2010 Investor Summit on Climate Risk
The 2010 Investor Summit on Climate Risk was held on January 14, 2010, at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City and was co-hosted by the UN Office for Partnerships, Ceres, and the UN Foundation.[1]
The purpose of the event was discussed in the final report on the summit:[2]
- "Addressing climate change is crucial for ensuring future economic prosperity. Policies and investments focused on climate change will profoundly impact our ability to reduce carbon emissions and transition to a low-carbon global economy. To highlight the enormous opportunities of this transition and to assess the need for climate change policy, Ceres, the United Nations Office for Partnerships, and the United Nations Foundation co-hosted the fourth Investor Summit on Climate Risk at the United Nations on January 14, 2010.
- The Summit brought together more than 520 financial, corporate, and investor leaders with more than $22 trillion in combined assets. Speakers from the investment community, business, labor, and government highlighted the fact that private investment in climate change solutions is crucial for addressing the climate crisis and will not happen at the necessary scale without strong climate and energy policies that limit emissions and put a price on carbon."
Summit Conveners
The following were listed as conveners of the summit:[3]
- Amir A. Dossal, Executive Director, United Nations Office for Partnerships
- Mindy S. Lubber, President, Ceres; and Director, Investor Network on Climate Risk
- Timothy E. Wirth, President, United Nations Foundation
United Nations Leaders
- Helen Clark, Administrator, United Nations Development Programme
- Bernard Coheme, CEO, United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund
- James Gifford, Executive Director, United Nations, Principles for Responsible Investment
- Georg Kell, Executive Director, United Nations, Global Compact
- Achim Steiner, Executive Director, United Nations, Environment Programme
- Kandeh Yumkella, Director-General, United Nations Industrial Development Organization
- Sha Zukang, Under-Secretary-General, United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs
State Treasurers, State/City Comptrollers, Asset Owners, Labor Representatives
- Kevin L. Boyce, Ohio State Treasurer
- Timothy P. Cahill, Massachusetts State Treasurer
- Frank T. Caprio, Rhode Island General Treasurer
- John Chiang, California State Controller
- Janet Cowell, North Carolina Treasurer
- Thomas P. DiNapoli, New York State Comptroller
- Jack Ehnes, CEO, California State Teachers' Retirement System (CalSTRS)
- Alexi Giannoulias, Illinois State Treasurer
- Sir Martin Harris, Chairman, Universities Superannuation Scheme
- Velda Jones-Potter, Delaware State Treasurer
- Cary Kennedy, Colorado State Treasurer
- Robert J. Kleine, Michigan State Treasurer
- Nancy K. Kopp, Maryland State Treasurer
- Orin S. Kramer, Chair, New Jersey State Investment Council
- David Lemoine, Maine State Treasurer
- James B. Lewis, New Mexico State Treasurer
- Bill Lockyer, California State Treasurer
- Rob McCord, Pennsylvania State Treasurer
- James L. McIntire, Washington State Treasurer
- Denise L. Nappier, Connecticut State Treasurer
- Ronald E. Powell, Chairman, Illinois State Board of Investment
- Mark Ritchie, Minnesota Secretary of State
- Dawn Marie Sass, Wisconsin State Treasurer
- Alex Sink, CFO, Florida Department of Financial Services
- Jeb Spaulding, Vermont State Treasurer
- Anne Stausboll, CEO, California Public Employees' Retirement System
- Andrew Stern, International President, Service Employees International Union
- Richard L. Trumka, President, AFL-CIO
- Anne M. Wagner, CEO, Municipal Employees’ Retirement System of Michigan
- Ben Westlund, Oregon State Treasurer
Financial Services Firms, Investor Associations and Other Leaders
