Institute for Policy Studies
The Institute for Policy Studies was founded in 1963 in Washington DC and is a highly influential, but little known source of ideas, guidance and training for the U.S. and international left. It began as a revolutionary think-tank that consistently supported policies that facilitated the foreign policy goals of the Soviet Union and weakened the position of the United States.[1]
The Institute for Policy Studies is closely aligned with The Nation publication.
The Institute for Policy Studies is the largest and most influential of the far left think tanks in Washington DC. Since its founding in 1963 it has steadily followed a pro-Marxist line on foreign policy, defense and the economy and has spawned a large number of spin-offs, other think tanks and public affairs organizations following the same radical agenda.[2]
To put its policy recommendations into action, IPS built networks of contacts among Congressional legislators and their staffs, academics, government officials, and the national media.
In 1978, in an article in National Review, Brian Crozier, director of the London-based Institute for the Study of Conflict, described IPS as the "perfect intellectual front for Soviet activities which would be resisted if they were to originate openly from the KGB."[1], [3]
Member of the FACT Coalition
Institute for Policy Studies is a member of the FACT Coalition.[4]
Partner Organization of ProsperUS
Institute for Policy Studies is listed as a "Partner Organization" of ProsperUS,[5] a coalition of leftist groups formed during the 2020 coronavirus pandemic to demand massive government spending, including Joe Biden's "Build Back Better" spending bill.[6],[7],[8]
Personnel, 2019
- John Cavanagh - Executive Director
- Robert P. Alvarez - Communications Assistant
- Sarah Anderson - Program Director Global Economy
- Phyllis Bennis - Program Director New Internationalism
- Robin Carver - Development Associate
- Peter Certo - Editorial Manager, Editor-in-Chief Foreign Policy in Focus, OtherWords
- Chuck Collins - Program Director Program on Inequality and the Common Good
- Violeta Curiel - Development Assistant
- Karen Dolan - Project Director Criminalization of Race and Poverty
- Netfa Freeman - Events Coordinator
- Sarah Gertler - Newman Fellow
- Domenica Ghanem - Media Manager
- Lauren Kojola - Operations Assistant
- Lindsay Koshgarian - Program Director National Priorities Project
- Josue De Luna Navarro - New Mexico Fellow
- Emily Norton - Leadership Programs Manager New Mexico Fellowship, Next Leaders Internship Program
- Negin Owliaei -
- Khury Petersen-Smith - Michael Ratner Middle East Fellow New Internationalism
- Jessicah Pierre - Inequality Media Specialist
- Basav Sen - Project Director Climate Policy
- Ashik Siddique - Research Analyst National Priorities Project
- Justin Jacoby Smith - Digital Communications Strategist
- Sanho Tree - Project Director Drug Policy
- La Shawn Walker Operations Director & Finance Manager
Associate Fellows
Associate Fellows are scholars who share their expertise with IPS through one of the Institute’s projects or program areas. Inclusion into the IPS community as an Associate Fellow requires invitation or sponsorship by an IPS project director, and on-going sponsorship to remain in good standing. Most Associate Fellows work on volunteer basis, unless dedicated funds are raised to support their work.
- Robert Alvarez - Project Director and Associate Fellow Nuclear Policy
- Dedrick Asante-Muhammed - Coordinator Bridging the Divide, Program on Inequality and the Common Good
- Marc Bayard - Project Director and Associate Fellow Black Worker Initiative, Global Economy
- Beverly Bell - Associate Fellow
- Sarah Browning - Associate Fellow
- Ron Carver - Associate Fellow Global Economy
- Steve Cobble - Associate Fellow
- John Feffer - Project Director and Associate Fellow Epicenter, Foreign Policy in Focus
- Helen Flannery - Associate Fellow Program on Inequality and the Common Good
- Josh Hoxie - Associate Fellow Program on Inequality and the Common Good
- Jim Lobe - Associate Fellow LobeLog
- Bob Lord - Associate Fellow Program on Inequality and the Common Good
- Jen Moore - Associate Fellow Global Economy
- Michael Paarlberg - Associate Fellow Global Economy
- Miriam Pemberton - Associate Fellow Peace Economy Transitions
- Manuel Perez-Rocha - Project Director and Associate Fellow Global Economy
- Sam Pizzigati - Associate Fellow Program on Inequality and the Common Good
- Lee Price - Global Economy
- Steve Quick - Global Economy
- Janet Redman - Associate Fellow Climate Policy
- Oscar Reyes - Associate Fellow Climate Policy
- Ebony Slaughter-Johnson - Criminalization of Race and Poverty
- Emira Woods - Associate Fellow
Board of Trustees
- Harry Belafonte - Trustee Singer, Actor, Producer, Activist
- Robert Borosage - Trustee President Institute for America's Future
- John Cavanagh - Board Director Executive Director Institute for Policy Studies
- James Early - Trustee Director of Cultural Heritage Policy Smithsonian Institution
- Barbara Ehrenreich - Board Vice-Chair Award-winning author, social critic
- Noura Erakat - Trustee Law professor Temple University and Georgetown University
- Jodie Evans - Trustee Co-Founder CODEPINK: Women for Peace
- Tope Folarin - Board Chair Vice President for Content and Storytelling Local Initiatives Support Corporation
- Domenica Ghanem - Trustee Media Manager Institute for Policy Studies
- Danny Glover - Trustee
- Sarita Gupta - Trustee Co-founder Caring Across Generations
- Kathleen Maloy - Trustee Health & Economic Equity Activist
- Heidi Peltier - Trustee Research Fellow Political Economy Research Institute
- Andy Shallal - Trustee Artist, Owner Busboys & Poets
- Burke Stansbury - Board Treasurer Development Director Social Justice Fund NW
- Lewis Steel - Trustee General Counsel Civil Rights Attorney Outten & Golden, LLP [9]
Early funders
Its start-up funding came from Sears heir Philip Stern, banking heir James Warburg and Fabergé cosmetics founder Samuel Rubin, later supplemented by a generous endowment from Wall Street whiz Daniel Bernstein. IPS refused to take money from the government, to be free to “speak truth to power.” [10]
Soviet Sympathy, Disarmament and Pacifism
IPS has been particularly concerned with researching U.S. defense industries and arms sales policies to Free World countries under pressure from Soviet-supported terrorist movements. The director of IPS arms sales research, Michael Klare, is a veteran of the North American Congress on Latin America, a Castroite research group that has aided CIA defector Philip Agee, and who worked with the Center for National Security Studies, an IPS off-shoot affiliated with the Fund for Peace. Klare has made frequent trips to Havana to "lecture" on U.S. arms policies to "graduate students" at the University of Havana, and has participated in disarmament conferences sponsored by World Peace Council groups.
As at March, 1982, IPS's Arms Race and Nuclear Weapons Project was directed by Bill Arkin, who had been compiling a book of (United States) nuclear weapons data with "everything from where the bombs are stored to where weapons delivery systems are cooked up." The book was to be kept up-to-date with revisions bi-annually.
IPS played a seminal role in the formation and development of the Nuclear Research and Information Service, the World Information Service on Energy, and European Nuclear Disarmament.
World Peace Council meeting
From September 29, to October 12, 1975 the Soviet front World Peace Council sent a delegation on a ten-day tour of the United States of America, where it was "warmly and enthusiastically received". In six of the ten cities visited, the delegation was officially welcomed by the mayors' offices and presented with "keys to the city", medals and proclamations.
The delegation was composed of Romesh Chandra, Secretary General of the World Peace Council; Josef Cyrankiewicz, former Premier of Poland, for many years a prisoner at the infamous Auschwitz prison camp, "outstanding anti-fascist fighter", and Chairman of the Polish Peace Committee; Ambassador Harald Edelstam, Swedish Ambassador to Algeria, formerly Ambassador to Chile during the Allende Presidency,"renowned for his rescue of hundreds of Chileans from the fascist junta"; Purabhi Mukherji, General Secretary of the Congress Party of India, member of Parliament and formerly a minister of the Indian government ~ for 15 years; James Lamond, Labour member of British Parliament, former Mayor of Aberdeen, Scotland, and active member of the Engineering Workers Union; Yacov Lomko, Editor-in-Chief of the Moscow News, leading member of the Soviet Peace Committee, and Communist Party USA member Karen Talbot, US member of the WPC Secretariat.
At an informal luncheon given by the Institute for Policy Studies, the WPC representatives had a probing and lively discussion with those present on "questions of disarmament and detente".[11]
Soviet visit
On April 10, 1982, an IPS-sponsored group visiting Moscow for a week of meetings with high-level Soviet officials responsible for disseminating disinformation and propaganda for U.S. consumption, met with U.S. reporters to serve as the unofficial means for floating the possibility that Brezhnev might agree to a New York summit meeting in New York at SSD-II. The IPS group, led by its principal spokesman, Marcus Raskin, IPS cofounder and senior fellow, included Robert Borosage, IPS director, National Lawyers Guild activist and former director of the Center for National Security Studies; Minneapolis Mayor Donald M. Fraser; Rt. Rev. Paul Moore, Episcopal Bishop of New York; New York lawyer Robert S. Potter; and Roger Wilkins, journalist and senior fellow of the Joint Center for Political Studies which specializes in "black issues."
The IPS group identified only two of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Central Committee officials they met - Georgi A. Arbatov, head of the Institute of the USA and Canada, a "think-tank" that provides research and analysis and also cultivates and develops contacts with Americans at the direction of the KGB and the International Department of the CPSU Central Committee; and Vadim V. Zagladin, first deputy chief of the International Department.
In various U.S. interviews, Borosage has floated such standard Soviet themes as the Soviet Union is satisfied by "rough parity" with the United States; that the United States is restarting the arms race; that the Soviets want to go back to SALT II and get U.S. ratification; that if the United States starts another round in the arms race, it will seriously hurt the Soviet economy and ordinary Soviet citizens-but they'll still go ahead, so competition is futile; and the threat that the modern U.S. weapons proposed for deployment are "very dangerous... and would lead to much more dangerous stages that would make both sides insecure, not more secure."
Borosage took pains to say that the Soviets are "skeptical" of the disarmament movement and "they hadn't expected it. It was much more powerful and widespread than they'd ever imagined."[1]
IPS founders were Kennedy era White House staffer Marcus Raskin and State Department lawyer, the late Richard Barnet.
From the IPS website history page:[12]
- It all began at a high-powered State Department meeting full of generals and defense industry executives in 1961, at the height of the Cold War. When one official declared "If this group cannot bring about disarmament, then no one can," two young men in the audience couldn’t help but snicker. The culprits, White House staffer Marcus Raskin and State Department lawyer Richard Barnet, looked across the room and decided to get to know each other.
- Within two years, Raskin and Barnet had left the Kennedy Administration and founded the Institute for Policy Studies, where they could more freely "speak truth to power.” Over more than four decades, IPS public scholars have used their independence — from government, from corporate money, and from the silos of academia — to combine fresh, bold ideas with effective action. They have provided critical support for the major social movements of our time by producing seminal books, films, and articles; educating key policymakers and the general public; and crafting practical strategies in support of peace, justice, and the environment.
- “IPS pioneered the modern politics of ideas in the capital. And even as conservatives were clubbing IPS, they attempted to imitate its form. The Heritage Foundation, for example, was modeled directly on IPS.” -Washington Post, 1986.
Marcus Raskin and another founder Arthur Waskow, had previously worked for Democratic Congressman Robert Kastenmeier of Wisconsin. In 1961 they co-authored a report for him that recommended unilateral disarmament for the U.S.[13]
Founding Principles
From the IPS website history page:[12]
- No government funding: Since it is difficult to "speak truth to power" if one takes funds from that "power," IPS does not accept any government money.
- Public scholarship: IPS turns "ideas into action" through staff who combine inter-disciplinary research and writing skills with activist experience, based on the belief that dynamic social movements drive most social change.
- Building alternatives: At least half of the Institute's work focuses on positive alternatives to current policies and institutions. Some of this work is transformational and visionary, laying out alternative systems and institutions. Some offers steps toward those larger transformations.
- Social inventions: IPS has created many projects that then spin off into independent organizations, such as the Government Accountability Project and the Institute for Southern Studies, or become government initiatives, such as the National Teacher Corps in the 1960s and 1970s.
- The power of convening: With progressive movements often weakened by their fragmentation, IPS convenes unlikely allies to meet new challenges for peace, justice, and the environment.
