Baljit Banga

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Baljit Banga

Signatory for the 'Stop Trump Coalition'

Baljit Banga signed a letter posted at The Guardian on February 1 2017[1] from the Stop Trump Coalition, "a coalition of organisations and individuals [who] joined forces to protest against Donald Trump’s planned visit to the UK."[2],[3]

The letter read, in part:

"We write to impress upon Theresa May and her government our opposition to US President Donald Trump being accorded a state visit or any official visit to this country. The US population has suffered more than a decade and a half of a fall in incomes, but billionaire Trump offers no solution to this problem.
"Racism, sexism, misogyny, Islamophobia, antisemitism, homophobia, war mongering, climate change denial or policies designed to boost the wealth of the already super-rich should not be rewarded or celebrated in this country.