- David Blood, Managing Director, Generation Investment Management
- James Cameron, Vice Chairman and Executive Director, Climate Change Capital
- Hye-Won Choi, Director of Corporate Governance, TIAA-CREF
- Abby Joseph Cohen, Partner and Chief U.S. Investment Strategist, Goldman Sachs
- Stephen Davis, Executive Director, Millstein Center for Corporate Governance & Performance, Yale University, School of Management
- Paul Dickinson, CEO, Carbon Disclosure Project
- Peter Dunscombe, Chair, Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change
- Pamela P. Flaherty, Senior Vice President, Citi
- Cllr. Ian Greenwood, Chairman, Local Authority Pension Fund Forum
- Aled Jones, Facilitator, HRH The Prince of Wales’s P8 Group and Deputy; Director, University of Cambridge Programme for Sustainability Leadership
- Alan MacDougall, Managing Director, Pensions Investment Research Consultants
- Nell Minow, Editor, The Corporate Library
- Robert A.G. Monks, Founder, LENS Governance Advisors
- Kevin Parker, Global Head of Asset Management, Deutsche Asset Management
- Doug Pearce, CEO & CIO, British Columbia Investment Management Corporation
- Frank Pegan, Chair, Investor Group on Climate Change
- Andrew D. Plepler, Global Corporate Social Responsibility and Consumer Policy Executive, Bank of America
- Arlene M. Rockefeller, Executive Vice President, State Street Global Advisors
- Theodore Roosevelt IV, Managing Director, Barclays Capital
- Mark Schwartz, Co-Founder & Chairman, MissionPoint Capital Partners
- Adele S. Simmons, Director, Marsh and McLennan
Foundation Endowments
- Kathleen Cravero, President, The Oak Foundation
- Edith T. Eddy, Executive Director, The Compton Foundation
- Jesse Fink, Co-Founder, The Betsy and Jesse Fink Foundation
- Denis Hayes, President & CEO, The Bullitt Foundation
- Eric Heitz, President, The Energy Foundation
- Stephen B. Heintz, President, The Rockefeller Brothers Fund
- Philip Henderson, President, The Surdna Foundation
- Ruth G. Hennig, Executive Director, The John Merck Fund
- Stewart J. Hudson, President, The Tremaine Foundation
- Jules Kortenhorst, CEO, The European Climate Foundation
- Lance E. Lindblom, President & CEO, The Nathan Cummings Foundation
- Diane Edgerton Miller, President & CEO, The Blue Moon Fund
- Sally Osberg, President & CEO, The Skoll Foundation
- Rip Rapson, President & CEO, The Kresge Foundation
- Judith Rodin, President, The Rockefeller Foundation
- Jenny D. Russell, Executive Director, The Merck Family Fund
- Lois E.H. Smith, Managing Director & Trustee, The V. Kann Rasmussen Foundation
- Lee Wasserman, Director, The Rockefeller Family Fund
- Wren W. Wirth, President, The Winslow Foundation
The following is the schedule of events for the summit:[4]
9:00 am Welcoming Remarks
- Timothy E. Wirth, President, United Nations Foundation
- Amir A. Dossal, Executive Director, United Nations Office for Partnerships
- Mindy S. Lubber, President, Ceres; Director, Investor Network on Climate Risk
- Robert Orr, Assistant Secretary-General for Policy Coordination and Strategic Planning, United Nations
9:20am Climate Change and the Global Economy
- Jeremy Oppenheim, Director, Climate Change Special Initiative, McKinsey & Company
9:50 am The Road from Copenhagen: Climate Policy Developments
- Todd Stern, Special Envoy on Climate Change, U.S. Department of State
10:20 am Policies to Scale Up Investment in the Low-Carbon Economy
- Introduction: Denise Nappier, Treasurer, State of Connecticut
- Kevin Parker, Global Head of Asset Management, Deutsche Asset Management
10:50 am Investment and Business Opportunities in the Low-Carbon Economy
- Timothy E. Wirth, President, United Nations Foundation (moderator)
- Abby Joseph Cohen, President, Global Markets Institute and Senior Investment Strategist, Goldman Sachs & Co.
- Brendan McDonagh, CEO, HSBC – North America Holdings Inc.
