Blueprint North Carolina

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Blueprint North Carolina "is a network of 41 non-profit, non-partisan organizations working together across issues and racial lines to advance equity and social justice in North Carolina".[1]

What we do

"Blueprint provides opportunities for training, resource sharing and convening for partner organizations that use civic engagement and education to advocate for a healthy democracy that works to remove barriers and to provide the resources communities need to achieve opportunity, security and well-being."[2]

Disability Rights NC Connection

According to the website Mapping The Left as of September 14, 2021, Disability Rights NC "is a lobbying group and member of five radical/liberal political networks, including Blueprint NC. Blueprint NC is the group that gained infamy with the strategy memo that directed their members to 'eviscerate, mitigate, litigate, cogitate and agitate' the state’s leadership in 2013."[3]

Blueprint NC Board

Blueprint North Carolina board, as of January 5, 2018;[4]


As of January 5, 2018;[5]
