militarism in Asia. The delegates further call on peace-loving people in the United States and globally to join in this effort."
2016 National March to Support Palestine
On Sunday, March 20, 2016, ANSWER and Al-Awda, The Palestinian Right to Return co-sponsored the "National March to Support Palestine"[22]
Al-Awda, the Palestine Right to Return Coalition and the ANSWER Coalition are co-sponsoring the National March on March 20. Endorsers include:
- 14 Friends of Palestine - Marin,
- Albuquerque Center for Peace and Justice,
- Alliance for Global Justice,
- Al-Nakba Awareness Project,
- American Muslims for Palestine (AMP),
- Berkeley Women in Black,
- Brash For New Jersey,
- Cindy Sheehan,
- Coalition to Stop $30 Billion to Israel,
- Committee for Palestinian Rights - Howard County, MD,
- CU-Divest!,
- Deir Yassin Remembered,
- Free Palestine Movement,
- Friends of Sabeel - North America,
- Hilton Head for Peace,
- If Americans Knew,
- Indiana Center for Middle East Peace,
- International Action Center,
- International Solidarity Movement - Northern California,
- Jews for Palestinian Right of Return,
- Media Watch on Hunger & Poverty,
- Methodist Federation for Social Action,
- Middle East Crisis Response,
- Neturei Karta,
- National Lawyers Guild,
- Orange County Peace Action,
- OWS Special Projects Affinity Group,
- Palestinian Christian Alliance for Peace,
- Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network,
- Solidarity Iran – SI,
- St. Pete for Peace,
- United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC),
- Veterans for Peace,
- Virginia Defenders for Freedom, Justice & Equality,
- Voices for Justice in Palestine,
- Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, and more!
- Speakers include:
- Dr. Cornel West, professor of philosophy and Christian practice at Union Theological Seminary and Professor Emeritus at Princeton University;
- Abbas Hamideh, co-founder, Al-Awda, the Palestine Right to Return Coalition & National Organizer;
- Sabry Wazwaz, Palestinian documentary filmmaker and activist;
- Laila El-Haddad, award-winning Palestinian author and speaker;
- Brian Becker, National Director, ANSWER Coalition;
- Rami Ibrahim, Palestinian kickboxing world champion-USKA;
- Fatina Abdrabboh, attorney, Executive Director, ADC-Michigan;
- Ramsey Clark, former U.S. attorney general;
- Eugene Puryear, ANSWER Coalition;
- Amer Zahr, Palestinian comedian and entertainer;
- Said Durrah, Palestinian comedian and entertainer;
- Joe Catron, American journalist, Gaza massacres on the ground in 2012 and 2014;
- Omar Kurdi, Arabic singer, poet and human rights activist;
- Robert Matin, Australian International Palestine Activist;
- Iyad Burnat, Palestinian activist, head of the Bil'in Popular Committee Against the Wall;
- Rev. Graylan Hagler, Senior Minister, Plymouth Congregational United Church of Christ, Washington, D.C.;
- Robby Martin, Irish International Palestine activist;
- Rabbi Weiss, Neturei Karta;
- Ahmad N. Abuznaid, Palestinian-American attorney, co-founder of the Dream Defenders;
- Alison Weir, Founder and Executive Director of If Americans Knew and President of the Council for the National Interest; and more!
Workers World Party front
One of the major "anti-war" fronts of the Stalinist Workers World Party from the early 1990's through 2010, ANSWER sponsored many large protests over U.S. involvement in Iraq during both Gulf War I and Operation Iraqi Freedom, among other issues.
Its leadership has consisted almost solely of WWP or Youth Against War and Fascism members, the latter group having changed its name to National ??? Youth.
Over time, ANSWER has deleted from its website "" lists of speakers/participants and sponsors of its various protests but some have been saved (below).
Since 2006 ANSWER has come under the influence of the Party for Socialism and Liberation, a split from the Workers World Party.
Solidarity with North Korea
Larry Holmes, Workers World Party’s first secretary, led a three-person, party delegation to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea at the end of July, 2013. The DPRK was celebrating the 60th anniversary of the end of the Korean War.