Letelier-Moffitt Human Rights Awards: 11th Annual - 1987
IPS created the Letelier-Moffitt Human Rights Awards annual ceremony/gathering to honor the memory of two IPS employees, former Chilean Ambassador Orlando Letelier and Ronnie Karpen Moffitt who were killed in a car bombing in Washington, D.C. September 21,1976. Several Chilean government agents were convicted for the murders. (It was later revealed through recovered documents that Letelier was carrying, that he was a Cuban DGI agent-of-influence working to restore the Allende marxists to power in Chile).
The Washington Post usually covers this event in their "Style" section as though it was just something done by a non-partisan "human rights" organization to honor two of its members, despite the well publicized Marxist ideology of its sponsor, the Institute for Policy Studies IPS.[14]
The 11th Annual Awards affair, held at the Omni Shoreham hotel in Washington, D.C. featured a "Who's Who" of the marxist Left, especially pertaining to Latin America, the Anti-Defense Lobby, and some hardcore leftists in Congress.
The Annual Award was accepted by Joe Eldridge Joseph Eldridge, the "former director of the Washington Office on Latin America WOLA for 12 years."[15].(KW: He eventually became the head of the Religious Center at American University in the 2000s where he became embroiled in trouble due to his leftist activities).
Washington Post report Carla Hall, who wrote up the event, "The Rite for Rights", described his organization as one "which monitors and publicizes human rights abuses in Latin America" (except for most of what happened in Castro's Cuba, the Sandinistas' Nicaragua, the atrocities of the FMLN in El Salvador, and much of the communist guerrilla atrocities in South America (MIR, Sendero Luminosa, Tupamaros, FARC/ELF, etc.).
Very revealing was Eldridge's story about how WOLA was helping a Sandinista marxist lobby Congress. Hall wrote: "Like the time in 1978 when a WOLA staffer was escorting a young Sandinista, Roberto Vargas, to Capitol Hill to meet people. "I remember getting the call from the D.C. Jail," Eldridge said. "It seems that Roberto had tried to enter the Cannon House Office Building with a revolver with 50 rounds of ammunition. When he was stopped and asked why hed had a revolver, he said he needed some protection."
Hall also wrote the following which revealed a lot about IPS, the awards affair, and their supporters:
"But both Eldridge and current WOLA director Alexander Wilde reaffirmed the orgnaization's commitment to "the long haul," and Wilde said a newer challenge for the group will be "protecting people who live not in military regimes but in fragile civilian ones."
[KW: WOLA was virtually silent on the torture and murders committed by the Sandinistas of the Ortega Brothers and convicted murderer Tomas Borge but during their seizure of power from the dictatorship of Somoza, but also as they systematically emasculated the democratic opposition in the 1980s]. Template:CITation Ballanos report, 1980s.
Supporting WOLA from charges that "WOLA soft-pedals human rights abuses by governments on the left, such as Nicaragua's," was Rep. George Miller (D-CA) who said:
"What they've reported has held up over a longer period of time and under more scrutiny than anything the U.S. has concocted."
- ***
"In his impassioned keynote speech, George Miller (D-Calif) said that Congress has a straightforward decision to make about contra aid. "A vote yes means a continuation of war; no means peace. It's as simple as that."
(KW: Miller has systematically supported communist guerrila movements in Central America and had on his staff Cynthia Arnson, an IPS fellow and veteran leftist activist who also worked on reports cited by Americas Watch)[16]
Another award winner was Paraguayan Bishop Mario Melanio Medina described by Hall as one "who founded a human rights advocacy group in Paraguay and spends most of his time working in the impoverished Chaco region of the country. He is considered one of the most outspoken opponents of Paraguayan strongman Alfredo Stroessner."
- ***
"The awards ceremony is sponsored by the Institute for Policy Studies, and its denizens are always present at the dinner as is Letelier's widow, Isabel (Letelier). Among others there last night were -
- William Sloane Coffin (a former Reverend), now president of SANE/Freeze... William S. Coffin Bill Coffin and
- Cora Weiss, director of the Disarmament Project at Riverside Church (KW: Coffin's church for many years). (KW: Weiss's communist background as a red-diaper baby is not well known, but her activities as a leader of the Hanoi Lobby and the Anti-Defense Lobby have been well documented for decades).
- "The political turnout included
- Sen. Tom Harkin - (D-Iowa]], and
- Sen. John Breaux - (D-LA)" (and previously mentioned)
- Rep. George Miller - (D-CA)
(KW: Ironically, after Congress had learned more of the increasingly dictatorial direction of Nicaragua under Daniel Ortega and his communist Sandinistas, with the suppression of the remaining free press under the Chamorros, the silencing of political parties by assassination, jailing or exilings, and the repression of the indigenous Indian populations (Miskitos, etc.), plus the winning offensives of the freedom-fighters, support for the Communists dwindled in Congress, only sustained by a hardcore of the Left. Eventually the freedom forces forced Ortega into holding free elections in 1988 in which he lost by a significant margin. Another communist beachhead had been temporarily stopped but disorganization among the non-communists eventually led to Ortega being reelected president in 2009, where he promptly began to get more Communist and Iranian arms, and made alliances with the Palestinian movement, Iran, and possibly Hamas and Hezbollah. A lot of this appeared in "West Watch" newsletter and in "The Real Secret War: Sandinista Political Warfare and its Effects on Congress", as cited previously.)
Projects: The Political Economy Program Center of IPS
A little know program of IPS, started in the early-to-mid 1975's was known as the Political Economy Program Center (PEPC)of IPS. The first newsletter issue revealed so much about IPS and this Center that it appears to have disappeared quite rapidly as it is not even mentioned (or listed) in the Index to S. Steven Powell's masterful book "Covert Cadre:Inside the Institute for Policy Studies", Greenhill, 1987.
The publication of the PEPC was entitled "BENCHMARX" - A periodic report from the Political Economy Program Cetner of the Institute for Policy Studies, March 1975. It was so heavily laden with marxist analysis and ideology, that it is no wonder that it disappeared so quickly. It had revealed too much about IPS as a marxist organization, not as a "liberal think-tank" as the Washington Post and other mainstream media liberal newspapers liked to characterize it.
Because of the importance of this newsletter, a significant segment of it is being reproduced below.
"The Political Economy Program Center (PEPC) was created to strengthen the work of the Institute for Policy Studies in the area of political economy. PEPC's primary focus has been on research and support for workers and community struggles and movement. Its work emphasizes principles of:
- (1)decentralized, democratic control of resources;
- (2) community-controled economic and social development; and
- (3) self-organization of labor."
"Some current PECP projects include:
- --Studying the impact of managerially-controlled work processes in specific sectors on work relations, workers consciousness, and workers movements.
- --Organizing a national conference of municipal, county and state officials on radical programs. (KW: THIS IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT BECAUSE OF THE SUCCESS IN PULLING IN NON-MARXISTS TO THE IPS CREATION, "National Conference on Alternative State and Local Policies" (NCASLP)}.
- --Advising on labor action-policy responses to the current economic crisis.
- --Working through the Transnational Institute of IPS on international political economy and labor questions and alternative health care institutions."
BENCHMARX Staff: "BENCHMARX: Published periodically by the Political Economy Program Center of the Institute for Policy Studies, 1901 Que St., NW, Washington, D.C. 20009 (202) 234-9382.
- Barbara Bick - identified member of the Communist Party USA and local leader of Women's Strike for Peace, D.C., as well as on the Steering Committee of the various "Hanoi Lobby" "Mobes"
- Robb Burlage - IPS workhorse/leader
- Bettina Conner
- Barbara Myers
- Leonard Rodberg
- Chick Rybeck
Project: The Washington School
The IPS founded the Washington School in 1979 as a means of running a marxist-oriented "school" under the guise of presenting an "alternative" view/voice on both US domestic and foreign policies. They not only gave "fellowships" to hardcore marxists and known/identified members of the Communist Party USA , but to other loosely affiliated marxists, socialists, and liberals. They also aimed at recruiting members of Congress to teach a class, thus sucking in some liberals who might not have participated if they had knowledge of IPS's marxist history and funding.
The highly informative "Information Digest" (ID) publication, April 30, 1982, produced a combined "faculty members" list for the years 1979, 1980, the Fall 1981 semester, and the Spring 1982 semester. It contains a number of Members of Congress, the news media, former U.S. defense officials, and key members from labor, pro-communist Latin America guerrilla movement support operations, members of the "Hanoi Lobby", the "PLO Lobby" and the "anti-Defense Lobby." The list is reproduced as it appeared in ID.(No identifications of these individuals was provided by ID so KW is adding a brief description of them).
- James Abourezk - former U.S. senator from So. Dakota, an IPS trustee, and leader of the pro-PLO Lobby
- Eqbal Ahmad - IPS fellow and hardcore marxist
- Gar Alperovitz - IPS fellow, writer on economics/planning
- Patrick Anderson
- Bruce Andrews
- Joan Bannon
- Richard Barnet - an IPS founder, key member of the Hanoi Lobby who was broadcast over Radio Hanoi to American troops during the war. Key leader in the "Anti-Defense" and "Anti-Intelligence" lobbies. Long record of supporting communist fronts and causes
- Hon. David Bazelon - very liberal DC judge
- Giovanni Berlinguer
- Charles Bernstein
- Robert Borosage - key IPS marxist leader who later went on to head the marxist-oriented Open Society Institute's Campaign for America's Future (CAF) of extreme leftist George Soros.
- Kenneth Boulding - leftist/marxist economics professor
- Taylor Branch
- Philip Brenner
- Josephine Butler - local DC marxist who headed CPUSA fronts in the area and had a major role in leading the communist-dominated D.C. Statehood Party, whose Constitution was written by avowed CPUSA DC-VA leader Maurice Jackson
- Martin Carnoy
- Abigail Child
- Jack Cloherty
- Roberta Cohen
- Rep. John Conyers (D-MI), a Representative who had one of the longest records of open support for both the CPUSA and Socialist Workers Party (SWP), and their youth groups, their fronts and causes.
- Arthur Macy Cox - an arms control "expert" who worked for the Senate and represented the "appeasement" and "detente" wing of the congressional Left.
- W. Bowman Cutter
- Patricia Derian - Pres. Carter's Assistant Secretary for Human Rights in the State Department and was extremely soft on communist aggression and represssion policies from the Soviet Union to Cuba. Became a member of the IPS's Washington School (See: Powell's "Second Front", Capital Research Center, P. 10).
- Rep. Ron Dellums - (D-CA), one of the top supporters of communist fronts and causes in Congress, and avowed "socialist". He had possibly illegal ties to the marxist regime of the late Maurice Bishop in Grenada.
- Karen DeYoung - far-left foreign affairs writer for the Washington Post. Gave cover to the marxist goals and identity of the Sandinista movement in Nicaragua.
- David Dickson
- John Dinges - veteran leftist writer on Latin America
- Ivanhoe Donaldson - former SNCC leader and Deputy Mayor of Washington D.C. who went to jail for embezzling government funds.
- Pat Dowell
- Bob Eckardt
- Zillah Eisenstein
- Stuart Eisenstat - a liberal and Democrat who has held several major government positions but who has no real connections to the marxist Left.
- Robert Engler
- Gene Frankel
- Doug Fraser - the former socialist labor leader of the United Autoworkers of America
- Jill Gay
- James Galbraith - noted far-left economist with a marxist affiliations past. It has been said that he is one of those people who got famous for being wrong most of the time.
- Susan George
- Allen Ginsberg - the leftist poet
- Gene Godley
- Rose Goldsen
- Elizabeth Griffith
- George Gross
- Morton Halperin - former government official who turned to the left, became a leader of the "Anti-Intelligence Lobby" and later became a leader of George Soros' "Open Society Institute"
- Chester Hartman - former leftist/liberal diplomat(?)
- Sen. Mark Hatfield - (R-Ore), a far-left, religious pacifist and advocate of appeasement in foreign affairs. He died in 2011.
- Barbara Heller
- Steve Hellinger
- Mark Hertsgaard - leftist journalist
- Walter Hopps
- David Johns
- James A. Joseph
- David Johns
- Bob Kasen
- Peter Knight
- Helena Solberg Ladd
- Anthony Lake - leftist member of the State Department who basically advocated an appeasement policy regarding communism. Subject of a devastingly critical article in "The American Spectator", April, 1997 issue, "Tony Lake: Is He Sunk?"
- David Landau
- Saul Landau - veteran marxist film/documentary maker promoting marxism in Latin America. Long an IPS fellow and supporter of many communist parties fronts and causes. Shows up in most of the books/references listed below.
- Isabel Letelier - IPS; widow of the assassinated marxist Chilean/Cuban agent-of-influence Orlando Letelier, who was an IPS activist and leader of its Transnational Institute.Details in "The Revolution Lobby".