12:00 pm Announcement of 2010 Investor Statement on Catalyzing Investment in a Low-Carbon Economy
- Mindy S. Lubber, President, Ceres; Director, Investor Network on Climate Risk
1:00 pm Luncheon Plenary Session
- Introduction of Secretary-General: Amir A. Dossal, Executive Director, United Nations Office for Partnerships
- Welcoming Remarks: Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General, United Nations
- Introduction of Featured Speaker: Ted Turner, Chairman, United Nations Foundation
- Featured Speaker: Al Gore, Former Vice President of the United States; Chairman, Generation Investment Management
2:30 pm Investment Opportunities in the Carbon-Constrained World
- Jack Ehnes, CEO, California State Teachers’ Retirement System (moderator)
- Richard Cohen, Managing Director, Strategic Investments Group, Bank of America
- Rick Lacaille, CIO, State Street Global Advisors
- Alan Salzman, CEO, VantagePoint Venture Partners
3:30 pm Capitalizing the New Energy Future: Opportunities for Job Creation
- Introduction: Nancy Kopp, Treasurer, State of Maryland
- Damon Silvers, Policy Director and Associate General Counsel, AFL-CIO
3:50 pm Financing the Low-Carbon Economy: The Role of Institutional Investors
- Anne Stausboll, CEO, California Public Employees’ Retirement System (moderator)
- Howard Jacobs, Trustee, Universities Superannuation Scheme
- Bjarne Graven Larsen, CIO, ATP
- Rob McCord, Treasurer, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
5:00 pm Closing Remarks
- George Soros, Chairman, Soros Fund Management, LLC
5:20 pm Conclusions and Next Steps
- Timothy E. Wirth, President, United Nations Foundation
- Mindy S. Lubber, President, Ceres; Director, Investor Network on Climate Risk
Participating Organizations
The following organizations were listed as participating in the summit.[5]
- AIG Global Investment Group
- AllianceBernstein
- Allianz
- American Realty Advisors
- Arabella Advisors
- As You Sow Foundation
- Auriel Capital
- AWJ Capital Partners
- Bank of America
- Barclays Capital
- Bard College
- Baupost Group
- Betsy and Jesse Fink Foundation
- BlackRock, Inc.
- Bloomberg
- Blue Moon Fund
- Blue Wolf Capital Management
- Bluefield Holdings
- Boston Common Asset Management
- Breakthrough Strategies & Solutions
- British Columbia Investment
- Management Corporation
- Bryant Miller Olive
- C Change Investment
- Caledonia Wealth Management, LTD.
- California State Treasurer’s Office
- California Public Employees’ Retirement
- System (CalPERS)
- California State Teachers’ Retirement
- System (CalSTRS)
- Calvert Group
- Canada Pension Plan Investment Board
- Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants
- Capital Group
- Capital Guardian Trust
- Capital Research and Management Company
- Capricorn Investment Group
- Capstone Holdings, LLC
- Carbon Disclosure Project
- Carbon Trust
- Carleton University
- Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
- Clean Economy Network
- CFA Institute
- Change to Win Investment Group
- Cherokee Investment Partners
- Children’s Investment Fund Foundation
- Christian Brothers Investment Services
- Christopher Reynolds Foundation
- Citi Foundation
- Citigroup
- Clean Energy Group
- ClearBridge Advisors
- Climate Change Capital
- Colonial First State Global Asset Management
- Columbia School of Business
- Compton Foundation
- Connecticut Office of the State Treasurer
- Contra Costa County Employees’ Retirement
- Association
- Cooler, Inc.
- Corporate Library
- CPP Investment Board
- Dallas Employees’ Retirement Fund
- Delaware Investments
- Deutsche Asset Management
- District of Columbia Retirement Board
- Domini Social Investments LLC
- E+Co
- EcoSecurities Limited
- Edgar Lomax Company
- Educational Foundation of America
- Equilibrium Capital Group
- Essex Investment Management, LLC
- Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
- Board of Pensions
- Fairtrade Foundation
- F&C Asset Management
- First State Investments
- Five Oceans Asset Management
- Florida Department of Financial Services
- Fortis Investments
- Framework: CR
- Friends Fiduciary Fund
- General Electric
- Generation Investment Management
- Glass, Lewis & Co. LLC
- Global Reporting Intiative
- Goldman Sachs & Co.
- Goodwin Proctor
- Goulston & Storrs
- Government Employees Pension Fund
- of South Africa
- Government of United Kingdom
- GreatPoint Energy
- Green America
- Green Century Capital Management
- Hara
- HarbourVest Partners
- University of Oxford
- Harvard University
- Heinz Family Foundation
- Hermes Investment Management LTD
- HG Capital
- Illinois Office of the State Treasurer
- Illinois State Board of Investment
- Ilmarinen Mutual Pension Insurance
- Company
- Impax Asset Management
- Institutional Investors Group
- on Climate Change
- Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility
- Investor Responsibility Research
- Center Institute
- Jonathan Rose Companies
- Jones Lang Lasalle
- JP Morgan
- Kolibri Capital LLC
- Kresge Foundation
- Labor Network for Sustainability
- Laborers’ International Union of
- North America (LIUNA)
- Lazard Asset Management
- Legg Mason
- Light Green Advisors
- Local Authority Pension Fund Forum
- Loomis Sayles & Company, L.P.