According to Holmes: "We were not the only ones from the U.S. There was a delegation from the Socialist Workers Party. Progressive attorneys Ramsey Clark and Mara Verheyden-Hilliard were there, as was the ANSWER Coalition. [23]
ANSWER protests and participants/sponsors
January 18 National March on Washington DC and San Francisco (joint action); This was part of a Day of International Actions Against the War on Iraq
UPDATED LIST OF SPEAKERS AND MESSAGES (says "updated Nov. 22, 2002) printed out on 1/28/03)[24]
- Chumbawamba
- Patti Smith
- Pam Parker
- Luci Murphy - aka spelled as Lucy Murphy - a veteran performer at CPUSA affairs
Speakers & Messages:
- Cynthia McKinney - former Representative D-GA
- Bishop Thomas Gumbleton - Auxiliary Bishop, Catholic Archdiocese of Detroit Bishop
- Ramsey Clark - former US Attorney General (and creator of International Action Center IAC
- Rev.Al Sharpton - National Action Network NAN Reverend
- Rev.Herbert Daughtry - national pastor, House of the Lord Church, Brooklyn Reverend
- Mike Farrell - actor (MASH)
- Jessica Lange - actor
- Elizabeth McAlister - Jonah House (one of the Berrigan Brothers allies)
- Madhi Bray - Executive Director, Muslim American Society Freedom Foundation Muslim American Society (MAS) and veteran WWP fronts supporter/participant
- Brenda Stokely - President, District Council 1707 AFSCME; Co-Convener, New York City Labor Against the War
- Damu Smith - Black Voices for Peace, a veteran communist and terrorist causes supporter
- Michael Letwin - Co-Convener, New York City Labor Against the War, long associated with WWP fronts and causes
- Representative of 1199 SEIU New York's Health and Human Service Union - Local 1199 (SEIU)
- Ron Kovic - Vietnam veteran and author of "Born on the Fourth of July"
- Peta Lindsay - ANSWER Youth and Student Coordinator, Howard University student (later id. as a member of the WWP)
- Rev. Graylan Hagler - Senior Minister, Plymouth Congregational Church (Wash. D.C.), veteran supporter of WWP fronts and causes in Washington, D.C., Reverend
- Bayan Bayan USA-International - "Filipino community" - Source:[ress-c/htm, (a maoist oriented Philippino group based in the U.S.)
- Free Palestine Alliance
- Macrina Cardenas - Mexico Solidarity Network - a far-left organization
- Yoomi Jeong - Korea Truth Commission - probable WWP front; long associated with WWP fronts/causes
- Nicaragua Network - (pro-Sandinista organization)
- Partnership for Civil Justice - PCJ headed by WWP sympathizers/attorneys, wife and husband Mara Verheyden-Hilliard and Carl Messineo. Both are listed in ANSWER materials as members of the Marxist National Lawyers Guild (NLG)
- Muslim Student Association of the U.S. & Canada
- IFCO/Pastors for Peace - IFCO International Foundation for Community Organization, an old organization led by communist sympathizer Reverend Lucius Walker, Pastors for Peace, another front set up by Walker and other leftist clergymen
- International Action Center IAC - an early 1990's WWP front set up, in part, by Ramsay Clark
- Rev.John Dear - Reverend
- Medea Benjamin - Global Exchange a veterans supporter of communist fronts and cause including supporting Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro, and Saddam Hussein. Founder of Global Exchange and associated with Code Pink, along with Jodie Evans.