- Nelson Lichtenstein
- David Livingston - most likely the identified CPUSA labor leader from New York City, Distributive Workers of America, District 65[17]
- Carol MacLennan
- Harry Magdoff - old time marxist associated with Monthly Review magazine. Details on his identification as a Soviet agent are found in "The Venona Secrets: Exposing Soviet Espionage and America's Traitors", Herbert Romerstein and Eric Breindel, Regnery, 2000, and "Venona", John Haynes and Harvey Klehr, 1995?
- Clovis Maksoud - the head of the Arab League's Information Center in the U.S.
- Frank Mankiewicz - extreme liberal who often covered up the activities of the CPUSA in the past
- Marilyn Marcosson
- John Marks - former State Department official who left in disagreement with U.S. foreign policies. Ended up affiliated with groups in the "Anti-Intelligence Lobby".
- Richard McCormack S.J.
- Douglas Messerli
- Christopher Middendorf
- Rep. George Miller - (D-CA). One of the closet marxists in Congress (from the 1970's until 2012). Strong supporter of communist movements and their US fronts regarding Latin America. Hired an IPS fellow, Cynthia Arnson for his congressional staff. (See most of the books listed for more on Miller and Arnson).
- Christine Topping Milliken
- Michael Moffitt - an IPS leader whose wife was killed along with Orlando Letelier in the bombing of their car in Washington, D.C. in 1977
- Prexy Nesbitt -veteran marxist activist who led support for communist guerrilla forces in Africa through groups in the US.
Later affiliated with the marxist Democratic Socialists of America .
- Matthew Nimitz
- Michael Parenti- longtime IPS fellow who later joined the CPUSA and wrote for their theoretical journal Political Affairs. He also wrote for In These Times, an IPS creation.
- Michael Pertschuk - a former US government official
- Charles Peters
- Nicholas Piombino
- Barbara Raskin - the wife of IPS founder Marcus Raskin
- Marcus Raskin - IPS founder. Former US government official and also aide to extreme leftist Rep. Robert Kastenmeier (D-PA).
- Earl Ravenal - IPS fellow on defense issues, among others
- Mitchell Rogovin - former government attorney (??) CITES
- Maurice Rosenblatt
- Rustum Roy
- John Shattuck - former Washington DC leader of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and key leader in the national leftist "Anti-Intelligence Lobby"
- Roger Shinn
- Stephen Schlossberg
- Berket Selassie
- James Sherry
- Sen. Paul Tsongas - (D-Mass). Far left senator who supported some communist fronts and causes
- Paul Warnke - former Carter Administration arms negotiation leader and appeaser-in-chief during the Soviet's massive arms build-up during the 1970's.
- James Weaver - There was a leftist Democratic U.S. congressman from Oregon by that same name who showed up in the book "Communists in the Democratic Party", P. 78, who signed a fund-raising letter for the communist FMLN U.S. front Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador (CISPES) in the early 1980's.
- Bernard Welt
- Haskell Wexler - marxist film-maker and supporter of Castro, the Sandinistas, and the FMLN in El Salvador
- Jack Willis
ID added the following paragraph at the end of the above list:
"It is noted that the IPS/TWS listing of faculty and those who have directed IPS/TWS classes omits many of those who have taught courses and are listed in TWS brochures as panelists. The Fall 1981 curriculum listed as teaching "Workplace Democracy Randy Barber, co-director of the People's Business Commission (PBC); Douglas Carmichael, social psychiatrist; Peter Knight and Peter Movic, economists at the World Bank. Only Knigt was entered on the faculty list."
ID identified other classes also taught during the Fall 1981 term which included:
- Dave Dickson - Nature Magazine, led a group on "Energy, Environment and Safety: Examining the Reagan Agenda" focusing on "counterstrategies developed by opposition groups"
- Gene Frankel - energy policy staff member of the House Committee on Science and Technology
- Carol MacLennan - Department of Transportation anthropologist
- Howard Wachtel - chairman of the Department of Economics, American University, taught "Fnding a Progressive Responsive" to the U.S. economic system. Wachtell has been associated with the marxist economics group known as URPE Union of Radical Political Economists
- David E. Landau - ACLU legislative counsel
- Bob Borosage Robert Borosage - IPS director, who was former head of the far-left Center for National Security Studies (CNSS), a key leader of the "Anti-Intelligence Lobby" and network. He later became an important leader of the Open Society Institute of far-leftist billionaire George Soros.
- John Shattuck - director of the ACLU Washington Office, who examined "the reemergence of elements of the internal security apparatus of the 50s" and "strategies for developing political and Congressional opposition to legislation strengthening internal security and counter-intelligence investigations under the guise of protecting privacy and defending civil liberties."
IPS Twentieth Anniversary Celebration and Committee including Members of Congress
An IPS Twentieth Anniversary Celebration Committee (in formation) was created to celebrate the 20 years since the creation of the IPS. Almost no one in the national media wrote about this event and Committee with the possible exception of the weekly conservative newspaper, "Human Events", in its April 2, 1983 edition. As HE noted, there was a very impressive list of present and former members of Congress who signed on as sponsors. They will be listed immediately below as a separate grouping, while their names will appear again in the official list of Committee members that will follow it.
Members or Former Members of Congress Who Were Members of the IPS 20th Anniversary Celebration Committee:
- Sen. Gary Hart - (D-Co)
- Sen. Christopher Dodd - (D-Conn)
Representatives - Present Members:
- Les Aspin - (R-Wisc)
- George Brown - (D-CA)
- Philip Burton - (D-CA)
- George Crockett, Jr. - (D- Mich) George Crockett
- Ron Dellums - (D-CA)
- Don Edwards - (D-CA)
- Walter Fauntroy - (D-DC)
- Tom Harkin - (D-Iowa)
- Robert Kastenmeier - (D-Wisc)
- Richard Ottinger - (D-NY)
- Leon Panetta - D-CA
- Patricia Schroeder - (D-Co)
- John Seiberling - (D-Ohio)
- Ted Weiss - (D-NY)
Former Members of Congress:
- Sen. James Abourezk - (D-SD)
- Sen. Birch Bayh - (D-Indiana)
- Sen. Frank Church - (D-Idaho)
- Sen. J. William Fulbright - (D-Ark)
- Sen. George McGovern - (D-SD)
- Sen. Gaylord Nelson - (D-Wisc)
- Rep. Robert Eckhardt - (D-Tx)
- Rep. Henry Reuss - (D-Wisc)
Key Participants and Attendees:
- Richard Barnet - IPS cofounder
- Marcus Raskin - IPS cofounder
- Peter Weiss - IPS Board Chairman
- Jules Feiffer - leftist cartoonist and humorist/writer
- Rita Mae Brown - "lesbian writer"
- Marion Barry - DC Mayor
- Paul Warnke - Pres. Carter's top arms control negotiator
- Andrew Young - Atlanta Mayor and former member of Congress
- Bianca Jagger - former wife of Rolling Stone singer Mick Jagger and strong supporter of marxist dictator of Nicaragua Daniel Ortega and his FSLN movement
- Jerry Brown - former Governor of California
- Dr. Helen Caldicott - "peacenik physician" who has amassed a significant record of participating in the Communist-dominated and led "Anti-Defense Lobby" in the U.S.
- Clayton Fritchey - syndicated columnist, including the Washington Post where he wrote a consistent leftist story line that was usually very inaccurate[18].
- John Kenneth Galbraith - economist, who started out with the communists in the 1930's and stayed on the Left, though his policies, like the writings of Fritchey and Lippman, were consistently wrong (notes Friedman as an addendum to the above cited communication)
- Mark Green - a Ralph Nader associate
- Terry Herndon - National Education Association (NEA) Executive Director
- Seymour Hersh - former New York Times reporter, and veteran anti-American reporter from Vietnam to the States
- Adm. Gene LaRocque - Director of the leftist, anti-defense Center for Defense Information (CDI), one of the top projects of the Communist-influenced Fund for Peace.[19]
- Eleanor Holmes Norton - former head of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission , a former Human Rights Commissioner in New York City, an soon to be the non-voting U.S. Representative from DC. Holmes was in the process of creating a significant record of supporting far-left fronts and causes, esp. in D.C.
- Earl C. Ravenal - CATO Institute, a libertarian think-tank, though Ravenal represented the left-wing of that movement and was an IPS Fellow
- Mark Schneider - former aide of Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-Mass)
- Michael Tigar - "who is defending Rep. Dellums against drug charges (which were later dropped). Tigar got his far-leftist start as part of the SLATE team in the Un. of California Berkeley, then in the anti-HCUA movement/riots, the CPUSA front, the National Lawyers Guild (NLG) and other CPUSA legal fronts and causes.
- Dr. Jerome Weisner - "a former science adviser to John Kennedy and strong leader for a harmful to the US arms control policy
- Gary Wills - columnist
- William Winpisinger - the socialist leader of the International Association of Machinists (IAM)
- Anne Zill - "a representative of that bankroller of leftist causes, Stewart Mott"
"Sen. Mark Hatfield (R-Ore) is not listed as a member of the anniversary committee, but his comments about IPS were included in the invitation to the affair. Hatfield said, 'I respect the often thoughtful and scholarly work of these individuals. I have no doubt that theirs is a legitimate and useful role in the formulation of national policy."
Members of the "IPS Twentieth Anniversary Celebration Committee (in formation) identifications provided by KW:
- Mr. Paul C. Warnke - Chairman
- Hon. James Abourezk - Sen. (D-SD)
- David Alber
- Gar Alperovitz - IPS
- Sharon Alperovitz
- Les Aspin
- David Baltimore - leftist physician
- Hon. Marion Barry - Mayor/City Council, (D-DC)
- Hon. Birch Bayh -Sen. (D-IND)
- Norman Birnbaum - veteran leftist
- Hon. George Brown - Rep. (D-CA)
- Hon Jerry Brown - Gov., (D-CA)
- Hon. Philip Burton - hardcore communist sympathizer
- Sala Burton - wife of Phillip Burton and reportedly as hardcore a leftist as he was; became a US Representative when he died in office
- Conrad Cafritz - very liberal Democratic financial angel in DC
- Mrs. Peggy Cooper Cafritz - the leftist wife of Conrad Cafritz
- Dr. Helen Caldicott - far-left Australian anti-defense activist
- Barbara Caldwell
- Charles S. Caldwell
- Lillian Calhoun
- David Carter
- Dale C. Carter, Jr.
- Noam Chomsky - hardcore marxist
- Bethune Church
- Hon. Frank Church - Sen. (D-ID)
- Dr. Mary Coleman
- Catherin Conover
- Hon. George Crockett, Jr. - Rep. (D-Mich)
- Dr. Harriet Crockett
- Dr. Franklin Davis
- Dr. Howard C. Davis
- Dr. Maryam M. Davis
- Hon. Ron Dellums - Rep. (D-CA)
- Diana DeVegh
- Dr. James Dixon - the far-left head of Antioch College
- Hon. Christopher Dodd - described in the Human Events article as "leading the fight for a Communist coalition government in El Salvador"
- Leonard Dreyfus
- Rhoda Dreyfus
- Celia Eckhardt
- Hon. Robert Eckhardt - Rep. (D-TX)
- Hon. Don Edwards - Rep. (D-CA)
- Hon. Walter E. Fauntroy - Rep. (D-DC)
- William Fitzgerald
- Mrs. Nancy M. Folger
- Mrs. Yolande Fox
- Dr. Jerome D. Frank - a veteran supporter of Communist Party fronts and causes for decades
- Robert Friedman
- Glaston Fritches
- Hon. J. William Fulbright - Senator (D-AR)
- Hon. John Kenneth Galbraith
- Mr. Ghent Gaellal ?
- Hon. Jack Gordon
- Mark Green - Ralph Nader associate
- Dean Charles Halpern
- Ms. Susan Halpern
- Hon. Tom Harkin - Sen., (D-Iowa)
- Ms. Jane Harman - future U.S. Representative (D-CA)
- Mr. Sidney Harman
- Hon. W. Averell Harriman - former US Ambassador to Russia
- Hon. Gary Hart - Sen. (D-Col) (former)
- Terry Herndon - the leftist head of the [[National Education Association-- (NEA)
- Seymour Hersh - far-left writer for the New York Times and the leftist Dispatch News Service (DNS)
- Karl Hess - IPS, former speechwriter for Sen. Barry Goldwater
- Ms. Therese Hess - middle initial illegible
- Ms. Sonya Hoover
- Richard Hubbard - middle initial illegible
- Mrs. Ruth Hubbard - veteran leftist
- James I. Hudson
- Thomas L. Hughes
- Ivan Illich - marxist teacher on education
- Christopher Jencks - IPS, marxist writer on education
- Vernon I. Jordan, Jr. - Urban League
- Ms. Dorothy Kastenmeier
- Hon. Robert Kastenmeier - Rep., (D-PA), hardcore leftist
- Ms. Kathse Kenety - sp?
