Russell Calleros
Template:TOCnestleft Russell A. Castaneda-Calleros has worked as the director of government and community relations for Rio Hondo College. He and his wife have three children. Russell earned a bachelor's degree from Stanford University and earned a master's degree in public policy from Harvard University.
Working for Becerra
Russell Calleros has worked for Rep. Xavier Becerra.
John Gardner Public Service Fellowship
Stanford seniors Russell Calleros, Ying-Ying Goh and Rachel Maddow have been awarded John Gardner Public Service Fellowships for 1994-95.
The 11-month fellowships, which carry a stipend of $15,000, offer new graduates an opportunity to work in the public sector under the guidance of a mentor. Fellowships are awarded on the basis of academic excellence, public ser vice commitment and leadership potential.
Calleros will graduate with honors in political science. His thesis examines models for improving race relations in Los Angeles through political means. He plans to spend his fellowship year in Los Angeles or Washington, D.C., in politics. After his fellowship tenure, he intends to earn a graduate degree in public policy.
Calleros has been active in campus politics as an Associated Students senator, chairman of the Peoples Platform party and co-chair of the L.A. Relief Fund-Raising Committee, which raised money for victims of the 1992 Los Angel es riots. He has been involved in the Chicano-Latino community through Project Motivation, MEChA and Ballet Folklorico de Stanford. He also has served as a tutor for Students Offering Alternative Realities and as a Christian Life Community leader, and is active in the Catholic community at Stanford.
Goh will receive her degree in public policy with a concentration in health policy. She also has completed premedical course work and plans eventually to attend medical school. She held a summer internship with the U.S. Departm ent of Health and Human Services, where she analyzed the Medicare and Medicaid sections of President Clinton's Health Security Act. Her interests include public health, health economics, and women's and children's health issues, and she plans to spend her fellowship year working in one of those areas.
While at Stanford, Goh served for two years as an Associated Students senator and was elected to the Council of Presidents. As one of the founders of the Student Advisory Group on Undergraduate Education, she helped garner student input for the university Commission on Undergraduate Education. Goh also served as a workshop director for the "You Can Make a Difference" conference and volunteered with Generation Linkage, Alpha Phi Omega and the Arbor Free Clinic. She has been an active member of the Asian American community, working to create an Asian American studies major and to increase faculty diversity.
Maddow majored in public policy with a concentration in health care and received honors in the Program in Ethics in Society. Her honors thesis, which argues that the political landscape of the AIDS crisis has been greatly influenced by the dehumanization of gay men and lesbians, and that activists' responses to the crisis can be evaluated according to their ability to undermine this dehumanization, was recently recognized by the Elie Wiesel Foundation in New York for the Elie Wiesel Prize in Ethics.
Maddow has worked on health care policy at the Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics in Philadelphia, and as a Stanford in Government-James and Charles Ludlam Health Policy Fellow at the National Leadership Coalition for Health Care Reform in Washington, D.C. She will spend her fellowship year studying AIDS policy in San Francisco.
While at Stanford, Maddow co-directed the Stanford AIDS Education Project and Ye Olde Safer Sex Shoppe. She developed a training program for peer HIV education and several workshop presentations. She has been active with the Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Community Center; the Bisexual, Gay and Lesbian Alliance at Stanford; and the Coalition for Dignity and Justice at Webb Ranch. She also has been involved with Women's Health Action and Mobilization in Philadelphia, ACT-UP Philadelphia and Washington, D.C., and Empty the Shelters in San Francisco.[1]
- ↑ [The Stanford Daily, Volume 201, Issue 21, 3 March 1992]