Pierre Barolette
Pierre Barolette is married to Stacey Leyton. He has over 20 years of experience working on all levels of in political campaigning. A founder and Principal at Barolette, Ong and Silva a political consulting firm in San Francisco, Pierre drove a number of city wide political campaigns and built a reputation for thoughtful analysis and strategic insight. He also worked for several departments for the City and County of San Francisco, as a deputy to the Assessor, the Director of the Human Resources and as Deputy Director of the Department of Elections.
Pierre is a founding member of PowerPAC.org serving on the Advisory Board. He has actively worked has for twenty years on issues of social justice working as the development director of The United States Student Association as the National Field Director for the National Rainbow Coalition, and driving independent expenditures with the DNC. He has also worked on several national campaigns.
He is also native of New York.[1]
Phillips connection
Steve Phillips, Stacey Leyton, Pierre Barolette.
Colluding to defend USSA connection
May 2 1991, Stanford students voted on the referendum to create an ASSU financial-aid office But several senators raised questions about the ASSU's connection with a national student lobby organization United States Student Association.
To lobby effectively, the senate will "maintain a membership in the United States Student Association and participate specifically on financial aid issues." Although the ASSU has been a member for several years, many students say they have never heard of the association and wonder why it and the lobby office have become big issues now.
But supporters said the financial-aid office is the only way for Stanford students to have an impact on the federal debate on the reauthorization of government funding for financial aid. The United States Student Association is fighting to "increase access to highe education on the federal level," said Pierre Barolette, the membership service coordinato for the Washington, D.C.-based association. "Our main objective is to improve federa financial aid," Barolette added. "We spend ove 90 percent of our time working solely on financial-aid issues." As the only student advocacy group with i full-time Washington lobbyist, the organiza tion also plans to open a regional office in Sacramento to lobby the California Legislature next year. It now represents more than 300 community and four-year colleges, including man} state college associations, Barolette said. The association has worked on other campus-related issues, including supporting the passage of the Disability Rights Act, the Civil Rights Act and the Violence Against Women Act. The group also actively lobbied against the Persian Gulf war.
The ASSU has been involved with the association for five years, said senator Naomi Onaga, a sponsor of the financial-aid office referendum. The ASSU currently pays $1,000 per year in dues to the national organization, and supporters here hope to double that amount next year to support the Sacramento office. Onaga and freshman Danny Ruderman are currently two of 60 voting members on the association's national board of directors, and former Council of Presidents member Stacey Leyton is the West Coast representative of the organization. Leyton completed her masters degree in history last October.
'Is it important to have a national representative to lobby on issues such as financial aid? If it is, then Stanford must work with USSA.' said Leyton.[2]
Obama connection
Pierre Barolette, West Coast Development Coordinator PowerPAC.org.
- Pierre Barolette has over 20 years of experience working on all levels of in political campaigning. A founder and Principal at Barolette, Ong and Silva a political consulting firm in San Francisco, Pierre drove a number of city wide political campaigns and built a reputation for thoughtful analysis and strategic insight. He also worked for several departments for the City and County of San Francisco, as a deputy to the Assessor, the Director of the Human Resources and as Deputy Director of the Department of Elections.
- Pierre is a founding member of PowerPAC.org serving on the Advisory Board. He has actively worked has for twenty years on issues of social justice working as the development director of The United States Student Association as the National Field Director for the National Rainbow Coalition, and driving independent expenditures with the DNC. He has also worked on several national campaigns.
- Pierre is an avid photography enthusiast, soccer coach and contemporary science fiction fan. He is also native of New Yorker and the now the proud soccer Dad of three native San Franciscans.[3]
PowerPac+ Board of Directors
PowerPAC+ Board of Directors, as of 2017 included Pierre Barolette - San Francisco, CA Consultant.[4]
Old comrades
Steve Phillips October 1, 2017.
So it turns out Oaktown, its lake and especially its sunsets are pretty cool. And lifelong friendships are especially cool. — with Stacey Leyton, Pierre Barolette, Gina Moreno-John and Michael Schmitz at Lake Merritt.
Steve Phillips May 17, 2015.
Old friends (and, sadly, old ain't inaccurate). 30 years of friendship. #whatmatters — with Pierre Barolette, Michael Schmitz, Alejandro Sweet-Cordero, Stacey Leyton and Kathleen Coll at Bocanova - Oakland.
Steve Phillips February 9, 2014 near San Francisco, CA ·
Throwback Sunday!! Truly old skool, long-term, lifetime friends. #comrades — with Pierre Barolette, Stacey Leyton, Kathleen Coll, Cheryl Taylor, Amanda Kemp, Michael Jamanis and Georgina Hernandez-Clarke.
Rainbow Coalition
Pierre Barolette was active in the Rainbow Coalition.
Pierre Barolette with Jesse Jackson.
Stanford Maoists
Steve Phillips, Pierre Barolette, Amanda Kemp, Gina Hernandez, Michael Schmitz.