- Majora Carter Group, LLC
- Margaret A. Cargill Foundation
- Marsh & McLennan Companies
- Maryland State Retirement Agency
- Maryland State Treasury
- McKinsey & Company
- Mercer Investment Consulting, Inc.
- Merck Family Foundation
- Mercy Investment Services, Inc.
- Mertz Gilmore Foundation
- MissionPoint Capital Partners
- Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Co.
- Moody’s Investors Service
- Morgan Stanley
- Nand and Jeet Khemka Foundation
- Nathan Cummings Foundation
- National Resources Defense Council
- National Union of Public and General
- Employees (NUPGE)
- Nephila Capital
- Neuberger Investment Management
- Nevada State Treasurer
- New Energy Finance
- New Jersey Division of Investment
- New Jersey State Investment Council
- New York City Comptroller’s Office
- New York City Department of Finance
- New York State Common Retirement Fund
- New York State Comptroller
- New York State Insurance Department
- New York State Teachers
- Retirement System
- Nike
- Norges Bank Investment Management
- North Carolina Department
- of State Treasurer
- Northern Trust
- New York City Employees’ Retirement
- System
- Oak Foundation
- Ohio Public Employees Retirement System
- Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan
- Oregon State Treasury
- Overbrook Foundation
- Pacific Corporate Group
- Pax World Management Corp.
- Pegasus Sustainable Century
- Merchant Bank
- Pennsylvania Department of the Treasury
- PepsiCo
- Permanent Mission of Denmark
- PG&E Corporation
- PGGM Investments
- Polaris Venture Partners
- Presbyterian Church USA
- PricewaterhouseCoopers
- Principles for Responsible Investment
- Prudential Financial
- Raymond James
- Reinsurance Association of America
- Renaissance Technologies
- Responsible Endowments Coalition
- Rhode Island State Treasurer
- RiskMetrics Group
- Riverstone Holdings LLC
- Robert Brooke Zevin Associates, Inc.
- Robertson Foundation
- Rockefeller & Co.
- Rockefeller Brothers Fund
- Rockefeller Family Fund
- Rockefeller Foundation
- Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors
- San Mateo County Employees’
- Retirement Association
- Saunders Hotel Group
- Scherman Foundation
- Schroders
- Scotia Capital
- Sea Change Foundation
- Securities and Exchange Commission
- Service Employees International Union
- Shamrock Capital Advisors, Inc.
- Sierra Club
- Skoll Foundation
- Soros Foundation
- Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services
- Standard Chartered Bank
- Standard Life Investments
- State Street Corporation
- State Street Global Advisors
- STEEL Valley Authority
- Strategic Investment Solutions
- Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- Suntech
- Surdna Foundation
- Sustainable Asset Management
- Sustainable Endowments Institute
- Sustainable Investment Institute
- Swiss Re
- The General Board of Pension and Health
- Benefits of The United Methodist Church
- Tides Advocacy Fund
- Toronto Atmospheric Fund
- Tremaine Foundation
- Tri-State Coalition for
- Responsible Investment
- Trillium Asset Management
- Turner Foundation
- UBS Global Asset Management
- Union of Concerned Scientists
- United Nations Environment Programme
- United Nations Foundation
- United Nations Department of Economic
- and Social Affairs
- United Nations Development Programme
- United Nations Office for Partnerships
- United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund
- US Environmental Protection Agency
- Unitarian Universalist Association
- Universities Superannuation Scheme
- University of Cambridge Programme
- for Sustainability Leadership
- V. Kann Rasmussen Foundation
- VantagePoint Venture Partners
- Veris Wealth Partners
- Vermont State Treasurer’s Office
- Walden Asset Management
- Wallace Global Fund
- White House Council on
- Environmental Quality
- WilderHill Clean Energy Index
- Williams Capital Group, L.P.
- Winslow Foundation
- Wolfensohn & Co.
- World Economic Forum
- Yale University
- Ze-gen
Closing Remarks from George Soros

In introducing George Soros, the Chairman of Soros Fund Management, LLC, Mindy Lubber described Soros as an "extraordinarily successful financial leader" who has pioneered some of the issues discussed at the Summit and who understands finance and climate change. She also described him as an "extraordinary philanthropist" who has fought for open society and democracy. Below are summaries of the topics Soros covered in his closing remarks:[6]
Reflections on Copenhagen
- "George Soros opened by offering his reflections on Copenhagen, which he deemed “a failure.” He suggested that there was a general recognition of the importance of the issue, but national interests prevailed. Soros stated that Copenhagen was not the end of the road; it showed that there should be a bigger push by civil society to get the governments to reach some kind of agreement."
