Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade
Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade (VALB) is a CPUSA front formed by members of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade who fought on the Spanish Republican side in the Spanish Civil War of 1936-38, and led by identified Soviet spy Steve Nelson.[1][2][3].
A small but potent expose' book about the role of the Soviet, American, and worldwide communists in the Spanish Civil War is Herbert Romerstein's "Heroic Victims: Stalin's Foreign Legion in the Spanish Civil War", Council for the Defense of Freedom, Wash. D.C. 1994, Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 4-72172, 127 pp. It demolished the myth of non-communist domination of much of the loyalist side's military and propagandistic operations. One of the advantages of this book is that it "is the first book on the Spanish Civil War to make extensive use of the archives of the Communist International in Moscow, where the files of the International Brigades are stored" (back cover of the book promotional statement).
Compare this book to "On A Field of Red: The Communist International and the Coming of World War II", Anthony Cave Brown and Charles B, MacDonald, G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1981, which barely had more than 10 pages on the Spanish Civil War. This is still one of the definitive books on the Communist International, but the few years difference from 1981 to 1994 shows how invaluable the opening of some of the Soviet archives has been to writing more accurate and in-depth history of what the Soviets had been doing since the early part of the 20th Century.
More information on this subject and the role of the "Americans Communists" can be found in the early newsletters and now, the quarterly, scholarly journal "American Communist History", (Carfax Publishing,UK), Historians of American Communism. It has many articles based on findings in the Soviet archives, including the research of John Earl Haynes and Harvey Klehr.
One of the most recent and devastatingly revealing books on this subject is the one edited by Mary R. Habeck, a Yale University historian, and former "red diaper baby" turned historian, Ron Radosh. As Tanenhaus wrote, "The most explosive new revelations are contained in "Spain Betrayed: The Soviet Union in the Spanish Civil War", Summer, 2001, Yale University Press. It is a thick compendium of documents long entombed in Moscow archives until enterprising Yale historian, Mary R. Habeck, 38, exhumed them more than five years ago.(She co-edited the book with Ronald Radosh and Grigory Sevostianov...The cumulative picture they give us is so at odds with the conventional view of Spain that before they had even read the manuscript two Yale professors strenuously urged that the book not be published."
Another book referenced by Tanenhaus in the article was "The Odyssey of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade" by Peter Carroll, "the most up-to-date history of the volunteers' experience", while George Orwell's famous work, "Homage to Catalonia", is described as it "gives a chilling account of Communist terror in the streets of Barcelona." Cecil Eby, a historian, wrote a book, "Between the Bullet and the Lie", 1969, as "the most sustained attempt to demystify the brigades, identified another dozen Americans who disappeared from the records" and were probably executed by the Communist Commissars and their hitmen for trying to leave the "cause."
One described Communist executioner was Tony DeMaio, who was in charge of the Casteldefels prison, according to the testimony of Maxwell Wallach,the father of ALB member Albert Maxwell, who "had never come home." Maxwell testified before the Special House Committee on Un-American Activities SPCUA in 1940. {CITATION}. Another Brigade member, William McCuiston testified that he saw DeMaio "kill two Americans in a Barcelona cafe while in the process of 'rounding up stragglers from the International Brigade'."
DeMaio denied this killing and any role as a communist executioner before HCUA (CITATION) but documents found in the Cominform "files identify him as an agent of the Servicio de Investigacon Militar (SIM), the brigades' secret police." He was a union organizer in CPUSA-dominated unions in America after the war (he died in 1994), and lived in Silver Spring, MD, right outside of Washington, D.C. His brother was Ernest DeMaio, a top CPUSA labor organizer and longtime member of most CPUSA major fronts and causes including the "Hanoi Lobby" and "Anti-Defense Lobby."
It was the opening of the Soviet archives for the (COMINTERN), some of the CPSU, and other collections, but not those of the KGB, that provided western scholars with a treasure-trove of new information that blew apart the myths of the Spanish War, showed how deep the Soviet penetration was of key American labor leaders in the 1930's, and helped to identify Soviet MKVD and GRU agents in America, among many other shocking revelations.