- Ms. Kristina Kiehl
- Ms. Patricia King
- Gabriel Kolko - Canadian marxist, professor, Hanoi contact for the Canadian "Hanoi Lobby"
- Ms. Joyce Kolko
- Peter Kovler
- Admiral Gene R. LaRocque - the dovish retired admiral, leader of the leftist Center for Defense Information (CDI)
- Dr. James Lieberman
- Ms. Betty Jean Lifton
- Dr. Robert Jay Lifton - noted psychiatrist and leftist, author of a major book on "Thought Reform" in Red China
- Philip E. Libenthal
- Ms. Sally Libenthal
- Edgar Lockwood - leader of the far-left Washington Office on Africa, IPS Trustee
- Franklin A. Long
- Ms Luelle R. Loure - last name spelling partially illegible
- Reginald Loure - last name spelling partially illegible
- Ira M. Lowe - radical attorney
- Dr. Bernard Lown - leftist leader of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War and other pro-disarment groups who cooperated with the Soviets in IPS "peace" conferences
- Michael Maccoby - Liberal Project, cofounder of IPS
- MS. Sandylee Maccoby
- Ms. Beatrice Magdoff
- Harry Magdoff - identified Soviet spy during WW2; Monthly Review (MR) magazine
- ??? Martin - first name illegible
- Charles Mason - leftist husband of Hilda Mason
- Hon. Hilda Mason - marxist member of the DC City Council, leader of the communist-dominated DC Statehood Party, veteran supporter of communist fronts and causes, esp. in D.C., both CPUSA and SWP
- Anthony Mazzochi - the marxist leader of the Oil and Atomic Workers Union
- Hon. Eugene McCarthy - former Senator, (D-Wisc)
- Ms. Dorothy H. McGhee
- Hon. George McGovern - former Senator, (D-SD)
- Hon. George Miller - Representative, (D-CA), hardcore leftist and IPS supporter
- Ms. Brenda Moore
- Rt. Rev. Paul Moore, Jr. - WW2 marine hero turned pacifist and supporter of the Hanoi Lobby and other communist fronts and causes
- Sidney Morgenbesser
- David Morris
- Very Rev. James Parks Morton
- Steve Muller
- Hon. Gaylord Nelson - Senator, (D-Wisc)
- Edward Norton
- Ms. Eleanor Holmes Norton - veteran NYC and DC leftist, sponsor of many CPUSA and SWP fronts and causes, later to become a non-voting Representative (D-DC) in Congress. Also former member of the EEOC.
- Hon. Richard Ottinger - Representative, (D-NY), far-left supporter of radical causes
- Ara Oztemel
- Ms. Grace Paley - marxist poetess
- Hon. Leon Panetta - Representative, (D-CA)
- Ms. Sylvia Panetta
- Charles Peters
- Robert E. Piker
- Ms. Rebecca Bolling Pollack
- Dean Ronald Pollack
- David Ramage, Jr.
- Earl Ravenal - IPS and its Govt. Accountability Project; then the CATO Institute
- Hon. Henry Reuss. Esq - Representative, (D-Wisc), veteran leftist
- Dr. Margaret M. Reuss
- Ms. Cary Ridder
- Mitchell Rogovin - very liberal lawyer; IPS attorney and Fellow
- Ms. Florence W. Rossma (sic)
- Maurice Rosenblat
- Charles Savatt
- Andre Schiffron
- Stephen I. Schlossberg - leftist leader of the United Automobile Workers Union (UAW)
- Mark I. Schneider - senatorial staffer for Sen. Ted Kennedy, (D-Mass)
- Ms. Susan Schneider
- Hon. Patricia Schroeder - Representative, (D-Col), leftist
- Herman Schwartz
- Ms. Elizabeth Seiberling
- Hon. John Seiberling - Representative, (D-Ohio), veteran leftist
- Herbert Semmel
- John Sewell
- Richard B. Sobol
- Ralph Stavins - IPS
- Ben Stephansky
- Philip Stern - leftist financial angel of the Left, esp. in DC, including IPS
- I. F. Stone - so-called "maverick" journalist who later was identified as a secret member of the CPUSA and a paid Soviet agent of influence (See the Accuracy In Media story on what they found in his FBI "FOIA" files)
- Dr. Belinda C. Straight
- Paul Sweezy - openly marxist editor of Monthly Review
- Ms. Zuel Sweezy
- Edward C. Sylvester, Jr.
- Studs Terkel - folk-history, working peoples writer and identified as a secret member of the CPUSA in Chicago
- Michael E. Tigar - veteran marxist attorney from the Berkeley SLATE and Free Speech Movement, NLG, CCR, NECLC, etc.
- Michael B. Trister
- Dr. George Wald - college professor, member of the Hanoi Lobby, and veteran support of communist fronts and causes
- Mrs. Lisa Weiss
- Peter Weiss - IPS Trustee, husband of IPS Trustee/funder, Cora Weiss Cora Weiss Rubin
- Stanley A. Weiss
- Hon. Ted Weiss - Representative, (D-NY), one of the most hardcore leftists in Congress
- Dr. Jerome B. Wiesner - leader of the pro-disarmament movement, former scientist, MIT, former advisor to Pre. John Kennedy
- David C. Williams
- Gary Wills - liberal writer/columnist
- Luke W. Wilson - local "peace" activist, leftist
- Mrs. Ruth F. Wilson - local peace activist
- William Winpisinger - marxist labor leader, IAM
- Harris Wofford
- Robert F. Wolff
- Hon. Andrew Young - Representative, (D-GA), leftist congressman who came out of SCLC
- Hon. Frank P. Zeidler - socialist mayor in Wisconsin
- Ms. Anne Zill - assistant to leftist financial angel, Stewart Mott, the GM heir
Cities for Progress
The IPS project, Cities for Progress, is based in in Washington, D.C. It is a network of locally-elected officials and community-based activists taking on other issues including Universal Healthcare and opposing Wal-Mart expansion.[20]
Working with Gorbachev
IPS’s William Arkin did path-breaking work exposing the scope of the nuclear weapons complex, while the institute sponsored an exchange with Mikhail Gorbachev after he became the Soviet leader in 1985, exploring unconventional disarmament ideas. [21]
Left North American transnationalism
In May of 1992, Congressman George Brown (D-CA) introduced legislation calling for "a social and environmental charter" to be included in NAFTA. Developed with John Cavanagh of the Institute for Policy Studies, Brown's proposals provide a starting point for a Left North American transnationalism. [22]
Marxist Connection
On Monday, October 12, 2009, David Schwartzman gave a presentation at the Institute for Policy Studies in Washington, DC on the science and politics of catastrophic climate change. The event was sponsored by the Metro DC chapter of the Marxist Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism and the DC Metro Science for the People.
Renee Carter chaired the meeting which was attended by over 20 mostly activists and representatives of environmental and progressive organizations. After David’s in-depth, but clear explanation of the complex science of both climate change and how the catastrophic results can be prevented, Ted Glick of CCAN spoke about the latest environmental legislation and the organizing of the Chesapeake Climate Action Network, a major environmental group in the Washington area.
Walter Teague discussed the political and strategic issues of prevention of C3 and Renee Carter described the political work and approach of CCDS. Valuable contacts both new and renewed were made and the impassioned discussion continued for over two hours.
Presented as an IPS/SALSA CLASS, David Schwartzman’s address on the threat of catastrophic climate change ("C3") that now confronts all humanity, explored the questions: “What are the biggest obstacles to prevention? Why this challenge is also an unprecedented opportunity to end the global rule of capital. Why is it critical to take seriously the sciences of climatology and thermodynamics for C3 prevention and to construct the other world that is possible? And why 21st Century Socialism will either be Ecosocialism or simply will remain the narrow vision of political sects?” [23]
Sources About the Institute for Policy Studies
This section will contain various sources about IPS, ranging from items/chapters in books to newspaper article, to items inserted into the Congressional Record. It will function as a bibliography of items on IPS for researchers to consult.
- Congressional Record, June 21, 1978, pp. E3365-3366, "Institute for Policy Studies: Counterintelligence Disguised as 'Whistleblowing", Rep. Larry McDonald D-GA, about the IPS's Government Accountability Project GAP and a conference it held from May 19-20, 1978, in Washington, D.C. GAP was formerly known as the Project on Official Illegality
- Covert Cadre- "Covert Cadre: Inside the Institute for Policy Studies", S. Steven Powell, Introduction by David Horowitz, Green Hill Publishers, Inc., 1987 (the master work on IPS)
- Capital Research Center - Monograph, "Second Front: Advancing Latin American Revolution in Washington", Studies in Organization Trends, #1, S. Steven Powell, 1986
- Capital Research Center - a research organization that specialized in the left and its various manifestations in organizations, how they were funded, who belonged to them, and how they interlocked with other groups. IPS was featured in many of their 1980s reports and newsletters, "Second Front", being one of them.
- Concerned Voters, Inc. - a conservative research organization produced the book "Communists in the Democratic Party", Wilson C. Lucom, 1990, softback, which showed the links between IPS and many members of Congress and some of their staff.
- Council for Inter-American Security (CIS) and its Inter-American Security Educational Institute - an anti-communist, pro-freedom research organization that had a significant effect in helping to expose Communist operations in Latin America and their U.S.-based support networks. Their greatest media campaign was the exposure of the late Congressman, Representative George S. Crockett, Jr. (D-MI), as a secret Communist Party member/adherent (he may not have had an official Party dues card but the Party referred to him as a "communist political prisoner" because of his jailing in the 1950's relating to the handling of the Rosenberg spy case. See his KW page for details about the source.
Among CIS' two most important publications, besides the newsletter "West World", were :
- "The Revolution Lobby", Allan Brownfield and J. Michael Waller, CIS/IASEI, 1985, and
- "The Real Secret War: Sandinista Political Warfare and its Effect on Congress", L. Franchis Bouchey, J. Michael Waller and Steven Baldwin, CIS/IASEI, 1987
- Information Digest. A privately published research publication on the extremist Left and Right in the U.S. and around the world, including terrorism/terrorist groups. It was available by a limited subscription but some of its materials were published in the Congressional Record. It was based on insider information gathering within the Left and its accuracy has been literally unchallenged over the decades.
- Midstream Magazine, "A Monthly Jewish Review"
- Issue of June/July 1980, "The Institute for Policy Studies: Empire on the Left", Rael Jean Isaac, about the history, tactics, strategies and people who created, run, and were affiliated with IPS, as well as its activities, fronts, funding, and ties to the communist movement from the Soviet Union to Cuba. Has 46 "footnotes" to people and items cited in the story.
- Issue of February, 1981, "The Fight Around the Institute for Policy Studies: Replies to Rael Jean Isaac" and "Rael Jean Isaac Responds". The IPS counterattack against the Isaac article, as written by Robert Borosage, its' Executive Director (later a leader of George Soro's Open Society Institute and Peter Weiss, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, an oldline CPUSA supporter, husband of Hanoi Lobby leader Cora Weiss, and member of the communist/marxist dominated law firm at Kunstler, Kinoy, Hirschkopf - short term, Michael Kunstler - deceased, Stavis CPUSA, and Weiss National Lawyers Guild, among other CPUSA fronts. Several other people wrote "comments" about either IPS or organizations mentioned in the Isaac piece. Isaac answered them all in her attached "Response".
- Pink Sheet on the Left and its name-change successor, The American Sentinel. A national newsletter on the Left, published from 1971 thru 1988 by Phillips Publishing Co. before being sold to another party who let it decline to nothing. Featured small stories on IPS meetings, fronts, events, and members.
- Heritage Foundation - a conversative think-tank that published various research studies and reports, some of which included IPS operations.
- Destructive Generation:Second Thoughts About the Sixties, Peter Collier and David Horowitz, 1989, Encounter Books.
Past personnel
Trustees and Staff of the Institute for Policy Studies.
