Steve Weiss
Template:TOCnestleft Steve Weissis board president board of of the Oregon State Council for Retired Citizens, (the local affiliate of Alliance for Retired Americans) and its PAC. He serves on the board of the United Seniors of Oregon. He is a member of Democratic Socialists of America. He is on the board of Oregon Healthshare.[1]
DSOC member
In 1982, Steve Weiss, and Beverly Weiss, were members of Democratic Socialist Organizing Committee in Orange County, California.
In 2003 Citizens Utility Board board members were;
- President - John Patterson
- Treasurer - Mark Wilk
- Kevin Masterson
- Steve Weiss
- Doug Still
- Joan Swanson
- Will Calvert
- Fred Heutte
- Scott Hanson
- John Glascock
Executive Director - Bob Jenks[2]
PNHP Portland
October 2010 Meeting Minutes, Physicians for a National Health Program, Portland.
Members present: Mike Murphy, Peter Mahr, Steve Weiss, Sam Metz, Jim Scott and Richard Bruno.[3]
Link the Chain Rally
On July 2nd, 2013, the Oregon Alliance for Retired Americans partnered with Jobs with Justice and the Oregon AFL- CIO to hold a rally in downtown Portland to educateall who attended the importance of preventing cutsto Social Security.
The attendees heard from Ed Hall representing Sen. Merkley and Bob Tackett from the Northwest Labor Council. Both discussed the importance of building strong, vocal coalitions to fight cuts in Social Se curity and both pledged their support. The possible changes proposed in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) by President Obama could drastically reduce Social Security benefits for years to come. Steve Weiss gave examples of the pain caused, pain growing year after year.[4]
Medicare birthday
The Oregon Alliance of Retired Americans, along with the Oregon State Council for Retired Citizens, held its 3rd annual Medicare Birthday Party on August 10, 2014, commemorating Medicare’s 49th birthday, and Social Security’s 79th.
A group of about 25 heard speakers Representative Jennifer Williamson, Senator Mitch Greenlick, our own Jim Davis and Steve Weiss from the Oregon State Council for Retired Citizens. The presentations included a historical look at Medi-care since its inception as well as a perspective on where it stands today.[5]