A very interesting and revealing article on the ALB appeared in the September 2001 issue of Vanity Fair magazine, "Innocents Abroad", written by leftist-liberal Sam Tanenhaus. It helped to further demolish the communist myth of the purity of purpose of the ALB in its fight against the "fascists", including exposing Soviet operative executions of American ALB members who wanted to leave or began to seriously doubt the cause that they were fighting for.
The revelations, often based on Soviet archives files, got former ALB and VALB member Abe Osheroff to admit that he was fighting for an ideology just as back as Franco's form of fascism (Page 302).
Feb 1971 article on VALB reunion
The CPUSA's newspaper, Daily World of Feb. 16, 1971, featured an article by Art Shields entitled "Lincoln Brigade vets mark historic anti-Franco battle." It described a reunion sent out by the cited CPUSA front, the Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade VALB for a banquet in New York City to mark the "thirty-seventh anniversary of the start of the grim Jarama River battle near Madrid. The fascists were stopped their with the help of volunteers - recruited by the Communist parties of the world - with many non-communists among them."
The names of those Guests and Speakers included:
- Morris Brier - an official of the Furriers Union
- Steve Nelson - the Brigade's commander
- Prof. Robert Steck - Professor Fairleigh Dickinson University University
- Dr. Robert Colodny - Professorof History, Pittsburgh University University of PittsburghUniversity author of "Spain, the Glory and the Tragedy"
- Maury Colow - one of the Brigade's leaders
- Carey McWilliams (delivered the closing address) - editor of the Nation and id. CPUSA organizer/member
- Rep. Bella Abzug - Representative D-NY "one of the founders of Women Strike for Peace
- Shirley McClaine - actress
1986 List of VALB Members and Widows
The CPUSA newspaper "People's Daily World" of June 3, 1986, ran several pages of "salutes" to the newspaper including the "Founders' List", lists of individuals and groups of people from a geographic region, and one from the VALB. The full-page salute and statement of support for the PDW was entitled "Towards the 21st Century - for Peace, Economic Security, Equality and democratic rights with the ... "People's Daily World".
"We, U.S. volunteers of the Abraham Lincoln Battalion and other units of the International Brigades, greet the first national daily working-class newspaper"
The list of those veterans and their widows included:
- Clifton Amsbury
- Jack Bjoze
- Joe Brandt - open member of the CPUSA
- Archie Brown - id. CPUSA member
- Ruth Davidow
- Tony DeMaio - id. CPUSA member; (brother of CPUSA labor leader Ernest DeMaio. Tony DeMaio was reported a KGB/CPUSA assassin of errant ALB members.[4]
- Harry Fisher
- Moe Fishman - id. CPUSA member (see Footnote 1)
- Saul Friedberg
- Lottie Gordon - widow
- Hy Hollander
- John Hovan
- Clarence Kailin - id. CPUSA member
- Fred Keller
- Arman Kerin
- Helen Kusman - widow
- Leonard Levenson
- Vaughn Love
- Joe Luftig
- Connie Mazzetti - widow
- Henry Percikov - writer of many letters to the CPUSA newspapers; poss. id. CPUSA member
- Mary Rolfe - widow
- Carrie Schreiber - widow
- Michael Shantzik
- Art Shields - open CPUSA member
- Rose Sorkin - long time supporter of CPUSA fronts and causes
- Al Tanz
- John Tisa
- Anthony Toney - poss. id. CPUSA member
- Hy Wallach - open CPUSA member
- Al Warren
- Al Weinerman
- James Yates - writer of letters to CPUSA newspapers
- Anna Yellin - widow (possibly the widow of Ted Yellin, a CPUSA supporter)
Abraham Lincoln Brigade's 54th Annual Benefit Dinner
In the February 16, 1991 edition of the CPUSA newspaper, the PWW, there appeared a notice about the "Abraham Lincoln Brigade's 54th Annual Benefit Dinner" honoring peace activist Vivian Hallinan. The notice stated:
Keynote speaker:
- Ronald Dellums - ( i.e. U.S. Representative, (D-CA))
Also appearing:
- Ed Asner - Hollywood actor/activist
- Rafael Manriquez - Music by, Chilean composer and guitarist
- Magda Enriquez - Special guest, official spokesperson FSLN
Sunday Feb. 24, Centennial Hall, 22292 Foothill Blvd, Hayward, Calif. (Misc information)
Reservations and info: (415 468-5879 or 654-4290 Make checks payable to VALB and mail to P.O. Box 884353, SF 94188. Funds to Medical Aid for El Salvador (MAES)
VALB 56th Anniversary Dinner, February 14, 1993
A notice appeared in the January 30, 1993 edition of the People's Weekly World (PWW) about the February 14, 1993 "50th Anniversary Dinner of the Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade (VALB). It was to be held at the Parc Oakland Hotel, Oakland, CA, and "We will be Honoring those Africa-Americans who served in "The Good Fight"."