1970 trustees
- Richard Barnet, Trustee & Co-Director
- James Dixon, Trustee
- Michael Gellert, Trustee
- Robert Herzstein, Trustee
- Edwin Janss, Trustee
- Christopher Jencks, Trustee
- Milton Kotler, Trustee
- Rita L. Sperry, Trustee
- Marcus Raskin, Trustee & Co-Director
- David Riesman, Trustee
- Philip Stern, Trustee
- Fiona Rust, Trustee
- Frank Smith, Trustee
- Peter Weiss, Trustee
- Robert Levin, Trustee
- Jeffrey Bauman, Trustee & Secretary
- Edgar Lockwood, Trustee & Treasurer
The Trustees as a group devoted only part time.
The Co-Directors, Richard Barnet and Marcus Raskin, devoted full time.
The trustees Milton Kotler and Frank Smith are also Fellows of the Institute and in that capacity devoted full time.[24]
1971 trustees
- Richard Barnet, Trustee & Co-Director
- James Dixon, Trustee
- Michael Gellert, Trustee
- Robert Herzstein, Trustee
- Edwin Janss, Trustee
- Christopher Jencks, Trustee
- Milton Kotler, Trustee
- Rita L. Sperry, Trustee
- Marcus Raskin, Trustee & Co-Director
- Max Palevsky, Trustee
- Philip Stern, Trustee
- Fiona Rust, Trustee
- Frank Smith, Trustee
- Peter Weiss, Trustee
- Robert Levin, Trustee
- Richard Hubbard, Trustee & Secretary
- Edgar Lockwood, Trustee & Treasurer
- Stanley Weiss, Trustee
- Gary Wills, Trustee
- Robb Burlage, Trustee
- Charlotte Bunch, Trustee
- Tina Smith, Trustee
The Trustees as a group devoted only part time.
The Co-Directors, Richard Barnet and Marcus Raskin, devoted full time.
The trustees Milton Kotler, Frank Smith, Robb Burlage, Charlotte Bunch and Tina Smith are also Fellows of the Institute and in that capacity devoted full time[25].
2009 trustees
As of 2009, the IPS Board of trustees consisted of:
- Harriet Barlow, Senior Advisor, HKH Foundation
- Harry Belafonte, Singer, Actor, Producer, Activist
- Robert Borosage, Co-founder, Director Campaign for America's Future
- Elsbeth Bothe, Retired Baltimore circuit court judge.
- John Cavanagh, Global Economy Director
- James Early, Director, Cultural Studies and Communication, Center for Folklife Programs and Cultural Heritage, Smithsonian Institution
- Barbara Ehrenreich, Writer
- Ralph Estes, Executive Director, Stakeholder's Alliance, Senior Scholar, Institute for Policy Studies
- Jodie Evans, Co-Founder, CODEPINK: Women for Peace
- Frances Farenthold, Attorney; Former member, Texas legislature
- Lisa Fuentes, Scholar, Latin American Studies; Activist
- Larry Janss, Filmmaker
- Saul Landau, Institute for Policy Studies Fellow
- Nancy Lewis, Activist
- Clarence Lusane, Assistant Professor, School of International Service, American University
- E Ethelbert Miller, Director, African American Resource Center, Howard University; Poet
- Marcus Raskin, Paths for Reconstruction in the 21st Century
- Andy Shallal, Owner, Busboys & Poets; Artist
- Rita L Sperry, Artist
General Counsel:
- Lewis Steel, Civil rights attorney, Outten & Golden, LLP
- Katrina vanden Heuvel, Editor and Publisher, The Nation
- Daphne Wysham, Sustainable Energy and Economy Network[26]
Staff, 2009
IPS staff as of 2009 were:
- Robert Alvarez, Senior Scholar Nuclear Policy
- Sarah Anderson, Fellow Global Economy
- John Cavanagh, IPS Director Fellow Global Economy
- Kristi Ceccarossi, Communications Associate Inequality and the Common Good
- Chuck Collins Director Inequality and the Common Good
- Karen Dolan Fellow Cities for Peace Fellow Cities for Progress
- John Feffer Co-Director Foreign Policy In Focus
- Netfa Freeman Director Social Action & Leadership School for Activists
- Erik Leaver Research Fellow Foreign Policy in Focus
- Dedrick Muhammad Senior Organizer and Research Associate Inequality and the Common Good
- Qimmah Najeeullah Director Break the Chain Campaign
- Manuel Pérez-Rocha Associate Fellow Global Economy
- Miriam Pemberton Research Fellow Foreign Policy in Focus
- Sam Pizzigati Associate Fellow Inequality and the Common Good
- Marcus Raskin Distinguished Fellow Paths for Reconstruction in the 21st Century
- Janet Redman Co-Director Sustainable Energy and Economy Network
- Sarah Schwartz Sax Program Associate, Inequality and the Common Good
- Sanho Tree Fellow Drug Policy
- Liz Wambui Inequality and the Common Good
- Tiffany Williams Social Worker Break the Chain Campaign
- Emira Woods Co-Director Foreign Policy in Focus[27]
IPS "Who's who"-20th anniversary
By its second decade the Institute for Policy Studies had built up considerable influence in the U.S. government.
According to Information Digest[28]the Institute for Policy Studies celebrated its 20th anniversary with an April 5, 1983, reception at the National Building Museum attended by approximately 1,000 IPS staffers and former staff.
In addition to 1960s folk songs by Josh White, Jr. and a bluegrass band, consisted of an underdone "roast" of IPS leaders Marcus Raskin and Richard Barnet hosted and chaired by IPS trustee Paul C Warnke, head of the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency and chief SALTII negotiator for the Carter Administration. Zoe Mikva, wife of Congressman Abner Mikva handled arrangements . The "roasting" was urdertaken by former Senator George McGovern, Rep. Ron Dellums, Ralph Nader, lesbian activist and author Rita Mae Brown, Village Voice cartoonist Jules Feiffer, Harry Belafonte and Cora Weiss, substituting for IPS board chairman Peter Weiss.
Many of IPS's current and former Capitol Hill friends attended or were represented by members of their staff. Among those serving on the IPS 20th Anniversary Committee chaired by Paul C. Warnke were Senators Chris Dodd {D-CT} and Gary Hart (D. CO) with an endorsement provided by Senator Mark Hatfield {R OR}.
Former Senators on the committee included James Abourezk, recently an IPS Trustee, Birch Bayh, Frank Church, William Fullbright, Eugene McCarthy and Gaylord Nelson.
The Congressional IPS comittee members included Les Aspin {D. WI}, George E Brown, Jr. (D.CA}, Philip Burton (D.CA), George Crockett (D-MI}, Ron Dellums (D.CA}, former Texas Congressman Robert Eckhardt, Don Edwards {D.CA}, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Civil and Constitutional Rights, Tom Harkin {D-IA}, Robert Kastenmeier (D. WI}, Chairman of the Subcomittee on Courts, Civil Liberties and the Administration of Justice, George Miller (D-CA}, Richard Ottinger {D-NY}, Leon Panetta (D-CA}, Henry Reuss (D.WI}, Chairman of the Joint Economic Committee, Patricia Schroeder {D.CO}, John Seiberling (D.OH} and Ted Weiss {D.NY}.
Among those attending were Victor Navasky and Christopher Hitchens of The Nation, Abner Mikva, appointed by president Carter to the U.S. Court of Appeals, philanthropist Philip Stern and Rep. Robert Kastenmeier. Among the well-advertised "no shows" were Bianca Jagger, who has been lobbying Congress with the assistance of the Washington Office on Latin America and the CISPES-Committee in Solidarity with the Peoples of El Salvador, against U.S. aid to El Salvador and for aid to the Sandinistas; and Atlanta Mayor and former U.N. Ambassador Andrew Young.
Members of the IPS 20th Anniversary Comittee included:
David Aberswerth, Gar Alperovitz, David Baltimore, Mayor Marion Barry, Norman Birnbaum, Conrad Cafritz, Peggy Cooper Cafritz, Dr. Helen Caldicott, Charles Caldwell, Lillian Calhoun, David Carley, Lisle Carter, Jr., Noam Chomsky, Dr. Mary Coleman, Catherine Conover, Dr. Franklin Davis, Diana DeVegh, Dr. James Dixon, Leonard Dreyfus, Celia Eckhardt, William Fitzgerald, Nancy Folger, Yolande Fox, Dr. Jerome Frank, Robert Freedman, Clayton Fritchey, John Kenneth Galbraith, Cherif Giellal, Mark Green, Dean Charles Halperin, Sidney Harman, W. Averell Harriman, Terry Herndon, Seymour Hersh, Karl Hess, Sonya Hoover, Richard Hubbard, David Hunter, Ivan Illich, Christopher Jencks, Vernon Jordan, Jr. Patricia King, Gabriel Kolko, Adm. Gene LaRocque, Dr. E. James Lieberman, Dr. Robert Jay Lifton, Philip Lilienthal, Sally Lilienthal, Edgar Lockwood, Franklin Long, Dr. Reginald Lourie, Ira Lowe, Dr. Bernard Lown, Michael Maccoby, Harry Magdoff, Louis Martin, Hilda Mason, Anthony Mazzochi, Dorothy McGhee, Rt. Rev. Paul Moore, Jr., Sidney Morgenbesser, David Morris, very Rev. James Parks Morton, Stephen Muller, Eleanor Holmes Norton, Ara Oztemel, Grace Paley, Charles Peters, Dean Ronald Pollack, David Ramage, Jr., Earl Ravenal, Cary Ridder, Mitchell Rogovin, Florence Roisman, Maurice Rosenblatt, Charles Savitt, Andre Schiffrin, Stephen Schlossberg, Mark Schneider, Herman Schwartz, Herbert Semel, John Sewell, Richard Sobol, Ralph Stavins, Ben Stephansky, Philip Stern, Studs Terkel, Michael Tigar, Michael Trister, Dr. George Wald, Peter Weiss, Stanley Weiss, Jerome Wisner, Gary Wills, William Winpisinger, Andrew Young and Anne Zill.
IPS 50th Anniversary Celebration and Reunion
The Institute for Policy Studies held its 50th Anniversary Celebration and Reunion highlighting bold, progressive social movements over the last five decades on October 11th thru the 13th, 2013. They hosted a weekend of events in Washington, DC honoring activists and activism and envisioning a plan for a bold, progressive future. The 50th Anniversary Celebration opened a dialog for activists to envision "The Next 50 Years" of their movements. All events were intergenerational with an emphasis on the next generation of public scholars.[29]
IPS 50th Anniversary Events:
Ideas Into Action Festival
Saturday, October 12th 9:00 am - Sunday, October 13th, 2013 2:00 pm
IPS Alumni Reception
Friday, October 11th, 2013 from 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
(Reunion for IPS Alumni)
IPS Welcome Plenary: The Future of the Progressive Movement(s)
Friday, October 11th, 2013 from 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
IPS Celebration of Saul Landau
Saturday, October 12th, 2013 from 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Sunday, October 13th, 2013 from 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
IPS Ticketed Dinner
Sunday, October 13th from 5:30 pm - 8:00 pm
50th Anniversary Gala at Union Station
Sunday, October 13th from 8:00 pm - 12:00 am
- May Boeve, Executive Director and Co-Founder,
- Ai-jen Poo, Director, National Domestic Workers Alliance
- Jamin B. Raskin, Maryland State Senator (D-Montgomery County)
- Barbara Ehrenreich, IPS trustee,best-selling author, and co-editor, Economic Hardship Reporting Project
- Robert Greenstein, Founder and President, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
- Ananda Lee Tan, U.S. and Canada Regional Coordinator, Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives; activist, organizer and rabble-rouser
- Joe Uehlein, Board President, Voices for a Sustainable Future
- Peter Certo, Acting Editor, Foreign Policy In Focus, Institute for Policy Studies
- Rep. John Conyers (D-MI), U.S. Representative for Michigan’s 13th District
- Cora Weiss, peace activist and former Director of the Samuel Rubin Foundation
- Emira Woods, Co-Director, Foreign Policy In Focus, Institute for Policy Studies
- Tope Folarin, Former IPS Newman Fellow and 2013 Caine Prize winner
- Jonathan B. Tucker, Youth Programs Coordinator, DC Youth Slam Team
- Robert Borosage, Co-Director, Campaign for America’s Future and former Director of IPS
- Emily Schwartz Greco, Editor, OtherWords, Institute for Policy Studies
- Miriam Pemberton, Research Fellow, Foreign Policy in Focus, Institute for Policy Studies
- Daphne Wysham, Director, Genuine Progress Project, Institute for Policy Studies
- Sam Pizzigati, IPS Associate Fellow, and editor of Too Much, the IPS online weekly on excess and inequality
- Dedrick Muhammad, Senior Director, Economic Department of the NAACP and former IPSer
- Dean Baker, Co-Director, Center for Economic and Policy Research
- Leah Hunt-Hendrix, participant in Occupy Wall Street
- Chuck Collins, Director, Inequality and the Common Good, Institute for Policy Studies
- Ellen Dorsey,* Executive Director, Wallace Global Fund
- Ramah Kudaimi, Membership and Outreach Coordinator, US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation
- Naomi Pitcairn, Creator of the Chalkupy and the Fresh Juice Party
- Alli McCracken, National Coordinator, CODEPINK
- Andy Shallal, Owner, Busboys and Poets and IPS Trustee
- John Feffer, Co-Director, Foreign Policy In Focus, Institute for Policy Studies
- Amy Goodman, Executive Director and host, Democracy Now!
