Capria Marks

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Template:TOCnestleft Capria Marks is a Connecticut activist, and a member of the New Elm City Dream.[1]

She is the daughter of Rev. Scott Marks.

Meeting Murphy

The nation's youngest senator came to New Haven, February 2013, less than 60 days into his first term for a roundtable chat with a group of engaging city youths, who sometimes turned the table on the politician.

U.S. Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., not yet 40, asked survey questions of the group of students roughly 9 to 19 years old, chatted about school, family life and finding a passion in life at the 75-minute discussion in the basement of First and Summerfield United Methodist Church on College Street.

"I am very, very ... passionate about New Haven," said Capria Marks, daughter of the Rev. Scott Marks, who introduced Murphy. "I hear stories of the Q House... the dances that used to happen at the Armory. And I hear about how Newhallville was this vibrant place... and I personally want to know how do you look at the violence and the drugs that happen in New Haven?"

Murphy said that's why he's asking questions about family and school and said he thinks violence results from a sense of powerlessness.

"What cities have to be about is hope," Murhy said. "What cities have to be about is you've got a pathway to have a better life."

Students Mark Ifill-Haney, and Tyler Blatche spoke.

A student member of New Elm City Dream said a survey showed 68 percent of youth are exposed to violence and that leads to aggression, incarceration and "a lost generation of kids."

Murphy urged students, assembled by community leaders, city aldermen and word of mouth, to think about challenging him and to chart his progress on such issues.[2]



  1. [, Youth march calls for jobs and end to violence by: Joelle FishmanNovember 7 2011[
  2. [ New haven register, Chris Murphy talks education, urban violence with New Haven crowd By Joe Amarante Posted: 02/20/13, 12:01 AM EST]