"Proceeds will benefit the:
Tickets: $25.00
Featured Guests:
- Professor Clayborne Carson - author of "Malcolm X, The FBI Files"
- Robert Allen - author of "Port Chicago Mutiny" and editor of Black Scholar
- Professor Robin D. G. Kelley - author of "Hammer and The Hoe"
- Mr Martin Sheen - actor/activist
- Ms. Barbara Rodgers - KPIX News anchorperson
- Vocal Motion - musical group
1996 May Day Greetings, People's Weekly World, P. G
- Rose Keenan - Florida, "In memory of *Tom Keenan on May day - Fought for Spanish freedom in the Abraham Lincoln Brigade, sailed as a union seaman and achieved a Master's License, and was a lifelong Marxist and Communist Party member"
1998 Tribute to Paul Robeson by the San Francisco Bay Area VALB
People's Weekly World PWW, March 21, 1998, page 16, "Lincoln vets honor Robeson"
"On the occasion of the 61st anniversary of the defense of Madrid during the Spanish civil war, the Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Bridge Bay Area Post paid tribute to the memory of Paul Robeson, one of only three people who had been made honoray members of the Brigade."
The event featured:
- San Francisco Mime Troupe - performing a skit based "one key moments and thems from Robeson's life"
- Prof. Sterling Stuckey - a "talk on the life of Robeson by San Francisco State University professor
- Barbara Lee -State Senator "who is candidate for Congress to succeed the retiring Ron Dellums" ... [KW: who was her boss]
- Milton Wolff - Bay Area Commander, VALB, and long identified member of the CPUSA
The Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives
The Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives (ALBA) was founded by Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade (VALB) as a non-profit educational organization "dedicated to promoting public awareness, research, and discussion about the Spanish Civil War."[5]
The Volunteer
ALBA's journal is named The Volunteer and is published four times per year, with three issues appearing in print and the fourth online only. The following write for The Volunteer:[5]
- Print Editor: Peter N. Carroll
- Print Design: Richard Bermack
- Editorial Board: Peter N. Carroll, Sebastiaan Faber, Gina Herrmann, Fraser Ottanelli
- Copy Editor: Nancy van Zwalenburg
- Online Editors: Peter N. Carroll and Sebastiaan Faber
the following made donations to ALBA from November 15, 2009, through February 23, 2010:[6]
$5,000 – $14,999:
$1,000 – $2,499:
- Ellyn Polshek in memory of Frank Pollatsek
- Linda Lustig and Steve Lustig in memory of David Smith
- Paul Blanc in memory of Hilda Bell
- Stephanie Fein
$250 – $999:
- Alec Baldwin
- Meyer Gunther in memory of Dr. Aaron Hilkevitch
- Harry Parsons
- Don Shaffer in memory of Doris Shaffer