- Manuel Pérez-Rocha, Associate Fellow, Global Economy, Institute for Policy Studies
- Phyllis Bennis, Director, New Internationalism, Institute for Policy Studies
- George Goehl, Executive Director, National People’s Action
- Peter Weiss, President, Lawyers Committee on Nuclear Policy
- Britton Loftin, National Policy Coordinator, Restaurant Opportunities Centers United
- Fiona Dove, Executive Director, Transnational Institute
- Netfa Freeman, Events Coordinator, Institute for Policy Studies
- Harriet Barlow, Founder, Blue Mountain Center
- Dany Sigwalt, Program Manager, Washington Peace Center
- Medea Benjamin, Co-Founder, CODEPINK
- Seymour Hersh, Investigative Journalist, The New Yorker
- Shahid Buttar, Executive Director, Bill of Rights Defense Committee
- Carl LeVan, IPS Associate Fellow and Professor, School of International Service, American University
- Harry Belafonte, Activist and actor
- Katrina vanden Heuvel, Editor and Publisher, The Nation; Columnist, The Washington Post
- Phyllis Bennis, Director, New Internationalism Project, Institute for Policy Studies
- Sarita Gupta, Executive Director, Jobs with Justice and American Rights at Work
- E. Ethelbert Miller, Poet, literary activist and Board Chairperson of the Institute for Policy Studies
- Ariel Dorfman, Author, playwright and professor at Duke University
- Gar Alperovitz, Lionel R. Bauman Professor of Political Economy, University of Maryland
- Sanho Tree, Director, Drug Policy Project, Institute for Policy Studies
- John Cavanagh, Director, Institute for Policy Studies
- Janet Redman, Director, Climate Policy Program, Institute for Policy Studies
- Phyllis Bennis, Director, New Internationalism Project, Institute for Policy Studies
- Emily Norton, IPS Intern Coordinator and watercolor artist
- Noel Ortega, Coordinator, New Economy Working Group, Institute for Policy Studies
- Karen Dolan, Director, Economic Hardship Reporting Project, Institute for Policy Studies
- Jodie Evans, IPS Trustee, IPS Gala Committee Chair and Co-Founder and Co-Director, CODEPINK
- Sarah Browning, Director, Split This Rock and DC Poets Against the War
- Emira Woods, Co-Director, Foreign Policy In Focus, Institute for Policy Studies
- Sarah Anderson, Director, Global Economy, Institute for Policy Studies
- Joy Zarembka, Associate Director, Institute for Policy Studies
- Miriam Pemberton, Research Fellow, Institute for Policy Studies
- Amy Goodman, Host and Executive Producer, Democracy Now!
- Angelique Been, Director of Development, Institute for Policy Studies
- Laura Flanders, Host, The Laura Flanders Show
Celebrity Judges:
Master of Ceremonies:
Partner Organizations
Partner organizations of the Institute for Policy Studies.
IPS played a seminal role in the formation and development of the Nuclear Research and Information Service, the World Information Service on Energy, and European Nuclear Disarmament.[1]
The following groups are listed as Partner organizationson the IPS website in 2009:[30]
- Africa Action[31]
- Alliance for Responsible Trade[32]
- Center for Corporate Policy[33]
- Code Pink: Women for Peace[34]
- Demos[35]
- District of Columbia Grassroots Empowerment Project[36]
- Global Justice[37]
- Global Rights[38]
- Hip Hop Caucus Institute[39]
- International Forum on Globalization[40]
- International Labor Rights Forum[41]
- Jamaica Plain Forum[42]
- Jobs with Justice[43]
- Jubilee USA[44]
- Liberty Tree Foundation[45]
- National Priorities Project[46]
- Other Worlds[47]
- Ploughshares Fund[48]
- Split This Rock/DC Poets Against The War[49][50]
- Tomales Bay Institute (which has since merged with Common Assets)[51][52]
- TransAfrica Forum[53]
- TransNational Institute[54]
- United for a Fair Economy[55]
- United for Peace and Justice[56]
- US Campaign to End Israeli Occupation[57]
- US Labor Against the War[58]
- Washington Office on Latin America[59]
Programs coordinated by the Institute for Policy Studies.
Local, National, Global influence
From the IPS website history page:[12]
- From the start, IPS has operated simultaneously at the local, national and global levels.
- Local: Since 1980, IPS has run an evening school for activists in Washington, DC. From the start, IPS has also worked with local officials and has brought groups of such officials to Washington to amplify their message.
- National: Much of IPS's policy work is aimed at the national level, and IPS has always worked closely with, and provided analysis and model pieces of legislation to, progressive members of Congress. Currently, IPS advises the Congressional Progressive Caucus, which, with more than 70 members, is the largest non-party Caucus.
- Global: IPS founded the Transnational Institute (TNI) in 1973 to bring together public scholars from around the world to tackle the growing divide between rich and poor nations and peoples around the world. Since then, IPS has been involved in international networks of researchers and activists to oppose corporate-led globalization (and U.S. intervention) and to propose citizen-based alternatives. Under the Bush Administration, IPS has helped catalyze the global peace movement, which theNew York Timesreferred to as the "second superpower."
- Building on Letelier’s work on a New International Economic Order, IPS has been a leader of economic justice movements around the world. Richard Barnet’s 1974 examination of the power of multinational corporations, Global Reach, is still required reading in many college courses, as is his follow-up book with IPS director John Cavanagh, Global Dreams (published in 1994). Cavanagh was a leader of the movement to cancel developing country debts in the 1980s, as well as the Alliance for Responsible Trade and the International Forum on Globalization in the 1990s. Through these and other networks, IPS has promoted just, sustainable trade and investment policies. Under the Bush administration, these networks have helped win important advances in debt cancellation and in scuttling plans for a hemispheric trade pact.
- In 2007, IPS developed a detailed "Just Security" agenda that proposes non-military solutions to the core challenges of climate chaos, global poverty, nuclear weapons, terrorism, and regional wars.
IPS has been a leading organizer and inspirer of opposition to U.S. military action from Vietnam to Afghanistan-earning the organization the attention of the authorities.
From the IPS website history page:[12]
- As soon as IPS opened its doors in 1963, it plunged into the anti-Vietnam War movement. In 1965, Raskin and Associate Fellow Bernard Fall edited The Vietnam Reader, which became a textbook for teach-ins across the country. In 1967, Raskin and IPS Fellow Arthur Waskow penned "A Call to Resist Illegitimate Authority," a document signed by dozens of well-known scholars and religious leaders that helped launch the draft resistance movement. IPS also organized Congressional seminars and published numerous books that challenged the national security state, including Gar Alperovitz’s Atomic Diplomacy and Barnet’s Intervention and Revolution. The FBI responded by infiltrating IPS with more than 70 informants, wiretapping its phones, and searching through its garbage. The Nixon Administration placed Barnet and Raskin on its "enemies list."
Gulf War
From the IPS website history page:[12]
- In 1991, during the first U.S. military foray in Iraq, IPS produced the pamphlet Crisis in the Gulf, which was widely used by the peace movement. Fellow Gail Christian produced a weekly IPS radio program on the war that was broadcast by three dozen public radio stations across the country.
Central America
From the IPS website history page:[12]
- In the 1980s, IPS became heavily involved in supporting the movement against U.S. intervention in Central America. IPS Director Robert Borosage and other staff helped draft Changing Course: Blueprint for Peace in Central America and the Caribbean, which was used by hundreds of schools, labor unions, churches, and citizen organizations as a challenge to U.S. policy in the region. In 1983, PBS aired Saul Landau’s exposé of the CIA’s dirty war, "Target Nicaragua," and in 1985, several members of Congress joined an IPS press conference to release the report In Contempt of Congress: The Reagan Record of Deceit and Illegality on Central America, which documented 77 examples of false or misleading statements and violations of law by U.S. officials.
United for Peace and Justice
IPS was responsible for founding the nationwide umbrella group of "peace" organizations, United for Peace and Justice (UFPJ). It continues to influence the organization by ensuring the UFPJ steering committee always contains at least one amnd sometimes several, IPS activists.
From the IPS website history page:[12]
- In 2003, IPS convened the meeting that led to the formation of the country’s largest coalition against the Iraq War, United for Peace and Justice. IPS serves on the coalition steering committee and produces talking points, fact sheets, and policy documents for Congress and the peace movement on the costs of the war and how to end it justly.
Influence in the Civil Rights Movement
From the IPS website history page:[12]
- In 1964, several leading African-American activists joined the staff and turned IPS into a base of support for the civil rights movement in the nation’s capital. Fellow Bob Moses organized trainings for field organizers of the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Council on the links between civil rights theory and practice, while Ivanhoe Donaldson initiated an assembly of African-American government officials.
Women's liberation movement
From the IPS website history page:[12]
- In these early years, IPS was also at the forefront of the feminist movement. Fellow Charlotte Bunch organized a historic women’s liberation conference in 1966 and later launched two feminist periodicals, Quest and Off Our Backs. Rita Mae Brown wrote and published her path-breaking lesbian coming-of-age novel Rubyfruit Jungle while on the staff in the 1970s.In the early 1980s, Barbara Ehrenreich, now renowned for Nickel and Dimed and other best-sellers, led the Institute’s Women in the Economy Project. Isabel Letelier brought three dozen Third World women to the United States for educational tours across the country.
Anti-Apartheid movent
From the IPS website history page:[12]
- IPS was also on the cutting edge of the anti-apartheid movement. In 1977, it began a South Africa project that produced a series of studies and books on the subject. In 1985, Fellow Roger Wilkins helped found the Free South Africa Movement, which organized a year-long series of demonstrations that led to the imposition of U.S. sanctions.
Economic inequality
From the IPS website history page:[12]
- On the domestic front, IPS began tackling the problem of economic injustice in the late 1960s. For example, through the Appalachia Project, IPS worked with mine workers on occupational safety and health and regional economic development. In 1975, IPS initiated the Conference on Alternative State and Local Public Policies, which brought together progressive legislators to develop more equitable legislation. This work is carried on today through IPS’s Cities for Progress project, which connects local officials pursuing innovative approaches. One such measure is a Chicago bill that would set a floor for big box retail wages.
- Since 1994, IPS has also published an annual report on the disparity between CEO and worker pay that has garnered widespread coverage in the mainstream media and helped put the issue of economic inequality at the center of the political debateEnvironment
Drug policy
IPS has always made drug liberalization a priority:[12]
- In the early 1990s, IPS began monitoring the environmental impacts of U.S. trade, investment, and drug policies. The Institute’s Sustainable Energy and Economy Network was the first to calculate the World Bank’s massive contributions to climate change through its support of oil, mining, and gas projects. Meanwhile the Global Economy Project has helped raise awareness of the environmental impacts of "free trade" through the popular book Field Guide to the Global Economy and other publications. The Drug Policy Project has helped bring activists and policymakers to Latin America to expose the environmental and human costs of the misguided "war on drugs."
Environment, climate change
IPS has played a major role in the environmental and "climate change" movements:[12]
- IPS became involved in environmental issues through the anti-nuclear movement, a natural extension of its long history of work on the “national security state.” In 1979, IPS Fellow Saul Landau won an Emmy for his documentary "Paul Jacobs and the Nuclear Gang,” which tells the story of the cover-up by the U.S. nuclear program and of the hazards of radiation to American citizens. In 1985, Fellow William Arkin published Nuclear Battlefields: Global Links in the Arms Race, which helped galvanize anti-nuclear activism through its revelations of the impact of nuclear infrastructure on communities across America.
- IPS also began to grapple with environmental problems through its work on corporate-driven globalization. In the mid-1970s, Jim Ridgeway, now a renowned investigative reporter, published The Elements, a monthly IPS newsletter on ownership and control of the world’s natural resources. Through her path-breaking work on debt and hunger, TNI Fellow Susan George exposed the environmental devastation resulting from and contributing to extreme poverty.