- Bill Fletcher - Bill Fletcher, Jr. - Co-Chair, United For Peace [UPJ]]; Transafrica, veteran marxist from Frontlines, Crossroads, Transactions, AFL-CIO, [DSA]], and a cofounder of Progressives For Obama PFO
- Blase Bonpane - Director, Office of the Americas, Reverend, veteran supporter of marxist fronts and causes in the U.S. and Central America
- Not In Our Name Project - Not In Our Name NION - an united front created by the maoist Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP), its fronts, and supporters from United For Peace & Justice (UPJ)
- Mumia Abu-Jamal - marxist and convicted police killer, Philadelphia
- New York Youth Bloc - a possible WWP front group
- Representative of women's struggle to defend reproductive rights on the 30th anniversary of Roe v. Wade
New endorsers:
- Janeane Garofalo
- Jessica Lange
- Veterans For Peace - a 1980's creation by far-left marxists and supporters from the old Vietnam Veterans Against the War in Vietnam (VVAW), controlled by the Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP) and sympathizers
- 1199 SEIU New York's Health and Human Service Union - 1199 SEIU
- Fellowship of Reconciliation - an old member of the Hanoi Lobby, Anti-Defense Lobby and PLO Lobby
- Voices in the Wilderness - a radical group who supported Saddam Hussein
- School of the Americas Watch - a radical, marxist-oriented group led by Blas Bonpane
- New York Youth Block - possible WWP front
- Physicians for Social Responsibility PSR - a mixed group of radical and liberal doctors and aides
- Anti-Flag & A-F Records
- United for Peace - a mixed maoist/communist controlled group
- MADRE - a pro-communist aid group for the FMNL in El Salvador
- Board of Directors of Peace Action of Michigan - Peace Action
- Ramsey Clark to appear live on Al Jazeera on January 10, 2003
- ↑ American socialists' ANSWER to Trump (accessed October 14, 2023)
- ↑ Who We Are, accessed July 30 2017
- ↑ X Post from Open Source Intelligence Monitor dated May 26, 2024 (accessed May 26, 2024)
- ↑ Archive Link: X Post from Open Source Intelligence Monitor dated May 26, 2024 (accessed May 26, 2024)
- ↑ National March for Palestine: Saturday, Nov. 4 in Washington, D.C. (accessed October 20, 2023)
- ↑ National March for Palestine: Saturday, Nov. 4 in Washington, D.C. (accessed October 20, 2023)
- ↑ National March on Washington: Free Palestine! (accessed October 24, 2023)
- ↑ Open letter against intimidation at Harvard: Defend the freedom to speak in support of Palestine! (accessed October 19, 2023)
- ↑ Over ten thousand stand with Palestine in historic New York City action (accessed October 14, 2023)
- ↑ Archive Link:JOIN A PROTEST NEAR YOU: Free Palestine! (accessed October 14, 2023)
- ↑ October 2023 Protests: Rise Up with Palestine (accessed October 14, 2023)
- ↑ Archive Link- October 2023 Protests: Rise Up with Palestine (accessed October 14, 2023)
- ↑ Sat. March 18 -- National March on Washington: Fund People's Needs, Not the War Machine! (accessed March 14, 2023)
- ↑ National March on Washington: Fund People's Needs, Not the War Machine! (accessed August 25, 2023)
- ↑ FIGHT INFLATION, STOP THE WAR (accessed March 14, 2023)
- ↑ National Day of Action Sat. March 27: Call it What it is, a Hate Crime! Stop Anti-Asian Violence, Stop China-Bashing! (accessed March 20, 2021)
- ↑ Webinar: Why there should be a Pivot to Peace not war with China (accessed July 12 2020)
- ↑ Webinar: Why there should be a Pivot to Peace not war with China (accessed July 12 2020)
- ↑ Full list of Signers (accessed July 12 2020)
- ↑ Facebook accessed March 12 2019
- ↑ [OFFICIAL PRESS RELEASE] U.S. Peace Delegation in Seoul, Korea, to Unite with Villagers Protesting the Deployment of the U.S. THAAD Missile Defense System, accessed July 30 2017
- ↑ National March to Support Palestine (accessed October 15, 2023)
- ↑ WW What workers need to know about Korea By Larry Holmes on August 28, 2013
- Party for Socialism and Liberation
- People's Conference for Palestine
- Israel
- Palestine
- Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
- Answer Coalition
- Palestinian Youth Movement
- The People's Forum
- Students for Justice in Palestine
- U.S. Palestinian Community Network
- US Campaign for Palestinian Rights
- International Jewish Anti Zionist Network
- Writers Against the War on Gaza
- Healthcare Workers for Palestine
- Palestinian Feminist Collective
- Palestine Popular University
- Palestinian American Women's Association
- Arab Resource and Organizing Center
- National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression
- Al-Awda, the Palestine Right to Return Coalition
- American Muslim Alliance
- ANSWER Coalition
- American Muslim Association
- Maryland2Palestine
- Red/Green Axis
- Harvard
- African and African American Resistance Organization
- BreakThrough News
- Anti-war organizations
- World Beyond War
- Russian Propaganda
- Workers World Party
- North Korea
- Organizations
- Anti-Trump Protests
- Movement for a People's Party