George Jackson

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George Jackson

George Jackson was a member of the Socialist Unity Party in Auckland.

Socialist Bookshops Auckland Limited

Socialist Bookshops Auckland Limited was owned by the Socialist Unity Party, then the Socialist Party of Aotearoa. Incorporation Date 18 February 1990 Dissolution Date 18 November 1996.

Registered Address 159 Great North Road, Grey Lynn, Auckland

Directors / Officers:

27th Congress of the CPSU


From left: member of the National Committee, Association for Communist Unity of Australia Bill Brandt, Chairman of the Socialist Unity Party of New Zealand Bill Andersen, General Secretary of the Socialist Unity Party of New Zealand George Jackson. Foreign guests of the 27th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (25 February-6 March, 1986), Kremlin Palace of Congresses.

Moscow trip

Geoge Jackson, center left, Bill Andersen center right, Moscow circa 1983

Railways communists

Auckland SPA wrote the local CTU May Day Committee re holding a function for all former employees of the Otahuhu Railways workshops which was recently banged shut by Railcorp. The Shops has been the venue of much communist and progressive activity for many years and was the forum for debate and activity by long serving communists including George Jackson, the late Len Reid, Terry Knobbs, Steve Hieatt, Ray Gough, Doug McCallum, Mike Reddington, The late Tom Gale, Matiu Rata and many others. [2]

Soviet trip

1977 -Ken Douglas was in a SUP delegation visiting Soviet Union and German Democratic Republic. Went with Bruce Skilton and George Jackson and Rene Jackson.


  1. [1]
  2. SPA News Nov 1992 Page 12.