Policy Needs in the United States
- "Soros observed how most of the countries at Copenhagen recognized the importance of the problem. Soros asserted that “the United States is the laggard.” The United States, by not passing a bill in Copenhagen, reflected a poor image to the rest of the world. He declared that “we have to catch up” and suggested that supporting the passage of climate legislation this year is “where we really need to exert ourselves.”"
Opportunities for Carbon-Saving Investments
- "Soros maintained that “there are great opportunities for energy-saving or carbon-saving investments which are commercially viable without any legislation.” He referenced the potential returns from energy productivity. He went on to say that the substantial money from the stimulus package creates an opportunity, and he is working on the equity side of it – further adding that he “would be very happy to find some pension funds that would be happy with returns in the high teens for 30 years.” He proposed that “there are many deals of that kind” that could be put together and that this is the year to do them."
Special Drawing Rights
- "Soros noted a particular failure of Copenhagen: the plan of assembling $10 billion per year for three years to support lesser-developed countries. Soros went on to argue that the outcome was not good, particularly given that the G20 in London offered $1 trillion with just “some smoke and mirrors.”
- One of those smoke-and-mirror items was the issuance of $283 billion of special drawing rights (SDRs), which could be used to provide a much more significant amount of support to the less developed world. Soros put forward a proposal in Copenhagen to use special drawing rights for this purpose. He explained that special drawing rights are a very difficult instrument; if one wants to actually spend the money, one has to pay interest until the money is repaid, which is why most developed countries really have no use for the SDRs. Soros suggested they could transfer the SDRs to a green fund. The problem is that if it is actually spent, someone has to pay the interest – which is very low at only half a percent at the moment, but still a stumbling block. If a country donates the SDRs, it scores as a budgetary expense; every country has spent a lot of money recently to stimulate the economy and has to run budget deficits, so adding to the deficits to help other countries is a political non-starter.
- Soros identified another problem with this approach, which is that anything the U.S. does with the IMF needs Congressional approval, which is hard to obtain. Soros suggested that the Obama Administration has had a hard time passing the original SDR allocations and is reluctant to go back to Congress, and for this reason the main opposition to the proposal is from the U.S. Administration. Given the political difficulty, public opinion could play an important role. More in depth, serious financial people could play a role in steering public option, which would be a worthwhile cause that comes with no monetary cost. “If there is anything like a free lunch, this actually is it.”"
Investor Actions Going Forward
- "Soros concluded by discussing what investors, like those at the Summit, should do. He congratulated investors for releasing a policy statement, saying “it’s important that your voice be heard.” He suggested it is time “to be more proactive” and that “letting the world know what you are willing to finance would be very, very helpful.” Soros expressed pride in the hedge fund community, “which actually has done a lot;” hedge fund managers in London have financed the European Climate Foundation which plays an important role in Europe. He also noted his own engagement, including sponsoring a climate policy institute that he hopes will be able to help resolve the US-China tension by providing independent verification.
- Soros described it as “really a tremendous accomplishment” that the Summit attracted so many people who are concerned with the issues, and he predicted that by pulling together, [leaders in the investment and financial community] will be able to make significant change."
- ↑ UN: 2010 Investor Summit on Climate Risk - Final Report, April 27, 2010, page i (accessed on Nov. 19, 2010)
- ↑ UN: 2010 Investor Summit on Climate Risk - Final Report, April 27, 2010, page 1 (accessed on Nov. 19, 2010)
- ↑ UN: 2010 Investor Summit on Climate Risk - Final Report, April 27, 2010, page ii (accessed on Nov. 19, 2010)
- ↑ UN: 2010 Investor Summit on Climate Risk - Final Report, April 27, 2010, page 4 (accessed on Nov. 19, 2010)
- ↑ UN: 2010 Investor Summit on Climate Risk - Final Report, April 27, 2010, page 37 (accessed on Nov. 19, 2010)
- ↑ UN: 2010 Investor Summit on Climate Risk - Final Report, April 27, 2010, page 27 (accessed on Nov. 19, 2010)