- Toni Henle
- Nancy Wallach in memory of Hy Wallach
- Elizabeth Lawrence in memory of Clarence Kailin
- Joan Amatniek in memory of Ernest Amatniek & Sara Amatniek
- Sherna Gluck
- Richard Lenon
- Susan Susman in memory of Bill Susman
- Milton Okin in memory of Moe Fishman
- Julia Newman
- Burt Cohen
- Ralph Appelbaum & Madelynn Appelbaum
- Abby Rockefeller & Lee Halprin
- Walter J. Philips
- Social Services Employee Union Local 371, Faye Moore, President
- Stuart Davidson & Ann Cohen in memory of Abraham Cohen
$100 – $249:
- Michael Organek
- Richard Bogart & Joanne Bogart
- Roger Lowenstein
- John Brademas
- Chic Wolf
- Ruth Sartisky
- Norman E. Dorland in memory of Norman Dorland
- Kit Gage
- Wendy Chavkin
- Lola Gellman in memory of Isaiah Gellman
- Meryl Schwartz
- Terry Trilling-Josephson in memory of Barney Josephson & Jo Davidson
- Joanne Gunn in memory of Duncan Keir, Jr. & Sid Kaufman
- Todd Anderson in memory of Mel Anderson & Frank Madison
- Alan Greenbaum
- Vincent A. Carrafiello
- Gerald Meyer
- Michael Rosenfeld
- Dimitri Stein
- Noel Valis
- Susan Wallis in memory of Milt Wolff
- John Kailin in memory of Clarence Kailin
- Clara C. Balter in memory of Martin Balter
- Michael Batinski
- Paul Zink in memory of Ed Balchowsky
- Bonnie Burt & Mark Liss in memory of Ben Konefsky (Kline)
- Jordi Torrent in memory of Jimmy Yates
- Kathleen Robel in memory of Charles Edward Robel (Buck)
- Robert Stoll
- David Millstone & Sheila Moran in memory of Mae Millstone
- John R. Downes
- Glenn Lindfors
- Paul Goldstein in memory of Irving Weissman
- Barry Willdorf & Bonnie Willdorf
- C. P. Oteru
- Barbara R. Lilley
- Michael Grossman in memory of Henry Grossman, VALB
- Jorgia Bordofsky in memory of Joseph Siegel
- Al Wasserman & Ann Wasserman in memory of Virginia Malbin
- Dydia Delyser
- Helene M. Anderson
- James Fernandez
- Sophia Sequenzia in memory of Dorothy Shtob
- Carmen De Zulueta
- Frederick Adams & Ann Adams
- Dydia Delyser
- Paul Friedlander in memory of Miriam Friedlander
- Erin Sheehan
- John W. Lamperti in memory of Abe Osheroff
- Leni L. Von Blanckensee
- Neal Rosenberg in memory of Leo Rosenberg
- Nicholas A. Orchard in memory of Jessica Orchard & her mother Josephine Orchard
- Rosalind Freundlich
- Susan Linn in memory of Sidney Linn
- Nancy Carter Clough
- Mayne Smith
- Ann A. Schoenfeld
- Nancy Ganis
- Marcus Singer in memory of Lawrence Cane
- Peter Rubin
- Robert Bordiga in memory of Milt Felsen
- Thomas Doerner
- Gina Luria Walker
- Nancy Philips in memory of Paul Wendorf
- Olga Penn in memory of Ted Pniewski, Spanish veteran
- Soloman Fisher
- David Elsila
- Aviva Blaichman & Charles Blaichman in memory of Isaiah Gellman
- Fred Klonsky
- Alan Wald
- Willar Frank, Jr.
