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LULAC is the acronym often used to describe the League of United Latin American Citizens.

Illegal Alien Voting

An article by Kayla Dwyer posted at the Indianapolis Star dated February 28, 2024 cites[1] Jonathan Diaz from the Campaign Legal Center claiming that a requirement to prove citizenship before voting is "intimidating." "The chilling effect on voters," he said, "I don’t think can be overstated." "It’s legislators wanting to say they are cracking down on illegal voting, even though illegal voting is not really happening," he continued. The Campaign Legal Center filed a lawsuit on behalf of Living United for Change in Arizona (LUCHA), the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), Arizona Students Association (ASA), and Arizona Democracy Resource Center (ADRC) challenging Arizona’s H.B. 2492, signed into law on March 30, 2022, which requires proof a citizenship to vote.[2]

Deplatforming Advocacy

LULAC signed a letter spearheaded by Accountable Tech headlined Open Letter to the Biden-Harris Administration: Treating Disinformation as an Intersectional Threat urging Joe Biden to "treat disinformation as a fundamental and intersectional threat" and proposes a range of supposed remedies to suppress speech on social media platforms, create and bolster federal government agencies to deal with "disinformation" and further to actively indoctrinate Americans, particularly in public schools.[3]


Board Members of LULAC Iowa


In November 2019 Senator Bernie Sanders’ campaign named League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) Iowa State Director Nicholas Salazar as a state campaign co-chair. The announcement follows the release of Sanders’ immigration plan, A Welcoming and Safe America for All. Salazar will make his first appearance as a campaign co-chair at Saturday’s Coralville rally to introduce Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
“I personally endorsed Senator Bernie Sanders because he represents the best opportunity for America to truly transform itself into the nation that it can and should be,” said Salazar. “To win Iowa and build a movement we are bringing together a diverse group of leaders, along with millions of people, who are prepared to fight for justice and I am ready to be a part of that fight as campaign co-chair here in Iowa.”
Salazar has a long history of activism in his eastern Iowa community of Muscatine and serves as the Iowa Democratic Party 2nd Congressional District Affirmative Action Chair. In May, Salazar was unanimously elected as LULAC Iowa’s State Director and became the youngest person to serve in the role in the 62-year history of the organization in Iowa. Salazar has played an important leadership role in LULAC’s recent successful efforts to strike down parts of Iowa’s voter ID laws and the awarding of 62 scholarships to Quad City area students totaling over $54,000 in an effort to help ease the burden of college tuition. In October, Sen. Sanders participated in the LULAC presidential forum in Des Moines, receiving an enthusiastic reception from the crowd.
Salazar joins Linn County Supervisor Stacey Walker as a Bernie Sanders 2020 Iowa campaign co-chair.[4]

LULAC Ottumwa

Nicholas Salazar June 20 2019·

Congrats to the newly elected officers of The League of United Latin American Citizens Council 377 of Ottumwa, Iowa. I look forward to seeing this group of strong leaders at work in their community.

LULAC Ottumwa has a trifecta of councils.

They have an adult council, collegiate council, and a youth council.

  1. LULACstrong — with Edith Cabrera, Sandra Trejo and Chris Laursen.

Hall connection


Ryan Hall with Nicholas Salazar.
