Jeff Rousset
Jeff Rousset lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Also Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Teaching Fellow at Harvard Kennedy School - Harvard Kennedy School.
Campaign manager
Jeff Rousset was Campaign Manager for Dr. Flo Cofer for Sacramento Mayor, June 2023 -
Jeff Rousset was Campaign Manager for Caity Maple for Sacramento City Council Aug 2022 - Nov 2022.
Organizing for Power
Jeff Rousset is a Facilitation and Programs Coordinator Organizing for Power 2020 – Present.
Working with Jane McAlevey and Rosa Luxemburg Foundation to train 10,000+ labor and community organizers in 100+ countries and more than 13 languages.
Potential leaders 21/22
Sacramento Democratic Socialists of America. Meet your candidates for Sacramento DSA's Executive Board!
- Claire Palmer, nominated for Organizer
- Margot Rinaldo, nominated for Co-Chair (Incumbent)
- Jeff Rousset, nominated for Organizer
- Ellen Schwartz, nominated for Treasurer
- Andee Sunderland, nominated for Co-Chair
- Seth Strumwasser, nominated for Organizer
"I've been living in Sacramento for a little over a year. In that time I've mostly been organizing and training at the national and international levels. It's been great, but I'm eager to support local organizing and get more involved with the local community. I hope to connect with many more members of Sac DSA in the days and weeks ahead. Let’s build people power in Sactown!" [1]
MMP Host Committee
Media Mobilizing Project April 23, 2014:
MMP is thrilled to announce our powerhouse-of-a-host-committee for our 5th Annual Sustainer Celebration and Launch Party for The Spark: Stories that Change Our Times.
Our hosts are movement-builders, media-makers, organizers, strategists, and everyday people fighting to win our human rights!
Alex Wiles * Alix Mariko Webb * Allison Budschalow & Jonathan Barnes * Amber Felton * Amendu Evans * Amy Miller, Melissa Beatriz, Jonathan Barnes, Gary Broderick, Desi Burnette, Wende Elizabeth Marshall, Anna Grant, Zoraida Cecilia, Melissa Robbins, Bryan Mercer, Audra Traynham, Mica Root, Kati Sipp, Bek Phil, Antoine Haywood, Jay Graber, Renee McBride Williams, Todd Wolfson, Sunanda Ghosh, Molly McLidz, Sheila Quintana, Nomi M-b, Alex Wiles, Fred Pinguel, Milena Velis, Ron Blount, Jeff Rousset, Katya Rosa Botwinick, Harvey Finkle, Brendon Jobs, Patricia Eakin, Willie Colon, Kristin Campbell, Amendu Evans, Allison Budschalow, Ociele Hawkins, Tc Owens, Rugiatu Conteh and Ron Whitehorne.
2015 comrades
Media Mobilizing Project February 25, 2015:
With Ron Blount, Hannah Jane Sassaman, Bryan Mercer, Alix Mariko Webb, Pep Marie, Phil, Jeff Rousset, Helyx Chase, Paul N. Marano, Lawrence Jones, Milena Velis, Kristin Campbell and Andrew Phillips at 4534 Baltimore Ave. Philadelphia, PA.
Revolutionary Strategies to Beat the Rising Right Wing
Revolutionary Strategies to Beat the Rising Right Wing, was a nationwide conference call organized by Freedom Road Socialist Organization, Sunday October 30, 2016.
- What's the nature of this right-wing threat? What has this election cycle changed about the political terrain we're fighting on? How do we need to prepare for whats coming after the election? Hear about these crucial questions from our panel of top political strategists, including Nelini Stamp, Bill Fletcher, Jr., Linda Burnham, and Sendolo Diaminah.
Those indicating interest in attending, on Facebook included Jeff Rousset.[2]
Philly SDS
Circa 2009 Jeff Rousset and Alex Knight were leaders of Philadelphia Students for a Democratic Society.
Drexel SDS
Drexel Students for a Democratic Society public Facebook group Admins & Moderators circa 2010.
- Andrea Roberts Fort Collins, Colorado
- Zack Hershman
- Harmony Piechota
- Jeff Rousset Teaching Fellow at Harvard Kennedy School