- Linda Stamm & Morris Stamm in honor of Morris Stamm
- Louis Segal & Susan Segal
- Edna Zucker in memory of Abe Osheroff
$1 – $99:
- Jerome Tobis in memory of Helen Freeman
- Mildred Perlow
- Ann Salmirs
- William R. Abens
- Peter Stansky
- Robert H. Whealey & Lois Whealey
- Susan Nobel in memory Seymour Robbins
- Ann Fildardo
- Gabe Falsetta
- Faith Craig Petric & Carole Craig
- Rohna Shoul
- Miriam Goldberg in memory of Alex Goldberg
- Kevin McKinnon
- Adele Pollard & Henry Pollard
- Michael Sanderson
- A. Carla Drije in memory of Samuel Hirsch
- James V. Compton
- Elizabeth Haley-Tesh & Richard Tesh in memory of A. J. C. Haley
- Dorothy Keller
- Pearl G. Baley
- Joan Cohen
- Suzanne Samburg in memory of Bob Taylor
- Willliam Harmon & Lucille Harmon
- Andres Gonzales
- Elaine Elinson
- Abby Hellworth in memory of Abe Osheroff
- Peter Goodman
- Patricia Hendricks
- Jay Greenfield
- Daniel Berger
- Seymour Joseph
- Samuel Lender
- Elizabeth Levenson
- Kate Hendrickson in memory of George Hendrickson
- Ellen Harris
- Arthur Kamell in memory of Al Warren, Anthony Toney, Ralph Fasanella & Moe Fishman
- Brian A. Reynolds
- Michael Predmore in memory of Abe Osheroff
- A. Tom Grunfeld
- Martin A. Jacobs
- Mitchel Berkowitz
- Ruth Kavesh
- Harry O’Brien
- Shaun O’Connell in memory of the Irish Brigadistas
- Charlotte Pomerantz Marzani in honor of Carl Marzani
- Douglas Corbin & Rosemary Corbin
- Jonathan Kaufman in honor of Kathie Amatniek
- Patricia Maurer in memory of Max Shufer
- Francis Goldon
- Bernard Aisenberg
- Justine Roberts
- Joshua Freeman
- Barabara Orentzel
- Daniel Berger
- Rose Silverman & Carl Silverman
- Matilda Graff in memory of Saul Wellman
- Michael Ames in memory of Irving Ames & Mina Ames
- Thomas Larson
- David J. Lichter
- Sara Scmidt Tattam
- Jose Rinaldi-Jovet
- Jean Rabovsky
- Dennis Redman in memory of Jack Beeching
- Noel Folsom & Kathy Folsom
- Wolfgang H. Rosenberg
- Milton Lessner in honor/memory of Nate Abramovitz
- Sally Pincus in memory of Robert Potter, in honor of Gayle & Jamie
- Laurel Kailin in memory of Clarence Kailin
- Ada Wallach in memory of Harvey Wallach, Husband
- David C. Sloan
- Simon A. Prissin
- Lenore Veltfort in memory of Ted Velfort
- Heather Bridger
- Dennis Mar & Susan Mar
- Joe Nichols in memory of John Simon, MD
- Chester Hartman & Amy Fine
- Tim Harding
- Elizabeth Blum
- Dr. Thomas Pinkson in memory of Irving Fred Soloway
- Arnold Miller
- Richard Long in memory of all anti-fascists 36-39
- Adele Braude & Samuel Braude
- Esther Adle & Joseph Adler
- Barry Spector
- Doris Seldin
- Ruth Maguire
- Stephen M. Salemson in memory of Harold J. Salemson
- Suzanne Samberg
- Robet Frumkin
- Helen Samberg
- Ruth Singer
- Samuel Lender
- Isadore Hofferman & Sharon Hofferman
- Judith Rosenbaum for all those who fought and worked in the Republic
- Herbert Ostroff
- Elizabeth Ostrow & Saul Ostrow
- Kornberg family in memory of Morris Tobman
- Laura Fandino in memory of Sam Schiff
- Joseph Dimow & Lillian Dimow
- Alan Deale
