Michael Allen
Michael Allen
"They Don’t Speak For Us"
Signatories to 3 DSA Members in Congress Vote to Ban Railroad Strike – They Don’t Speak For Us included Michael Allen Boston Democratic Socialists of America.
On December 11, 1972 Anniversary Tours, a Communist Party USA owned travel agency, booked Scandinavian Airlines, SAS, flights out of JFK Airport bound for Hanoi with folksinger Joan Baez, the Episcopal Rev. Michael Allen of Yale Divinity, Barry Romo of VVAW, and Gen. Telford Taylor, the former chief counsel of the war crimes trials of the Nazis at Nuremberg, Germany.
On December 13, 1972, Cora Weiss held a press conference and introduced Baez, Allen, Taylor and Romo as departing for Hanoi. Baez said she wanted to meet North Vietnamese and to witness war damage. Allen said they carried 500 pieces of mail. Weiss said this was COLIFAM’s 36th mail trip.
VVAW’s Barry Romo claimed the bombing was never to destroy military targets, but to terrorize and demoralize the Vietnamese people. Bombs falling on nonmilitary targets were not errors. Thesame homes and shops were hit several times, Romo claimed.[1]
Council for a Livable World
As at 1982, Michael Allen served as a Director on the board of the Council for a Livable World. The Council was founded in 1962 by nuclear physicist Leo Szilard and other scientists. Its purpose is to campaign against the proliferation of nuclear weapons through lobbying and by supporting candidates who share their vision.[2]