Patrick Reinsborough

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Patrick Reinsborough

Template:TOCnestleft Patrick Reinsborough is Co-Founder/Executive Director at Center for Story-based Strategy (formerly smartMeme) Oakland, California.


Patrick Reinsborough has been involved in campaigns for peace, the environment, and social justice for over twenty years. He co-founded the Center for Story-based Strategy (formerly smartMeme), in 2002 to explore the intersection of movement building, imagination and strategies to shift cultural narratives. Patrick is a campaigner, communications strategist, facilitator, and creative provocateur who has partnered with hundreds of high impact organizations to frame issues, strengthen alliances and win critical campaigns. He was previously the Organizing Director of the Rainforest Action Network where he mobilized thousands of people to confront corporations who destroy the environment and violate human rights. Patrick was also a prominent organizer, strategist and media spokesperson for the U.S. wings of the global justice and anti-war movements including helping to organize mass direct actions that shutdown the Seattle World Trade Organization meeting in 1999 and protest the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003. He lives with his family in the SF Bay area.[1]

Zapatista movement

Patrick Reinsborough has been inspired by the Zapatista movement since 1994.[2]


A benefit to distribute "Horizontalism: Popular Power in Argentina" to social movements in Argentina and Latin America**

Tuesday May 31, 2005: AK Press

An evening of ideas and inspiration with Marina Sitrin, Betita Martinez, Patrick Reinsborough, Ramsey Kanaan, Rachel Neumann, Chris Crass, Jennifer Whitney, and David Solnit.

674-A 23rd. St, Oakland. [3]

"Social Justice in the Bay Area" open letter

An Open Letter to Men Committed to Social Justice in the Bay Area - Calling on Men in the Bay Area to Stand Up for Reproductive Justice.

Written by Rishi Awatramani and Chris Crass Friday Jan 14th, 2005.

On January 22nd, the right-wing anti-choice movement will be coming to San Francisco to shout their anti-human rights, anti-woman message in the streets. At this time when women's rights to abortion are being challenged by the Bush administration and questioned in the Democratic party, it is crucial that we as men join the sisters organizing in opposition to this right-wing march and say: REPRODUCTIVE JUSTICE FOR ALL! [4]

Signatories included Patrick Reinsborough, Smartmeme Strategy and Training Project.

For May Day and Beyond

For May Day and Beyond: White People Stepping Up for Immigrant Rights! was a letter circulated in May 2006, among people mostly affiliated with the Freedom Road Socialist Organization.

Open Letter to White Communities

In the past month, five million people, mostly immigrants of color, have mobilized for justice and are making history, flooding the streets in unprecedented numbers. Meanwhile, the most visible participation by white people is coming from the racist and right wing leaders who are defining and dominating the debate in the Federal government and in the news, radio and opinion pages. Where are the voices of anti-racist white people in this crucial moment, when the worst anti-immigrant legislation in decades is still poised to drop?

Signatories included Patrick Reinsborough, smartMeme Strategy and Training Project. [5]

Anarchist book fair

Bound Together Bookstore presented the first Bay Area Anarchist Book Fair on March 30, 1996.

Speakers for the 2010 book fair included: Yantra Bertelli, Terry Bisson, Ward Churchill, John Curl, Diane DiPrima, John Duda, Matt Hern, Luis A. Fernandez, Peter Gelderloos, Andrej Grubacic, Owen Hill, Lierre Keith, Margaret Killjoy, Ernesto Longa, Carlos Martinez, Jason McQuinn, Keith McHenry, Tommi Avicolli Mecca, Cindy Milstein, Patrick Reinsborough. Kim Stanley Robinson, Penelope Rosemont, Sarah Talbot, Kristian Williams and John Zerzan. [6]

"The 99% Spring"

Individuals and organizations supporting The 99% Spring, as of April 20, 2012, included Patrick Reinsborough & Doyle Canning - smartMeme Strategy & Training Project .[7]

National Staff

Center for Story-based Strategy staff, as of 2015;[8]

Ear to the Ground Project

Ear to the Ground Project;

We would like to express our deep respect and appreciation for everyone who took the time to talk with us, and the organizations that generously hosted us during our travels. Interviews were confidential, but the following people have agreed to have their names listed for this publication:

Most of those listed were connected to Freedom Road Socialist Organization.

Patrick Reinsborough was among those on the list. [9]