- Irving Zerker
- Celai Lewis
- James Howard & Rhoda Howard
- Amy Epstein
- Steven Pike in memory of Dr. William W. Pike
- Ruth Misheloff in honor of Doug Brown
- Wilsa Ryder in memory of Thomas W. O’Malley
- Vicki Rhea in memory of Albert Ziegler
- Joan Balter in memory of Martin Balter
- David Levering Lewis
- Melvin Mendelssohn in memory of Wilfred Mendelssohn
- Cindy Rosenthal
- David Politzer & Adele Politzer
- Josephina Alverez
- Bertha Lowitt
- Yvette Pollack
- Elizabeth Starcevic in honor of Abe Unger & Esther Unger
- Paul Foster
- Pamela Sporn
- Richard Berg
- Iris Freed
- Robert Kimbrough in memory of Clarence Kailin
- Marlin R. Keshishian
- Paul Primakoff in honor of Dave Smith
- Judith Reynolds
- Sam Weinberg in memory of Lou Seluitdy
- Ann Mendelbaum in memory of Jack Shafran
- Ellen Waldman
- Mark Levinson
- Louis Braver
- Angelo D’Angelo
- Susan Saint-Aubin & Keith Anderson
- Celia Wollman & Herbert Wollman
- Murray Underwood in memory of Jacob Teiger
- Lawrence Bilick
- Daniel H. C. Li
- Victor Fuentas
- Jose Luis Aliseda
- John Andrew Anton
- Marsha F. Raliegh
- Kenneth Nueberger
- Edith Cohen in memory of Wilfred Mendelson
- Anne Filardo
- Gabriel Falsetta
- Jack Gilhooley in memory of Joe Gordon & Leo Gordon
- Elaine Spiro in memory of Elaine Mensh & Harry Mensh
- Helene Burgess
- Henry Sommer & Beth Sommer in memory of Harry Nobel
- Shirley Nash
- Susan Parker & G. Vaughan Parker in memory of Dewitt W. Parker
- Victoria H. Bedford in memory of Aaron A. Hilkevitch, M.D.
- Rita Rooney & John Rooney in memory of Moe Fishman
- Ann I. Sprayregen
- Ann S. Moy
- Sy Chalis
- Steve Klapper in memory of Milt Wolff
- Norman Gibons
- Dina E. Heisler
- Nina B. De Fels
- Harvey L. Smith
- Carolyn Sonfield
- Ilse Eden
- Mary Goldstein
- Florence Orbach in memory of Leo B. Orbach
- Rhoda Karpatkin
- Abby Rand
- Kathleen Hager & Arthur Wasserman in memory of Isaiah Gellman (Shake)
- Arthur Jensky in memory of Toby Jensky
- Diana Cohen
- Herbert Rubenstein in memory of Al Mundy
- Robert Roth & Charlotte Roth
- Erica Harth
- Rich Layh
- Michael Zielinski
- John Friedberg
- Debra Milpos
- Grace Anderson
- Karel Kilimnik in memory of Abby Schimer, Peg Schimer & Boone Schimer
- Susan for Joseph Rosemarin & Pauline Rosemarin
- Burt Lazarin
- Marjorie Harris in memory of Miriam Gettelson
- Susan E. Hanna in honor of Jack Penrod
- Anne McLaughlin in memory of Virginia Malbin
- Edward Goldman
- Estelle Katz
- Manfred Kirchheimer & Gloria Kirchheimer
- Susan Fisher
- Steve Arnold
- Jane Brett
- Kathie Sheldon & Steve Tarzynski
- Lucienne O’Keefe
- Dris Hiller
- Estelle Holt
- Estelle Charles
- Samuel Simon
- Enzo Bard
- Jane Simon, M..D. in memory of “Doc” Simon (John)
- Vera La Farge
- Nancy Gruber
- Linda Borodkin in memory of Ethel Greenwald Borodkin & Mischa Borodkin
- Thomas Dooley
- Saul Ehrlich & Felice Ehrlich
- James Howard & Rhoda Howard
ALBA Institute Contributions:
$100 - $249:
- Ralph Nicholas
- Nancy Wallach in memory of Hy Wallach
