Tim Duda

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Tim Duda

Tim Duda is a San Antonio Texas activist. Director of Operations at Terra Advocati.

Worked at South San Antonio ISD.


  • Studied at Stephen F. Austin State University
  • Studied at UTSA - The University of Texas at San Antonio
  • Studied at UTSA - The University of Texas at San Antonio
  • Studied at Michigan State University

San Antonio Democratic Socialists of America

Circa 1985 Tim Duda , was a member of San Antonio Democratic Socialists of America.[1].

March on Wall Street

On April 3 2008 Tim Duda, retired American Federation of Teachers, San Antonio, TX endorsed a Bail Out the People Movement organized "March on Wall Street" ;

Because we must demand that the needs of the people come before the greed of the super rich. Millions are jobless and homeless, and millions more will be living on the streets if the government continues to waste trillions of dollars on saving wealthy bankers instead of saving people.[2]

Open Letter to Obama on Iran

In 2008 Tim Duda signed an online petition “A Open Letter to Barack Obama on Iran”.[3]

Mother's Day for Joanna Stanford

2009 Mother's Day Greetings and Love to the multi-talented Joanna Stanford — now in hospice care — whose life has combined love of family with distribution of the People's Weekly World and predecessor papers, and with the struggle for a world of peace, justice, freedom, art, dance, dolls and handicrafts.

Signatories included Tim Duda.[4]

Free the Cuban 5

In 2009, over 100 Texan activists wrote a Letter from San Antonio Activists Supporting the Cuban 5 to President Carter:

We actors, artists, writers, teachers, cultural workers and other activists in the struggle for peace and justice in San Antonio, Texas, have read the letter that twenty Actors and Artists United for the Freedom of the Cuban 5 wrote you on April 8. We agree with the contents of that letter, which we have copied below, and we wish to add our names as signers to that letter.

We are sending a copy of this letter to President Barack Obama, to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, to the five Cuban anti-terrorists who are in U.S. prisons, to the National Committee to Free the Cuban Five, and to the U.S. office of the International Committee for the Freedom of the Cuban 5. Signers included Tim Duda, activist [5]

Doggett contact 2014

In 2014 Progressive Democrats of America assigned activists to deliver their material to almost every US Congressman and Senator, Tim Duda, was signed as the contact for Rep. Lloyd Doggett.[6]

