Jodi Dean

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Jodi Dean Author & Professor, Hobart and William Smith Colleges. Jodi Dean teaches, writes, and organizes in Geneva, NY. Her books include "The Communist Horizon," "Crowds and Party," and "Comrade: An Essay on Political Belonging." She's involved in anti-capitalist grassroots and international struggles around climate, gender, and racial justice.[1]

Progressive International

Jodi Dean is member of the Council of the Progressive International.

Pro-Hamas Letter

In the wake of a terror attack by Hamas on Israel on October 7, 2023, Harvard University students signed an open letter blaming Israel. After the students received negative media coverage, the ANSWER Coalition jumped to their defense in an open letter titled: "Open letter against intimidation at Harvard: Defend the freedom to speak in support of Palestine!" Jodi Dean signed the letter. Excerpt:[2]

We stand together against the racist harassment and demonization of Pro-Palestine student activists at Harvard and elsewhere across the country. These attacks are designed to intimidate, weaken, and silence people's right to speak out in support of the Palestinian people's struggle against occupation and apartheid. Their educational and professional futures are being threatened and right wing political operatives have even rented a TV truck to drive around campus displaying the students' faces. Some are even receiving death threats..."

Organize, Fight, Win"

