U.S.- Grenada Friendship Society

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U.S.- Grenada Friendship Society Also see Grenada Foundation


A mixed group of Communist Party USA members and supporters, assorted communists/marxists, and other far-left individuals held a "Founding Conference" of the U.S.- Grenada Friendship Society in Washington, D.C. on April 26, 1980. Assorted documents relating to this event provided information on its goals, panel discussions, and leadership. All of this occurred before the bloody internal marxist feud/coup and killings that led to the U.S. and Caribbean allies landing on the island to rescue U.S. students and other nationality students from becoming hostages of the communist gangs and Cuban troops who were secreted there to defend the government of Maurice Bishop.

From the "Call to the Conference" leaflet we find the goals of the soon-to-be-created "Friendship Society" as follows:

The purposes of the Society are:

  • 1. To inform the people of the U.S. about the people and culture of Grenada so as to promote increased friendship between the peoples of these two nations.
  • 2. To provide an opportunity for U.S. and Grenada nationals to work together in a demonstration of this friendship for the achievement of common goals.
  • 3. To inform the people of the U.S. and U.S.-based nationals of Grenada and other nations about the programs and policies of the People's Revolutionary Government of Grenada
  • 4. To work for the development of a U.S. foreign policy toward Grenada and the Caribbean which is supportive of the progressive changes there occuring (sic).
  • 5. To actively oppose any attempts at governmental or corporate interference with the sovereignty and internal affairs of Grenada.
  • 6. To provide political, technical and material support to the extent that we are able, to the peoples and government of Grenada.

This "purpose" list was also found on the fold-out flier for the conference put out by the "National Organizing Committee of the U.S.-Grenada Friendship Society'

"Towards these ends, a Founding Conference is being called in Washington, D.C. We are appealing to all freedom-loving peoples everywhere. If you are committed to peace, justice and social progress; if you support the right of Grenadians to choose their own path, then join us in Washington for this Conference so that we may each contribute our humble share to make this world a better place."

Several versions of the program of the conference were found on these fliers so they will be listed separately as to source.

Gold/Yellow flier: "The U.S.-Grenada Friendship Society announces its Founding Conference", Join Us In Solidarity With the People and Government of Grenada. Keynote Address by a Representative from Grenada of The People's Revolutionary Government. Address on "The Grenada Revolution in the Context of the Caribbean" by Tim Hector, Chairperson, Antigua Caribbean Liberation Movement. Panel Discussions Analyzing U.S. Responses to the Grenada Revolution. Workshops on Fostering U.S.-Grenada Ties. Cultural Presentations. Film: "Stand Up Grenada". Photo Exhibition and Slide Presentation of the First Anniversary Celebrations in Grenada. Date: Saturday, April 26, 1980, Time: 9 a.m to 6 p.m. Place: Howard University, School of Human Ecology - Auditorium, Washington, D.C. Benefit Dance to follow the Conference. For further information: U.S.-Grenada Friendship Society, Post Office Box 3395, Washington, D.C. 20010: Telephone (202) 232-1711 or (202) 234-4842

Deep Orange fold-out flier: Same as on the Gold/Yellow flier except that under "Workshops: Fostering U.S.-Grenada Ties", they listed

  • Information and Education
  • Material and Technical Support
  • Mobilizing U.S.-Based Grenadians
  • Others


Another flier, possibly White in color, listed the name of the conference, date and place, with a list of:

Conference Sponsors



  1. Congressional Record, July 11, 1974, p. E 4632, Extension of Remarks, "The National Legislative Conference on Chile", Rep. John Ashbrook R-OH
  2. The Revolution Lobby, Allan C. Brownfeld and J. Michael Waller. Council for Inter-American Security and Inter-American Security Educational Insstitute, 1985, pp. 71, 119-120,
  3. Trotskyite Terrorist International, Hearings, Senate Internal Security Subcommittee SISS, July 24, 1975
  4. The Revolution Lobby, Allan C. Brownfeld and J. Michael Waller, Council for Inter-American Security and the [[{Inter-American Security Educational Foundation]],1985, pp. 71, 115-117; Barbara Lee, pp. 71, 119-120; Bishop, pp. 63-73, 115-117, 119, 120.