- In recent years, the urgency of the climate crisis has led to an increased IPS focus on preventing environmental collapse. IPS is partnering with the International Forum on Globalization to critique false solutions to global warming and to promote transformational policies that emphasize sustainability, equity, and protecting the “commons.”
Foreign Connections
Template:IPSBox Foreign Connections with the Institute for Policy Studies.
Several foreign aligned radicals communists have been officials or staffers of the IPS, including;
- Orlando Letelier, the former Chilean Foreign Minister under the pro-communist Allende government.
Letelier fled to the U.S. after Allende was overthrown. He joined IPS and became head of its European subsidiary, the Transnational Institute.
Letelier became active in a propaganda campaign against the Chilean government and American antiCommunist policy in general. In 1976 he was killed in his auto by a bomb. The FBI recovered his briefcase intact. Its contents included correspondence and records showing that he had been receiving financial support from the Soviet propaganda apparatus working through East Germany and Cuba.
Isabel Letelier, Orlando's widow, was also an IPS Fellow.
- Tariq Ali, also active with , Transnational Institute the IPS subsidiary.
Ali was the editor of a Communist newspaper in England, "The Red Mole," and a member of the 4th International Trotskyite grouping, in Europe.
- Susan Weber, at one time editor of an IPS environmental journal, "The Elements." Before joining IPS Weber worked for the Soviet Embassy as editor of their magazine, "Soviet Life," and was registered with the Justice Department as an employee of a "foreign power."
- Roberta Salper, IPS fellow, a member of the Central Committee of the Puerto Rican Socialist Party, a Marxist-Leninist organization.[60]
Letelier-Moffitt murders
From the IPS website history page:[12]
- In 1976, the Institute’s destiny became irrevocably linked with the international human rights movement when agents of Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet murdered two IPS colleagues on Washington’s Embassy Row. The target of the car bomb attack was Orlando Letelier, one of Pinochet’s most outspoken critics and the head of IPS's sister organization, the Transnational Institute (TNI). Ronni Karpen Moffitt, a 25-year-old IPS development associate, was also killed.
- For more than three decades, IPS’s annual Letelier-Moffitt awards program has recognized new human rights heroes. IPS has also worked with lawyers, Congressional allies, researchers, and activists and through the media to achieve measures of justice: the convictions of two generals and several assassins responsible for the Letelier-Moffitt murders, the declassification of U.S. documents on Chile, Pinochet’s 1998 arrest in connection with a Spanish case brought by former IPS Visiting Fellow Joan Garces, and the indictment of Pinochet by Chilean Judge Juan Guzman, a Letelier-Moffitt human rights awardee.
Influence on Government Policy
The Institute for Policy Studies' Influence on Government Policy.
"Alternative Budgets"
In 1975 a group of 47 members of Congress, led by John Conyers, asked the IPS to prepare an "alternative budget" to that proposed by President Ford. This request was repeated in 1976 and 1978, by 56 legislators.
The 1978 document called for "a socialist housing program...radical social change in the educational system...a 50% cut in the Defense budget". . .and "disengagement" from America's overseas commitments.
In 1983 sixty Congressmen went back to the IPS with a request for another "alternative" budget.[61]
The Washington School
The Washington School, founded by IPS in 1978, was an important means of influencing Congress and the Democratic Party. Courses on defense, foreign affairs, and domestic policies are taught there by IPS officers and staffers, and other American or foreign radical "experts." A large number of members of Congress and staffers have attended these schools. Several legislators have also taught there, including the following:
- Tom Harkin
- Paul Tsongas
- Mark Hatfield
- John Conyers
- Ron Dellums
- James Abourezk
- George Miller
- J. William Fulbright
- Henry Reuss[62]
Influential activists
IPS incubated the Government Accountability Project and the Institute for Southern Studies, and it helped provide initial support for Mother Jones magazine.
Susan George became a leader of the global movement against the global trade regime. Roger Wilkins sparked the Free South Africa Movement. Robert Borosage founded the Center for National Security Studies and the Campaign for America’s Future. Rosa DeLauro led the IPS-inspired Countdown ‘87, which pushed to defund the covert US war against Nicaragua. John Cavanagh, who has served as IPS’s director for fifteen years, is one of the few great masters of progressive coalition-building, providing the glue, vision and boundless energy that has held together many alliances—across international borders and various issues.
Today he and Sarah Anderson continue to be leaders in the fair trade movement and are spearheading the drive for a financial transactions tax. [63]
1984 elections
During the 1984 Democratic primaries, Marcus Raskin and Richard Barnet advised George McGovern and Sen. Alan Cranston (D-Calif.), and IPS fellow Saul Landau, an Emmy-winning filmmaker, shot some of McGovern's spots.
Institute for Policy Studies director Robert Borosage was brought into Jesse Jackson's campaign by IPS fellow Roger Wilkins, a former assistant attorney general and a nephew of the late NAACP president Roy Wilkins.
To Jackson, he was a senior adviser. The relationship between "Jesse and IPS is built on me", says Wilkins.
- Jesse and I have known each other for a very long time, more than 20 years, since he was working for Martin Luther King Jr. and I was in the Department of Justice.
- As an older fellow I have not always approved of everything Jesse has done; nor have I always approved of his style. Having said that, my sense is that his run in 1984 was historic and constructive.[64]
Congressional Progressive Caucus/Progressive Challenge

IPS has significant influence inside the U.S. legislature through the Congressional Progressive Caucus.
From the IPS website history page:[12]
- Currently, IPS advises the Congressional Progressive Caucus, which, with more than 70 members, is the largest non-party Caucus.
In the late 1990s IPS established Progressive Challenge to utilize leftist groups including Democratic Socialists of America, Americans for Democratic Action, United Electrical Workers, NETWORK, National Jobs for All Coalition etc to pressure[65]the Progressive Caucus in the "correct" direction.
Democratic Socialists of America member Bob Roman, writes of a 1998 Chicago Progressive Challenge meeting attended by Congressmen Jesse Jackson Jr, Luis Gutierrez and Danny Davis;
- On the evening of Monday, April 21, the Progressive Challenge came to Chicago. Starting off with a town hall style meeting that brought together about 150 people in the UNITE hall at 333 S. Ashland in Chicago, the meeting was structured to present testimony from representative of various local organizations to local Congressional members of the Progressive Caucus.
- DSA was particularly well represented by the testimony of the Youth Section's International Secretary, Daraka Larimore-Hall. Daraka Larimore-Hall gave an impassioned, coherent presentation that linked the various aspects of DSA's agenda with the project at hand.
- Congressmen Jesse Jackson, Jr., Luis Gutierrez and Danny Davis attended the meeting...
- The Progressive Challenge is an effort to link the Congressional Progressive Caucus with the larger left grass roots network of single issue, constituent, labor and ideological organizations. The Institute for Policy Studies is very much the keystone organization of this project, which has brought together some 40 organizations including DSA, Americans for Democratic Action, United Electrical Workers, NETWORK, National Jobs for All Coalition to name a few. No one of these groups is a major player inside the Beltway, but together they have captured the attention of the Progressive Caucus and contributed to its growth.
Local government influence
IPS has long worked to move municipal governments in a "progressive' direction. In 1975, IPS initiated the (National) Conference on Alternative State and Local Public Policies, which brought together "progressive" legislators to develop more "equitable" legislation. This work is carried on today through IPS’s Cities for Progress project, which connects local officials pursuing leftist policies. One example is a Chicago bill that would set a floor for big box retail wages.
In October 1979[66], IPS's NCASLPP {National Conference for Alternative State and Local Public Policies}, directed by former Students for a Democratic Society leader Lee Webb was independently incorporated under Webb, then an IPS trustee, as CASLP, the Conference on Alternative State and Local Policies.
Another IPS municipal project is Cities for Peace.
From the IPS website history page;
- IPS also founded Cities for Peace, which coordinated hundreds of city council resolutions against the war and is now organizing resolutions to bring the troops home and against war in Iran.
Obama administration
The institute for Policy Studies sees the Obama administration as a "window of opportunity" to push for "progressive" change.
IPS plans to utilize its "deep ties with the Congressional Progressive Caucus" and the wider social movements to pressure the Obama administration.
In 2008 IPS enlisted 70 writers to produce a document "Mandate for Change-Policies and Leadership for 2009 and Beyond", which is designed to provide a policy blueprint for President Obama's administration.
Opening to Cuba
It was remarkable how many non-Cubans knew the Cuban national anthem well enough to sing along July 2015 as the flag was raised over the newly re-established embassy on 16th Street NW. Then they joined in the delirious shouts of "Viva Cuba!"
"It's an amazing moment," said Phyllis Bennis, a fellow with the progressive think-tank, Institute for Policy Studies. "In the decades-long effort to normalise relations with Cuba, to stop the US attacks and hostility toward Cuba, we have not had so many victories. Suddenly we have a victory. The flag going up - that's huge."
"For those of us who were committed to the values and the aspirations of the Cuban revolution, the flag, as Fidel said in April 1959 when he was in this building, was a reflection of Operation Truth," said James Early, a Cuba specialist who recently retired from the Smithsonian. Raising that flag again "is a recognition of Cuba's right to sovereignty and self-determination... and to more freely deal with its own internal self-criticism, its failures, its errors, in the context of its extraordinary achievements."
Peter Kornbluh, who runs the Cuba Documentation Project at the National Security Archive, was carrying around a book he co-authored, Back Channel to Cuba, about the twisted secret history of outreach between the nations. "I wouldn't miss this for the world," he said. "It's a flag flying in the winds of change."
Not that there wasn't plenty of unfiltered emotion. Standing near Bennis was Valerie Landau, daughter of the late documentary film-maker and activist Saul Landau. The elder Landau spent the better part of his life working towards this moment, before cancer cut his work short in the middle of another documentary on Cuba, in 2013. Travelling with Castro through Cuba in the late 1960s, he memorably filmed the revolutionary leader shedding his uniform and playing baseball, shirtless, with peasants.
"We're continuing his work in our own way," said Valerie Landau, who leads tours to Cuba and also works with the Cuban Health Ministry on education programmes. "I think this is a real crossroads, and there's going to be a lot of change in Cuba. Some of it at their own speed and choice, and some of it as a result of an avalanche of interest on the part of Americans who're hungry to know and see Cuba."
The limestone and marble mansion opened as the Cuban Embassy in 1919 and quickly established itself as a delightful society-party venue. Diplomatic relations were broken in 1961, two years after Castro took power. The mansion was shuttered. It reopened in 1977 as the Cuban Interests Section, parallel with a US Interests Section in Havana. The move to have fully fledged embassies again came after President Barack Obama and President Raul Castro resolved in December to normalise relations.
Code Pink provided entertainment|with chants and signs that said "Salsa sÃ! Embargo no!"
"I didn't know if I'd live to see this day," said Code Pink organiser Medea Benjamin, who lived in Cuba from 1979 to 1983. She said she was deported for being so outspoken - hence her "love-hate relationship" with Cuba. Lately it has been more love. She leads large tours of activists to the island and is planning an upcoming teach-in in the city of Guantanamo against continued US control of the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base.
Inside the embassy, actor Danny Glover drifted from room to room. A regular visitor, his ties to Cuba run so deep that when the remaining Cuban Five prisoners were released by the US in December, one of the first phone calls made by their informal leader, Gerardo Hernandez, as a free man was to Glover.
Glover found his way over to celebrated Cuban folk singer Silvio Rodriguez, who was one of the bold-faced names from the island included in the Cuban delegation.
The reception was liberally sprinkled with Democratic senators and members of Congress, some of whom have been toiling at reaching out to Cuba for as long and as hard as the activists and the policy experts.
"I've spent 25 years in Congress trying to change this policy," said Democrat Jose Serrano, who hosted Castro in the Bronx in 1995, and was criticised for it by some. "We gave him a party at a place called Jimmy's Bronx Cafe. People who went to that event are texting me now saying 'Don't you feel vindicated?'"
"There was a war for 56 years, and|the war is over," said Philip Brenner, a professor in the School of International Service at American University.
"Both Americans and Cubans won. Now the two countries can deal with their disagreements with mutual respect." [67]
“Hemingway would be proud,” said Scott Gilbert, an attorney who represented jailed American contractor Alan Gross, by way of compliment to the bartenders mixing the concoctions in a room named after the famed American ex-pat writer. “There’s a feeling today of joy, but also of disbelief,” Gilbert said. “So many people here thought this would never happen.”