- Ronald Perrone in memory of John Perrone & Ethel Perrone
- Naomi Z. Cooper in memory of Sol Zalon
- Robert Fitzgerald in memory of Dan Fitzgerald
- Matilda Graff in memory of Saul Wellman
- Nancy Phillips in memory of Paul Wendork
- Michael Organek
- John Brickman & Jane Brickman
- Paula Gellman in memory of Isaiah Gellman
- Herb Freeman in memory of Jack Freeman & Abe Smorodin
- Bernice Weissbourd
- Margo George
- Seymour Rosen & Bernice Rosen
- Dr. P. A. Freeman
- Jo Labanyi
- Ina Gordon & Edward Dick
- Joshua Freeman in memory of Jacob Freeman
- Mark S. Pecker & Elizabeth A. McGee in memory of Calman Pecker
- Paul Gottlieb
- Harry Staley & Helen Staley
- Norman Eisner
- Sophia Sequenzia in memory of Dorothy Shtob
- Carmen De Zulueta
- Frederick Adams & Ann Adams
- Oliver Steinberg in memory of Congressman John T. Bernard
$1 – $99:
- Samuel Lender
- Ruth Dropkin in memory of Aaron Toder
- Ada Solodkin
- Luis Wainstein
- Earl Harju
- Daniel Berger
- Paul Preuss
- Jack Purdy
- Carl Rosen
- Geraldine S. Grant
- Ruth Singer
- Sarah Connally
- Carl Silverman & Rose Silverman
- Judith Lorne Bly
- Jose I. Fortoul & Selma Fortoul
- Robert R. Supansic in memory of Robert G. Colodny
- Hela Norman
- William Timpson
- Bruce Laurie
- Anne Canty & Victor Quintana in memory of George Harrison, friend of the ALB
- Louis P. Schwartz
- Lillian Henley in memory of Harry Fisher
- Timothy Mitchel
- Leonore Doran & Terry Doran
- Philip Heft
- Norah Chase in honor of Pete Seeger
- William Sloan & Katherine Sloan
- Clarence Steinberg
- Shaurain Farber
- Henrietta Ehrenfreund
- Alan Reich
- David Kern
- Marc Nowakowski
- Louis Schwartz & Evelyn Schwartz
- Oliver Steinberg in memory of Congressman John T. Bernard
- Marie Runyon
- Emanuel Margolis & Estelle Margolis
- A. Fernando Toliver & Carmen Toliver
- Steven Tischler
- Richard C. Sidon
- Olivia Delgado de Torres in memory of Mercedes S. de Torres
- Georgia Wever for the IBMT
- Thomas J. Roe
- Gladys Z. Berman & Herbert Molin
- Joseph Harris & Saundra Harris
- Frederic La Croix & Louise La Croix
- Iris Edinger & Edgar Edinger
- Lewis Rubman
- Dorothy Bracey
- Victor Fuentas
- Jose Luis Aliseda
- John Andrew Anton
- Marsha F. Raleigh
- Kenneth Nueberger
- Edith Cohen in memory of Wilfred Mendelson
- ↑ US Communist Party Assistance to Foreign Communist Parties - Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade, hearings, 88th Congress, 1st Session, Template:House Committee on Un-American Activities (HCUA), July 29, 1963
- ↑ The Venona Secrets: Exposing Soviet Espionage and America's Traitors, Herbert Romerstein & Eric Breindel, Regnery, 2000
- ↑ Venona: Decoding Soviet Espionage in America, John Earl Haynes & Harvey Klehr, Yale Un. Press, 1999
- ↑ The KGB Against the "Main Enemy": How the Soviet Intelligence Service Operates Against the United States]], Herbert Romerstein & Stanislav Levchenko, Lexington Books, 1989
- ↑ Jump up to: 5.0 5.1 ALBA Volunteer: About (accessed on Feb. 16, 2011)
- ↑ ALBA Volunteer: Contributions (accessed on Feb. 16, 2011)