Bruce Ackerman

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Bruce Ackerman


Bruce Ackerman is a leftist "Constitutional Professor" Sterling Professor of Law, Yale Law School.

Center for American Progress

In 2005 Bruce Ackerman served as a trustee[1] of Center for American Progress, which was led by John Podesta.

Constitution 2020

Bruce Ackerman was involved in the Constitution 2020 project,[2] which sought to provide a "blueprint for implementing a more progressive vision of constitutional law."

Constitution 2020 was funded by George Soros' Open Society Foundation the Center for American Progress.[3]

The Bradley Manning Torture Accountability Project

Bruce Ackerman was a lead signatory of The Bradley Manning Torture Accountability Project, which claimed that the administration of former President Barack Obama was guilty of torturing Bradley Manning, who was "charged with leaking U.S. government documents to Wikileaks."

Encouraged Democrats to Thwart Bush Judicial Appointees

Bruce Ackerman suggested shortly after his first inauguration that President George W. Bush was not a valid president and therefore, his judicial appointments should be opposed. He wrote in part: "The right-wing bloc on the Court should not be permitted to extend its control for a decade or more simply because it has put George W. Bush into the White House...Forty senators should simply make it plain that they will block all Supreme Court nominations until the next presidential election."[4]