Guests included Sens. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.), Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), and Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.); Reps. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.), Karen Bass (D-Calif.), Barbara Lee (D-Calif.), Jose Serrano (D-NY), Raul Grijalva (D-Ariz.); plus administration types including deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes. NBC anchor Andrea Mitchell slipped through the phalanx of protesters, camera crews, and folks celebrating just outside the gates.
“I’m excited,” said Danny Glover, who in addition to his “Lethal Weapon” roles has been part of numerous cultural delegations to Cuba. “This is the beginning of another narrative….What’s happened in the last 54 years is an insult to our intelligence as human beings and [American] citizens.”[68]
Letelier-Moffitt Award
The Institute for Policy Studies has awarded the Letelier-Moffitt Human Rights Award every year since 1978.
On September 21, 1976, agents of Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet detonated a car bomb that killed IPS colleagues Orlando Letelier, a former Chilean diplomat and director of the TransNationalInstitute, and Ronni Karpen Moffitt, an IPS development associate, in Washington, D.C. Each year in October, the Institute for Policy Studies hosts the annual human rights award in the names of Letelier and Moffitt to honor their fallen colleagues while celebrating new heroes of the human rights movement from the United States and the Americas.[69]
The following are recipients of the Letelier-Moffitt Human Rights Award:[69]
- 2009: Domestic Workers United, La Mesa Nacional Frente a la Minería Metálica en El Salvador
- 2008: Asociación Pro-Derechos Humanos (Peru), Indian Workers Congress
- 2007: Senator Gustavo Petro (Colombia), Appeal for Redress, D.C. Vote (Special Recognition Award)
- 2006: Maher Arar and Center for Constitutional Rights, Gulf Coast Renewal Campaign
- 2005: Judge Juan Guzman, Barrios Unidos
- 2004: Seymour Hersh, Military Families Speak Out
- 2003: Nancy Sanchez Mendez, CASA de Maryland, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (Special Recognition Award)
- 2002: Bishop Alvaro Ramazzini (Guatemala), Jobs with Justice, Naul Ojeda (Special Recognition Award, posthumously)
- 2000: Oscar Olivera, Coordinator in Defense of Water and Life (Bolivia), November Coalition
- 1999: Juan Garces, Kensington Welfare Rights Union
- 1998: Rose Sanders, Coordinacion Colombia-Europa
- 1997: Rev. Dr. Mac Charles Jones (Special Recognition Award, posthumously), Sin Fronteras Organizing Project, Alianza Civica
- 1996: Pharis Harvey International Labor Rights Fund(Special Recognition Award); Asian Immigrant Women Advocates and its Executive Director, Young Shin; Leo Valladares, Honduran Human Rights Commissioner
- 1995: Jennifer Harbury (Special Recognition Award), Rose Johnson, Georgia Project Director of the Center for Democratic Renewal, Haitian Human Rights Platform
- 1994: Harry Belafonte (Special Recognition Award), Coalition for Justice in the Maquiladoras, Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador
- 1993: Bishop Samuel Ruiz Garcia and Fray Bartolome de las Casas Human, Rights Center in Chiapas, Mexico, Marian Kramer and the National Welfare Rights Organization
- 1992: Evans Paul, Mayor of Port-Au-Prince, Haiti, Sam Buffone and Michael Tigar, lawyers for the Letelier-Moffitt Case, Saul Landau (Special Recognition Award)
- 1991: Jorge Gomez Lizarazo, President, Regional Committee for the Defense of Human Rights, Barrancabermeja, Colombia, La Mujer Obrera, El Paso, Texas
- 1990: The National Human Rights Coordinating Committee of Peru, Richard Trumka, President, United Mine Workers Union of America, Father Jim Felts and Proyecto de Cristo Rey (Special Recognition Award)
- 1989: The Union of Indigenous Nations of Brazil, The National Labor Committee in Support of Democracy and Human Rights in El Salvador, Robert Scherrer (Special Recognition Award)
- 1988: Radio Soleil (Haiti), Charles L. Clements
- 1987: Bishop Mario Melanio Medina (Paraguay), Washington Office on Latin America
- 1986: The Vicariate of Solidarity (Chile), Pete Seeger
- 1985: The Grupo de Apoyo Mutuo of Guatemala, The Free South Africa Movement, Frances Arbour (Special Recognition Award)
- 1984: Dr. Ramon Custodio, President, Committee for Human Rights in Honduras, The Sanctuary Movement, Reverend Charles Harper (Special Recognition Award)
- 1983: Center for Legal and Social Studies of Argentina, Father J. Bryan Hehir, U.S. Catholic Conference
- 1982: Cardinal Paulo Evaristo Arns of Sao Paulo, Brazil, The Infant Formula Action Coalition
- 1981: Jacobo Timerman, The Congregation of Maryknoll Sisters of St. Dominic
- 1980: The Legal Aid Office of the Archdiocese of San Salvador, Reverend William Wipfler, National Council of Churches
- 1979: The Association of Relatives of Disappeared People, Chile, Alfred "Skip" Robinson, United League of Mississippi
- 1978: Samuel Rubin, Reverend Benjamin Chavis
Health/PAC Bulletin
The Health/Pac Bulletin is a magazine of the Health Policy Advisory Center of the Institute for Policy Studies. In 1983, the following were on the board of editors:[70]
- Tony Bale
- Arthur Levin
- Howard Berliner
- Steven Meister
- Carl Blumenthal
- Patricia Moccia
- Pamela Brier
- Kate Pfordresher
- Robb Burlage
- Marlene Price
- Michael E. Clark
- Virginia Reath
- Barbara Ehrenreich
- Hila Richardson
- Sally Guttmacher
- David Rosner
- Louanne Kennedy
- Hal Strelnick
- David Kotelchuck
- Sarah Santana
- Ronda Kotelchuck
- Richard Younge
- Richard Zall
Editor: Jon Steinberg Staff: Roxanne Cruiz, Debra De Palma, Loretta Wavra.
Associates: Des Callan, Madge Cohen, Kathy Conway, Doug Dorman, Cindy Driver, Dan Feshbach, Marsha Hurst, Mark Kleiriian, Thomas Leventhal, Alan Levine, Joanne Lukomnik, Peter Medoff, Robin Omata, Doreen Rappaport, Susan Reverby, Len Rodberg, Alex Rosen, Ken Rosenberg, Gel Stevenson, Rick Surpin, Ann Umemoto.
External links
- ↑ Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 The War Called Peace: Glossary, published 1982
- ↑ Communists in the democratic party, page 68
- ↑ accessed February 23 2019
- ↑ Members (accessed August 6, 2022)
- ↑ About (accessed November 21, 2021)
- ↑ ProsperUS Praises House Passage of Build Back Better Bill, Calls for Speedy Senate Passage, No Additional Cuts (accessed November 21, 2021)
- ↑ ProsperUS Urges Swift Passage of Build Back Better Act (accessed November 21, 2021)
- ↑ ProsperUS Coalition: Historic Build Back Better Deal Clear Rejection of Trickle-Down Economics, Big Win for Workers, Families, and Economy (accessed November 21, 2021)
- ↑ [1]
- ↑ Editors The Nation September 25, 2013
- ↑ World peace council Tour USA. 1975, pages 6 and 7 , wpc information centre, Lonnrotinkatu 25 A 5 krs 00180 Helsinki 18 Finland
- ↑ Jump up to: 12.00 12.01 12.02 12.03 12.04 12.05 12.06 12.07 12.08 12.09 12.10 12.11 12.12 12.13 12.14 IPS history
- ↑ Communists in the Democratic party, page 70
- ↑ Covert Cadre: Inside the Institute for Policy Studies, S. Steven Powell, 1987; The War Called Peace: The Soviet Peace Offensive, Western Goals, 1982; The Revolution Lobby, Allan C. Brownfeld & J. Michael Waller, Council for Inter-American Security, CIS, 1985; The Real Secret War: Sandinista Political Warfare and its Effects on Congress, L. Francis Bouchey (editor, J. Michael Waller, Steve Baldwin, CIS, 1987; "West Watch" Newsletter, CIS, 1980s; Pink Sheet on the Left newsletter, 1971-1988, various issues; Congressional Record, many pieces by Rep. Larry McDonald (D-GA)from 1975-1983; Destructive Generation:Second Thoughts About the Sixities, Peter Collier, David Horowitz, Encounter Books, 1989; Wall Street Journal, various articles over the years; Heritage Foundation reports; Capitol Research Center reports, 1980s, etc.; Human Events newspaper, 1960s thru 80s; Washington Post newspaper; Washington Evening Star newspaper; Washington Times newspaper; and "", etc.
- ↑ The Washington Office on Latin America, monograph, Allen Brownfeld, Council for Inter-American Security, ca. 1978, Wash. D.C.; the afforementioned "The Revolution Lobby", 1985 and "The Real Secret War" 1987; and "Second Front: Advancing American Revolution in Washington", Studies in Organization Trends, #1, S. Steven Powell, Capital Research Center, 1986, Wash. D.C.
- ↑ The Revolution Lobby, Brownfeld and Waller, 1985, pp. 50 & 77
- ↑ Annual Report of the Committee on Un-American Activities for the year 1953, Feb. 6, 1954, P. 70, House Committee on Un-American Activities (HCUA)
- ↑ personal communication 2/03/2012, from writer Max Friedman, who had numerous letters published in the Washington Star that tore Fritchey's columns apart on inaccuracy. The WP would not publish any of Friedman's letters nor those of other known Washington anti-communist writers. Friedman noted that Fritchey, like columnist Walter Lippman, made their reputations for being consistently wrong in what they wrote
- ↑ Communication from Max Friedman, 2/03/2102. He interviewed LaRocque at a Fund for Peace conference and found him to be the most naive, weak-spined admiral he had ever spoken too. LaRocque had a distinguised battle career during WW2, but in the 70's he emerged as one of the top former military officers in the "dove" grouping. He told Friedman that, despite having commanded a carrier task force in the Mediterranean, air craft carriers were supposed to be used mainly for "self-defense". The conference was in 1974.
- ↑ About
- ↑ Editors The Nation September 25, 2013
- ↑ [2]
- ↑
- ↑ 70/7 IPS Income Tax return
- ↑ 71/72 IPS Income Tax return
- ↑ Trustees
- ↑ Staff
- ↑ Information Digest April l5, 1983 p77-79
- ↑ IPS 50th Anniversary Celebration and Reunion IPS (accessed October 9, 2013)
- ↑ About IPS, partners
- ↑ Africa Action website
- ↑ Alliance for Responsible Trade website
- ↑ Center for Corporate Policy website
- ↑ Code Pink: Women for Peace website
- ↑ Demos website
- ↑ District of Columbia Grassroots Empowerment Project website
- ↑ Global Justice website
- ↑ Global Rights website
- ↑ Hip Hop Caucus Institute website
- ↑ International Forum on Globalization website
- ↑ International Labor Rights Forum website
- ↑ Jamaica Plain Forum website
- ↑ Jobs with Justice website
- ↑ Jubilee USA website
- ↑ Liberty Tree Foundation website
- ↑ National Priorities Project website
- ↑ Other Worlds website
- ↑ Ploughshares Fund website
- ↑ Split This Rock website
- ↑ DC Poets Against The War website
- ↑ Tomales Bay Institute website
- ↑ Common Assets website
- ↑ TransAfrica Forum website
- ↑ TransNational Institute website
- ↑ United for a Fair Economy website
- ↑ United for Peace and Justice website
- ↑ U.S. Campaign to End Israeli Occupation website
- ↑ U.S. Labor Against The War website
- ↑ Washington Office on Latin America website
- ↑ Communists in the Democratic party
- ↑ Communists in the Democratic party, page 71
- ↑ Communists in the Democratic party, page 73
- ↑ Editors The Nation September 25, 2013
- ↑ Left-Wing Thinkers Interview by Sidney Blumenthal Washington Post, 30 July 1986
- ↑ New Ground 58 May - June, 1998
- ↑ Information DigestVol XI #22 Nov 7 1980 p 386
- ↑ - The Washington PostJuly 23, 2015 Thursday E1 Edition Now, at long last, they can disagree respectfully; To the sounds of salsa and minty mojito toasts, American advocates hailed the Cuban flag over the new embassy in Washington as a victory, writes David Montgomery]
- ↑ WaPo At re-opened Cuban embassy’s first soiree, the crowd is eclectic, but the drink of choice is clear By Emily Heil July 20, 2015
- ↑ Jump up to: 69.0 69.1 IPS website: Letelier-Moffitt Award
- ↑ [3] (accessed on June 19, 2022)